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Draco's P.O.V

            I was sitting in my room finishing up some homework. Blaise was at work and wouldn't be back for a bit because he and my father had a big case coming up. I didn't mind though, I did miss him but he was making a lot of overtime money.

            I felt a sharp kick and I gasped not expecting it.

            "Sorry sweetie." I ran my fingers over the spot. "Didn't mean to not pay attention to you." I took a break from my homework and leaned back in my chair. My belly extended well over my waistline; I could barely see my feet.  "Hmm we've only got six weeks until you're really here. I can't wait to hold you my baby. I can't wait to see you."

            "I can't either." A voice made me jump. My mother was at the door and I felt a blush crept up on the back of my neck.

            "Mum!" I squeaked. "How long have you been there?"

            "Long enough." She smiled warmly. She walked into my room and sat down on the edge of my bed. "These next six weeks are going to fly by."  She informed me. "School is ending in four, are you ready for that?"

            "I am incredibly ready for that." I exasperated. "Don't get me wrong, I love school but this year has been... less that satisfactory."

            "I bet it has. You've missed more school this year than any other year." She mentioned. "But it's understandable and your grades are still the highest of your year. Are you prepared for next year?"  

            "I think I am. Online classes in the morning and real classes in the afternoon should take a load off." I disclosed. "Plus it's more time with my baby and neither Blaise nor I have to drop out."

            "It was a very wise decision and I'm proud of you." She smiled.

            "Thank you mummy." I grinned and then winced a bit as a sharp pain laced across my belly.

            "Baby, are you okay?" She asked.

            "Pain." I mumbled and she stood up. She touched my belly, noticing it was rock hard and nodded making a knowing face.

            "False labor." She told me. "Just breathe like you were taught, it'll go away." She started to gently rub my shoulder as I breathed.  Soon the pain started to dissolve and my belly wasn't tight anymore.

            "Is all labor like that?" I asked and she gave me a small smile.

            "No, it'll be worse. Those contractions are just in preparation. The ones you'll experience will increase in intensity and frequency." She told me and I gulped. It hurt but not as bad as I thought it would be. If it increased, I couldn't imagine the pain I would be in. "But don't worry, you can be given medication to lessen the pain so it won't be as severe." She assured after seeing the look on my face.

            "I know but what if I can't handle the pain before that?"

            "You will, don't worry." She told me. "It'll be very painful sure, but it's going to be worth it and you'll be okay." She told me. She patted my head before leaning down and kissing it. "Now I had come here to ask if you wanted anything since you've been up here for a while, are you doing alright?"

            "Actually can I have some warm milk and slice of the cake we have in the fridge?" I asked and she grinned.

            "You may, I'll be back up soon enough." She told me and I nodded. She walked out and I went back to my homework as I kept a hand on my belly. The baby was kicking happily so I grinned and hummed out a tune.

            I had just finished my homework when my mum came back and placed everything in front of me.

            "Thank you mum." I grinned.

            "You're welcome baby, do you need anything else? I figured you'd just go to bed after this." She disclosed and I shook my head.

            "I was going to but no I don't need anything, thank you."

            "Alright baby, goodnight." She kissed my head.

            "Night mum." I grinned and she walked out of my room. Humming to myself still, I bit into the vanilla cake. I moaned at the taste and bobbed my head happily. The baby gave a jolt of approvable and I ran my fingertips over it. I drank some milk which was warmed to the perfect temperature.

            It wasn't long before I finished everything, went to the bathroom and crawled into my bed to sleep. Blaise wasn't at my house yet but I didn't worry because my father wasn't home either. However, just as I was falling to sleep, I felt a dip in the bed and presence next to me. I was too tired to move but I felt Blaise's warm embrace. He kissed my cheek and rubbed my belly.

            "Goodnight honeybee and bumblebee, I love you with all of my heart."  He told me before I fell to sleep fully.

            I woke up about five times to use the loo throughout the night so when I woke up fully, I was pretty sleepy.

            "You can go back to sleep." Blaise told me as he was getting out of bed. "I'll wait."

            "Nooo." I whined. "It's our anniversary and I don't want to ruin it by sleeping all day." I confessed and he sighed. He walked back over to me since I was still lying down and he placed his hand on my belly.

            "Honeybee, you're carrying our baby, I will wait any length of time I need to." He told me and I scrunched up my nose.

            "No." I shook my head. "I'm awake now and I'll be ready in an hour." I told him. I struggled to actually get up but once I did, I grinned and walked towards my door. "Love you."

            "I love you too." He sighed but smirked. "I'll be preparing while I wait."

            "Okay." I blew him a kiss. I went to leave the room but pain laced throughout my belly causing me to gasp and grab the wall.

            "Draco?!" Blaise rushed over to me and I felt his hand on my back. "What's the matter?" He started to rub my back as I focused on breathing. I winced so he placed his hand on my belly. "Oh my god, why is it like that? Is that normal? What's wrong?" He panicked and I couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

            "Just false labor." I told him and took a deep breath as the pain started to dwindle. I patted the side of his face and kissed his lips gently. "I'm okay now, it's normal."  He wrapped his arm around me and gently put his hand to my belly again.

            "Was that the first time it happened?" He questioned.

            "No, last night was. I'm okay." I assured but he didn't look convinced.  "Really bubba, it's fine. It's the baby's way of getting ready to come out... sort of."  He studied my face for a bit before nodding and kissing my face.

            "Okay. If you're not feeling well after this, let me know."

            "I will." I promised. He kissed me once more before letting leave to go get ready.

Blaise's P.O.V

            I was preparing lunch for Draco and me when Mister Malfoy walked into the room to get another cup of coffee.

            "Ahh it's the big day, yeah?" He questioned and I nodded packing the pickles in the bottom of the cooler.

            "Yup, one year today we started dating." I grinned and the packed the sandwich I made for Draco. Peanut butter and banana with a swirl of chocolate.  For myself, I packed a regular turkey one.

            "You know." He started, leaning against the counter. "When Draco came home and told us that he was dating another boy, we weren't entirely... accepting. We thought it was wrong and unusual that he'd be dating one. When he brought you around, we saw how happy he was but honestly, didn't like the idea still. However, now a year later, I have seen you grown into a very responsible young man and I am very proud of how far you've come. Thank you for making my son happy, even if you did get him pregnant at 16." He smirked at the end and I grinned.

            "Thank you sir. I really appreciate you saying that." I confessed and he just nodded sipping at his coffee.

            I heard Draco padding in and he grinned when he came into view. He was dressed in casual clothes but he looked amazing. His bump was defined and extended so far out that he stood with a slight curve to his back to keep balance.

            "Are you almost ready?" He asked me.

            "I am ready, are you all set?" I questioned.

            "Yup!" He piped. I walked over to him after closing the cooler and kissed him. I patted his bump gently and got a kick in return. Draco giggled and looked up at me. "He knows who his bubba is."

            "I'm sure she does." I winked and he rolled his eyes. "Let's go."


            Draco was laying down in my lap as my feet were outstretched in front of me. I had my hand on his belly and I was gently running my hands over it.

            "The baby is doing alright?" I asked. "No more pain?"

            "Nope, haven't felt any false labor. I'm sure that once we get closer to the actual date, it'll be more frequent."

            "Yeah, you think so?"

            "Yeah it would make sense."  He shrugged and then scrunched up his nose.

            "What?" I asked halting my hand to feel if he was having contractions.  He sat up and grinned.

            "My phone is ringing, hold on." He pulled it out of his pocket and his eyes widened. "It's Cedric." He told me so I nodded for him to answer it. "Hello... what? Really?... Yeah we'll be there soon!" He hung up the phone and grinned widely at me.

            "What?" I asked.

            "Harry is in labor!" He cheered. "He wants us to go to the hospital. Ced said at this rate, Harry may have her before we get there but he'd like us to go."

            "I'd like to go." I told him and he grinned.

            "Well let's go then." He started to get up but was struggling so I helped him and smiled.

            This was it. Our friend was having his baby and it would be our turn next. I could hardly wait.

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