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Third Person P.O.V

            Blaise and Draco walked into the parenting class for the very last time. It was the last day and from then on, they'd just have to use their knowledge they learned in the class to raise their baby.

            The saddest part was parting with Harry and Cedric, Draco thought. Sure he'd miss the other people in class and even Molly but he became really close with the couple and would miss seeing them so often. And now with Harry's due date being merely a month away, time would just slip away.

            "Blaise, I'm really going to miss them." Draco sniffled as they started walking to their seats. "We're going to have no time once both of our babies are born and they'll just be a faint memory, I don't want that." He disclosed so Blaise just wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his arm.

            "We're not gonna let that happen honeybee." Blaise promised. "Our children are going to be best friends, I can feel it."  Draco didn't say anything but just sat down in his seat. He noticed his friends were not there yet which slightly panicked him because they were always there before him. However, his mind was put to rest when he saw them coming out of the bathroom together. Harry looked equally upset but lit up when he saw the other couple and waddled towards them.

            "Hey guys." He greeted.

            "Hiya you two, doing alright?" Cedric asked and Blaise glanced at Draco then back to Cedric before shaking his head. 

            "No, Draco is very upset with the class ending." Blaise answered. "He thinks we're gonna lose touch with you both." That caused Harry to promptly burst into tears so Cedric sighed and started to stroke his hair.

            "We understand the feeling. I've told Harry here that you're only a phone call or text away. We won't lose touch." Cedric replied. Seeing Harry cried made Draco start crying so Blaise started to comfort him.

            "See guys." Blaise started. "We're going to be okay. Once the kiddies are born, we can have play dates and birthday parties. This was just the beginning." He assured and Draco sniffled harshly as Harry buried his face in Cedric's chest. 

            "Do you promise?" Harry mumbled against Cedric's chest.

            "We promise." Cedric and Blaise said in unison. The pregnant ones nodded and then collected themselves.

            "Okay." Harry sniffled. "Do you guys wanna do something after then?"

            "Today?" Draco asked.

            "Yeah, you can come over our place and hang out?" He suggested and Draco grinned widely.

            "Yeah that would be really fun." Draco answered.

            "Yeah, we have a finished basement with an air hockey table or it flips and turns into a pool table." Cedric informed them. "We can play either of those or both, and just hang out."

            "Sounds great."


            "Mum! We're home!" Cedric called into the house. Draco and Blaise marveled at the tiny house.  Well to them it was tiny, they weren't used to it. It was ranch styled house with a basement, three bedrooms upstairs along with a kitchen, family room and dining room. Downstairs, they understood, was the entertainment room.

            "In the kitchen hunny, are you guys hungry?" The voice called back. Draco smiled and remembered the voice from facetiming Harry.

            "Actually mum, we have friends with us, we were gonna order a pizza." Cedric answered. They heard footsteps and then Cedric's mum emerged from the kitchen. She was dressed in very casual clothes and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

            "Hello all." She greeted and then looked at Draco. "Oh I recognize you from that face thing, look at you, you're glowing." She cooed and Draco smiled.

            "Nice to see you again ma'am, and in person." He mentioned and then turned to Blaise. "This is my boyfriend Blaise."

            "Nice to meet you Blaise, I'm Anne Diggory, feel free to call me Anne." She told them. "That goes for you too Draco."

            "Well thank you, it's really nice meeting you." Blaise replied.

            "Anne." Harry started. "We're gonna go into the basement for a bit, can you tell us when the pizza is here please?" He asked and she nodded.

            "You got it." She told them.  "Do you want anything to drink? Juice, water... soda?" She asked.

            "Oh may I have a water?"  Draco asked.

            "Of course, anyone else?" She asked and they all nodded. "Okay, four waters. I'll bring them down." She offered so they nodded and Cedric started towards the basement. It was just off the kitchen so they all walked through the living room towards the kitchen but hung a left and walked down the stairs.

            Draco and Harry immediately sat in the reclining sofa and reclined.

            "Feels so good." Draco mumbled. "My feet hurt."

            "Want me to rub them?" Blaise asked.

            "Please." Draco nodded so Blaise sat down on the floor and started to massage his feet. Harry just continued sitting since Cedric walked into a different room to call for pizza. "Can we see the nursery at some point tonight?"

            "Yes! Its finished and it's perfect." Harry grinned. He winced a bit and gently placed his hand to his belly. "She's quite the kicker, knows to go from the ribs." He scrunched up his nose and gently ran his hand over the spot. "I've been meaning to ask, how are you feeling?"

            "Oh a lot better." Draco waved his hand. "Thankfully there won't be any more incidents like that."

            "You'll probably just experience false labor from now on. Have you felt that yet?" He asked and Draco just shrugged shaking his head.

            Cedric came back and noticed Harry's discomfort right away. He made his way over to him and sat in the middle of the pregnant boys. He placed a hand on Harry's belly.

            "Are you okay?" He asked and Harry bobbed his head from side to side.

            "She kicked pretty hard." He admitted. "It'll go away shortly though."  Cedric leaned in and pressed a kiss to Harry's bump.

            "Don't kick too hard princess, we don't want to hurt daddy." He cooed and Harry grinned widely.           

            "That's adorable." Blaise grinned. "Princess Willow."

            "It has such a nice ring to it." Draco agreed.           

            "Well thank you." Harry laughed. "We think so too. That's what's in her nursery. Princess Willow is above her crib. We're gonna treat her like the princess she is."  Harry explained so Cedric kissed his cheek.

            "That we will."

Blaise's P.O.V

            "Cedric, the pizza is here!" Cedric's mum called down from the top of the stairs.

            "Okay, be right up!" Cedric answered back. He kissed Harry once more before pulling away and going up the stairs.

            "She's calmed down a lot." Harry informed us running a hand over his belly. "I think she's going to sleep." He grinned sleepily. He had looked more and more tired since the days went on. He had explained to us that now he was nearing his ninth month, his sleeping pattern was way off. He would sleep for two hours at a time, get up and be awake for an hour or so and then go back. And even then the sleep would be restless.

            "Well that's good, maybe she'll let you sleep a little longer tonight." Draco mentioned.

            "Doubt it. Whenever I'm ready to sleep, she's ready to kick or sleep on my bladder." He groaned. "Which she's doing now. Can you help me up? I really need to go." He informed us. I sat up off the floor and helped him out of the recliner very carefully. He waddled into a room that was off of the main room and closed the door behind him.

            Cedric remerged with two pizza boxes and I could see his eyes dart around for Harry.

            "Bathroom." I informed him. He nodded in understanding and placed the pizza's down.

            "I got cheese on one and pepperoni on the other." He told us. "Which do you prefer?"

            "I could go for a slice of peperoni." Draco said.

            "You got it." Cedric served him a slice and then I asked for cheese. He gave that to me as Harry padded out of the bathroom. He sniffed and hummed at the smell.

            "Mmm peperoni." He moaned and Cedric smiled handing him a slice.

            "Yup, I knew you'd want some. Are you better now?" He asked and Harry nodded his head sitting back on the recliner.

            "Yup, she was sleeping on my bladder." He bit into the pizza and smiled. "So good."

            "Yeah it is. It's probably the best pizza I've ever had, wish we had a good one near us." I said and Draco nodded in agreement.  He looked at the air hockey table and then to Harry.

            "Game after dinner?" He tilted his heads towards it and Harry smirked.

            "You're on."


            We arrived to Draco's house around eleven and went to his bed right away. We weren't going to do anything, just lay there and hopefully get some sleep.

            Draco just turned on his side and looked at me.

            "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded with a sad smile on his face.

            "I am. I'm gonna miss them a lot but like you said, we can see them. They're only a phone call away."

            "They are and once the babies are born, we can arrange play dates. I want our children to be the best of friends." I disclosed and he grinned.

            "So do I." He confessed. "I think they will be. We've only know Harry and Cedric for a few months and look now, we're great friends."  He yawned and snuggled closer to me. "Our babies are bound to be friends."

            "I think so too." I told him and then yawned. 

            "Come on baby, go to sleep. You'll need the rest before the baby comes."

            "Wait." He halted. "What do you wanna do for our one year? It's coming up soon."

            "Two weeks." I agreed and then tightened my arm around him. "It lands on a Sunday. So how about we go out and have a picnic in the park if it doesn't rain, if it does, we can come up with a backup plan." I suggested and he smiled sleepily.

            "I like that plan a lot. Can we have sex too?" He asked and I barked out a laugh.

            "Yes we can do that if you're up for it."
             "Promise?" He asked and I grinned. I leaned in and rubbed my nose against his.

            "I promise. Now get to sleep." I whispered and he nodded. He rested his head on my chest and closed his eyes. I gently rubbed his bump feeling soft little kicks under my hand. I couldn't go to sleep then, feeling my baby was too great. 

            I stayed up, just feeling them kick until my eyes started to finally droop.

            "I love you my little angel."  I whispered before giving in and going to sleep.

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