Stars in Your Eyes

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This one-shot was requested by UltimateGamerBR (Its probably not fully what you were expecting out of this one-shot but i hope you like this 😊😊)

Warning this chapter will contain sexual themes (this is a first for me, I've never done this before so hopefully this turns out good)



"Why did you have to make me wear this shark??"

      Webs groans internally as she fiddles with the ends of her dress. She and shark had decided to go dress shopping that day for a dress. Well correction, he had to drag her from her precious computer space just to take her shopping for a dress, shoes, makeup, accessories, all that stuff. Tonight they all got invited to a formal gala in honor of a new space museum that got built where professor marmalade use to live in his luxurious home. In all honesty, she could care less about this fancy shindig but she figured it was better than doing nothing at home, also because shark begged her to go all do to him desperately wanting to do her hair and makeup. So with a grumble of defeat she decided to go.

        But now she's having second thoughts about this. She keeps fiddling with her flowy green a-line cocktail dress as she stares at herself in the small mirror on the wall of the large entryway of shark's apartment. Patiently waiting she messes with a strand of her short brown-orange ombre hair, which has gotten down to her shoulders over the past month, which she actually grew to like surprisingly. She looks over at the clock, rolling her eyes in irritation. "It's almost 6 o'clock shark, if you don't hurry up we'll be late" She shouted. Then she heard footsteps rapidly coming down the stairs as shark finished straightening his tie.

           "Hey perfection takes time webs, don't blame me for wanting to look my best!!" He said dramatically, which earned him a smile and a head shake from her. "Geez your so dramatic...." She laughs as she looks back at the mirror. Soon her nervousness started forming again, beads of sweat starting to fall down her face. Shark notices this and places a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, you ok??" He asks. She sighs as she turns her head over her shoulder, "To be honest, no... not at all. I'm nervous about this, you know I'm not the most "sociable" person. I'm the behind the scenes girl, the hacker of the team. That's not a sociable job." She exclaims in frustration.

            Shark raises his eyebrow in confusion, "but weren't you around other people during marmalade's gala for goodness a while back?" He questions.  "w-well yea but I was basically invisible at that party, nobody spoke a word to me!!" She exclaims loudly. She turns around and stares longingly at the mirror, Sighing sadly. Suddenly she feels shark ruffle her hair gently. "That's true but maybe things will be different...." he hands her a small clutch, "maybe you'll find some new friends, or a boyfriend maybe..." he says, a small smirk plastered on his face.

           She rolls her eyes, "that's not likely buddy, you know how I am...." he nods "riiight.... cause you have a pinning for a certain Bolivian member of our gang, if I remember correctly..." he snickers. She quickly turns in his direction, her eyes wide and face flushed. "H-how did you know that??" She stammers. " well.... your not exactly the best liar in the crew. Actually your the second worst, pirahna takes the first place spot. What can I say, your face is easy to read, to me that is..." he nervously laughs.

           Webs groans in embarrassment  as she hides her face in her hands. "Pleaasse don't say anything? It's already embarrassing enough as it is, and I don't want anyone else to know yet. Especially him, ok??" She pleas. He thinks for a second, then pats her shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. Just promise me something....." She looks up at him in confusion, "and what's that??" She asks with her arms crossed. Shark snickers as he leans closer to her ear, whispering, "that you don't forget to use protection tonight ...". He laughs hysterically as her face becomes bright red.

       "OK let's go before you embarrass me further" She exclaims as she shoves a still laughing shark out the door. "OK ok I'm done, I'm done...." shark says as he wipes the tears from his eyes. They head out of the apartment building and as she fastens her seatbelt, "So.....your into crazy men?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. She glares at him and throws a balled up piece of paper at his face. He laughs again as they drive off down the road.


          "Thank you for coming commissioner. Please enjoy your evening sir." Diane says. The commissioner nods as he and his wife leave to talk to the charity committee. She sighs as she looks out at the entryway of the museum. "They're still not here??" A voice said behind her. She turns her head to see wolf standing behind her in a dark grey suit with a black tie. "No not yet..." She says, "they probably got stuck in traffic on the way here". They both chuckle as wolf places a peck on her cheek.

         "Did I ever tell that you looked stunning tonight?" She chuckles as she straightens his tie. "Yeah, but I don't mind you saying it again" She says with a smile. He grins as he pulls her closer to him while gently caressing her red hair. As he leans in to kiss her he's suddenly stopped by a pair of fingers, a smirk on her face as she opens up her hand. "I also want my wallet back..." She says with a chuckle. Wolf groans in defeat as he digs into his pocket and hands her the wallet. "Took you longer to find out than expected" he laughed as she places it back into her purse.

         "We're here!!! Sorry We're late you guys" a voice called out from the entry way. Both of them turn to see shark and webs at the entry way. "Oh hey guys, what took so long?" Wolf exclaims as he runs to give them a hug. "Well you know how shark is, can't help but take forever to look his best" Web's snickers. Shark rolls his eyes as they all walk down the hall. "Speaking of which you guys look great tonight, especially you webs" Diane compliments as she touches the ends of web's dress. "Oh thanks, so do you guys" Web's says.

         The four continue to walk as they start a conversation, first starting with talk about a new charity diane started, which was to raise money to go towards finding treatments for people with complex diseases. Then it went towards bets on what would happen tonight, with both wolf and webs betting that snake will have raided the dessert table by the time they get to the party while diane and shark bet on who'll get drunk first. As they laugh they come to an arched entryway.

          "So.... what do you guys think of the setup??" Diane asks. The three of them look through the entryway and gasp in surprise. The room was about the size of a ballroom, which was filled with small discoveries made from exploring space throughout the years. Lights dimmed the room glowed with different shades of blue, purple and pink, making the ivory pillars more luminous. Looking above them they a glass dome that showed the night sky, the moon shining a beautiful white light on them along with the shimmer of the stars. Everyone was conversing as they drank, also dressed in different shades of blue and purple though some were very sparkly while some wore something more on the holographic side.

           Webs looks on at awe as she steps into the huge room. "This is..... this is amazing!!! You and the committee did a great job diane" Web's exclaims. Diane chuckles, "Thanks webs, though there were some minor difficulties with the technical setup but I'm glad it got solved beforehand." Shark looks around, "umm.... where's snake and pirahna?" He asks. Diane then looks around as well, pointing at a table full of desserts not long after. "I found snake, looks like he found the pies" She sighs with a laugh. They look over and see snake tiptoe away with a plate full of cherry pie slices.

           "Called it..." both wolf and webs said in unison. The two look at shark with smug looks on their faces as they hold out their right hand. "I hate you guys...." shark groans as he passes them both a 50 dollar bill. They all laugh as shark rolls his eyes in annoyance. "As for pirahna, I haven't seen him yet" Diane says, "but I think snake said that he was helping out with the music." Shark looks over at webs and sees a small smile on her face, he also swears that he saw a hint of glimmer in her eyes. He quietly snickers.

         "Well I'm gonna mingle with some of the guests here. Have fun you three." Shark then walks off into the crowd to chat with a couple of people wearing very fashionable clothing. "Most likely fashion designers..." Web's thought. She quickly excuses herself and heads to the table with glasses filled with different types of champagne and wines. She grabs a glass filled with deep red wine and takes a sip of it. She wasn't one to go for alcohol, she was more of an energy drink kind of woman but right now it would have to do for her.

          As she takes another sip she spots a green haired man walking in the crowd. "Found him..." she mumbles. Webs waves at him, which he turns in her direction and waves back at her. she takes another swift of the wine and sets the glass down on the table. She makes her way into the crowd, trying to get to pirahna. While trying to maneuver herself out of the crowd she feels a hand touch her's as she's suddenly whisked away from the crowd. She nearly trips but luckily she catches herself on a soft yet firm surface. She sighs in relief but then hears a chuckle. "Well, didn't know that you were falling for me that hard" pirahna said with a laugh.

           Webs blushes profusely as she quickly let's go of him. She was internally grateful for the dimmed lights cause her face was red as a cherry by now. "S-sorry I didn't mean to do that, you know how it is with crowds. They tend to slip people up unexpectedly...." She nervously laughs,  but inside every cell in her body was screaming.

" God dang it!! Why did I have to trip at that time!? And in front of him of all people! And what's worse is that I touched his chest. His.CHEST!! Why did this have to happen to me!? And why was it so warm to the touch.... wait why am I thinking that!? That's just weird!! Does he now find me odd?? A clutz?? Why is this happening to me?? Wait why am I over thinking this? Should I be?? Is this normal!? Ugh this is driving me insane!!!"

           As here thoughts go into overdrive she feels a hand on her shoulder, making here jump in surprise. "Hey you want something to drink??" He asks. She nods and he leaves off to get them drinks. When he's out of her line of sight she breaths a sigh of relief. After regaining her composure she patiently waits for him to bring the drinks. "Umm...... are you miss tarantula by any chance??" A voice asks. Webs turns to see a man with with ash blond hair and brown eyes, wearing a crisp white suit and glasses.

         "Yes that's me. Why do you ask?" She questions with her eyebrow raised. "well I heard your great at technology so I wanted to hear your opinions on coding and such" he says. She sees a small blush on his face and chuckles. "Well my talents aren't nothing to brag about, all I did was watch some YouTube videos that's all mr...." he takes her hand and kisses her knuckles. "The names James Marson, head of Marson's Tech. I was told you were a like a wizard in the tech world" he says. Webs nods, "Yeah what can I say I'm kinda of a pro in that area..." She says.

           At the drink table shark and pirahna were talking up a storm but then shark nudges pirahna's arm. "Hey looks like someone's finally decided to leave her shell tonight..." shark says with a laugh. Pirahna looks over to see webs talking to the man, frozen in place. His heart starts beating rapidly as he sees them both laughing. A low growl leaves him as he sees the man touch her shoulder. Shark sees this and gets slighly nervous. "Umm..... you doing ok bro??" he askes but got no reply. He just stares on as he sees them conversing to each other.

       But then he saw him staring up and down at her as she laughed, lip bite and all. This made him grip on one of the glasses too tightly. His vision turned red as he trembled in anger. Sharks then starts getting worried. "H-hey buddy, do you....." but was cut off as the glass shattered into millions of pieces, the champagne now staining piranha's shirt and shark's dark purple suit. "Hey this suit was custom made!!" He exclaims but stops as he sees pirahna calmly walking towards them. "Oh boy that blonde haired man is dead...." he thought as he grabs a couple of napkins to dab away some of the champagne.

          "You know, your really pretty. Has anyone ever told you that?" James asked. Webs looks on nervously. "Well actually now that I think about it....." but cuts herself off as she sees his eyes widen with fear. "Umm..... are you...." but suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. Her body tenses up as she slowly turns her head, seeing pirahna look at him with calm yet malicious smile. "So..... did I miss something??" James looks at him as he trembles in fear, the creepy smile on pirahna's face makes his blood go cold.

          Webs looks up at him with an eyebrow raised. "What are you doing pirahna!?" She mutters, now getting slighly irritated. He continues to smile at James, his yellow eyes glowing with murderous intent as his slightly sharp teeth started showing. Breaking out in a cold sweat, James stutters "y-you know what?? I think i-i spot my date, so!!" And scammpers off into the crowd. As pirahna continues to wickedly smile he looks down at webs. But as he did so his smile falters, a nervous sweat breaking out on his face as he sees her glaring angerly at him.

           "Umm..... I brought you your drink....." he nervously laughs as he hands her the glass in his hand. She takes the glass but she pours out the contents on the floor then smashes the glass on the ivory pillar next to her. He gulps as he nervously smiles, but then webs grabs the cuff of his black suit and drags him out into the now secluded hall where she and the others originally entered. She let's go of him and stares him down, eyes flaming with irritation. "Ok, what was THAT about!? That was not cool pirahna!!" She shouts angerly.

           Pirahna just stares wide eyed as his stomach start rumbling violently, nervous sweat falling down his face and neck. "Look i'm sorry about that but clearly he was a pervert. I mean he was staring at you all creepy like. I just couldn'tstand there, he could've done something to hurt you..." He looks at her eyes which still had flickers of anger, but he saw that they started to soften a bit. He internally sighs a breath of relief. He could take down 200 gang members with no problem, take down a mafia man with just one punch.

     But with web's it was different, she was a force he really didn't want to reckon with. She was physically strong as well but she didnt need to use her physical strength, she could take down anyone with just her sharp tongue alone. And that's what he liked about her, no, that's what he loved about her. Soon he hears a sigh and looks to see webs walking down the hall so he follows suit. "Look I do appreciate your concern but....." but she stops mid-sentence as she steps outside at the entrance of the museum while pirahna follows behind.

           "But what webs...." But stops as they both look up in awe. In the sky more stars appeared in the sky as they glittered like tiny shiny pearls. "Well....its not everyday you see the sky like this" Web's said as she takes her phone out, quickly snapping a picture of the sky. But then her tone got serious as she turned her head to him. "Like I was saying I appreciate you being there for me but maybe next time you could keep your temper to a minimum?" Pirahna looks at her for a minute then sighs, "Ok I will. And I'm sorry again for losing my cool, I just didn't like it when he was touching my girl in the first....."

         He stops midsentence as he freezes in shock, his face starts slowly turning red in embarrassment. Webs looks at him in shock as well, her cheeks tinted pink. "Y-your girl??" She's asks. Still embarrassed he looks at her then just simply nods and looks away. He waited for her to reject what he said but instead he hears her heels walking towards him. "Huh? What are you......" but gets cut off as her lips connect with his, eyes widen with surprise as she places her hands on his shoulders. But soon he starts melting into the kiss as he cups her cheeks with his hands, his heart skipping a beat.

           Few minutes went by before they pulled themselves away from each other. Pirahna looks at in a daze, "I was not expecting that....." he chuckles. She laughs softly, "so... was it good??" She asks. "Don't know....." he grabs her hips and pull her closer to him as he looks deep in her eyes which glittered with the reflection of the stars. He then leans closer to her ear and whispers, "Think I'm gonna need another kiss before I make a decision, hermosa...." with a smirk forming on his face.

            Webs blushes as she smirks as well. She wraps her arms around his neck as she kisses him again, this time more passionately than the last. Then she feels pirahna suddenly grip her hip tightly, making her gasp in surprise. But then she suddenly feels his tongue inside her mouth, dancing with her's as he tries to claim dominance. They kept an ear out for anyone that might pass but thankfully everyone was having fun inside. It was them and them alone, the full moon and the stars as the crickets play their nightly tune.

         Soon they let their lips part away from each other as a thin line of saliva connected to both their bottom lips as they pant heavily. "Hey.... let's go somewhere where no one can see us....... maybe my place carìno??" He whispers in a low, husky voice. His black eyes become diluted with lust as he caresses her hair. She nods as she puts her pointer finger under his chin, "one request though....." she says as she gently drags her finger down his throat, earning her a groan in return. This makes his mind starting to cloud with thoughts of lust.

        And this is just from her touch alone. She had him around her finger at that moment, and he was loving every second of it. "What's that?" He asks. Her magenta eyes darken with lust as well as she whispers in his ear, "You continue speaking in Spanish......" She says with a smirk. He grins as he grabs her hand and takes her to his car as he takes his keys out of his pockets to unlock the doors.

         As she was about to open the door he put his hand on the door handle and opens the door for her. She smiles as she gives him a peck on the cheek before sliding into the car. He smiles as well as he gets in on the driver's side and starts the car. Then they drive off into the night as they laugh.....


           A door opens with a click the two enter pirahna's apartment. The two chuckle as he closes the door shut, placing the keys on tiny table next to the door. As soon as he does he takes her hand and leads her into the living area, then down the tiny hall where he stop at a door at the end of the hallway. He opens the door and both walk in. As he shuts the door behind him he's suddenly pulled into a rough kiss by webs. He reciprocates wholeheartedly as he takes off his suit jacket and tie without breaking their kiss.

          She then suddenly stops the kiss, now looking kinda nervous. "Webs??" He whispers. She bites her lip nervously, "well I almost forgot to mention that im..... well I'm still....." She tries to explain but for some reason she couldn't. Like her words were caught in her throat. But pirahna seems to understand as he places a kiss a kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry mi vida......" he then picks her up and places her on his bed, climbing on top of her. "I'll be as gentle as you need me to be, ok?"

          She nods as she pulls him in again for another kiss, starting off slow but soon gets more heated as she fiddles with the buttons of his white dress shirt, all while he nips her bottom lips with his teeth. She gasps as his tongue slide in her mouth again like before, letting out a deep groan as their make out continues. Then he trails his kisses down her neck to her collar bone. She giggles as the kisses tickled her. But as soon as he nibbled at a certain spot she let's out a breathy moan. He grins mischievously as he continues abusing that spot as she unbuttons the final button on his shirt.

           He shrugs the shirt off as he leaves small bruises on her collar bone along with a couple of sharp teeth marks as well. "Te amo webs, tu......" but stops midsentence as webs phone starts going off. They both groan in unison as webs grabs her phone. She looks at her phone and sighs, "it's shark, hold on......" She answers her phone. "Hello?" She asks. "Hey webs where you at?? Also is pirahna there with you??" Shark asks. Webs sweats nervously, "oh I'm back at my place, I was starting to feel a little nauseous so pirahna decided to take me home" She says.

            "Oh ok well do you want me to bring you some medicine on my way home??" She was about to answer when she felt pirahna starts to nip at her earlobe. His body pressed against her's as he begins whispering to her in Spanish. His hot breath against her ear sent shivers down her spine. "N-no I'll be fine, I'll sleep it off....." She says while trying to hold back making suspicious noises. "Ok then..... if you say so...... well I hope you feel better soon so goodnight" shark says. "Y-Yeah you too....." She hangs up the phone and breaths a sigh of relief.

            She then looks at pirahna with a deadpan look. "Really? Couldn't help yourself could you?" She asks. He laughs, "not at all, mi corazón.... not at all....." as he leans in to kiss her as he unzips her dress slowly.....


          Shark looks up from his phone as everyone starts leaving, seeing wolf, diane and snake approaching him. "So....." Diane starts saying. "Oh yeah they're definitely doing it. Webs is never the type of person to give in to a simple sickness like nausea so easily. And pirahna.... well..... do I need to say more??" He says as the three laugh. Snake rolls his, "kids these days....." he grumbles as he takes a bite of pie. But secretly let's a soft smile, "Took them long enough..." he thought as he sets the plate down and joins the laughing trio.


Jesus that took longer than I expected 😅

But thank you for reading this, I appreciate it very much

And thanks again UltimateGamerBR for the request (hopefully you enjoyed it as well ☺️😊)

Please have a good day (or night) everyone and stay positive 😘

Word count: 4,182 words

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