Flustered Mess Part 2

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Hey hey!! 🤗🤗
I decided to do a part 2 of this for you lovely people
Hope you enjoy everyone!!
P.s. this will also be a short chapter as well

          A soft snore is heard as sunlight hits webs room. Webs groans as the sunlight hits her face, making her cover her face with her blanket. Humming happily she starts falling back to sleep. Suddenly she hears someone knocking at her door, making her growl in anger. Webs rises from her bed and tosses her blanket to the side, then stomps over to the door.

       "Ok whoever decided to wake me up at this time will feel my endless wrath!!" She exclaims as she opens her door furiously. Glaring at first but relaxes as she sees shark standing there. Shark chuckles as he holds a white cardboard box, "got up on the wrong side of the bed?" He asks. Webs gives him a deadpan face, "no, I woke up on the wrong side of the day...." She replies groggily. Shark laughs as he opens the box, "want a donut webs?" He offers.

      With a sigh she grabbed herself a donut, taking a bite and humming happily. "Ok ok you live to see another day big guy" She says with her mouthful. "Hey no talking with your mouth full. It's impolite..." he chuckles. Webs rolls her eyes, swallows her food and heads back into her room, "Ok dad whatever you say....." She says jokingly while laughing. "I'll be out in a minute, I need to change...." She says and shark gives her the thumbs up.

        "Can't wait for our annual shopping spree!" Shark said with glee. Webs chuckles, "the one day that I tolerate you dressing me up in pastel clothes and heavy jewelry....." She says as she closes the door. "You love it webs, admit it" he shouts. "Keep telling yourself that buddy...." She replies.

        Walking down the hallway she looks down at her phone. "Hmm..... another message from my company...." She mumbles. As she types away at her phone she suddenly bumps into someone, almost dropping her phone. "What the...." She starts saying but blushes profusely when she looks up and sees pirahna standing in front of her shirtless once more.

        She quickly scuttles away, blushing madly as images of him from last night flash in her mind. "Hey wait....." pirahna quickly says as he takes her hand. She looks back at him and stares straight at his face, trying not to look at his chest. He sighs, "can we talk about last night? If I made you uncomfortable in any way then I'm very sorry......" but she gestures him to be quiet.

          "It's ok pirahna. I know you didn't mean any harm. Besides..... that's...... not why I left like that yesterday....." She says looking away from him, her cheeks pink. Pirahna raises his eyebrow in confusion. "Then why......" he starts saying but then closely looks at her flushed face and sees her eyes trying to advert from his chest. Realizing this he smirks as walks closer to her.

       "I see...... do I make you feel things webs? Is that why you try to avoid looking at me?" He says with a grin. Webs gulps as he walks closer to her, making her back away and pressing her back against a wall. Her face becomes redder as he come closer, pinning her to the wall. "Uhh....." She stutters. She was at a loss for words as her eyes trail down his chest. Smirking, pirahna cups her cheek with one of his hands as she feels his hot breath on her ear, making her shudder.

          "What on your mind chica? Letting your mind wander to dark places I think....." he says with a breathy voice. Webs gulps and blushes as she feels his lips grazes next to her's. But suddenly he slowly back away from her, sweating nervously as she quietly breaths. Pirahna coughs as he rubs the back of his neck. "D-dios mios im sorry webs. I don't know what came over me right there. I apologize...... I should go......"

         But as he walks away she quickly grabs his hand, stopping him in his tracks. "Que? What are you....." he starts saying but she quickly pins him to the wall and kisses him fiercely, her hands on his shoulders. Pirahna tenses up from this sudden action but he quickly leans into the kiss, cupping her cheeks. She let's go of him and looks at him with soften eyes. Pirahna gulps as he nervously smiles, "not that I didn't like it but...... why did you do that?" He asks sincerely.

             Webs sighs. "Well y....you..... were right about what you said. About me feeling things when I'm near you. I mean, why do you think I never went out with any of the weirdos at my work that loved to flirt with me? That was because....... I wanted you. And every time someone asked me out I'd always imagine it was you doing that so......." but stops as pirahna suddenly hugs her tightly, nuzzling his face in her neck. She freezes as she didn't expect this.

           Pirahna chuckles as he lets go, placing his forhead on hers. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that......" he said softly. Both smile brightly as they look into each other's eyes. Leaning closer to each other they close their eyes as webs places her hands on his chest. But as they were about to kiss they hear a cough from down the hall. They quickly turn their heads and see shark Leaning against the wall, eating an apple.

           "Oh don't mind me, just watching romance unfold here....." he said with a laugh. Both quickly get off of each other and laugh nervously, blushing bright red. Shark finishes eating his apple and tosses the apple core in the trash. "Yeah if your done making out in the hall we got to go before all the good clothes get taken....." he says with a smile. Webs sighs and grabs her phone from the floor. "Well..... I'll see you later then ok?" She asks.

         Pirahna laughs and rubs his neck again, "Yeah I'll see you later webs....." he says as she walks away from him. With a happy sigh he turns back to head to his room, but stops as he hears a whistle. He turns around and sees webs facing him and blowing a kiss to him. Chuckling he grabs the blown kiss and places it on his heart. With a smile they both turn away from each other and head their separate ways, eagerly waiting to see each other again tonight...


And that's part 2 folks!!

I hope you all enjoyed this

In honor of spooky month I have a special Halloween themed one shot planned for you pirahna x webs lovers

This Halloween one-shot will be posted on Halloween

That's all and I'll see you in the next one 😘😘😘

Word count: 1172 words

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