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Draco's P.O.V

            It was finally the last day of school and I couldn't be happier. It was a long year, sometimes good days and some bad days but either way, I was happy school was over. Never thought I'd say that but there's a first for everything.

            "Finallyyyy." Pansy exasperated after the final bell rang. "I've been waiting for this day since the first day of term." She groaned and Luna giggled. They had been together since that day Luna asked her out. It was good because Hermione started dating some guy too, so everyone was happy. We had already said goodbye to her, she was walking home with him. Both couples were adorable but I think Blaise and I had them beat.

            "Hmm I hate to agree with you." Blaise laughed. "But I do." He wrapped his arm around me as we continued walking towards his car. Since I was due just about any day, he made sure he was near me at all times when he was not working. He kissed the side of my face as I gently ran a hand over my belly.

            "Well I do agree that I'm happy school is over but probably for not the same reasons." I joked. We slowed down since we arrived at Blaise's car and I turned to the other couple. "Goodbye guys, we'll see each other, yeah?"

            "Of course, we gotta meet the little bumblebee when they're born." Luna cooed to my belly. She pulled me in for a hug, "I'm so proud of you Draco." She whispered and then kissed my cheek.

            "Thank you Luna." I told her. I hugged Pansy next and she said something along the lines of being a godmother. I just laughed and kissed her head. I had no real plans on making anyone godparents. 

            We got in the car after Blaise said goodbye to them and he looked at me.

            "Are you sure you still wanna go?" He questioned.

            "Of course I do. Harry and Cedric are dying to see us, plus I really wanna see that precious baby of theirs." I told him.

            "But what if you go into labor?" He asked and I shrugged.

            "I've got two weeks left and the baby still feels like he's cozy so I don't think I will. If I do, I'll go to the hospital, they've got a few there." I mocked and he rolled his eyes but started the car.

            "Okay fine but let me know if you start feeling off, yeah?" He asked and I sighed.

            "Yes, now let's go." I begged and he chuckled.

            "Okay, come on."  He said and then pulled out of the parking spot. We pulled out of the spot and then out of the school lot.

            It took us a little over an hour to get to their house because I had to stop to use the loo every so often. But once we arrived, Harry and Cedric looked elated, if not a bit tired, that we were there. Cedric had opened the door and allowed us in, Harry was sitting on the couch.

            "You're here!" Harry greeted standing up. He was holding little Willow in his arms. She was dressed in a pink dress with a little pink bow in her hair.

            "We are, look at you, you look amazing." I told him. He had slimed down a lot, losing all of his baby weight.

            "Me? Look at you, you're stunning." He gasped. "It's so soon, are you ready?"               

            "As I'll ever be." I kid and then looked down at Willow. She was awake and looking up at me with a solemn expression. "May I hold her?"

            "Of course." Harry smiled and slid her into my arms. She blinked at me before putting on a small smile.

            "Hiya cutie, aren't you such a beautiful princess?" I cooed and I felt little nudge against my stomach. Chuckling, I said, "Seems like baby Zabini feels me talking to his friend."

            Harry gently placed his hand to my belly and felt the kicks.

            "Ooo I suppose so. I can't wait until he or she is born, Willow has a built in friend." He told me and I chuckled.     

            "Yeah, I just hope they get along."

            "I'm sure they will." Harry assured. "Besides, if not, we'll force them." He joked and I laughed.

            "Okay I think that's fair." I agreed. "So how is it? How is parenthood?"

            "Exhausting." Cedric chimed in with a goofy smile. "But it one of the best things that's happened to me." He walked over to me and I grinned giving him his baby. He blew a raspberry on her tummy and she let a squeal.

            "So cute." Blaise cooed. "I can't wait for it." He wrapped an arm around my waist.

            "Oh we couldn't either, trust us." Harry smiled at us. "It's kind of surreal she's finally here, not going to lie. I carried her for so long and now she's just... here." He smiled.  Cedric just kissed Harry's head and nodded in agreement. "The class actually helped loads and oh! Molly sent us a knitted baby blanket, it's just beautiful. Get for me, will ya Ced?" Harry asked and Cedric nodded before gently handing the baby over. He left the room and I looked at the baby, gently running a finger over her cheek. 

            "I can't get over how precious she is." I mentioned. I ran my hand over my belly and smiled. "I honestly can't wait."

            "It'll be the best thing that's happened to you." Harry grinned. "But it'll go by fast, Willow's already a month, I can't believe it."

            "Well all days usually morph into one since sleeping is a luxury now." Cedric teased walking back into the room. He had the green baby blanket in hand. It was a light green but it was a pretty color.  He handed me the blanket and I felt it. It was super soft so I gasped. "I think she'll send you one once she hears you've given birth." Cedric told me.

            "I hope so, it's so nice." I handed it to Blaise who ran his hand along it. He nodded in approval.

            "She'll be one of the first to know." Blaise laughed. Since Willow was falling asleep in Harry's arms, Blaise gently covered her with the blanket and she fell asleep almost instantly.

            "You know, if you guys want to catch up on some sleep, we would be happy to watch her for you, get some practice in." Blaise offered and I nodded my head in agreement,

            "Seriously?" Cedric asked.

            "Yes." We said in unison. I don't think I've seen someone move as fast as they did. I was handed Willow gently but rapidly.

            "We'll be up in a few hours, have fun." Harry winked before departing with Cedric into their room. Willow moved in her sleep and then started to cry almost instantly. I sighed and shook my head.

            "It's going to be a long few hours."


Blaise's P.O.V

            It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure Willow cried and screamed but it wasn't anything major. We got to feed and change her which was harder than the doll but better practice for us.

            Plus Cedric's mother did help us out a bit. She didn't take over or anything but helped us with different ways to calm her down or showed us where various things were in the house. Other than that, we did it all by ourselves.

            It was well over four hours when they reemerged from their slumber. Harry walked out and his hair was all over the place but he looked a little less worn than he had when we first got there.  Cedric's hair was messy too but he was wearing a smile.

            Draco was holding a Willow, who was awake, and he was cooing at her.

            "Look little princess, your daddies are awake." He told her.

            "Aww she looks so content." Harry made his way next to Draco on the couch and sat down. "Was she any trouble?" He asked.

            "Nope, there were the occasional fits but she's allowed to have those." I joked. Cedric laughed and nodded.

            "We should've mentioned she gets pretty fussy about certain times. Did you feed her?" He asked.

            "Yup, um Anne showed us where Harry's pumped milk was so we used that." Draco answered. "You wanna go back to daddy, princess?" He cooed and Willow spitted a bit. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." He laughed and pressed a kiss to her forehead before handing her to Harry. It was like she knew exactly who she went to because she snuggled to him instantly.

            "So Blaise, did you do the case yet?" Cedric asked me and I shook my head.

            "One week to go. It's pretty cool, I'll get to sit in the court room too. Mister Malfoy says I'm very promising." I grinned and Draco smiled while nodding.   

            "He's very proud of him. I've never seen him so accepting of Blaise before, it's a great feeling." Draco mentioned. He made a face and I cocked an eye brow at him. "I have to pee, like really badly." He told us before struggling to get up. I grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine as I hoisted him up. Once on his feet, he quickly trotted to the bathroom.

            "Once Draco is out of the bathroom, we'll get going. It's already seven and I need to get up early tomorrow for work." I sighed. "Plus, I promised Draco we'd get home at a reasonable hour, he's been a little anxious being far from home." I mentioned.

            "Ahh he's almost ready then." Harry smiled. "I was just like that days before I gave birth, I felt safe at home and didn't want to leave."

            "He's nesting... sort of. It's normal. We understand, just make sure he's comfortable and please do tell us when he's in labor."  Cedric chimed in and I nodded.

            "Oh I will." I told them and then I heard Draco start coming back into the room so I turned to him. "Are you ready honeybee?"

            "We're leaving?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay, I am." He walked over to Harry and Cedric, hugged them goodbye before pressing a kiss to Willow's head. He allowed me to say goodbye and then we headed out. But not before Harry said something about the next time we would see them would be at our child's birth. That made Draco pretty giddy because the date was approaching very quickly.

            And honestly, that made me incredibly giddy myself because in just a few short weeks, I would finally get to hold my baby in my arms for the first time. I would finally be a father and these long nine months would actually be worth it.

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