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***Read Description so I dont have to explain***

Third Person P.O.V

16 year old Draco Malfoy paced around his bedroom as his boyfriend of six months, Blaise Zabini perched on his desk chair. The slight dinging of a phone made Draco jump and stop pacing.

"It's been a minute." Blaise informed him gently. Draco took a deep breath and looked at the white stick in his hands. Two pink lines.

"No, no, no." Draco shook his head. "It's wrong."


"No!" Draco burst out. "It could be a false positive." He shook his head and Blaise stood up.

"Okay." He said gently. He pulled a little plastic black bag out from inside his letterman jacket. "I bought four more just in case. All different tests." He told of his Draco and Draco looked at him in the eyes. They were caring but also fearful. Draco swallowed and nodded. He took the bag and left his room going down the hall. It was times like this he wished he had a bathroom in his room. He walked into his bathroom and took a cup from under the sink. He used it to relieve himself before putting it down and finishing in the toilet. He unwrapped all tests and dipped each one in before dumping the evidence in the toilet. He flushed and then met Blaise back in his room. The next minute to two minutes were antagonizing.

He couldn't pace this time, just sat on his bed and bounced his leg up and down. The same dinging went off.

"Draco." Blaise spoke up as and Draco couldn't help but shake his head. "Draco, we need to look." Blaise pointed out softly. Draco looked at the rest of the four that he had placed on his desk. Sure enough, all came out positive.


"I see them." Draco bit his lip hard and shook his head. No this wasn't happening. Not now. "Draco."

"Blaise, we're too young to have a baby!" Draco burst out. "My parent are going to murder me!"


"Oh god, my parents! They're really going to kill me. Or send me away!" Draco ignored Blaise. "Fuck, why didn't we wait? Why did I let you talk me into doing this?"

"Draco." Blaise grabbed Draco by the shoulders to force him to look at him. "If you don't want to go through with this, there are other options." Blaise talked very softly but sternly making sure Draco new exactly what he meant. He just stared at Blaise as the darker boy gently stroked his face. "I can drive us there first thing in the morning and we can get it done." Draco didn't know what to feel. Blaise was giving him a way out and he was being incredibly supportive of everything. "It's up to you, I will support anything you decide." He said and Draco wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"You'll stay with me the entire time?"

"The entire time. You know, unless I'm kicked out."

"Okay." Draco agreed and Blaise kissed the side of his neck.

"Don't worry too much about it, okay? We'll take care of it." He assured. Draco just held his boyfriend and closed his eyes. They stayed in the embrace for a bit, just consoling each other Blaise more than Draco who was a near mess.

Blaise rubbed his back until he got a phone call from his mum asking him to come home. "I have to go but I'll be back in the morning, okay?"

"Okay." Draco agreed. Blaise kissed Draco's cheek gently before exiting his room leaving Draco to take care of the pregnancy tests. He decided to save one just in case so he put the first one he took in his bedside table drawer before dumping the rest in the waste basket. He covered them heavily in tissues before going downstairs. He and Blaise had been alone in the house because Draco's parents were at work.

He had told Blaise to purchase the tests before telling him to come over. Draco hadn't been feeling well for some time so Blaise looked up the symptoms so sure enough, pregnancy was on the top of the list. So Draco told Blaise to get the tests and well the end result was clear.

He dumped his waste in the garbage outside before going back in, to his room, and settling on his bed letting out a soft cry.

Draco's P.O.V

"Come on baby, we're alone now." Blaise spoke softly. We were at his house, in his living room while his mother had gone out for a bit. We had been dating for about four months but he liked to show off his affection.

"W-what about your mum?" I asked and he kissed my face softly.

"She won't be home for an hour." He started to suckle on my neck causing me to gasp. "We've got plenty of time, okay? Just relax." He told me so I nodded.

By that time I had pretty much turned to mush and allowed him to take me to his room. That's where we realized he had no condoms but he suggested he would just pull out and he did. I guessed that the pre-cum released something that got me knocked up.

"Draco." My mother knocked on the door to my room. She walked in and saw me on my bed all curled up. "What's wrong?"

"Not feeling well." I told her and she sighed walking into the room more. She placed her hand on my forehead shaking her head.

"You don't feel warm Draco." She informed. "What's bothering you? Your head?"

"My head and my stomach." I didn't lie, that's what was bothering me and how Blaise thought I might be pregnant.

"Maybe you're just hungry, did you eat your lunch today?" She asked and I bit my lip shaking my head sheepishly. "And why not? Draco Lucius, I pack you a lunch for a reason."

"I know, I know." Draco mumbled. "I wasn't feeling hungry."

"Well I am going to make sure you're going to eat extra for dinner." She barked. "You can't not eat just because you don't feel well now get up." She told me so I sat up. "And I will fix you some ginger tea."

"Okay mum." I stood up from my bed and followed her out.

We walked in silence to our kitchen where she walked to the kettle and filled it with water before putting it on the stove.

"So how was school today then? Get any tests back yet?" She asked and I nodded grinning.

"Yup, I got near perfect scores on all of them."

"Well that's great honey." My mum smiled. "I'm very proud of you. If you keep this up, you'll get into a great university." I just nodded not wanting to answer. "How did Blaise do on his tests?" She asked and I smiled softly. When I started dating Blaise, my parents weren't very happy. They didn't like the fact that I was dating a boy but slowly warmed up to him when they saw how happy he was making me. More so my mother than my father.

"He's more of a jock than a nerd mum." I chuckled. "Likes sports more than books."

"Ah then you two must be a great match, being opposites and all."

"I guess." The kettle went off so my mum pulled out a mug and placed a tea bag in the mug before pouring the water. She put one teaspoon of sugar in it before giving it to me.

"This should help a bit. What do you feeling like having for dinner? I was thinking we could order some take away from that new restaurant that just opened up." She suggested so I shrugged. "I'll order food and have your father pick it up."

"Okay." I took a sip of my tea. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Blaise: We'll get through this honeybee, I'll pick you up around ten tomorrow. I love you.

I smiled at my phone slightly and my mum laughed softly.

"Blaise?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, he's gonna take me on a date tomorrow, okay?"

"Sound fine with me. What time?"

"Ten-ish." I told her. "I think he wants to do something before we get lunch or something." My mother smile and stroke a piece of hair of my face.

"Okay." She smiled. "Go sit on the sofa and make sure you don't spill. I'll call the restaurant and order us some food."

"Okay." I agreed and brought my tea into the other room before sitting down on the sofa. I placed a blanket on my body before turning on the telly and watching some movie about the French Revolution.


I sat in the waiting room with Blaise holding his hand as I bounced my leg up and down. We were the only two males but there were one or two other girls in there.

Blaise and I didn't speak the entire time there, I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. It was all too much.

"It'll be okay." He assured and I just squeezed his hand in mine.

"Mister Malfoy?" A voice piped up so I looked up. "The doctor will see you now." I blinked at the lady a few times before standing up. Blaise stood up with me but the lady gave us a small frown. "It's best you stay out here sir, he won't be long." I looked at Blaise fearfully but he kissed my lips.

"I'll be right out here." He assured and I nodded. I let go of his hand and walked off with the lady.

Blaise's P.O.V

I was worried about Draco. I know this was a big decision on both of us but he was a right hand mess. When he got in the car, I noticed he was close to tears but he doesn't like crying in front of me. I thought it was a pride thing.

I knew I should have worn protection that day but I had finally gotten him to say yes. Believe it or not, it was my first time and I was a little too eager. That was my mistake and I took full responsibility for it.

He just looked so unknowing of what we should do and how it should be handled but he just needed a clear head. I needed to suggest something that would make him feel better. I didn't really want him to get one but it was his body and he should make his own decisions about it. I would respect that.

It was only about five minutes that passed when Draco reemerged. Tears were slipping down his face so I stood up quickly and he ran over to me.

He was a lot smaller than me in height and weight so it was easy to envelop him in a hug.

"Shh." I rubbed his back.

"I-I c-couldn't d-do it." He admitted. "I couldn't." He told me.

"What?" I asked and he pulled away slightly to look up at me.

"I couldn't go through with the procedure." Tears pooled out of his gray eyes so I gently just wiped them away. "The doctor was explaining to me the procedure. I could take a pill but there would be heavy bleeding involved. So I said no to that. How could I explain the bleeding to my parents? They'd take me to the hospital where they'd say I had an abortion." He let out a soft cry before continuing. "So he explained the other procedure to me and it just seemed so invasive. I'd also bleed but not as much but Blaise, I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. I'm so sorry." He apologized so I just held him and rubbed his back.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." I promised him. "We just have a lot to explain to our parents." I told him and he agreed by nodding his head. "Come on, let's go." I had one arm around him as we exited the clinic. He got in the other side as I got in the driver's seat. "Let's get something to eat and talk about it, okay?"

"Okay." He agreed.

I started to drive to our favorite diner. It was our favorite because it was secluded for the most part and almost no one we knew went there.

"Blaise?" He questioned and I grabbed his hand as I used the other to drive. He squeezed my hand tightly. "Are you positive you're not mad?" He asked and I squeezed his hand.

"I told you I would support you on anything you decided and I am standing by that." I secured.

"Do you think I'm a whore?" He asked very quietly and that made me pull over. I made him look at me and I wiped away a tear.

"I know it was your first time Draco." I told him gently. "No I don't think you're a whore and since we're going through with it, if anyone calls you a whore, I will handle it." I told him and he sniffled. He grabbed my chin gently and kissed my lips.

"I do love you Blaise." He mumbled as he pulled away. "Thank you."

"I love you as well." I kissed him once more before starting the car again. "We've got a lot to discuss." I mentioned and he just silently agreed. I just hoped that my mum or his parents wouldn't take the news too badly.

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