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Draco's P.O.V

            In the middle of the night, I felt the urge to use the loo so I wiggled out of Blaise's grip and padded out of my room to the bathroom. Baby Zabini was kicking softly so I cooed to him,

            "You gotta sleep sweetheart, I have a test in the morning." I whispered. I relieved myself and then washed my hands before returning to the bed. Blaise was awake and he smiled sleepily at me.

            "Are you alright?" He asked softly so I nodded.

            "Just had to pee. Been lying on my bladder." I informed him before slipping back into bed. I rested my head on his chest as he placed his hand on my belly.

            "She's pretty active." He mentioned. "Are you gonna get back to sleep?"
             "I hope so." I yawned closing my eyes. "I've got that math test." I told him. He started to gently rub my arm and I was slowly closing my eyes as the baby got the hint as they started to calm down. The last thing I felt was Blaise kissing my forehead before I fell back asleep.

            I walked up to Blaise in the morning before classes. He was talking to Pansy so I chewed on my lip as I awkwardly made my way to him. Once he spotted me, he grinned widely.

            "Hey honeybee, what's the matter?" He asked me and I swallowed hard.

            "I um... can we talk somewhere?" I asked him and he nodded. He grabbed my hand gently and brought me into a private classroom.

            "What's the matter?" He asked and I rubbed my aching head.

            "I haven't been feeling well for a few weeks." I admitted and his smile morphed into a frown.

            "No? Why haven't you said anything?"

            "I am now." I hissed softly. I felt bad so I gently placed my head into his neck as he rubbed my back.

            "Okay well what have you been feeling, I'll look up the symptoms." He told me and I gulped.

            "My head hurts, my stomach is achy, and I feel nauseous... I'm also pretty tired a lot." I disclosed. He nodded and typed everything on his phone. I pulled away so I could look at his phone results.

            Male Pregnancies and Symptoms

            I felt my stomach drop as I read the top result. Blaise tensed in my arms as he looked at me.

            "You might be pregnant."

            "Draco!" I heard. "Honeybee get up, we're late." He told me and I bolted up. I looked at the clock and it was way past the time school would start.

            "My math test!" I bellowed. I was late for it and even with leaving now, I'd still miss it. I felt the tears prickle at my eyes before bursting out. Blaise's eyes widened before pulling me into a hug.

            "Hey shh." He hushed. "It's okay, you can make it up." He told me and I just shook my head.

            "N-no." I cried. "H-he said we couldn't."

            "Shh he'll make an exception for you." He told me and I felt my anger rise. I shoved him away and his eyes widened.

            "Why? Because I'm knocked up?!" I shouted. "Because I'm the slut who had to ruin their chances of getting into a good university?!" I yelled.

            "Shh." He shushed. "You have every chance of getting into a good Uni."

            "No I don't!" I started to cry again. "I have no chances because I'll have a baby to look after. I'm such a failure." I placed my face in my hands and let out a sob. Blaise pulled me back into his chest.

            "You're not a failure." He told me as he kissed the top of my head. "You're so smart, you're gonna be fine. We'll work everything out and see what we should do. You're not a slut Draco." He ran a hand over my belly. The baby gave a kick and I sniffled harshly. "Stop saying you are, you know you're not. Now take a deep breath, we'll get dressed, eat something before we go to school and we'll talk to your teacher." He kissed my head. I took a deep breath before pulling away and wiping my eyes. He kissed me softly on the lips before getting out of bed. He was only in his boxers so he put on some deodorant before putting on his clothes. I got out of bed and stripped from my pajamas. I put on some deodorant before wearing some new clothes I brought since my others were too small. Blaise kissed my head before grabbing my hand.

            "Thank you." I whispered.

            "Don't thank me, let's get some breakfast." He told me as I nodded. He pulled me out of the room and we walked down the stairs. I sat down as he made some toast and gave me some apple sauce as a side. We ate quickly before grabbing our bags and going to his car. 

            "Are we going straight to my class?" I asked.

            "Yeah we can, by the time we get there, classes will practically be over." He told me and I nodded. He stuck out his hand as he drove and held my hand.

            We got to school, parked and got out rushing into the school. The bell rang as he pulled me towards my class. I walked inside with Blaise as everyone was piling out.

            "Ah Mister Malfoy, nice of you to finally show up." He raised an eyebrow at me.

            "Sorry sir, I overslept." I admitted. I started to wring my hands as Blaise pulled away.

            "He was up most of the night sir, being pregnant and all, baby rests on his bladder." Blaise told him.

            "As they may be, I specifically explained that there will be no make ups and that is final."

            "But sir-"

            "No Draco." He told me and I felt the tears coming again before Blaise shook his head.

            "No Mister Fudge, Draco needs to retake this test. He was promised special arrangements due his predicament and if you go against this, I'm afraid I will have to talk to Headmistress McGonagall for causing poor Draco emotional distress." Blaise spat and Mister Fudge sighed.

            "Okay fine, Draco, I will arrange for you to retake the test in the testing center." He told me and I grinned widely.

            "Thank you sir!" I piped and he just rolled his eyes shrugging.

            "Get to your next class before you're late to that one too." He muttered and I nodded before leaving with Blaise.

            "Thank you bubba." I whispered and he kissed my forehead.

            "You're very welcome honeybee, I'll see you later, okay? Have a good day." He told me and I smiled walking towards my next class after parting with Blaise.                              

            As I walked in, I noticed Goyle was standing and waiting for me. He smiled slightly when he saw me but frowned when he saw my eyes were slightly swollen from crying.

            "What happened? Who do I have to kill?" He asked me and I smiled. Without a thought, I wrapped my arms around Goyle and gave him a hug. He tensed slightly and awkwardly patted my back.

            "Thank you Greg. But I'm good now." I kissed his cheek as he smiled. Despite being Blaise's friend, he truly cared about me and my wellbeing, that's all I could ask for.


Blaise's P.O.V

            I walked into the library for Draco's free period and I spotted him on the windowsill reading a book. He was also sneakily eating some food so I crept over to him and stood behind him.

            "You can't eat in here." I whispered and he jumped. He turned and glared at me as I leaned in. I kissed his lips gently causing a smile to break out on his face.  He moved over so I could sit on the cushioned windowsill with him.  He leaned against my shoulder as I wrapped an arm around him.  "Did you take the test yet?" I asked him and he nodded.

            "Yup during my lunch period which is why I'm eating now." He disclosed. "It was pretty easy but I just hope he doesn't drop me a letter grade for having to make it up."

            "I don't think he will, does he do that normally?" I questioned and he shrugged.

            "It's in the syllabus that he could if he wanted. I've never had to make up an exam before." He explained and I scrunched up my nose.

            "Well I'm sure he won't. You have special privilege and it wouldn't be right of him to take advantage of you like that." I told him and he sighed.

            "I don't want to use the pregnancy as an excuse all the time." He told me and I frowned. "I'll take what I get." He said and by his tone I could tell there was no arguing.

            "Okay fair enough." I defended. "How's the babe today? All active still?" I placed my hand on his belly and received a little nudge in response.

            "Yes." He giggled. "I hugged Goyle before and the baby kicked. I think it freaked him out cause he got all white and sickly looking." He laughed.

            "Sounds like him." I chuckled. "He treating you well? Making sure you're safe?" I asked and he nodded.

            "Yup, he's a great body guard." He informed me. "He's also a great friend."

            "Yeah, he's pretty awesome. He's a man of few words but he's always been there to protect those he cares about." I said and he grinned widely. He didn't say anything but fed me a grape instead. I smiled and took it gratefully as he rested his head back on my shoulder.

            "Are you having a good day?"

            "I am actually. I paid attention in my classes and actually got a compliment from my English teacher. Said she's proud of how far I've come." I explained to him. I wrapped my arm around him tighter and kissed his face. "I have you to thank."

            "No you don't."

            "I do honeybee." I told him honestly. "If it weren't for you telling me you were proud of me or cheering me on. Or even just knowing that you're there and always will be, it motivates me."  I confessed and he blushed heavily. He buried his face into my shoulder and mumbled that he loved me. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "I love you too honeybee." I told him. And from under my hand, I got a little nudge in return.

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