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Author's Note:
The Big Bold Lettering is web's thoughts, just to let you guys know (it'll be like this for any of the one-shots where she's thinking to herself)

Also reminder that in all these one-shots all the characters are humanized (just to spice things up a little)

This one-shot takes place years before the bad guys decide to go good, webs has nightmares based on her childhood and a certain someone is there to give comfort and support.....

Now thats out of the way please enjoy 😁😁❤❤


"Mama.... Papa.... Where are you?"

      10 year old webs runs frantically in the darkness, looking in every direction but doesn't get a glimpse of them anywhere. Tears builds up in her eyes making her vision blurry. Breathing heavily she continues running through the darkness, still having a thread of hope she'll find them. But soon her legs give out, making her trip on her own two feet. She falls onto the dark floor with a thud.

      Panting heavily the tears continue to fall down her face as she lays still on the floor. There was mostly silence, the only noise heard was her choked sobs.

"Please.... Mama... Papa... Don't leave me!!"

     She cries uncontrollably as she hugs herself, trying to give herself a little comfort. Too focused on her fear and sadness she doesn't hear footsteps coming towards her. Soon the footsteps stops in front of her. "Little one...." a cold, harsh voice calls out. Web's slowly lifts her head, fear and panic showing in her eyes.

      An 50 year old woman towers over her in a cream colored ruffle shirt and long plaid skirt, a stone cold expression plastered on her face. "I heard you snuck into my office and secretly used my computer... care to explain why??" She asked, frowning at the terrified girl.

       "I.... I'm sorry, Miss.Greyson. I-I was..." She stutters but gets cut off as Miss.Greyson harshly grabs her wrist and tugs her closer so they're face to face. Miss.Greyson's face contorts into anger as she screams in her face. "You dare disobey the rules!? No wonder your parents abandoned you!!" Web's then starts shaking in fear as tears start flowing down her face.

        "Please.... I'm s-sorry..." She pleas as she gets dragged in the darkness. As she keeps begging for forgiveness they come to a single light with a wooden door in the middle. Her eyes grew wide in fear as Miss.Greyson unlocked the door and harshly nudges her into the room. "You will stay here and get no food until you learn how to listen to rules."

          Web's starts panicking as she starts running towards the door, but she barely makes it as Miss.Greyson slams and locks the door tight. Webs starts jangling on the doorknob but it was no use. She starts hyperventilating as she huddles into a corner, shaking as she curls into a ball. Her thoughts going into overdrive.

"She's right...."
"Everyone was right.."
"I'm all alone...."
"No one wants me..."
"It's my fault that they...."

       She didn't get to finish that thought as her cries echo into the darkness......


       Web's jolts up from her slumber, gasping for air. Her eyes widen with panic as cold sweat drips down her face. Shaking in fear she wipes the tears from her face as she glances at her alarm clock on her nightstand. "5 in the morning, just what I need....." she mumbles to herself as she gets out of her bed. As she leaves her room she tiptoes down the hall as to not wake up her dear friends/crew mates, though when she stepped on a creaky floorboard she pauses, afraid that she might wake one of them up.

       After a few minutes she sighs and tiptoes downstairs to the kitchen. She leans on the counter as she rubs her temples.

"I hate this... I don't want these nightmares anymore.... why can't they go away?"

          Sighing in defeat she heads to the fridge to grab a water bottle. After closing the fridge she starts heading to the living room, where she sometimes ended up sleeping on the couch with the illuminating glow of TV when the nightmares occur. But then she felt someone gently tap her shoulder, making her jump in fright. She whips her head around to see a tall figure behind her, whom was snickering quietly. This just makes her slightly pissed.

            "Pirahna!!!" She angerly whispers through gritted teeth, even though she was on the verge of chuckling as well, "you serious? Not funny!" She quietly exclaimes as she gently smacks the backside of his head. "Why are you up anyways?" She asks. "Well i can ask you the same thing, what are you doing up?" He quietly retorts. She opens her mouth but quickly closes it, for once not having a sarcastic response.

           "That still wasn't nice though, i almost had a heart attack" she said, crossing her arms. He continues quietly laughing as he rubs the backside of his head. "Sorry.... couldn't help it..." he whispers, "but your reaction was golden" he says with a smile. This makes webs give him a deadpan face.

            "........ Yeah I'm going back to my room....." She whispers as she heads for the stairs. "Hey wait wait!!!" He exclaims quietly, speed walking towards her. "It's those nightmares again..... isn't it?" He questioned her, in which that made her pause her movements. She murmurs, "I.... I don't know what your talking about.... I-I was just thirsty.....". He sighs, "look I might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but I'm not blind" he whispers, "Don't think I saw your red eyes and tear stained face.....".

           There's a couple of minutes of silence before she speaks, "Is it that noticeable?? That I'm having nightmares?". He lets out another small sigh, "Yeah, well to me that is, I do have 900,543 brothers after all so nightmares are common in my......" but stops mid-sentencewhen he hears sniffling. This leaves him bewildered by this reaction. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you webs.... I....."

            "Your lucky..." She said as small tears start flowing again. "Huh?" He questions. "You have a mom, a dad, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents. You have a family that can laugh at your dumb jokes, who will comfort you when your scared, cook you something special when your sad and support you no matter what...." She swallows the lump in her throat, trying not to break down in tears. "But me, who do I have? No one.... no mother, father, grandparents or siblings to be there for me, to support me or comfort me. I'm a nuisance in this world, an insect, a pest meant to be stomped on by others.... i-im worthless...."

           She didn't even finish her sentence as she started quietly sobbing, hugging herself tightly as all her anger, sadness and pain came flowing down her face. Pirahna just stands there stunned, not knowing how to respond to her words. He'd never seen her cry like this before. He felt his heart breaking at her quiet sobs as he walk towards her, gently wrapping his arms around her torso. This action causes her to stop crying, her eyes widening in shock.

              "I'm sorry webs.... I didn't know this how you felt...." he apologized, hugging her slightly tighter as he rested his head on the top of her's. This makes her freeze in place, her cheeks slowly getting warmer. "But believe me when I say your not worthless, worthless is just another dirty word other people say to make themselves feel better. I knew plenty of worthless people when I was still a part of the Pirahna Brothers Gang but you...... well....your far from that."

           "Your caring, sassy, loyal, crazy intelligent...." he chuckles. "But more importantly your selfless. Your one of the reasons why we can successfully complete heists and get 10 steps ahead of the police." He grabs her shoulders and gently turns her around so she's facing him. "And as for not having any family to rely on.... well..... like everyone says, friends are the family you make. And we'll always be there for you when you need it, okay?"

             She just stands there looking down on the floor, too stunned to form any words. Pirahna starts sweating nervously, his stomach about to gurgle violently. "Umm... we..." but stops as she wraps her arms around his neck, embracing him in a tight hug. He freezes in shock by this action, quietly breathing a sigh of relief as the violent gurgling in his stomach goes away. He then wraps his arms around her, melting in her tight embrace.

           "T-thank you..." She whispers, face still wet from her tears as a small smile forms on her face. "It's nothing really, just looking out for the ones I care about the most." She chuckles quietly as they let go from their embrace. "Ya know, for someone who goes crazy over fighting 20 gang members and is reckless 24/7 you have a good level of emotional intelligence." She says. He lets out a quiet dramatic gasp as he places a hand over his heart.

       "How rude!! For your information it was only 10 members, and as for being reckless......" he pauses as he sees her smirking at him. "...... I have no argument for that" he says, Sighing in defeat. She laughs quietly at this as he joins in as well. This goes on for a few minutes before they slowly stop, both of their eyes meeting each other's gaze. He smiles warmly as one of his hands cups her cheek, gently wiping away her tears. Her cheeks start burning up again as she melts into his touch, a soft smile plastered on her face.

             But as much as she wanted to stay like this a while longer sleep was starting to take over as she let out a yawn. He notices this and let's go of her face. "Maybe you should go back to sleep, it is pretty early to be up even for you anyways" He says. She nods, "but what about you??" She asks. "I might go for a run, I'm not tired just yet and the cool air sounds refreshing right now." She chuckles as she heads for the stairs. "Goodnight pirahna" She says. "Goodnight....." he replies.

           She heads up the stairs but pauses as she heard pirahna mumble something, something that made her feel butterflies in her stomach. Her face bright red.

"Querida..... I like that..."

            She smiles as she heads for her bedroom, knowing that her nightmares won't haunt her anymore. Not as long as she had her friends. Not as long as she had pirahna.


Man that took longer than I expected 😵‍💫😅

But anyways I hope you enjoyed this and if you did then buckle your seat belts cause there's more to come😊😊

Love ya all and have a goodnight (or day)🥰😘💕

Word count: 1,836 words

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