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it's one of those rare days when jimin doesn't have to leave early or even might be able to stay home all day, only working in his office and jungkook slips out of bed slowly, not wanting to wake the older up and takes a quick shower, freshening himself up and changing into a new pair of clothes; wearing jimin's oversized white shirt with matching thigh high stockings before making his way downstairs.

the mansion's quiet in the morning, only the sound of random cluttering and clashing in the kitchen, the aroma of bacon and eggs gracing the room.

jungkook makes his way into the said room, greeting the cook with a smile, seokjin shooting a smile back.

"what do want kook? is jimin up?"

"can i make breakfast?" the male stops his work and cocks an eyebrow, a knowing smile slowly creeping up his face.

"alright, i'll take the ingredients out, pancakes with bacon and eggs?" the younger nods, washing his hands and making his way next to the other.

they made enough pancakes for both jimin and jungkook, alongside with eggs and crispy bacon with a glass of milk. seokjin helps him place the food onto a tray, jungkook thanking him before retreating back up to their room.

he sees jimin still asleep and shakes his head, closing the door behind him. placing the tray down on the bedside table, he carefully dips down onto the bed, slowly shaking the mafia leader awake.

"daddy, daddy wake up" jungkook pouts, shaking the older a little more fervently, the male slowly blinking his eyes open.

"morning daddy" he pecks the male, the latter sitting up against the headboard groggily, blinking away the sleep from his eyes.

"hey baby boy" he cards his hands through jungkook's hair, the younger purring in his hold. they shared a slow kiss, morning breath should be gross but jungkook doesn't mind a single bit as long as he sees the small smile imprinted on jimin's lips.

"i made breakfast, you should brush your teeth and then we can eat" jimin hums appreciatively, getting out of bed and brushing his teeth quickly and washing his face before exiting the bathroom, the bed already made as jungkook sets the food atop of it. he mindlessly scrolls through the tv screen, finding an interesting show before letting it play.

"you made all of this?" jimin asks as he sits down, gaze flickering up to the other male.

"i m-mean you must have been tired from yesterday and i just wanted to do something for you. if you don't like it we could just e-eat downstairs" the younger is already going to take the tray back into his hands when fingers were placed on his cheeks, soothing out his worry and anxiety.

"baby" jungkook looks up hesitantly, fingers gripping jimin's hands as he bites his bottom lip.

"i love it, thank you so much" jungkook lets out a breath he's been holding, a smile blooming his face as his sad demeanour disappears, pulling jimin closer to him.

jungkook feeds him unhurriedly, the boy in his lap as he gives jimin chunks of pancake and eggs.

"you haven't even taken a bite" jimin scolds lightly, seeing the younger continue spreading syrup and not feeding himself, ignoring jimin's words.

when the next piece comes, jimin takes into his mouth and angles his head to jungkook lips, making the boy gasp, allowing jimin to transfer the food into his warm cavern. jungkook flushes a deep red, syrup coating his bottom lip and jimin wipes it with his thumb, smirking at the younger's flustered face.

"you should eat baby boy, i'm not eating if you don't"

"fine" jungkook is petulant, he knows, sticking his tongue out at the leader but he gives in into jimin's wishes, feeding himself small bites as well, making jimin feel contented.

jimin takes a shower once they were done, jungkook bringing the plates down and seokjin thanks him, asking him to go back up instead of washing the dishes.

the younger relents, taking slow steps back to his room when a hand stops him, making him shout in surprise as he turns and sees an unfamiliar face.

"sorry, but i haven't seen you here before, who are you?" the auburn haired male asks, scanning the younger.

"jeon jungkook. i'm jimin's boyfriend"

"ah, no wonder, im byun baekhyun, jimin's friend" jungkook took the hand that was offered, shaking it warily.

"baekhyun, what are you doing here?" baekhyun grins, releasing the hand and opening up his arms.

"come on park jimin, it's not like you've never did this before!" jimin scoffs before making his way to the other, wrapping his arms around the male and laughing softly.

jungkook watches this with unblinking eyes, expression changing and lips downturned.

"i came to visit. mom and dad are with your father, discussing about the min's. i heard they've been mysteriously showing no signs of attack?" jimin nods, releasing his hold and noticing jungkook at the side.

"you must have met him already? jeon jungkook" the latter nods, eyeing jungkook curiously.

"daddy, do you have to work today?" his tone is soft but whiny and jimin thinks there's something wrong because jungkook don't usually call him daddy in front of others.

"yeah, i have to stay in the office for a few hours"

"can i stay too? i wanna be with you" the older nods, talking with baekhyun for a while more before the other walks away to meet taehyung and hoseok.

with an attention seeking boyfriend in his lap, jimin couldn't concentrate on his work.

"baby, don't test me" he whispers, voice low and jungkook freezes for a second before relaxing again, planting butterfly kisses on the leader's neck making jimin grunt a little. he had been doing this since they entered the room, despite jimin's reprimands.

but when the younger starts grinding down on his lap, movements slow and subtle, jimin stills his hips with his hands, midnight eyes boring at jungkook's intensely, a growl leaving his lips.

"time out, jungkook. you've been a naughty boy. i told you i need to work on this file, and you're distracting me. either you leave or sit on the couch, i don't want to hear a single yip from you" jungkook grits his teeth, breathing in deeply and untangling himself from the older. bottom lip poking out with a cresfallen face, jungkook dejectedly walks to a corner of the room, plopping himself down there and fiddling with the hem of his shirt, scared that he had angered jimin. it's his punishment and jungkook mentally berates himself because he doesn't ever want to make jimin upset.

minutes later, the marble door bursts open and jimin sees taehyung panting, blood smearing at the corner of his lips.

"what the fuck? what the fuck happened to you?" the male's coughing out, spitting the metallic taste out from his mouth. jungkook's eyes widen, fear creeping up his back as he hears distinct gunshots and shouts from outside.

jimin bolts up from his seat, brows furrowed and made his way towards jungkook.

"i need you to run up to our room, lock it up alright? lock the windows and draw the curtain. i want you to listen to me, don't ever leave the room till i come back. jungkook i need you to tell me you won't leave the room" jungkook's crying, he's scared and trembling but he gives a shaky nod of his head, "i won't" he says before jimin kisses his forehead and tells him to go.

"yoongi, he snucked himself in with his men and everything went crazy when one of our men got shot" jimin rips his suit jacket off, placing an extra gun in his back pocket before making his way out of the office.

jungkook blocks his hearing with his hands as he ran, going up the stairs and quickly dashing into their room, locking in with shaking fingers. he does as jimin told him to, a cold sweat breaking out as he hears jimin and hoseok shouting, everything turning chaotic.

please be safe jimin, jungkook covers his mouth when there's harsh knocking and banging on the door, tears streaming down his face as he backs away till his back hits the wall.

please be safe.

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