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Draco's P.O.V

Blaise and I decided to tell our parents separately instead of together because it would be easier. So when he dropped me off, he kissed me goodbye and wished me luck. Told me he would call me when everything was done.

I walked into my house and my mum was at the dining room table, doing some paper work.

"Mum?" I spoke softly but loud enough for her to look up.

"Draco." She checked her watch. "I thought you would've been gone all day. Look at you, you're paler than normal." She chided going to stand.

"Mum, where is dad?" I asked and she sighed.

"He's in his study."

"I need to talk to the both of you, can you please get him?"

"What is this regarding?" My mother asked but I shook my head.

"Please just get him." I advised and she nodded. She stood up before walking off down the hall to his office. I sat down on one side of the table trying to control my shaking.

When they reemerged, my father looked at me stoically.

"Draco, I'm very busy, make this quick." He reprimanded so I nodded.

"You need to sit." I told them. They sat on the side opposite me and I chewed on my lip.

"Well?" My mother asked and I started to wring my hand with other, a habit I picked up to help with the nerves. "Draco."

"Okay so a few months ago Blaise and I were alone in his house. He thought it was the perfect opportunity to... to do it. You know." I glanced up at them having been looking at the table. I looked back down when I saw horror reaching their faces. "So we um we did do it but we didn't have protection. We went along with it anyway but he said he was just going to um... pull out." I flushed heavily at the description. "But um I don't think that's entirely full proof because um well.... Because um."
"Draco." My father's voice was icily stern causing chills to go down my spine. I looked up and both my parents had mirroring reactions, they were angry. "What are you trying to tell us?"

"I-I'm... I'm pregnant." I stuttered as my heart plummeted. I hadn't said it out loud until this moments and it gave me a sickly feeling. I, a teenager, was pregnant. My mother gasped covering her mouth as my father's eyes narrowed.

"Pregnant?" He asked.

"I went to the clinic this morning to get um to get the procedure done so I wouldn't be pregnant anymore but I just couldn't do it. There was so much involved and I had to go in alone and I was so scar-"

"Silence!" My father yelled so I closed my mouth tightly. "You had sex before marriage, got yourself knocked up, and then was going to hide it from us?" He asked and I blinked at him. "Speak!"

"I-I guess." I stuttered.

"Draco." My mother's voice was softer. "We're very disappointed in you. We thought we instilled good morals in you but apparently we were wrong." She told me and tears bubbled at my eyes. I was too scared to move so I just blinked a lot to get rid of them. "Go to your room while your father and I discuss what will happen. We'll call you when we're ready to deal with you." She told me so I got up without a word and walked up the stairs.

I ran into my room and curled onto my bed letting out a sob. I was so scared and so disgusted with myself I didn't know what to do.

I pulled out my phone and called Blaise who picked up immediately.

"Honeybee." He started and I just let out a sob. "That bad huh?" He asked and I couldn't answer only gasp. "Shh it'll be okay." He soothed. "Just listen to me talk okay? It'll calm you." He told me and I started to calm down already. "My mum wasn't as angry as I thought she'd be. She was mad we didn't wait until we were out of school. But she also said that since it's happened, there's nothing we can do about it now and kicking me out of the house will do nothing but cause problems. She wants to sit down with your parents, me and you to discuss what we should do."

"I-I don't know w-what my parents want to do yet." I disclosed sniffling.

"Well if they don't want to talk and kick you out, you always have a place here." He promised and I let out a little sniffle.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"No need to thank me honeybee." He told me. "I love you."

"I love you as well." I exclaimed and he made a kissy sound from the other side of the phone causing me to giggle.

"Draco!" I heard my mother call. "Come back down."

"The verdict is in Blaise, I'll call you later if I can." I told him and he sighed,

"Good luck."

"Thanks, bye, love you."

"Bye bye, love you as well." We hung up the phone and I sat up on my bed. This was it.

I got off my bed and then left my room before descending down the stairs. My parents were in the same position so I took the seat I had been sitting in.

"How are you feeling?" My mother asked and I shrugged. "We have a few questions before we tell you what we're gonna do."

"Okay." I agreed.

"Did he pressure you into having sex with him?" My mother asked and I shook my head.

"It was just a moment of spontaneous agreement and misjudgment." I explained.

"How did you find out you were pregnant?" She asked and I sighed looking down at my hand that I was wringing.

"I told him that I had been having bad headaches, my stomach cramped up and I just felt sleepy a lot. He looked up the symptoms and noticed that the internet suggested pregnancy if you've recently had unprotected sex. I took five pregnancy tests to make sure and they all came back positive."

"Do you have them?" My father asked.

"I have one. I threw out the rest." I told them.

"Did the doctor at the clinic tell you how far along you were?" My mother asked and I nodded.

"Ten weeks." I disclosed. Silence filled the room so I looked up. My parents were obviously trying to keep it cool and not have an outburst. They both closed their eyes and took a deep breath so I looked down.

"Okay." My mother was first to speak up. "With being ten weeks, you're about two and half months along. Which means you'll deliver in June or July counting on you carrying to term. So we want you to stay in school and keep up your studies. You'll go to regular doctor checkups with Blaise and one of us as a supervisory figure." My mother explained. "You cannot be a part of extra-curricular activities, you are to come straight home."

"We also would like to discuss matters with Ms. Zabini. Since it's her son who has impregnated you, she should get a say in what happens with her son."

"What happens?" I questioned.

"Meaning if he doesn't want to be a part of your child's life, if she'll make him. Meaning if he'll quit school to get a job and provide for you. Meaning if he'll stay with you and take care of you when you need him."

"I-I don't think he'll leave. He told me he'd support me." I mentioned.

"Was that before or after abortion was brought up?" My mother asked and I shook my head.

"It was after the clinic when I couldn't do it." I explained. "He told his mum today too and she wants to meet with you."

"Very well." My father stood up. "I shall give her a call and we'll set up a meeting. I'll make sure she brings her son with her." He stated and then walked off.


Blaise's P.O.V

Later that day, my mother and I pulled into Draco's driveway. She turned to me and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I will do all of the talking, do not speak unless spoken to, understand?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." I agreed. I was thankful for that, Draco's father really scared me so I felt uneasy talking to him.

We got out of the car and walked to the front door. I rang the doorbell and a few moments later, Draco opened it.

His eyes were all red and swollen presumably from crying.

"Hello." He greeted with a small smile.

"Hi Draco, how are you feeling?" My mother asked and he shrugged.

"I've been better to be honest with you Miss Zabini." Draco told her and she nodded in understanding. "Please come in." He moved to the side and we walked in. I instantly wrapped an arm around him and he leaned into my touch. He brought us into the dining room where his parents were sitting.

"It's nice to see you Miss Zabini." Draco's mum greeted as his father just glared at me. "Please take a seat, all of you." His mother said so we did. My mother sat at the head next to his parents and we took the section opposite them. "Obviously we have a big issue on our hands."

"I wouldn't say issue just a bump in the road." My mother explained. "I've explained to Blaise that since it's happened, there is nothing anyone can do now to undo it."

"Exactly." Draco's father spat. "However I do believe we got the problem of who and what is going to be involved. We told Draco that he must continue school but not be allowed to do after school activities. He is to come home right after school and he needs to be monitored at his doctor appointments."

"Okay." My mother agreed. "Blaise is gonna give up track and get a part time job. This way he can pay for some expenses when the baby arrives. However I don't believe in letting them just be on their own." She said and his parents agreed.

"He can't give up track!" Draco burst out next to me. "That's not fair." I soothed his hair as his father glared at him.

"Life is not fair Draco and things will have to be given up. This is life a parent lives. Giving up luxuries for your child." He sneered so Draco looked down. He started to wring his hands so I put my hand over them so he stops.

"Anyway." My mother continued. "I also think they should be put into a parenting class to help them prepare for the baby. I know a good place that helps out teen parents prepare. It's about an hour away but it's from four to six on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."

"Teen parents?" His mother asked.

"Since there has been a spike in teen pregnancies, this facility has been holding a program to help them out." My mother explained.

"Okay I think that's a great idea." Draco's mother agreed. "Now the living arrangement."

"What about it?" My mother asked.

"Do you think they should live together or would it be easier for them live separately?"

"I believe separately. No one should be taken out of their house but I do believe they need to spend a lot of time together."

"That can be worked out." Draco's mother agreed. "Boys, is that understood? All these instructions?"

"Yes." We said in unison.

"Then it's settled. This isn't going to be easy boys. You're gonna need to do a lot of growing of growing up." My mum said.

"We're gonna try our very hardest." I turned to kiss Draco's cheek. I did and then smiled. "Right?"

"Right." He agreed. "May we be excused?" He asked.

"I think we've covered everything for now, when a new issue comes up, we'll discuss it. You may but sit in the living room." Draco's mother said. We nodded and got up walking into the living room. I sat down and then he lied down placing his head in my lap. He had his eyes closed for bit before opening them and smiling at me.

"I love you honeybee." I whispered and then placed my hand on his belly. "And I already love you, bumblebee." He giggled and then stretched his hand up to grasp my head. He did and pulled me down so I could kiss him. I kissed him gently and smiled.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy but man, I was one happy guy.

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