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Third Person P.O.V

            After the class on Valentine's Day, the two couples went to their respective cars to drive separately to their date. They were going to a different place this time that was near the movie theater. It was a nice little Mexican restaurant they decided on and Draco had fully intended on getting a taco.

            Sure it wasn't anything fancy but they were okay with that because they didn't need anything too fancy.

            As soon as they got out of the car, Blaise's hand slipped into Draco's as Draco smiled.

            "So what are you thinking of getting? I really want chicken tacos." Draco mentioned and Blaise scrunched up his nose.

            "I was thinking nachos to be honest. I know Cedric and Harry recommended the quesadillas but I'm not in the mood for them."

            "Okay." Draco giggled. "Then don't get them." They walked to the entrance where Cedric and Harry were waiting. Cedric was leaning down and kissing Harry's face gently. Harry's face was scrunched up in a cute way as his arms wrapped around his neck. When they spotted the other couple, they pulled away and held hands.

            "Are you ready to go in?" Cedric asked. "I'm starved."

            "So are we." Blaise laughed. "Plus Draco here needs to pee."

            "Oh so do I." Harry exasperated causing them to laugh.

            They walked in and the two pregnant boys made a beeline for the bathroom as the other two got sat by the host. When they reemerged, they found their boyfriend's near the window so they made their way over to them. Blaise smiled as Draco sat down and wrapped an arm around him.

            "I ordered you a water." Blaise told him. "And we got chips with salsa as an appetizer."

            "Ooo they have the best chips here." Harry mentioned. "They make their own and they're super salty." 

            "Those are the best." Draco told them. The waiter came back and delivered their drinks along with the chips and salsa. He took their order before leaving.  Draco took a chip and dipped it in salsa before putting it in his mouth. His eyes immediately started to water.

            "Spicy." He groaned as Blaise grimaced. He handed Draco a napkin to spit in.

            "He doesn't like spicy things." Blaise explained.

            "Oh sorry, Harry and I love em." Cedric explained. "We can get something else if you'd like."

            "No it's fine really." Draco waved a hand. "I'll just eat the chips, they're pretty good."

            "Told you." Harry smirked and then took a chip. He grimaced at the spice but smiled. "She really likes spicy food at first but it'll disagree with me later." Harry laughed. "It's worth it though."

            "Have you named her yet?" Blaise asked and Cedric sighed as Harry grinned.

            "We did!" He piped. "Guess what we're going with."

            "Umm." Blaise trailed as Draco gasped.

            "Willow?" He squealed and Harry nodded.

            "Yup. She's going to be called Willow Anne Diggory." He explained and Cedric smiled kissing Harry's cheek.

            "Aww yay." Blaise and Draco cooed.           

            "Such a cute name." Blaise told them and they smiled.

            "Thank you! How about you? Any other names?" Cedric asked and they shook their heads.

            "Nope, we're still sticking with Leonardo if it's a boy or Aurora if it's a girl. Still gotta come up with second names though." Draco explained.

            "Hmm, those are hard names to follow." Harry furrowed his brow. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

            "Or you don't need a second name for them. If they are ever in trouble, you can just call Leonardo by his full name, you wanted to call him Leo, right?" At their nod, he grinned. "Okay so that'll work then."

            "We still have time." Blaise laughed. "But thank you for the suggestion."

            "Of course, anytime."

            Their food soon came and Blaise indeed got the nachos as Draco got the tacos. Cedric and Harry shared an order of quesadillas because there were a lot.

            They cheered to Valentine's Day before conversing in some light conversation about getting ready for the baby.  The nursery was almost finished in Draco's house, it just needed a few finishing touches like a changing table, a dresser for the baby's clothes and rocking chair requested by Draco.

            Harry's nursery was just about ready, just needed a baby to go in there and baby essentials like diapers or wipes. They figured they'd buy those a little closer to Harry's due date.

            After they finished eating, they got a round of churros for dessert and chatted about how school was going for the three younger boys.

            "What about your job Blaise? Is it any better?" Cedric asked changing the subject.

            "No." He joked. "It's exhausting but I get paid a good chunk of change."

            "Yeah?" Harry asked. "What do you do with it?" He asked.

            "Well Mister Malfoy, My mum and I all decided that half of it would going into a savings account. The other half I have free range but I don't use it that much because my mum also gives me money for lunch or something at school."
             "Ah see, I'm doing the same thing except my parents don't give me money." Cedric laughed. "But my mum does give Harry an allowance and he keeps it saved up."

            "Yeah I do because I want to be able to buy little Willow things when she's born. Like toys or when she gets older, things she wants." Harry explained and Draco chewed on his bottom lip.

            "So um... are you two on your own financially after the baby is born?" He asked and Cedric sighed.

            "Essentially yes." He answered. "It's not like my parents won't help us, because they would if we need it but they're allowing us to have the freedom we need to raise our daughter." He explained. "But for the most part, we'll be paying for ourselves." Draco nodded, satisfied with the answer. He was feeling a bit guilty. He didn't want to mooch off of his parents but at the same time, he knew he couldn't do it alone.

            Blaise noticed Draco change in demeanor so he gently let his hand rest on Draco's thigh and gently rubbed it to calm him. He turned to the others and asked,

            "Who's ready for the movie?"

Blaise's P.O.V

            We walked into the theater and to my surprise, the seats were different than I thought. They were like little cubies for each couple and the seats reclined.  Harry and Cedric sat in one cubby and motioned for us to sit in the cubby next to them.

            It was quite comfortable, Draco and I got to cuddle as the previews started.  He had his head rested on my shoulder as I gently rubbed my hand along his arm. He snuggled closer to me and leaned up kissing my neck gently.

            For some reason, Draco could not keep his hands off of me through the duration of movie. We ended up making out for most of the movie and he tried going further but other people were so close which made me uncomfortable.

            He wasn't deterred by me stopping him, he just waited until the movie was over. We said our goodbyes to Cedric and Harry and made our way back to his house. We didn't even make it through the door before he pounced on me again.

            "You're such a tease." He whispered. I smiled against his lips and let my hands travel down to his bum.

            "Hop up." I told him and he jumped gently being careful of the bump. I wrapped protective arms around him as I walked him towards the couch. I was fully aware his parents being upstairs and sleeping for it was nearly midnight so I brought him to the sofa. I put him down gently and straddled his legs.  Soon clothes started to discard and we were making love with him riding me. It was the first time we tried it and he looked so fucking gorgeous. When we finished, we pulled our clothes on messily and then retired to his room for the night. We curled up with each other and let out a yawn.

            "Night bubba. Happy Valentine's Day." He told me kissing my neck gently. I smiled and kissed his head.

            "Happy Valentine's Day honeybee, sleep tight."


            The next morning, I woke up on time to go to work. Draco was wrapped around me so I tried my best to maneuver around him.  However when I pulled away, he groaned and pulled me closer.

            "Honeybee, I gotta go to work." I whispered and he opened his eyes to look at me with those gray puppy dog eyes.

            "Noo, I wanna snuggle. Tell papa you need to stay here." He pouted and I sighed.

            "You know I have to go to work." I told him with a frown. "I want nothing more than to stay here and cuddle but I need to leave." I explained and his bottom lip started to quiver.

            "You don't want to stay with me." He started to weep. "You think I'm ugly and don't want to spend time with me." He let out a loud cry so I just wrapped my arm around him.

            "No baby, I love spending time with you." I tried and he just continued crying. "Okay, I'll be right back, I'll tell your father I'll be staying home today." He pulled away and smiled.

            "Okay great. Can you get me some tea while you're up?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes.

            "Was that a mood swing?" I asked and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes and leant down kissing his temple.

            "I'll be right back." I sighed before getting up and leaving his room. I walked down to the kitchen where Mister Malfoy was drinking his coffee. He raised an eyebrow at me when he noticed I wasn't ready for work.

            "Is there something you need to tell me Mister Zabini?" He asked and I nodded.

            "Sorry sir, I won't be able to make it today. Draco's... well he's requested very tearfully that I stay home." I confessed and he gave a dry chuckle.

            "Ah the mood swings are starting... I bet he was fine right after you've agreed?" He asked and I nodded. "His mother was the same way. You're in luck, I don't need you as much today so I'll allow it. I'll have a talk with Draco after I get home to get him to understand the importance of the job."

            "I wish you the best of luck sir, it might trigger a mood swing." I told him and his eyes widened before nodding.

            "I'll take that risk." He told me. "Now thank you for informing me, you may go back to bed." He told me and I sighed.

            "I gotta get him tea first." I explained and he laughed.

            "He's got you wrapped around his finger Mister Zabini." He told me and I sighed shaking my head.

            "You don't know the half of it." I muttered before getting together tea for Draco.

            In the interim, Mister Malfoy left leaving me alone to go back upstairs. When I did, Draco was propped up in bed and he smiled when I handed him his tea. I smiled and kissed his face. I sat back down next to him and he rested his head on my shoulder. We didn't say anything for a while, just sat in a comfortable silence.

            He did have me wrapped around his finger and I knew the baby would too. That didn't matter. What matter was that they were in my life and I couldn't be happier.

So I deleted my drarry insta cause I had no time to update it 😫

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