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Blaise's P.O.V

            The next morning after Draco was discharged, I went back home and my mum immediately engulfed me in a tight hug.

            "Oh baby, you must have been so scared. Everything is okay?" She asked me and I nodded into her neck.

            "Yup just some gas. He's feeling loads better today which is great." I explained.

            "Well I'm happy to hear that it was basically nothing. Are you hungry?" She asked and I nodded.

            "Yes but I'm also dying for a shower so do you mind if I do that?" I asked and she patted my cheek.

            "Not at all baby, I'll cook your favorite breakfast while you're showering. Then you'll sleep some? You look exhausted."

            "Yeah I was gonna nap before going back to see Draco."  I told her.

            "Are you still going to work after?" She asked me and I shook my head.

            "Mister Malfoy is actually taking a personal day to take care of Draco but I am sure we will discuss some things while we're there. We've got a big court case coming up in a few months that we've been preparing for."

            "Ohh that's exciting."

            "Yeah! I'll be in the court room with them. I think I may go into being a lawyer or something with the law, it's a pretty cool thing." I told her and she smiled widely. She kissed my head.

            "I'm proud of you sweetie, now go shower and I'll make some cinnamon pancakes." She told me and I smiled.

            "Thanks mama." I told her and then walked up the stairs before stripping and going into my bathroom.

            I turned on the shower letting the water heat up. As I was waiting, I brushed my teeth and then hopped in the shower just as the mirror was fogging up; letting the warmth envelop me. It felt amazing to shower in my own shower, I had been showering at Draco's for the past week. I didn't mind being there but being home was pretty nice as well.       

            I scrubbed my body and hair before rinsing off before turning the shower off. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked down the hall into my room and dried myself before putting on sweats. I knew I didn't need to look nice and I wanted to be comfortable. 

            Just as I was about to go downstairs, there was a knock at my door.

            "Come in." I called and my mom walked in with a tray.

            "I figured you could eat up here since you'll also be taking a nap, does that sound okay?" She asked and I gave her a large smile.

            "Thanks mama, that's really sweet of you." I took the tray from her placing it on my nightstand before kissing her cheek.

            "Of course baby, your health comes first. Eat up and then sleep for a bit, lord knows you'll need it after the baby comes." She laughed. I nodded my head in agreement before stuffing a piece of pancake in my mouth.

            "Mmm." I moaned. "This is delicious mama." I told her and she grinned.

            "Well I'm glad." She smiled. "I'll be downstairs if you need me." And with that, she left the room leaving me to my own accord. I ate my pancakes and drank the juice that was provided for me before lying down in my bed. Once my head hit my pillow, I fell into a deep sleep.

            When I woke up, it was because my phone was ringing so I answered it without looking at the name.

            "What?" I groaned.

            "Bubba?" Draco's soft voice was on the other end.

            "Honeybee, are you okay?" I sat up and squinted at my clock. It was like four in the afternoon and I had been asleep for five hours.

            "Yeah, I um I thought you'd be over sooner but you weren't answering my texts and I got worried." He expressed.

            "Oh baby, I was taking a nap. I didn't mean to sleep for so long."               

            "You're alright though?"

            "I'm all good baby, I'll be over in fifteen minutes, okay?" I assured.

            "Okay, I look forward to seeing you." I could almost feel his smile through the phone. "Love you."

            "Love you back." I made a kissing sound and heard him giggle before we hung up. I quickly got out of bed, placed my phone in my pocket before going down the stairs. My mum was sitting on the couch.

            "Ahh you're up finally." She mentioned and I nodded.

            "Yup, I'm gonna head to Draco's but I'll be home later." I informed her walking to the couch.

            "Okay sweetheart, just be safe." I kissed her head and smirked.

            "Aren't I always?" I winked as she rolled her eyes.

            "Don't get smart with me boy." She joked. "Have a good time and give Draco my love."

            "Will do mama, love you."  I told her before grabbing my keys and leaving the house.

            The drive wasn't long and when I pulled into the driveway, Draco was in the front yard waiting for me. He was still wearing his hospital bracelet but he was in sweats and when he saw me, he smiled widely.

            "Bubba!" He cheered as he came to my car. I got out and kissed his lips before giving him a side hug.

            "Hi honeybee, how's it going?" I asked patting his belly. I got a little nudge in response so I smiled.

            "I'm pretty sleepy today but other than that I'm okay. I missed you." He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged my front as well as he can. I laughed and rubbed my nose against his.

            "I missed you too. Are we gonna sit on the couch and cuddle?" I asked and he looked at me scrunching up his nose.

            "Do you um... do you think we can have sex first?" He asked and I looked at him wide eyed. We hadn't had sex for about a month and half.

            "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay, I'm up for that. But um where is your dad?" I asked and he giggled.

            "He went out for a bit to get something so we have time." He grabbed my hand and then started to walk towards the house. "I wanna show you something first though."

            "Okay." He pulled me inside the house and up the stairs. He walked me down the hall and we stopped in front of what I understood to be the nursery. He kissed me gently before pulling me inside.  "Wow." I gasped.

            The nursery looked amazing; it was almost completely finished. The walls were a very subtle light yellow. It was decorated with some animals like giraffes, elephants and little lambs. It was very bright but everything matched. The crib was pushed up against the wall and above it had the words "Sweet Dreams Little One". The crib was a white wood but the padding was a black that looked nice with the décor.

            There was a white rocking chair along with a changing table next to that. The room was filled with the toys that had filled Draco's room. They were on the shelves that were next to the window.

            "Isn't it pretty?" He turned to face me. "I love it." He smiled widely.

            "So do it. It's perfect."  I kissed his nose.      

            "I think so too. Baby Zabini is gonna love it." He told me before kissing my lips. "Shall we go to my room now?"

            "We shall." I smirked. He went to walk away but I grabbed him and picked him up bridal style. He gasped and I rubbed my nose against his. "Leggo." I winked.

Draco's P.O.V

            After Blaise and I made love, I was laying on his chest listening to his heartbeat.  We decided to stay in my room because I was feeling too worn out to go down the stairs. He didn't seem to mind though.

            I felt his heart beat faster causing me to furrow my brow.

            "What are you thinking about?" I asked suddenly and he sighed.

            "The baby." He said. "I feel like we have so much to do and so little time."

            "What else do we have to do?"

            "We have to talk to our parents about what we're doing next year."  He reminded me and I chewed on my lip. That had slipped my mind.

            "We should do that soon."

            "We should do that now." He informed me. "I can call my mum to tell her to come over."

            "Now? We don't even have a plan yet!" I defended and he sighed.

            "Which is why we're discussing it with them. Come on honeybee, they'll know what's best for us." He told me and I frowned.

            "Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded.

            "I'm positive. Let's get dressed and wait for your parents downstairs." He told me and I nodded. He gave me a small smile and kissed my nose. "Just relax, it'll be okay." He assured and then got out of bed. He threw on his boxers and then his clothes before sticking out his hand with a grin. I smiled and took it allowing him to hoist me out of the bed lightly. I put on my boxers, which were now a few sizes bigger to fit my belly and then my sweats that I was wearing. I grabbed his hand and we left my room.


            "What do you two want to do about it?" My father asked us. We had invited Blaise's mum over and sat them down. Just like how it was when we talked about what we're doing when I found out I was pregnant.

            "Um well we don't have an exact plan just yet." Blaise admitted. I gently ran a hand over my belly. Something I started to pick up since the baby started kicking. It was more of a nervous habit.

            "Draco? What do you want to do?" My mum asked.

            "What do you mean?" I asked.

            "Well do you want to stay in school or do you want to be homeschooled? We can have those both arranged." She told me and I glanced at Blaise then back to my mum.

            "Homeschooled? As in, I'll never leave the house?" I asked.

            "Well you'll leave the house but not to attend school, you'll stay here and we'll hire a tutor." She said and I furrowed my brow.

            "No I don't think I wanna do that." I shook my head. "I'd miss all my friends."

            "Well sometimes sacrifices have to be made." My father informed me and I felt my eyes start to water. I didn't want to lose my friends that scared me more than anything. Or Blaise, if I was homeschooled, he'd still attend school leaving me alone.

            "Don't cry honeybee." Blaise started to rub my back. "It was only a suggestion, you don't have to." He told me.
             "Okay that's out of the question." Blaise's mum chimed in. "Maybe Blaise could be homeschooled and watch the baby while Draco's at school?" She suggested and I burst into more tears.

            "No! I don't want to be away from him." I cried and Blaise continued to rub my back.

            "Okay so no." He said and then bit his lip. My mother noticed this and spoke up.

            "What's on your mind?" My mum asked and I sniffled looking at Blaise.

            "I have a suggestion but it might be too much to ask." He told us and then the three parents nodded for him to go on. "Well how about Draco and I got half day at school then the rest of the day, we do online classes." He recommended. "Someone would just have to watch the baby in the morning." He said and it got silent. It wasn't a bad idea but it had flaws.  They all looked at each other before scrunching up their face.

            "How about we compromise?" My father stated. "One of you goes into school in the morning while the other watches the baby and does classes online. Then you switch in the afternoon, the other comes and then other goes." He finished and I looked at Blaise. He shrugged and nodded but I blinked at him.

            "I don't want to be away from you." I confessed and he smiled sadly.

            "You're gonna be fine sweetheart, it's the best option. Besides, you'll still see me. I'm not going anywhere." He promised and I nodded.

            "Okay." I replied softly. "We can look into doing that." I told him and I got a little kick against my belly. Blaise saw and smiled.

            "I think the baby agrees with us." I grinned as he kissed my bump.

            "I think he does." I stated. "Okay, we can do that option." I turned to my parents and Blaise's mum. They smiled at us and nodded.

            "It's for the best." My mum said. "And we'll watch the baby whenever you need us to but he/she is your responsibility." She told us and I nodded.

            "Yes we know but thank you. For everything really. You've done so much for us and I couldn't appreciate it more." I told her and Blaise smiled.

            "Me neither, you three have helped us out a whole bunch and we couldn't thank you enough."

            "Oh well I'm sure you can once the baby is born." Blaise's mum joked and I giggled. She a point. Once the baby is born, all we'll be doing is thanking them probably. It just how it'll go.

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