Date Night Part 1

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This is another request from LunaRose165

Side note: This takes place after the events of the bad guys. Also the actual date won't start until the next chapter. This chapter will focus entirely on pirahna asking her out and getting tips and advice from his friends. There will be humor but the real fun will begin in the second part. 😀


Pirahna stands in front of a mirror, taking deep breaths. "Ok, let's go through that again....." he says to himself. With a sigh he gives a smile and cheekly waves at the mirror "Hey webs I was thinking that we....." he suddenly stops and groans. "No, too straightforward. I don't want to scare her off....." he mumbles to himself as he paces around the living room. As he's doing that wolf walks in holding ginger in his arms. "Hey hermano....." he says.

Pirahna quickly freezes and turns his head, quickly pushing away the mirror. "Umm.... Hey hermano, whatcha need?" He asks nervously. Wolf stares at him blankly as he pets ginger. "What were you doing just now?" Wolf asks plainly. Pirahna starts to sweat nervously, clearly embarrassed by wolf catching him talk to his reflection. "Umm..... nothing?" He says with a nervous chuckle. Wolf raises an eyebrow at his response, knowing full well he was lying.

"Come on buddy, fess up.... what were you doing?" Pirahna sighs. "Ok dont laugh at me hermano but truth is.... I'm practicing how to ask webs out on a date but everything I've been trying is making it look either bad or too rushed. And I don't want to scare her off because of that...." Wolf looks on and just nods, "hmm.... I see...." Pirahna now looks at him in confusion, "wait aren't you surprised about this revelation? That I like webs?"

Wolf shakes his head and chuckles. "Nah. Almost everyone here knows about how you feel about webs. You were very terrible about hiding it. Heck we even made a betting pool about it...." Pirahna goes wide eyed in shock, "Que!? What do you mean betting pool!? You betted on me and webs!?" He shrieks. Wolf snickers at his reaction, "well yes and no. The thing is the betting pool was if you would have the guts to ask her out. Now thanks to this I can gladly say that snake owes me $100 bucks...."

Pirahna glares, crossing his arms. "¿que demonios? Did snake bet against me asking her out? Does he think that I can't do it?" He asks. Wolf chuckles, "I mean...... when it comes to webs you can become....... a nervous wreck....." he says with a nervous laugh. Pirahna blushes, "I do not hermano!!" He screeches. Wolf raises an eyebrow and snickers. "Yeah you do. Remember last week....."


      They all laugh hysterically as shark bangs the air with his fists, with snake glaring at shark. "I don't understand this. What are you acting out!?" Snake says in frustration. Soon the timer rings out. "Sorry buddy times up. What was the answer shark?" Wolf asks. Shark picks up the folded piece of paper he tossed to the floor. "Ice sculptor....." he answers with a snicker. "What!?" Snake yells. He gets up and points at shark, "that isn't how an ice sculptor acts!!".

       Shark laughs hysterically, "I know. I just wanted to piss you off.....". Snake grumbles and heads to the kitchen, "I hate this...." he grumbles. Shark chuckles, "we love ya too snake.....". They snicker as they prepare for the second round. Webs takes a sip of her soda, turning to pirahna. "So how was the gig at the bar last night? You forgot to talk to us about it....." She asks.

        Pirahna leans back onto the couch, "it went well actually. The owner was surprised that I had talent. Said that I would become big in no time...." he says. Webs smiles softly at his response, "that's great. This is good that people are recognizing your real talent......" She says as she gently places a hand on his arm. Pirahna freezes at this and becomes bright red, "Umm.... well yeah that is good...... uhh..... umm....". He rubs the back of his neck.

        "I-is it hot in here? Cause i-it feels very hot....." he stammers. Webs puts her hand on his forehead. "You are kinda warm. You sure your not not getting sick?" She asks with concern in her voice. Pirahna gulps as he looks into her magenta eyes. " I'm fine. I just need to drink something. Yeah! A drink! Be right back!!" He quickly says as he rushes out of the living room. Webs looks on confused but shrugs and goes back to her soda.

           But not to long after they hear snake yelling. "The heck pirahna!? Geez....." he yells as he rushes back into the living room. The others sniff the air but start gagging and plugging their noses to preventfrom smelling the gas. "PIRAHNA!!!" They all screech. "Not cool man...." shark hollers. Webs pulls out a gas mask, "nope not this again...." She says as she puts on the mask. Wolf coughs, "seriously pirahna!?" He yells. "Sorry guys!!!" Pirahna yells from the kitchen........


         Pirahna goes bright red after remembering that. Wolf chuckles and looks at him. "Ok enough about that. So with webs, it's easy to ask someone out. All you need to do is be cool, be suave. And a charming smile. Here...." Wolf pulls up the mirror and places it in front of him. "Like this...." he says as he flashes his signature sly smile. Wolf pats pirahna's shoulder, "now you try hermano...." he says.

         Pirahna takes a deep breath and does his best smile, but instead of looking charming he looked like he had a crooked smile with sharp teeth. Wolf sharply inhales through his teeth, "ok..... not exactly great. But it's a good start. Now you should....." but stops mid sentence as shark comes in. "Hey guys. What's going on in here?" He asks. Wolf smiles, "oh I'm helping pirahna ask webs out on a date..." he says.

        Shark smiles brightly. "Really? That's great! Here I'll help as well....." he says as he gently shoves wolf over. "Hey!" Wolf exclaims. Shark ignores this and looks at pirahna. "So you need help right? Here let's do this, I'll pretend to be webs and you try to ask me out ok? Here let's give a test run...." he says as he takes a deep breath. Then he puts on his best webs voice, "Hey pirahna, what did you need?" He says as he bats his eyes.

        Pirahna tries to hold back a snicker. "She doesn't sound like that hermano. And why are you batting your eyes? She doesn't do that either...." he says with a laugh. Shark rolls his eyes, "just focus on this. So now what do we say?" Shark asks with a big smile. Pirahna stammers, "well.... umm.... webs, i-i was thinking that m-maybe we can.... you know..... go out? O-on a date?" He finally says. Shark thinks for a moment, "uhh.... no...." he says plainly, then snickers.

       Pirahna glares at him and crosses his arms. "Ok that's not helpful hermano....." he says. Shark chuckles, "sorry little man...." he says. "What!? Say what!? I not a little man...." Pirahna exclaims. "Sorry, I meant big man..." shark quickly corrects himself nervously. "Also maybe a flower would be great when asking her out. Or just a small bag of chocolates. No girl can resist chocolates...." shark says.

        Pirahna thinks about this, "hmm.... that could work..." he says. They both nod. Shark pats his shoulder, "now go on and ask her out...." he says. Pirahna nods and heads out the door.....


      Pirahna smiles as he holds a small bag in his hands as he makes his way to web's room. As he's heading there he bumps into snake, almost dropping the bag. "Oh sorry snake....." he apologized. Snake only shrugs, "eh it's ok kid. What's the rush?" He asks. Pirahna sighs, "I'm about to ask web's out. I've gotten some tips from wolf and shark but honestly..... I don't think it was very helpful. I'm still very anxious about this....." he answers.

       Snake shakes his head, "Yeah they mean well but not the best people for advice, though shark might be more useful than wolf. Don't tell him I said that ok?" Snake whispers. Pirahna laughs at this, "my lips are sealed hermano....." he says. Snake pats his shoulders, "now just listen to me. You just need to be yourself and let the question come to you instead of just planning this out. It'll just make you more nervous. Got that kid?" He says.

       Pirahna nods, "Noted. Anyways I'm gonna go....." he says as he walks away. Snake chuckles and heads to the living room while mumbling under his breath. "And now to give wolf $100 bucks. Great...." he groans while rolling his eyes.

      Pirahna arrives at webs door and fixes the loose strands of his hair. He knocks on the door and wipes the sweat off his forehead. "Ok pepe, deep breaths. Your just asking out a girl.... a girl you've known for years..... an amazing, feisty beautiful woman.... no pressure....." he mumbles as he takes deep breaths. Suddenly her door opens and she comes out wearing her hoodie and black leggings.

       She takes off the headphones, "oh hey pirahna. What's up?" She asks as she leans on her doorframe. Pirahna gulps, "well.... i...." he starts stammering but takes a deep breath. He hands her the bag, web's looking at it in surprise. "I got you some things you liked. I remembered you liked sour candies so I got you some sour strips. And a couple of the energy drinks you like so much. Your favorite flavor too...." he responds.

       Webs is confused at first, but takes the bag anyways, "Thanks pirahna, I've actually been needing to stock up on energy drinks anyways. Ran out a week ago....." She says with a smile. They both stare at each other for a few minutes, a lingering silence falling over them. Webs clears her throat, "well.... I better get back to my computer...." She says and starts shutting the door, but pirahna places his foot between the door and the doorframe. "Actually.... there was something else......" he mumbles.

         Web's, now curious, opens the door again. "Yeah?" She asks. Pirahna takes a deep breath, "well I was wondering if you..... if you wanted..... that if you wanted to go out with me tonight? Just the two of us?" He says with a blush. Web's cheeks turn red as well, "like a date?" She asks. Pirahna then starts worrying and panics, "i-it doesn't have to be a date!! It can just be....." but stops when he hears webs chuckle. "Pirahna stop worrying. I would actually love that. Better than being couped up in my room most of the time...." She says.

       Pirahna is stunned by her answer, but he still manages a smile. "So...... 8 then?" He asks. Webs nods her head in agreement, "8 sound good. I'll see you then pirahna....." Webs says with a soft smile. She gently shuts her door as pirahna stares on in surprise. He smiles wide and does a little victory dance in front of her door, "yes!!" He exclaims. He mumbles something in Spanish as he rushes to his room. But little did the two know that the other three were spying on them from the corner of the hallway.

       Wolf then speaks up. "Oh we're gonna spy on them during the date right?" Shark and snake nod in agreement. "Oh definitely. I need the romance....." shark says. Snake chuckles, "Yeah let's see how interesting this date will be...." he says as the three fist bump each other.......


Woo hoo first part done!!

And don't worry the next part will have plenty of cute romantic scenes for you guys.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for part 2 Fellas 😉🤗

Word count: 1997 words

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