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Draco's P.O.V

            I was sitting on my couch with Blaise as my belly extended well over my waist line. I was around 24 weeks and I couldn't wait to see my little baby. He and I had an appointment for an ultrasound later that day so I was pretty stoked.

            "Hey bubba?" I asked and he looked over to me. He checked me over once with his eyes before asking,


            "Can you get me some tea?" I inquired. "With some honey?"

            "Yeah of course." He told me before getting up. He turned and kissed my forehead before leaving the room. I sighed and stretched out my feet onto the coffee table. Something I would never do but they were started to ache. I would have to ask Blaise to rub them when he got back.

            As I was sitting there, I felt a weird sensation go across my belly. I gasped and placed my hand on my belly. It happened again so I called out for Blaise who came bolting into the room.

            "What? What's wrong?" He rushed to my side. Without a word, I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. Not soon after, the sensation happened again and he looked at me after turning a ghostly. "W-was t-that-"

            "He kicked." I informed him and he swallowed hard before sitting down next to me. He kept his hand on me before feeling the jolt again. He let out a surprised chuckled before tearing up.

            "T-that's the baby." He said more to himself than me. He looked me in the eyes and I grinned wiping away his tears.

            "That's our baby Blaise." I chuckled. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I smiled kissing him back and when he pulled away, he had this goofy grin on his face. I heard the faint sound of the kettle going off so he smiled before leaving the room.

            He came back with my tea and placed it on the table near my feet carefully.

            "Oh bubba?" I questioned. "Can you rub my feet?" I asked.

            "Of course." He told. Cautiously, I moved my feet above the tea and then onto Blaise's lap so he could rub them. He placed his hands on a sensitive part of my foot and started to rub as I let out a soft groan. The baby, feeling my relief, started to kick slightly.

            "He's pretty active." I mentioned.

            "Maybe she'll be a track star like her bubba." He cooed and I rolled my eyes at the improper use of pronoun. He dug into my foot and I let out a loud moan.  "Oh that felt good?" His voice dropped.

            "It felt very good but we don't have time. Mum will be home in ten minutes." I scolded and he smirked.

            "I don't know who you've been having sex with but I can be done in seven." He told me and I smirked this time. I raised an eyebrow at him and said,

            "One shouldn't brag about that babe." I winked and he huffed. I switched feet and he started working on the other one.  "God my feet hurt a lot."

            "It's cause you're on them a lot." He explained.

            "Harry's ankles are starting to swell. He said he has to keep them raised. He's got like three more months too."

            "Ahh well honestly, I think he'll go sooner, he's small." He disclosed. "Not enough to be premature but maybe a week or two before his due date."

            "Oh yeah?" I challenged. "Wanna bet on it?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow at me.

            "Oh? Whatcha have in mind?" He asked.

            "I say he goes on time or a little after." I told him.

            "And I say he goes early. So what are we betting?" He asked and I pondered a bit.

            "Hmm." I hummed. "How about winner gets to pick the second name of our baby?" I tested and he stared at me a bit before nodding.

            "Okay, you've got a deal my boyfriend." He leaned over and we sealed the deal with a kiss.

            Minutes later, my mum walked through the door and she smiled at us when she saw us on the couch.

            "Mum!" I piped.

            "What sweetheart?" She asked when she saw the smile on my face.

            "The baby kicked!" I informed her. Her face went blank for a minutes before swallowing and asking,

            "May I feel?" I nodded so she made her way over to me and I grabbed her hand. I placed it on my belly where they were kicking before. She felt for a few moments before the tiny nudge came back. She gasped pulling away her hand and putting it to her mouth.  She pulled away and started to tear up. "Oh my... baby that's wonderful!" She flung her arms around me as I hugged her back tightly.  "I'm so happy for you."

            "It's so strange." I giggled. "My baby is finally moving."

            "And I can finally feel!" Blaise rejoiced. "It's real, I'm gonna be a father." It sounded as if it just set in. He didn't sound scared or nervous... he sounded assure of it and prideful. When my mum pulled away from me, she hugged Blaise and whispered someting into his ear. He smiled widely and agreed to whatever it was. Whether she asked him a question or said a statement, I wouldn't know. I was too happy thinking about my baby being in my arms.

Blaise's P.O.V

            Draco and I were in the doctor's room alone this time. His mother had given permission to go in by ourselves as she sat in the waiting room. The lady who brought us in took his vitals and weighed him. She told him that he was doing everything correctly and that he was very health.

            "So I hear the baby kicked today?" Dr. Gens asked walking in.

            "Yeah about three hours ago." Draco answered. He laid back against the table bed as Dr. Gens washed his hands.

            "Well I can tell you that's a great sign." He told us. "You might even deliver a little earlier than the 20th of June... When does school end for you?"

            "Um the 10th." I answered. "Do you think he'll go before then?"

            "You could come close." He told us before going to the machine. "But don't worry, if you do, I'll write you a doctor's note." He winked and Draco giggled.

            "Well thank you." He told him. "So how early would I go?"

            "Maybe a week earlier but that's not definite. You could still go to the 20th so don't count on delivering earlier." He explained to us. He attached the probe to Draco's swollen stomach and flipped on the machine. Watching Draco's body morph differently to carry our child was possibly the most interesting in the whole pregnancy. His hips widened a bit and his belly grew out... it was very fascinating.

            "Heart beat is strong still. And they're already kicking. I believe Blaise's running gene was passed on." He chuckled. "You'll have your hands full."

            "Oh no." Draco rolled his eyes and I smiled. I leaned down and kissed his forehead.  "I've got a question."

            "Yes?" Dr. Gens asked as he was turning on the machine.

            "Up to when can Blaise and I still have sex?" He asked. "Like week wise?" I was surprised by the question but Dr. Gens grinned.

            "You two can be intimate up until your water breaks... why do you ask?" He questioned as he squirt the liquid on his belly.

            "Oh well in May we have our one year coming up." He explained. "And well that's a month before I'll deliver."

            "One year? That sounds exciting!" He piped. He placed the wand thing on Draco's bump and swirled around until he got a picture. It was very clear this time and our bay looked more like a baby than an alien. I gasped and scooted closer in the chair I was sitting in. The baby kick his leg and Draco gasped wide eyed.

            "That's so strange to actually see!" He delighted.

            "Yeah it is." I marveled. "The baby is doing well?"

            "More than well." Dr. Gens informed us. "The baby is very healthy and like I said before, developing quite nicely."  He showed us a bit more of the baby. "They're the size of an ear of corn."

            "Only?" Draco asked and he laughed.

            "Yes only." He told him. "Don't worry, they'll be bigger once they're born."

            "Well that's good to know." He mumbled and I laughed.

            "Okay so there is something we need to discuss." The doctor told us. He printed out a sonogram and then turned off the machine. "Now that's you're nearing your third trimester, you'll be experiencing contractions that are just preparation for the baby. It's your organs getting ready. You'll feel pain, much like labor pains, but they won't increase in intensity or frequency. Your stomach will get rock hard but these are not the baby coming. They're called Braxton Hicks or false labor. If you feel like you need to be checked, you are more than welcome to come in and get checked." He explained to us and Draco looked panicked so I gently ran my hand through his hair to calm him.

            "Will they hurt?" He asked and Dr. Gens have a sad sigh.

            "Labor in general will hurt but this won't be as painful. Just remember to relax and let it pass."

            "Okay." Draco said.

            "There's nothing we can do?" I asked and he shook his head.

            "Not a lot. You can practice breathing and let it happen. You'll be okay though so don't panic that you're going into premature labor."

            "Okay, thank you for letting me know." Draco told him and he nodded.

            "It's my job." He chuckled. He handed Draco a towel to wipe himself off. He handed us the sonograms and then sent us on our way.

            Draco's mum was still in the waiting room and smile when she saw us.  She stood up and Draco handed the sonogram to her. She kissed his head and held it to her chest. It was nice to see her so happy because I know in the beginning it was really hard for them. I was happy they finally came around.

Sorry guys, it's been hectic 😩 hope you enjoyed the chapter though

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