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Third Person P.O.V

At exactly seven am sharp, Blaise was dressed and out of the house. It was finally his big court day and he was very excited if not a little nervous. When he left he had kissed Draco and the baby bump goodbye but was careful not to wake him. Draco hadn't slept very well due to the baby's activity. They just wouldn't settle so Draco was up for most of the night and it wasn't until the early hours of the morning he finally fell asleep.

However, an hour after Blaise left, Draco woke up. He didn't know why but he felt incredibly odd. He groaned and rolled out of bed, waddling out of his room. He winced a bit, feeling discomfort as he walked towards the stairs. He walked down the stairs and into his kitchen where his mum was.

"Hi honey, what's the matter?" Narcissa asked and Draco shrugged.

"Just feeling weird. Didn't get much sleep cause the baby was kicking too much." He mentioned and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hmm are you feeling any discomfort?" She asked and he nodded. "Any pain?"

"No, just discomfort." He said but as he did so, he felt a sharp pain just below his belly button. He winced and scrunched up his face. "Never mind."

"Draco love." Narcissa started with a slight smile. "I believe you're in the early stages of labor." She told him and he blanched. He looked at her with such horror that she made him sit. "Hey don't panic, you're gonna be okay." She assured. "We don't have to rush to the hospital just yet, let me know if the contractions become more frequent."

"M-mum." He stuttered. "I'm really scared." He admitted and Narcissa gave him a warm smile. She patted his head and then kissed the top of it.

"Don't be baby, it's going to be just fine. I will be here for you every step of the way." She patted his shoulder and he nodded taking a deep breath. He was concerned that his water hadn't broke but decided to put a pin in it and not worry about that just yet. He took one deep breath before letting it out and standing up.

"Okay so far there's nothing, are you sure this could be it?" He asked and at that moment, that's when he felt the rush of water spill from him. He gasped and looked down, alarmed.

"Oh I'm definitely sure." She told him and then smiled warmly. "Go ahead and change your clothes. We'll head to the hospital once your labor progresses."

He went up and did what he was told but his labor progressed faster than Narcissa anticipated. Draco's contractions started increasing and he was pretty much a puddle of tears.

"It hurts mama." He sobbed and then winced as she wiped his eyes.

"I know. Come on, get in the car." She opened the door to the garage and then the car door, helping him get in. He winced as another contraction laced through his abdomen.

"Gosh, this so painful." He gasped.

"I know it is sweetheart. Just breathe and I'll try to call Blaise, okay?" Her phone connected to the Bluetooth in the car and she dialed Blaise's number. It didn't even ring, just went to straight to voicemail indicating it was off. "Okay, I'll try your father." She said as she pulled out of the garage. As she started down the road, she rang Lucius and that went straight to voicemail as well.

"T-they're not answering." Draco cried.

"They're in court. We'll try again in a few minutes." She told him. "I'll call Blaise's mum and tell her to meet us at the hospital."

Draco just focused on his breathing and he was vaguely aware of Blaise's mum over the Bluetooth. She sounded thrilled and promised to meet them as soon as possible at the hospital. He inhaled deeply then exhaled.

"M-mum." Draco started shakily.

"We're almost there, you're okay." She assured and then patted his hand.

"I-I'm so scared." He admitted and then sniffled harshly. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"You're doing so well baby. Don't panic, just take a few deep breaths." She told him and then pulled into the hospital parking lot. She parked into a spot that was close and then helped Draco get out of the car.

It wasn't long until Draco was admitted to the hospital, placed in a hospital gown and resting in a bed as his labor progressed.

"Ah fuck." He screamed as a contraction pulsed through him. His mother was at his bedside and petting his head as Blaise's mum had left to get him some ice chips.

She arrived not long after them and she had tried calling Blaise but didn't get through either. This only made Draco more agitated because he was already four centimeters dilated.

"Mum, he's gonna miss it." Draco cried. "H-he can't miss it."

"Shh baby, just relax." She glanced at the monitor that tracked his contractions. "Here comes another one, it's big so just breathe." She said and he nodded but once the contraction swept through him, he clenched up and gripped the side rails tightly. "Shh." She pet his hair as the contraction was passing.

Narcissa noticed the look on his face and put a bucket under his face just into time for him to throw up. It wasn't a lot but the pain had gotten to him.

"Getting stronger?" Miss Zabini asked walking back into the room. He groaned and nodded as she made her way to the bed. She took an ice chip and blotted his lips with it before allowing him to suck on it. "I tried calling again, still went to voicemail but I left a message."

"Aren't there like breaks?" Draco sniffled.

"Yeah there are but I don't know if he'll turn his phone on." Narcissa answered. "Just breathe baby." She assured. He only nodded and took a deep breath.

There was a knock at the door and Draco nearly thought it was Blaise but then he saw Dr. Gens' smiling face.

"Draco, how is my favorite patient?" He asked and Draco just gave him a bored look. He was in too much pain for there to be jokes. Dr. Gens laughed and nodded. "Okay, I know it was cheesy. How's the pain?"

"Awful." He answered.

"I'm going to see how far along you are. If you're dilated at least five centimeters, I can give you something that'll ease the pain." He said and Draco allowed the doctor to examine him. "Ahh and you're exactly five, I'll send in one of our anesthesiologists to give you the medication."

"Thank you." He smiled tiredly and winced as a small contraction went through him.

"I'll be back in shortly." He told Draco who nodded.

The anesthesiologists came in just as Draco had a big contraction. He was crying by the end of it so the doctor just patted his head and helped him sit up. She administered the medication into his spine and he felt instant relief.

"Better sweetie?" She asked and he sniffled nodding.

"Yeah I mean I feel like pressure? But nothing too strong like before." He answered her and she smiled warmly at him.

"Well good sweetheart, you'll be holding that baby of yours in no time."

And she wasn't kidding because in less than an hour, Draco was just about to deliver. Unfortunately Blaise nor his father was in presence.

"He's missing it." Draco cried gripping the bedrails. "He's gonna miss the birth of our baby."

"Shh Draco." Narcissa was at his bedside and petting his hair as Blaise's mum stood on the other side.

"It's okay sweetheart, just focus on delivering that precious baby of yours, okay?" She said and Dr. Gens chimed in.

"Draco, next contraction I need you to push, okay? Just focus on that, Blaise will be here soon." He assured.

Draco just nodded and felt a contraction coming on so he started to push to deliver the baby... Without the presence of the baby's father.

Blaise's P.O.V

"Man that was so sweet!" I gushed as we started leaving the court house. "Is it always like that?"

"No, sometimes we actually win the case." Draco father told me. He had a slight smirk on his face so I knew he wasn't bitter about it.

"Well it was great." I told him pulling my phone out and switching it on. I was not expecting the flood of missed calls and voicemails I received. There were fifteen from my mum but only ten voicemails. Ten from Narcissa but no voicemails. "Oh god." I mumbled. I clicked on the voicemails since they hadn't texted me and listened to my mother explain that Draco was in labor.

"What's the matter? You've gone pale." Mister Malfoy said.

"Draco. He's in labor." I checked the time and it was a good two hours since they called. "Or was, fuck we gotta go." I told him and he nodded as we rushed to his car.

We swiftly made our way to the hospital and I just about jumped out while it was still moving. I didn't bother to ask the nurse's desk where he was, I just ran towards the maternity ward. Much to my surprise, my mum was standing in the lobby.

"M-Mum?" I panted and she smiled tearfully when she saw me. "I missed it, didn't I?"

"Yes but it's okay." She pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh sweetheart, I'm so happy you're here."

"I can't believe I missed it." I mumbled feeling my throats tighten.

"Hush." My mother's arms tightened around me. She held me for a few moments before pulling away. "Let's go, your son is waiting to meet his bubba." She told me and I looked up at her.

"I-I have a son?" I asked and she nodded happily. Without another word, she took me to Draco's room and we walked slowly through the door. Narcissa was sitting next to his bed as he laid propped up by the pillows.

He was cradling a little baby wrapped in a white blanket. He looked worn and tired but still very happy. He was looking down and cooing to our baby boy.

As I approached the bed, Draco looked at me and grinned.

"He's here." He told me and that's when I lost it. I burst into tears and I nodded.

"I-I'm so sorry." I cried. "I m-missed it." I sobbed. Draco just smiled and shook his head.

"Shh it's okay. You're here now." He assured. He scooted over carefully and had me sit. "Cross your arms." He told me so I did and he gently passed me my son. He was nestled warmly in his blanket and was sleeping peacefully.

He had a beautiful light brown completion with a small bulb looking nose. He didn't have much hair, just a few strands of fine brown hair.

"Has he opened his eyes yet?" I asked and Draco rested his head on my shoulder.

"He did before. They're beautiful bubba, they're silver, like mine." He told me. "He was born at 11:02am. He's 6 pounds and 11 ounces." He informed me. I smiled and looked down at my baby. He was born forty minutes before I arrived.

"Hiya bumblebee, I'm your bubba." I told him. "And I love you so much already." I leaned down and pressed my lips against his forehead. "I guess we gotta tell Cedric and Harry."
"Oh I called them about twenty minutes ago, they were gonna come but I told them they could once I leave the hospital so they can bring Willow." He told me and I kissed his head.

"Good idea, I'm so proud of you Draco, you did such a good job." 

"Blaise, we've been eager to know his full name. Have you come up with a second name?" Narcissa asked and I smiled widely.

"I have." I told them. I looked down and grinned at my son. "Say hello to Leonardo Grey Zabini."

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