A Birthday Song for Webs

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This was an idea requested by BiancaSantana880

This is also a song based chapter so please enjoy 😉


"No no, that's not it...." pirahna mumbles as he tosses a crumbled piece of paper into the trash by his desk. He grumbles as he taps his pencil on the new, blank piece of paper but the more he tries to think the harder he taps his pencil. Soon he hears a snap and sees the lead of his pencil has broken. Sighing he tosses the pencil aside and grabs another one from the drawer.

Pirahna looks back at the sheet of paper and starts writing on the sheet of paper. He looks at the writing and stops immediately, "no no that's not it either!!!!". In frustration he yells, takes the paper and shreds it, tossing the shredded paper in the air. But not long after he hears a door knock. "Come in......." he says in frustration. His door opens and shark pokes his head into his room.

"Hey buddy, ya doing ok hermano?" Shark asks. Infuriated, pirahna exclaims "no..... I'm not ok! Web's birthday is tomorrow and I'm trying to write a special song for her. But everytime I put words down it doesn't sound right!!!" Groaning he plops face first on his bed, angerly speaking Spanish with his face covered with his pillow. Shark sits on the side of his bed and gently pats his back. "I see..... well it shouldn't be too hard to write a song for a close friend right?"

Pirahna uncovers his face from the pillow, a small blush creeping on his face after shark asks that question. Shark notices this and goes wide eyed in shock, "wait wait wait...... are you...." shark started to say but stops when he sees pirahna sit up on his bed, looking down at his feet. "I-its hard to describe this feeling hermano...... at first I thought it was because I saw her as a good friend but overtime...... I believe it started to become something more......."

Pirahna stands up and heads over to his desk, which also had pictures of him with his friends over the years. He pics one of them up, a picture of when they went to the mall to rob a couple of stores and went to one of those photobooths for pictures to commemorate the successful heist. In one of them he and webs had two bags filled with stolen money, both of them wearing black fedora's, tinted sunglasses and goofy smiles.

"She's always fun to be around, she's lively and sassy. She's selfless, and when times were tough at first she always found reasons to make us laugh..." he sets the picture back down. "She's smart, so smart that it kinda freaks me out a little...." he says with a chuckle. Pirahna sits back down at his desk, leaning against his chair as he scratches the top of his head. "But more importantly, she's sure of herself and isn't afraid to be that. She knows what she wants and is willing to work hard towards that goal. All in all, she's perfect just the way she is." He says with a sigh.

Pirahna then hears sniffling and turns his chair to see shark with tears in his eyes, blowing his nose with a tissue. "That was so touching man. Enough to make a grown man cry..." Then shark sniffles again, prompting him to blow his nose for the second time. Pirahna tosses him a box of tissues with a soft laugh. "Yeah I know hermano, but it's the honest truth...." he turns back to his desk and stares at the crumbled up papers in his trash can. "But it's hard to write all that into a song

Shark wipes his nose as he walks around pirahna's room, stopping at the piano in the corner of his room. "Maybe your thinking too much about this...." he says as he touches the piano keys. "I think your using your head too much and not enough of your heart...." He says as he plays some random keys on the piano. "You should let your heart take the lead instead of your head. I mean, that's what you always do...." but gets shushed by pirahna. "Wait.... play those notes again...." he asks. Shark looks at him weirdly but plays them again.

Pirahna nods, "Ok, play that again but faster...." he asks. Shark plays them again faster, getting confused about what pirahna was doing. Pirahna sits there in silence as he lets the notes sink in. Those notes ring in his ears as his heart thumps in his chest. Just as he was about to sigh in defeat it hits him. He taps his fingers on his desk as the notes of the piano and the rhythm of his heart play in his head harmoniously, with him humming along. Going wide eyed in realization he snaps his fingers.

"That's it chico! I know what to write! Gracias hermano! Your a big help!" He exclaims as he gives shark a big hug. Shark, although still kinda confused, hugs him back with a smile. "Oh..... of course. Glad I was able to help...." he says but gets cut off as he feels himself get pushed out of pirahna's room. "Ok now please go chico. I have a special song to write for a special chica...." pirahna quickly says as he slams the door behind him. Shark just stands in front of the door with a dazed look on his face, confused by what just happened.

"Umm..... ok.... guess I'll leave it to you then..." he loudly says as he leaves pirahna to his work......


"Ok, are we there yet? The blindfold is getting uncomfortable..." Webs says as Diane leads her through the apartment. Diane chuckles, "Don't worry, you just need to stand riiight.... here!" She says as she stops webs when they get into the living room. Diane giggles as she joins the others, making webs confused. "Umm.... should I be scared?" She asks with a nervous laugh.

"Just take the blindfold off...." Diane says with a snicker. Webs swiftly takes the blindfold off and immediately gets bombarded with confetti and noisemakers. "Surprise! Happy Birthday Webs!" They all cheered. Webs looks on in awe and shock as she sees the living room decorated matrix themed. Sparkling green streamers hung from the ceiling like codes. Black, green and turquoise balloons were floating everywhere in the partially dimmed room.

Webs smiles softly as she looks at the banner above the group, it saying "Happy Birthday Webs!!" In green glitter."you guys..... you shouldn't have...." Webs says. Wolf chuckles, "Hey, your our friend of course we would go out. We're just glad you love the decorations, unlike someone I know....." Wolf says as he looks at snake with a snicker. Snake groans, "do we need to go into that again wolf? I've made my points....."

Webs chuckles as she watches them get into the same argument again. In her personal opinion she was on snakes side on this one. While she really did love all the effort they put into planning this party she loves the simple get together's even more. Like snake she didn't need lavish decorations, to her all she needed was her friends and just spend time together on her special day. As she was thinking this she feels something fuzzy rub against her leg.

Looking down she sees the tabby kitty, named ginger, purring again her leg wearing sunglasses. Webs laughs as she picks up the kitty, "looks like they roped you in too huh?" She asks. Ginger meows as she rubs her fuzzy cheek on webs face. Webs giggles as the fuzz tickles her cheeks, "Hey that tickles!!" She says. She looks up and sees wolf bringing out some drinks and cups. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's celebrate the birthday girl's birthday...." he says as everyone cheers.

Webs smiles brightly, then feels something get put on top of her head. It was shark putting a birthday hat on her. "There we go, now she's the birthday girl...." he says with a laugh. She laughs along with him as she grabs a cup......


Roars of laughter can be heard in the apartment, discarded paper plates and plastic cups shrewd all over the living room as they gathered to watch webs open her presents. "Open my next webs!" Diane says with a smile. Webs picks up the present wrapped up in silver wrapping paper. She gently shakes the box, mentally trying to guess what Diane bought her. Webs tears the wrapping paper and her eyes sparkle with joy.

"No.... way...." She says. Webs hold up her present to show everyone, "an Alienware m15 laptop! I've been looking for one for a while...." She says while hugging it tightly. "Thanks Diane, I owe you one...." the excitement on her voice clear. Diane laughs as she waves her hands, "no need, I'm just glad I was able to get it on short notice....". Wolf looks into his cup, which was very much empty.

"I'm gonna get more drinks from the kitchen...." Wolf says, with Diane joining him. Shark and snake start bickering about which push-pop flavor was better. Webs rolls her eyes in annoyance at their argument, finding it a very useless topic to argue about. Suddenly she feels a tap on her shoulder and turns her head, seeing pirahna behind her. "Pirahna? What are you......" but he shushes her.

Pirahna beckons her to follow him, a confused look on her face. She quickly looks back at snake and shark to make sure they weren't looking. Seeing that they were too focused on their argument she silently nods at pirahna as they both tiptoe out of the living room.....


The two snicker as they climb up the ladder, with pirahna leading the way. "So why are we going up to the rooftop?" Webs asks. Pirahna laughs, "you'll see when we get there...." he says as he continues climbing the ladder. Webs raises an eyebrow as she climbs after him, racking her brain to figure out what he had in store. As they reach the top he grabs her hand and pulls her up. As she climbs up her eyes sparkle in awe.

The rooftop was decorated with strung up paper lamps that glowed softly, along with the fairy lights that illuminated a golden light. Flower boxes adorned the edges filled with flowers of vibrant colors. On a small table in the far end a boom box was sitting there on its own. Webs, now very confused, walks underneath the lights. "Umm..... what's all this for?" She asks. Pirahna rubs the back of his neck, clearly nervous. "Well...... I wanted to surprise you with something special..... without the others butting in......" he says with a small blush on his face.

Webs stares blankly at first but then smiles softly. "Oh.... well now that we're here, what's the surprise?" She asks, the two starting to feel awkward around each other. Pirahna gulps as he heads over to the boombox, mentally praying to himself in Spanish. "This is my gift for you. I worked all day on this so...... happy birthday webs......" he says as he presses the play button on the boombox. A soft melody plays as he takes a deep breath, then starts singing.

🎶 For the way you changed my plans🎶

🎶 For being the perfect distraction🎶

🎶 For the way you took the idea that I have🎶

🎶 Of everything that I wanted to have🎶

🎶 And made me see there was something missing🎶

(Oh yeah)

He looks up as he walks over to her, seeing the look of confusion in her eyes but a small smile was there as well. He takes her hand and gently spins her.

🎶 For the ending of my first begin🎶

(Ooh yeah yeah) (ooh yeah yeah)

🎶 And for the rare and unexpected friend🎶

(Ooh yeah yeah) (ooh yeah yeah)

🎶 For the way your something that I never choose🎶

🎶 But at the same time something I don't want to lose🎶

🎶 And never want to be without ever again🎶

(Oh oh)

They dance as webs smiles brightly. Her heart fluttering as his hand wraps around her hip. She chuckles softly but gasps in surprise as he lifts her up in the air, gripping his shoulders tightly.

🎶 You're the best thing I never knew I needed🎶

🎶 So when you were here, I had no idea🎶

🎶 You're the best thing I never knew I needed🎶

🎶 So now it's so clear, I need you here always🎶

He puts her down as they continue dancing underneath the soft glow of the lanterns and fairy lights. He looks at her to see the smile on her face, his heart beating as he swore he saw sparkles floating over her.

🎶 My accidental happily (ever after oh oh oh)🎶

🎶 The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)

🎶 I must admit you were not apart of my book, but now if you open it up and take a look🎶

🎶 Your the beginning and the end of every chapter🎶

(Oh oh)

🎶 You're the best thing I never knew I needed🎶


🎶 So when you were, I had no idea🎶

🎶 You're the best thing I never knew I needed (that I needed)🎶

🎶 So now it's so clear, I need you here always🎶

He pulls her closer to him so they're face to face. They twirl under the stars, his confidence growing along with his beating heart as the song progresses. But unbeknownst to him her heart was beating just as fast.

🎶Who knew that I could be? (Who knew that I could be?)🎶

🎶So unexpectedly (So unexpectedly)🎶

🎶Undeniably happier🎶

🎶Sitting with you right here, right here next to me (Girl, you're the best)🎶

🎶You're the best thing I never knew I needed (Said I needed)🎶

🎶So when you were here I had no idea🎶

🎶You're the best thing I never knew I needed🎶

🎶So now it's so clear I need you here always🎶

He slows his movements as he dips her. Looking into her eyes he sees them sparkle with happiness, a small blush on her face. His heart swells at how beautiful she looks as he brings her back up, his hand gripping hers tightly.

🎶 Now it's so clear, I need you here always🎶

They never break their eye contact, even when the music stops playing. He smiles as he lets go of her hand, chuckling nervously. "So...... what did you think? Did you like it?....." he asks. Webs just stands there, unsure what to say. Not to soon after a tear falls from one of her eyes, prompting pirahna to panic. "W-what's wrong chica!? Was it that bad? If it was I'm sorr......" but stops midsentence as she wraps her arms around his neck in a tight embrace.

Pirahna stands there in shock by this sudden action, but soon he embraces her as well. She smiles as she feels his arms around her, "I loved it. It was the best gift anyone has given to me......." She says. They let go of each other and smile at each other. Pirahna pulls out a tissue and hands it to her, which she gladly accepts. "I'm glad you loved it. It took me the whole day to write it......" he says with a chuckle. She laughs as she wipes the tears away, "I bet it wasn't easy doing it by yourself....." She says.

Pirahna shook his head. "Nope it wasn't, but luckily I did get some help from Diane and shark. She helped me with the music and he helped when I had writers block so I'm grateful for that....." they both laugh as they stare up into the night sky. He spots a daisy in one of the flower boxes over the edge and picks it, placing it behind her ear. She softly smiles at him as she leans on the edge, propping her elbows on the top flat surface.

"You know you could've gotten me anything for my birthday, so why all of this? Not that I'm complaining the song was beautiful, along with the whole setup. But still, why though?" She asks. He gulps as he starts sweating, chuckling nervously as a small fart is heard. "Pirahna..... are you gonna lie about something? Cause you fart when your nervous, and when your nervous you lie...." She says knowingly. Pirahna starts freaking out, waving his hands in dismissal.

"w-what no! Not at all....." he quickly says. He takes a deep breath and leans on the edge next to her, "it's just....... I did this because......your..... special to me..... more important than anyone in the gang.....so....." he shuts his eyes, awaiting her verdict. After minutes of silence he gets anxious, sweat dripping from his face. But then he feels her head on his shoulder, his body tensing in surprise. Webs closes her eyes and softly smiles, a blush creeping on her face.

"Your special to me too pirahna. Your very important to me as well..... and I'm glad your a part of my life...." She says softly. Pirahna's face becomes bright red after hearing her sentiment, a small goofy smile plastered on his face. He hums in content as he puts his head on top of her's and holds her hand, happy by her answer. A small gust of wind blows, the small daisy behind web's ear falling in between the two's hands before flying away in the air......


Bada boom done!!! 🥳🥳

Again this was requested by BiancaSantana880 so again thank you for the idea request

Hope you all enjoyed this and I'll see you all in the next one

Love you all 😘😘😘

Word count: 3014 words

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