Pool Day

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This idea was requested by SnowAngel76

Hope you all love this chapter 💗


In L.A. summertime was one of the more memorable seasons from beach vacations, barbecues and kids heading to the movies or the arcades. But most importantly, people loved going to pools during the summer. And today was no different. Today's heat was insufferable, and most people decided to hit the pool. The bad guys weren't an exception. They loved to go to the pool whenever they had the time.

Well with the exception of webs. It wasn't like she hated the pool, she just didn't know how to swim. So because of this she would either sit in the shade under an umbrella or just stick her feet in the water. Today she decided to do the latter, dipping her feet into the cool water as she sits on one of the towels she put down to protect herself from the burning concrete.

She sips her can of soda as she watches wolf, Diane, shark and pirahna have a water volleyball match on the shallow end of the pool. Looking in front of her she saw snake relaxing on one of the chairs under an umbrella. As webs looks back at the game she sees pirahna waving at her, so with a smile she waves back. While he was distracted by webs wolf serves the volleyball at pirahna, taking advantage of his absent-mindedness.

The ball flies over the net and shoots straight for pirahna at full force, hitting him straight on the side of the face. Pirahna grunts in pain as he falls backwards into the water, then popping back up from under the water a second later looking pissed. "que diablos lobo!? What was that for!?" He exclaims. Wolf goes wide eyed in shock, "sorry hermano, I was trying to aim for the water not you. Are you hurt?" He asks, concerned.

Pirahna let's out a sigh, then chuckles. "I'll be ok chico. Honestly it barely even hurt at all" he says. Chuckling as well the four go back to their volleyball game. After a couple more rounds they decide to take a break and wolf, diane and shark get out of the pool. Pirahna, on the other hand, decides to continue swimming in the pool. He goes underwater and swims over to webs, who was now relaxing on the edge of the pool with her eyes closed.

He rises up from under the water and props his arms up on the edge next to her. "Hey webs, wanna get in the pool? It's nice and cold...." he says. Webs sits up and tips her sunglasses to the end of her nose, then sighs. "Thanks but I'll pass...." She says, putting back on her sunglasses again. Pirahna raises an eyebrow, "but why? It feels great chica." he says, splashing a little bit of water at her.

Webs snickers as the cool water hits her, "look you know i cant swim right? If i go in I'll probably sink to the bottom of the pool like an anchor on a pirate ship..." She says as she takes a sip of her soda. Pirahna crosses his arms, "well how will you know your a bad swimmer if you don't learn?" He askes with a smirk. Webs opens her mouth but quickly shuts it, knowing he had a point. "Touche....." She says. Then webs grabs a bottle of water. "But still, I'm just gonna relax here...." She says.

Pirahna sighs in defeat. "Alright then. If that's what you want....." he says as he lets go of the edge. "Shame though.... that swimsuit looks caliente on you. Too bad it's going to waste." He chuckles as he dives back underwater. Webs blushes hard from his comment, her shoulders slinking in embarrassment. With the others they begin chatting with each other, then shark's stomach begins to rumble. "Umm..... I think im gonna get a snack..." he says as he reaches for the bag of snacks they brought with them.

"Actually we should all go out somewhere for dinner. How does that sound you guys?" Diane suggests. They all agreed in unison as the four get up from their chairs. Snake and webs see them get up and they follow suit and help them carry their belongings. They all start heading for the car, "careful, it's a little slippery here....." Diane says as she carefully trots over the wet spots by the pool, with the others following suit.

Webs follows behind them, but when she gets to the wet spots by the edge she carefully walks as to not slip. But as she's doing that she misplaced her footing and starts tripping on her own two feet. She tries catching herself but she drops the belongings and falls into the deep end of the pool with a big splash.

         She tries to swim back up to the surface but she fails miserably, instead she sinks deeper down. She holds her breath to the best of her ability but soon the lack of oxygen starts getting to her, her vision starting to blur and her body feeling heavy like lead. She starts slipping in and out of consciousness as the muffled voices become faint. The last thing she remembers is a silhouette about to jump into the water before she blacks out........


        Pirahna lifts her up back onto the surface as he swims her to the edge of the pool. "Bring her up here...." Diane frantically exclaims as she and shark help pirahna get her up onto the concrete surface. They gently lay her down as pirahna quickly gets out of the pool. Pirahna leans closer to her, becoming more worried. "Webs..... webs!!" He says frantically. Diane presses two fingers on the pulse of her neck. "A faint pulse but she's still alive....." She says.

         Pirahna nods as he presses both his hands against her chest and starts rhythmically pressing onto her heart. Then gently tilts her head and opens her mouth, pressing his mouth against her's as he breaths oxygen into her. He repeats these actions a couple more times, then webs starts coughing. He scoots back in surprise, as did everyone else. After she stops coughing for now she slowly opens her eyes and sees everyone staring at her with worry.

       "W-why are you all staring at me?" She says. But grunts in pain as she clentches her chest. "Ugh.... why does....my chest hurt? It's like it's on..... fire...." Diane gently sets her up, "you nearly drowned webs. You slipped on the wet concrete and fell into the deep end. As for the headache and burning in your lungs, that's from the lack of oxygen...." Diane gets up, "Need help getting up?" She askes.

        Webs tries standing up on her own but nearly loses her balance before pirahna quickly catches her. "Yeah no.... my body feels like its made of lead right now...." She says with a hoarse voice. Diane nods, "here we'll deal with our stuff. Pirahna can you carry her to the car?" Pirahna shakes his head, "of course hermana...." he says. Diane and the others walk off to collect everything they brought with them.

         "Ok.... brace yourself webs....." he says. Before she can respond he swiftly picks her up bridal style and carries her to the car. Webs goes wide eyes in surprise as he carries her with ease. "D-dont I weigh.... anything to you?" She quietly says. Pirahna chuckles, "nope... you weigh as light a feather...." he says. She shyly blushes at his comment. "Um.... t-hank you....for....." She starts saying but he sushes her as he gently places her in the car. "Probably not best to talk right now....." he hands her a bottle of water.

     "Your throat is too parched from the chlorine that got into your system. So try to keep the talking to a minimum until your voice fully heals, ok chica?" He says. She nods as he shuts the car door.......


         They decided to get some take out so webs can relax and get better. The doorbell rings and shark quickly heads for the door. "Man this has been the craziest day ever. And we've had a lot of those....." snake says. They all nod as shark brings in the food. "Here we are!!!" He exclaims as he passes out the food. Pirahna takes his and extends his other hand. "Here I'll take webs here's....." he says.

      Pirahna gets handed her food and heads to her bedroom. He gently opens the door and shuts it behind him. "Hey webs...... I brought you your food....." he says. Webs slowly sits up and props the pillow behind her. He hands her her food and a pair of chopsticks. "Don't worry, I reminded them that you didn't like shrimp in your noodles" he says with a chuckle. "Do you.... want some company?" He asks. She nods and scoots over to give him room to sit.

        After he sits down on the bed he opens up his food, "how's your throat? Can you speak a little bit?" He asks. "Y-yeah..... but I just want to be on the safe side....." She says quietly. He nods and they both sit in silence as they ate their food. "T-thank you...... for saving me......" She whispers. Pirahna nods, slurping his own noodles. "Your welcome......" he replies. She smiles as she relaxes her head on his shoulder, causing him to blush a deep red.

        "Umm..... if you want to..... when you officially get better I can teach you how to swim..... again if you want to, I don't blame you if you dont....." but stops when she hears her softly chuckle. She lifts up her head and nods, "y-yeah..... I don't mind..... that way something like this won't happen to me again....." She quietly says. They both smile as she leans back onto him, putting her cheek on his shoulder while he leaned his head on top of her's.

       He hums a soft melody to her, hoping that might cheer her up a little more. Webs smiles softly as she starts drifting into sleep as she listens to the melody he hummed. Not long after she was softly snoring on his shoulder, which made him laugh. He closes his eyes as well as they both embraced in each other's warmth....


And we are done here folks!!! 🥳

This turned out shorter than expected but I hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless......

Again this was requested by the lovely  SnowAngel76

Your awesome 😋

And with that I'll see you all in the next one-shot

Love you all 😘

Word count: 1765 words

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