Date Night Part 2

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Hello everyone. This is part 2 of the request by LunaRose165

This part will definitely have a lot of romance, cute moments and, of course, humor. Hope you enjoy guys 😁😁

(8:00 p.m.)

        Pirahna adjusts his jacket as he waits by web's door. He glances at the clock, nervously sweating as he sees the time. "8:00..... no turning back now....." he thought as he gulps. Suddenly he hears web's door click and quickly turns his head. "Oh webs, how are....." he starts saying something but stops midsentence as his body tenses. A blush creeps onto his face as he looks at her. Webs was dressed in black jeans and a flowy turquoise crop top.

      Slipping on her black flats she looks up at him with a nervous smile. "Sorry, this was I can scrape together for a date outfit. Not as fancy as you would....." but suddenly stops her sentence as he shakes his head with a chuckle. Pirahna fiddles with the hem of his jacket sleeve, "oh no it's good.... you look..... great" he says as he looks to the floor with a blush on his face. Web's face becomes pink, "oh.... umm..... thank you....." She says as she rubs her arm. They both stand in awkward silence, waiting for the other to start another small talk.

        " Oh almost forgot...." pirahna suddenly says as he pulls something out of his pocket. "Can you turn around real quick?" He asks. Webs raises her eyebrow in confusion but turns around anyways. Pirahna pulls something out of his pocket and gently puts it around her neck. Webs shivers at the cold metal now being placed around her neck. She looks down and sees its a simple necklace chain with a black and blue spider charm on it.

        She caresses the spider charm as he clips the necklace onto her neck. "There we go....." he says and she turns around. "I found this at a flea market nearby when I was in town today. I though it would look nice on you......" he nervously chuckles. Webs looks up at him with a soft smile, "it's cute. I love it......" She said. Pirahna grins happily as he holds out his hand. "Shall we leave senorita?" He said in his best fancy voice. Webs chuckles as she takes his hand, "we shall mister. Let our night commence..." She said as she mimicks his fancy voice.

       They both laugh as they head to the front door. He opens the door for her and she smiles up at him. She leave the condo with him following behind as he shuts the door behind them.


        "Are they gone now?" Wolf whispers. Snake sneaks into the living room and searches the house. "Nope, they're gone guys....." snake says as wolf and shark come out into the living room. "Good. Now let's prepare...." Wolf says as the three go to their rooms and get dressed. Wolf and snake finish up first and come out dressed in disguises. "You think these will work?" Snake asks as he adjusts his sunglasses.

         "Oh they'll work snake. They will never recognize us...." Wolf reassures as he adjusts his hat. As he was straightening his jacket shark walks in wearing a cupid outfit, in which they look at him in shock and confusion. "Shark....." snake says as he inhales through his nose, "what in the world are you wearing?" He asks in a deadpan voice. Shark looks down at his outfit, "what? I'm just getting into character....." he says. "Character for what!? We're spying on the two! Not going to a costume party ya big tuna!" He exclaims loudly.

         Wolf rolls his eyes and pats both their shoulders. "Ok ok you two no fighting. Shark you go change out of that costume. It's not necessary buddy...." he said in a calm voice. Shark sighs and heads back to his room to change.....


         "So where are we heading?" Webs asked as they walked in the downtown area of Los Angeles. Pirahna chuckles as he zips his lips, "It's a secret so my lips are sealed....." he says. Webs groans, "come on please tell me. You know I cant stand surprises......" She pleas with him as she pouts. Suddenly pirahna stops in front of a building. "Here we are, our first stop on our date...." he exclaims.

         Webs looks up at the building and goes wide eyed with surprise. "A bowling alley? I haven't been to one in years....." She says with excitement in her voice. Pirahna smiles as he sees the excitement in her voice and movements as she bounces on the balls of her feet. "It's actually a recent one that opened up a month ago So I thought I would bring you here as a surprise......" he says as he takes her hand. "Come on...." he gently pull her towards the door and opens it for her. "After you senorita....." he says.

         Webs chuckles as she rolls her eyes, walking into the bowling alley. As she steps in she's greeted with the smell of disinfectant, mineral oil, the smell of food and citrus. She looks around at the bright colorful lights lighting up the lanes and the 1970's esc carpet design as they made their way towards the front counter. "Hola senõr, we would like to rent a lane for tonight please....." he asked the man behind the counter. The guy just nods, "how long will that be sir?" The man asked.

       "Umm about an hour sir...." pirahna replies. "Also we would like to rent out shoes please. Size 9 for me and size 7 for the lady please...." he requests. The man pulls out two pairs of shoes from underneath the counter and types at the computer, "that'll be $54.75 sir....." he says. Pirahna pulls out his card and hands it to the man. After printing out the receipt he hands them that and their shoes. "Feel free to choose which ball you want to use and someone will come along with menus for you guys....." the man says.

        Pirahna thanks the man and leads webs to one of the lanes. They chuckle as they go choose a ball to use.


          "Aww look at them having fun. They look happy...." shark said with a sigh. Snake grumbles as he sips his drink, watching the two bowl. "So remind me why we need to watch them? Seem like a waste of time to me....." snake groans. "We're watching them and making sure they have a great time. We're like..... invisible cupids for the two....." Wolf whispers. Snake rolls his eyes in annoyance.

           "Hmm....." Wolf scratches his chin as he watches the two have fun. He chuckles as he watches pirahna try to impress webs by getting a strike but instead slips onto the lane and falls flat on his face. And to add insult to injury he missed the pins entirely. He hears webs laugh hysterically as she gets up and helps him up. "Ok your turns up wolf, it's my turn...." shark whispers as he grabs the binoculars. Shark giggles as he watches the two go to their booth.

           "Ok this is boring. Nothing romantic is happening!!" Snake exclaims. Wolf and shark shush him, seeing some people watching them. "Your right though snakie, it's rather dull......" but suddenly snaps his fingers. "I got it. Shark you still have your waitress outfit right?" Wolf asks. Shark grins and pulls the outfit from the duffle bag. "You get to shine again baby....." he softly says as he kisses it. Shark then quickly heads to the restrooms. "Wolf...... what are you doing?" Snake skeptically asks.

        Wolf waves off his concern, "Don't worry snake. We got this...." he says as he goes back to watching the two.


         Webs sits in the booth next to him, chuckling. "That was so bad. I wish I recorded that....." She said while laughing. Pirahna jokingly rolls his eyes as he places the cold glass of his drink on his forhead. "I just needed that strike!! Just one strike to win the round!! Why does God hate me??" Pirahna exclaims loudly. Webs snorts and pats his shoulder. "Better luck next time....." She chuckles. He laughs as he looks at her, with her looking back as well.

          Slowly they lean closer to each other, their fingers grazing softly against each other's. Just as their lips grazed each other's someone suddenly coughed, forcing the two to back away from each other. "Hello you two....." a weird feminine voice is heard. They look up to see a weird looking girl in a colorful waitress outfit, dark skin and light brown hair. "Figured out what you wanted to eat lovebirds?" The woman said with a smirk.

       They both blush and chuckle. "Umm I'm just gonna go with with burger meal....." Webs replied. "I'll just have  the best burrito meal this place has....." pirahna also responded. The woman nods and jots it down on a notepad. "Coming right up!" She exclaims and rushes off. Webs raises and eyebrow and leans to pirahna, "umm.... didn't that waitress seem off to you?" She whispers. "Eh, probably has a lot of people to deal with. I mean it is a packed place....." he said.

          Webs nods in agreement but suddenly gets a chill down her spine. She looks over her shoulder and sees a bunch of people at the bar area as well at the front. She looks on in suspicion, prompting pirahna to tap her shoulder in concern. "Hey you ok webs?" He asks worried. Webs turns her head and whispers to him again. "I get the feeling we're being watched right now......" She said. They both look over their shoulders real quick and turn back to each other, nodding their heads.

         "This place was getting boring anyways. Good thing there's one more place I want to take you....." he stands up and takes her hand. "And best of all its only a few blocks from here...." he says. They both chuckle as they leave the bowling alley hand and hand.


        "Ok you two here are your....." the lady, who was shark dressed as the waitress, comes to the table with platters of food but stops as he sees the booth empty with a $20 dollar bill on the table. "Oh come on!!!" He exclaims as he drops the food. He starts walking away from the table but quickly scoots back and snatches the $20 dollar bill before dashing off.


       "What do you mean their gone!?" Wolf asks loudly. Shark shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know, one minute there sitting there and the next their gone!! Besides where were you wolf?" Shark exclaims. "Me and snake got into an debate and......" but before he can finish his sentence snake shushes the both of them. "Look guys maybe this is for the best. Let them have their time alone without us interfering. And since we're here let's have some fun of our own ok?"

       Wolf and shark look at each other and nod in agreement. "Yeah it's probably best...." shark says. Wolf chuckles as he rubs his hands together. "Now.... how about some bowling you guys?" He asks as the three grin mischievously.


          Webs and pirahna laugh to themselves as they walk down the road, webs gripping his hand as they arrive at an abandoned building. Pirahna leads her inside as she coughs, the dust flowing in the air. "Umm..... what is this place?" She asks as she makes her way in the darkness. Suddenly she bumps into something hard and hits her hip. "Pirahna? Where are you....." She calls out. "Hold on a sec..... it's here somewhere...... ah her it is!!" He exclaims as the lights suddenly turn on, flashing bright lights.

       Webs covers her eyes from the blinding lights but looks on in shock as she sees rows of old arcade machines in front of her. "Oh wow....."  She mumbles as she touches one of the machines. "This is amazing....." She smiles as she looks around. Pirahna smiles cheekly as he appears behind her after coming from behind the counter. "You like it? I found it weeks ago. I thought this would be something you like....." he chuckles but sees webs opening the back of a Battle Star Galactica arcade game.

      "What are you going webs?" He asks but jumps back as the game suddenly lights up. Webs chuckles at his surprised expression and closes the back. "Just doing a little wiring. Now I can play....." She says with a wicked grin, then heads to the front of the game. "I remember playing this as a teenager. I would always go to the arcade back where I used to live to play this and I'd always get the highest score everytime. Not even the best player could beat my score....." She said with a smile.

        Pirahna leans on the game as he watches her play. "Isn't this illegal? Your crazy for doing this...." he says with a laugh. Webs looks at him with a sly smirk, "guess you learn something new everyday....." she says as she starts playing the game. He looks at her concentrated face and smiles softly. He loved her face when she was concentrated on something, the way her eyes widen with happiness and squint with irritation. The way her lip curls into a smirk or a frown, even the little dimples he saw when she did that. He looked at her with a lovesick expression as she continued to play.

         She was smiling and chuckling as she pressed the buttons. He sudden then his lets his thoughts wonder, "She's so wonderful. It's no wonder why I fell so hard for her. She crazy just like me but more rational and intelligent. Not to mention beautiful, with her soft pixie cut hair, gorgeous eyes and those lips. Those soft..... pink lips......" but his thoughts are suddenly stopped as he hears her cheer. "Yes!!! High score once again!!!" She exclaims loudly.

           She laughs as she hugs him tightly, with him turning red from this sudden action. "Thank you pirahna...." She said with a smile. Pirahna chuckles as he hugs her back, smiling softly. "This was an amazing surprise.....". Pirahna chuckles as he looks at her, "of course. I wanted this date to be perfect so...... I decided....." but he was starting to forget his sentence as she inches closer to him, a smile on her face as she places a hand on his chest.

       He looked deeply into her eyes as he caressed her cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Their eyes slowly closed as they let their lips collide with each other's, their hearts beating in harmony as they let the kiss go on. She combs her fingers into his hair, clutching onto him and not wanting to let go. And she knows he feels the same by the way he pulls her closer to him and cupping her cheek.

           She didn't want to stop this, neither did he. They wanted it to last and never stop. To them this felt wonderful, almost intoxicating. But sadly it did have to and they slowly let go of each other. They're eyes half open as their foreheads touched. "Well..... that was definitely the best first kiss I've ever had...." he said in a dazed expression. Webs chuckles as she let's go of him, a blush now on her face. "Yeah..... it really was...." she softly says.

         They look at each other lovingly as they smile softly. She then looks away as she tucks more of her hair behind her ear. Pirahna chuckles as he looks at the game. "Hey..... I bet I can beat that high score of yours...." he said with a smirk. Webs scoffs as she rolls her eyes. "Ha!! Yeah right, my high score is unbeatable!!" She exclaims as she leans on the game. Pirahna grins mischievously at her comment, "oh I think I can...." he snickers.

          They both laugh as pirahna starts playing the game. She knew he couldn't be the high score, but it was fun for her to watch. To her it was actually kinda cute that he was this confident. She smiles brightly as they continue on with their game. To them..... this was the perfect date.....


And here you have it folks, part 2 of date night

I hope you all enjoyed this 🥰🥰

More one-shots to come so please stay tuned ladies and gents

Love ya all 😊😊

Word count: 2755 words

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