Stopping a Robbery Gone Wrong

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This was requested by LunaRose165

Warning: this chapter does contain themes of blood and violence

Hope you enjoy ☺️😁


          It was a cool night in the streets of Los Angeles. The lights of the city glitters like the Christmas lights hanging on a tree while people bustle about to different places. Cars drive by on the streets as one particular silver car drove past the bustling crowds of people. The car speeds along as it comes to a dark alleyway close to a fancy aution house. As the driver takes the keys out of the ignition they turn over to face the backseat. "OK, do we all understand the plan?" A deep voice said.

           Two dark figures in the back nod as they smiled wicked grins. "Yep... knock out the the guards, disable the security, grab as much jewelry as we can carry and escape through the rooftops" a female voice says with a chuckle. "Oh ho we're gonna be rich!!! Can't wait to get my hands on the rings.." Another male voice said with a laugh. Both figures in the back seat laugh maniacally but gets shushed by the male driver. "Fellas, this is not about becoming rich... though it kinda is... it's about sealing our names in stone as the greatest thieves of all time. And what better to do that then to steal the blue diamond necklace of udaipur....."

          He then pulls out a small photo of a necklace with strings of pearls, with the blue diamond glittering in its silver prong setting. He hands the photo to the two figures. "This is no ordinary necklace, this necklace was originally a part of the mewar dynasty before the last king's wife died. This was passed down from queen to queen for 200 years. But after the queen died the king decided to sell everything the queen owned for unknown reasons, even this necklace. Then as soon as this necklace hit Los Angeles harbors every thief in the city pinned a target on this jewelry but they all never succeed in getting it......."

            He then takes the photo and puts it back in his leather jacket pocket. "Until tonight that is......" he looks at the auction house with a sly grin. "Hey Warren, security cameras down yet??" After a few clicks on the computer a faint ding goes off as the computer screen goes green. "Yep, security is offline boss." He says. "Good..... now remember....." he says as the three put on dark masks. "If anyone interferes with our heist...... then show no mercy....." he says as he chuckles darkly. They all soon laugh wickedly as they leave the car and sneak up at the auction house.


        "Come on webs, I said I was sorry..." pirahna pleas. Webs just rolls her eyes as she stomps into the living room, fuming as she plops down on the couch. "Well I'll forgive you when you fix my laptop, you know, the one that you broke in half!!" She shouts angerly. He inhales deeply as he grits his teeth in anger. "How many times do I have to apologize? I didn't see it at all, so how was I supposed to know that when i was going fast!?" He yells in frustration.

           As they both continue yelling at each other snake comes into the kitchen while he buttons another pin on his hat. He opens the freezer as he grabs a push pop from the box, then props his elbows on the kitchen counter. Not long after diane comes into the kitchen in a dark green shirt and shorts. As she opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water she hears the two in the living room arguing. She looks at snake in confusion, "umm..... do you know what they're arguing about??" She asks snake.

         Snake groans then throws away the wrapping and stick of the push pop. "Pirahna and shark decided to have a sliding contest where they only wear socks and slide all over the house. And I guess he wasn't looking where he was going and accidentally knocked over the kitchen table, which also had web's laptop sitting there. Next thing I hear is a smash, then pirahna freaking out" snake explains as he grabs a toothpick. Diane looks back at the two arguing individuals and sighs. "Well..... shouldn't we stop them?? She asks but sees snake walking away. "H-hey don't we need to end this argument??"

           "Nope, not my circus not my monkeys....." he says plainly as he walks back to his room. Diane groans in defeat as she takes a swift of her water. Suddenly a beeping sound goes off on her watch, alerting diane, webs and pirahna while making snake stop in his tracks. Diane looks down at her watch, a smirk forming on her face. "Hey guys, ready for some action??" She asks. "Finally we get to do something around here...." snake says, a grin now plastered on his face.

            Diane then looks at webs and pirahna, who were now facing away from each other. Sighing she over walks to the two of them and places a hand on their shoulders. "C'mon you guys, usually the two of you are excited for these missions, where's that fiery spirit??" She says with a small laugh. But gets no response in return. Diane's laugh becomes more nervous as she sweats nervously. "Ok.... well.... there's a robbery happening at an auction house downtown. The robbers are known as the hell demons gang, they're one of the newer gangs that recently surfaced in Los Angeles......."

           Diane then pulls out her computer and sits on the couch, typing away as the other three look from over her shoulder. "From the looks of it they're planning on stealing the blue diamond necklace of udaipur. So we need to act fast. Sadly wolf and shark can't come due to shark being at the local theater tonight for rehearsals and wolf being at a car convention out of town but we'll make it work. Snake can you......"

            "Already got it....." snake says as he holds a fake necklace that looks remarkably similar to the real blue diamond necklace. Diane raises an eyebrow in confusion, "that was fast...." She says. "Shark has a lot of fake jewelry from our times as criminals when he needed to disguise as someone so......" he shrugs his shoulders. Diane smiles brightly. "Ok that's perfect. Before we head into the building I'll send an anonymous distress signal to the police, which will give us exactly 5 minutes to complete this mission. Me, pirahna and webs will find the perps and try to distract them while snake replaces the real necklace with the fake necklace. Then we escape through the back entrance before the police comes, so that way by the time they take the fake necklace they'll get caught by the police but the real necklace will be sent to the police for safe keeping."

        Diane then turns around on the couch to face the others behind her. "Everyone understand the plan??" She says. Snake nods in agreement, but pirahna and webs just stand there in silence as they nod as well but continue to avoid the others gaze. Diane groans in annoyance. "Guys you can't give each other the silent treatment forever, you'll have to talk to each other again sooner or later..."

        Then webs mutters, "try me...." Then pirahna groans as he rubs his temples, "Ay dios mios......" he whispers but gets a glare from webs. "I heard that...." She says through gritted teeth. Pirahna then shakes his head as he heads to his room, "I'll get ready for the mission amigos....." Diane and snake looks on as pirahna leaves the room. Then they both face webs. "Hey, you ok??" Diane asks. Webs sighs as she looks at diane, "I would be lying if I said I was....." Web's says.

          Diane stands up and walks over to her, patting her shoulder. "It's just..... that computer.... that was given to me on my birthday years ago when I joined the bad guys, it was the first birthday gift I've ever received in a long time....." Web's sighs as she leans on the couch. Diane nods, "I see..... well you know how pirahna can be. He's not the brightest person in this group. But I'm sure he didn't mean to...."

          Webs nods, "your right..... maybe I was a little harsh on him. Besides, I really hate arguing with him. I don't want to give him a reason to hate me....." She says. Diane rubs her back as she gives her a warm smile. "I'm sure he wouldn't hate you over this argument. All friends fight everyday, I mean shark and snake fight almost everyday. Right snake....." but as she looks around she sees that snake is nowhere to be seen. "Wait where did he go??" Diane asks. Webs shrugs her shoulders, "probably to his room....." She says.

         Both brush that off and head to their rooms to get ready for the mission.....


        They arrive at one of the side entrances of the auction house. Diane then takes out a spare phone and types in a few numbers and codes. After that she puts the phone back into her pocket. "Ok the distress signal is put in place.... everyone ready??" She askes. They all nod in agreement as they get out of the car. Diane, pirahna and webs sneak up to the roof via ladder while snake spots the window that'll put him closer to the room the necklace is being held.

          The trio on the roof soon found a loose square piece of glass on the dome, so diane removes it while webs ties the end of the rope on the nearest pipe. After checking to see that the rope was knotted tightly they make their decent into the building, first Diane with webs and pirahna following suite. The three silently drop on the marble tiles of the floor as they get a sense of their surroundings. Webs whistles when she saw different artifacts and pieces of jewelery on display.

       "Wow. Look at all these priceless pieces of work, must really be worth a fortune..." She whispers. But before Diane could respond their was a clicking sound, like a door being unlocked. The trio freeze in shock for a second but then quickly take cover behind one of the cases. They croutch in silence for a minute but then hear a couple of voices. "Ok the necklace is just behind that door across the hall so we'll be in and out....." a deep male voice says. Then a woman's laugh rings out, a laugh that was cold and emotionless.

         "Man those security guards barely gave us a fight. So meek and cowardly. But at least they were good punching bags....." She said as she let's out another laugh. Then they hear another male sigh, "and those security cameras were easy to hack into. Basically child's play to me....." but the other man shushes them. "Quiet......" Diane, pirahna and webs stay still as they try to stay silent. But then they hear the violent rumble of pirahna's stomach.

         Both Diane and webs glare at him as he sweats nervously, as if to tell him "you better not....". That look automatically stops the rumbling of his stomach. Diane slowly looks up from their hiding place to see them turn on their flashlights. "Warren, reina, search the place. We can't let anyone else steal our prize. If it's a security guard knock them out unconscious. But if it's another theif...." the leader then makes a slicing motion across his neck with his thumb.

         The others nod as they spred out to scan the room. Diane quickly ducks back for cover as she looks at pirahna and webs. "We need to split up, we got to keep them distracted...." She whispers. She then pulls out a walkie talkie, "psst, snake...... can you hear me? How's it going over there?" She asks in a hushed tone. "Never better. I just need a couple more minutes so....." Diane nods. "Got it....." She puts the walkie talkie away. She then points at pirahna and points to her left, then she points at webs and points to her right.

         They nod as they split into separate directions. Diane then grabs three tiny glowing spheres and tosses them onto the ground, then turns in pirahna's direction and gives him the signal. With that webs and Diane quickly put on face masks as pirahna tossed a small can at the robbers, which released a gas that didn't smell pleasant. Soon there was a chorus of hacking and coughing. "What *cough* the hell is this!? *cough*" warren says.

          "It smells *cough* horrible!!!" Reina screamed. As they tried to make their way through the gassy fog one of them steps on one of the spheres, which set of a series of sparks. Warren and reina scream as more sparks go off. "Will you guys get a hold of yourselves!!! Find them!!" The leader screamed. They then split into separate directions. Reina looks all over the place, smiling maniacally. "Come out come out where ever you are..... come out now you little brat!!"

           Webs, who is hiding behind a pillar tightens the gloves she has on. "Thank God I decided to take those taekwondo lessons with Diane...." She sighs as she comes from her hiding place, quickly charging at reina and kicking her in the gut. Reina grunts in pain as she glares at webs. Soon a fight breaks out between the women as the fluid fighting moves between them leave them with sores and bruises, then reina gets knocked to the ground. As she was about to lay another kick webs looks over to see that pirahna was about to get knocked out by warren.

         "Pirahna....." She calls out but feels a pair of hands on her ankles. "Oh no you don't...." She murmurs as she pulls on webs ankles. She gasps in shock as she fall onto the floor face first. She lifts her face up and sees diane fighting off the leader while pirahna knocks out warren swiftly. As she drags her body towards him she suddenly stops as she feels a sharp pain in her side.

         She screams in pain as reina climbs on top of her and pins her to the ground. "Where do you think your going sunshine!?" She laughs hysterically. "We were just having fun..." She says as she lodges the dagger into webs side again. Webs grunts in pain as tears well up from her eyes. Reina then gives a fake pout, "aww no screaming?? But that's the fun part....." Then she raises her blade, "guess I'll just have to throw away the trash!!!" She then laughs maniacally but then gets punched right in the face with a sickening crack.

          She falls onto the floor as she clutches her face in pain. "Ouch.... my face....." She says but suddenly she gets lifted up by the hems of her shirt. Then she comes face to face with an angry pirahna, his eyes flaming with fury as he bares his teeth. "You dare hurt webs?? You dare!?" He yells. Reina just stays there in shock, fear welling up inside her. "Umm.... i....." She starts but stops as she hears him growl angerly. "Stop..... talking....." he says. He raises his fist to land a strike but suddenly when he hears webs groaning in pain.

           "Webs!?" He lets go of reina and she falls to the floor with a thud. He rushes over and kneels besides her, gently lifting her in his arms. "Webs?Web's?? Are you ok? Say some....." but then feels something warm on webs side. He lifts up his hand and, to his shock and utter dismay, sees the crimson color of blood dripping on his hands. He looks at webs, her skin now snowy pale as cold sweat drips down her face.

         He puts his head on her chest, only to hear her heart beating slowly. "Pirahna we got to go now!!" Diane yells. But her voice sounded faint in pirahna's ears. His heart pounds in his ears as he wipes the sweat from her face. "Pirahna..... pirahna!!!!" Diane nudges his shoulder and is finally snapped back into reality. "Snake finally switched the necklaces, he's waiting for us in the car" She says.

          Both her and pirahna lift webs off the ground and carry her to door leading to the exit. Pirahna looks back at the thiefs and growls, glaring angerly at him. "Your going to regret this....." Then they both carry webs through the exit. The trio look at each other with confused looks. "Umm.... what just happened??" Warren asks. Reina then gets up and starts hacking up blood. "Doesn't matter, let's just get the necklace" the boss says. They nod as they head for the room.....


          "Oh ho yeah!! Finally got it!!" Warren exclaims loudly as he twirls the necklace in the air. They all cheer and hoot as they head for the entrance doors. "And now we've sealed our names as the thieves who...." the boss starts to say but stops midsentence as they all see a ton of squad cars at the entrance, the police aiming their firearms at them. "Freeze!!! Los Angeles police!!! Drop the necklace and put your hands up!!" Chief luggins says.

        The trio look on in shock. "...... guess we aren't the greatest thieves of all time......" Warren says. The trio grumbles in disappointment as they get handcuffed and put into a squad car.


         Webs lays in a hospital bed as the monitors beep in rhythmic sync. Her eyes slowly flutter open as the bright lights of her hospital room instantly blinds her. Groaning she slowly lifts herself up in her hospital bed but suddenly gasps as she feels a sharp pain in her side. "Don't move so much miss, you might open up the wounds again" a calm but firm voice tells her.

       She looks over to see a doctor enter her room. "Umm..... how did I get here??" She asks. "The governor and some other man brought you here. You were in a horrible state when you got here, bruises all over your face along with a black eye and two stab wounds on your side...." he says.

            Webs rubs her temples as her eyes get adjusted to the light. "How long was I asleep for?" She asks. "About 2 days. You lost a lot of blood so a transfusion was required. Your body must've went into shock so that would explain why you were unconscious for a couple of days...." the doctor replies as he checks her vitals and heart rate. "Heart rate is normal and vitals are stable but you'll have to stay here a couple more weeks so that your wounds may heal properly......" he says.

            Webs just nods, still feeling a little lightheaded. She looks over by the window and gasps. Pirahna is sitting in a chair, sleeping soundly. "Pirahna......." She whispers. The doc hears this and faces to him as well. "Oh yeah that's the young man who helped you out. After you came out the ER he insisted that he stayed here in your room until you woke up....." She looks down to see a duffle bag sitting next to him. "Do you know him by any chance?? He a friend of yours or a relative? Or boyfriend by any chance??"

          Her heart skips a beat at the word "boyfriend", a small blush appearing on her face. "Umm...... we're..... very good friends...... we've known each other for years now. Sometimes it feels like I've known him for a lifetime....." She says. The doc nods as he places a hand on her shoulder, "He's a good one miss. It's not everyday you meet someone this loyal and dedicated to someone else. So don't lose someone like him alright?" He says. Webs just continues to look at pirahna, "Don't worry..... I don't plan to......" She murmurs.

           The doctor nods and head for the door. "I'll leave you to get some more rest. I'll check on you again in a couple of hours....." Then she leaves the room. After the doctor leaves she inches closer to pirahna. "Pirahna....." She loudly whispers as she takes his hand into her's, gently squeezing it. Then there's a sudden shift in movement and pirahna starts waking up. As he yawns his head shifts, coming face to face with webs. His eyes slowly open.

             Pirahna opens his eyes but they go wide in shock. He sits up and stares at webs, it was like he was seeing a ghost. "Webs....." he gets up and sits down on the side of her hospital bed. He still stares at her in shock as he touches her cheek as if to see if she was just an illusion. Then his eyes start watering as he embraces her in a tight but gentle hug. At first she freezes in shock by this action but reciprocates shortly after.

           They stay like this for minutes on end. It was like if he let go she might disappear into thin air. She softly smiles as she buries her face in his shoulder. "He feels so warm...." She thinks to herself. But soon they let go as pirahna smiles in relief. "I'm so glad your ok. You nearly died back there, so much blood...... and you looked so pale....." he drones on as the memory of her almost lifeless body layed in his arms, the fear he felt when he saw the blood and the anger he had towards the trio who did this.

         He didn't realize he was crying until webs wiped the tears from his face, a soft smile on her face. He takes her hand and leans into her touch. "Im sorry webs...... I'm so sorry....." he says. She looks at him at confusion, "what for? Me being injured wasn't your fault, you couldn't control the situation even......." but he shushes her. "Not just that.... I'm sorry for breaking your laptop as well. Diane told me what you told her, I didn't realize that the laptop was so important to you. And me being an idiot I shrugged it off as no big deal, but it was to you. I'm sorry for not realizing that....."

           He then reaches into the duffle bag. "Which is why I did this....." he hands her something wrapped in parchment paper. She takes it and unwraps it. She gasps in shock as she sees her laptop, completely fixed and looking brand new. "What...... but how!?" She opens the laptop up and sees that all her files, data and everything was still there like the accident never happened. Not even the screen was cracked anymore.

        He smiles and laughs at her astonishment. "I happened to know someone who was great at fixing broken computers so I sent it over while you were still unconscious. They're pretty fast with their work and efficient too......" he waits for a response from her but nothing. "Webs....." he looks at her and, to his shock, sees webs tearing up as tears slowly flow from her face. "Hey are you......" but stops as he hears her softly sob. "Why are you being so nice to me? I was so rude to you earlier and now you do this for me? Why? I don't deserve your kindness,....... I don't deserve it at all....."

       She then starts sobbing. "I'm sorry...... I'm sorry......." pirahna stares at her as she continues crying. He was in shock by what he just heard, "did she really think that she didn't deserve kindness? How could she think that? If anything I'm the one who doesn't deserve her kindness...... I don't deserve her....." he thinks as he wipes the tears from her face as she looks at him with glossy eyes. He scoots closer as their foreheads touch.

            Then without hesitation he kisses her on the lips, leaving webs wide eyed in shock. But soon she kisses him back as well, her face blushing deep red as more tears fell from her face. It felt like an eternity as they kissed but they didn't care. To them this felt so right. But sadly they're kiss came to an end as pirahna disconnects his lips from hers. His heart pounds in his chest as he wipes the rest of her tears away.

          "I hope that was ok with you, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable....." he starts saying but stops as she wraps her arms around his waist, a soft smile comes on her face. "Thank you...... not just for the laptop but for staying with me. I appreciated it......" She closes her eyes. "And the kiss...... I enjoyed it very much......." She says.

         Pirahna smiles he hugs her back, his chin on top of her head as he caresses her hair. He looks out the window at the sun now rising up in the sky. He only had one thing on his mind right now.......

"No matter what I'm going to keep her safe....... because I love her too much to let her slip through my hands again"


Fuck yeah!!!! Finally done!

Well I hope you all enjoyed this, and again thank you for loving my stories I very much appreciate it 🥰🥰🥰

Any requests you have then leave them in the comments

Thank you and love you all 😘😘

(Automatically passes out to take a long nap😂😂)

Word count: 4,260 words

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