Halloween Masquerade Part 1

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Hello my fellow readers

Happy Halloween!! 🦇🦇🧛‍♀️🧛‍♀️🎃🎃

In honor of this spooky day I created an original one-shot

I hope you enjoy this story and again, Happy Halloween!!!


         Diane chuckles as she adds the last bit of shimmering blush on webs face. "You look so beautiful webs! Best costume I've seen so far....." She says. Webs laughs as she rolls her eyes jokingly, "Nah yours looks better D. I mean your literally dressed as a goddess!" She says as she looks at Diane's greek goddess costume. They both laugh as they finish getting ready.

        Tonight there was a charity ball to raise money for mental awareness. And since it's on Halloween they decided to make it a costume masquerade ball. While the others didn't have to worry about getting their costumes right away Diane and webs had to get their's earlier so they could focus on the ball preparations, with Diane helping on the formal arrangements and webs helping out with the technical side like setting up the security cameras and making sure everything was working perfectly.

           But now with everything prepared they decided to have a girl's day of relaxation before getting ready for the ball. Webs still was getting used to doing all these "girly activities", as she calls it, but she soon started warming up to it over time. Even finding it fun sometimes. Webs chuckles at this thought as she puts on the black lipstick on her lips and finishes her eye makeup. "Though what gave you the idea to do your own version of the black swan in the first place?" Diane asks as webs puts on a black haired wig, then the costume.

          Webs twirls around in her long flowy sleevless black dress with a sweetheart neckline, with black feathers decorating the skirt and the gloves making it look like she has wings. She smirks as she picks up her black mask with silver trimming, "what can I say....." She says as she puts it on, "People say I'm a black swan every day. So I better give the people what they want.......". Diane snickers as she shakes her head. "Whatever toots your horn I guess....." She says.

         Diane picks up her golden mask with a peacock feather on the side of the mask and puts it on. "We better get going. The boys are waiting for us......" She says as she grabs her bag. Webs nods as she grabs her computer bag. "Though....." Diane starts saying as she touches webs wavy black haired wig, "why the wig?" She asks. "So people will have a harder time recognizing me. It is a masquerade ball after all......" Webs explains.

          Diane nods in agreement as they both laugh, leaving Diane's house to head for the ball......


           The party was in full swing by the time they got there. The inside of city hall was decked out with strobe lights that flashed colors of green, orange and purple. The chandelier hanging up above them was covered in cobwebs and fake spiders. The food created to look like different body parts, insects, potions and everything in between. Even the people in their costumes looked glamorous and mysterious with their masks.

           Webs and Diane continue chatting as they head for the buffet table. "So....... you excited?" Diane said as she grabbed a cup and laddled some of the steaming punch. Webs gave her a look as she takes one of the insects made from chocolate. "Excited for what D?" She asks. Diane just smirks as she sips her punch, "I hear that pirahna is performing tonight. And from what I heard it's gonna be something special....." She says.

           Webs eyes light up with excitement at this news. "He is!?" She says enthusiastically but quickly stops and immediately composes herself. "I-i mean that's cool. This will be interesting......" She says as she nibbles on a chocolate cockroach cluster. Diane laughs wholeheartedly at this, "come on webs, fess up. There's something going on with you and pirahna. It's obvious....." She chuckles. Webs rolls her eyes as she grabs some punch as well.

          "There's nothing to talk about D. There's nothing going on between me and him....." She responds as she sips her drink. Diane shakes her head in disappointment as she picks up a cupcake. "When are you gonna get over your pride and just ask him out? The obvious tension between the two of you is killing us....." Diane says as she takes a bite of the cupcake. But before webs can answer wolf, shark and snake found them and was heading towards them.

          "Hey guys! Your costumes look great..." Webs says with a grin. Shark smirks as he shows off his vampire costume. "Thanks webs. You don't want to know how hard it was to find this costume on short notice....." he says. Webs snickers as she points a pretzel witch finger at him, "I told you you get it a while back....." She replies with a condensating smirk. "And I told you I was too busy to worry about that so it doesn't pay for itself ok?" Shark retorts back.

          They continue to converse with one another as wolf shows off his werewolf costume and snake as Freddy Krueger. "Why Freddy Krueger snake?" Webs asks. Snake groans and rolls his eyes, "because.... he's iconic. Plus it's a great costume to scare the kids......" he chuckles darkly as he waves the fake blade claws at them. "More like the opposite but i won't tell him that....." Diane mumbles to wolf, which made him snicker.

           But suddenly a loud laugh was heard all throughout the hall. "Heeelllooo L.A! And happy Halloween!" Said the dark figure. They look up and see the man on top of the high ledge. The group looked at each other and sighed, "pirahna......" they mumbled. Pirahna laughs again as he jumps from the ledge and dangles from the chandelier before swinging off, doing a somersault and landing perfectly on his feet.

          Now standing in the spotlight it's revealed that he dressed up as Erik, a.k.a the phantom of the opera. With a sweep of the cape he magically pulls out a microphone. "Now who's ready to party?" He asks. The crowd cheers loudly, with the women squealing with delight. Webs rolls her eyes at the fangirls and takes another swig of the drink. But as soon as the music starts her heart starts beating as she hears his voice echo through the party.

          Suddenly Diane grabs her hand, "what are we waiting for? Come on, let's dance!" She exclaims. Webs laughs as she sets her drink down and heads to the middle of the dance floor. They chuckle as they start dancing to the song. Webs giggles as she looks at pirahna standing on the stage, also moving along to his song. Her heart beats erratically as she sees him stare directly at her. A blush creeping on her face as she swears she saw him wink at her. Webs sighs and closes her eyes, letting herself get lost in the music as her hips sway to the beat.

            As the song ended the crowd cheered on pirahna as he jumped off the stage. As more music began playing he gets swarmed by a group of girls, all wanting to get closer to him. But webs payed no mind, though a little pang of jealousy ran through her. She decided to continue dancing as she blocked out the squealing woman and loud men. Pirahna looks back at her as he sees her dancing by herself, as Diane decided to dance with wolf. A blush crept onto his face as he saw her dance.

           Then an idea comes into his head. He shoos the girls away, much to their annoyance, and heads to the DJ booth. He whispers in the DJs ear and hands him his MP3 player. After that he walks up behind webs and taps her on the shoulder. Webs flinches from the sudden tap but let's out a breath of relief when she saw pirahna behind her. He extends his hand out to her with a soft smile, "want to dance mi hermoso cisne negro?" He asks softly.

            Web's face turns bright red as she takes his hand, a shy smile forming on her face. "S-sure......." She stutters. He takes her back to the middle of the dance floor and takes her hands. Pirahna places one of her hands and places it on one of his shoulders. Webs looks around and sees the other party goers staring at them. "Umm...... everyone's staring.... why are they staring?" She asks pirahna, getting anxious at the dark stares she feels.

             But she snaps out of it as he takes her other hand and holds it tight. "Just ignore them. Just focus on me ok?" he assures her. Webs gulps and nods. And next thing she knew the two were gliding on the dance floor. Their feet moving in harmony to the beat as her hips swayed with the music. As he dips her she gasps quietly as he runs his hand up her side, gently places pecks on her jawline. Humming softly he lifts her back up as they press against one another.

            She looks behind his shoulder and sees the glares of the fangirls as they watch them dance the night away. "I bet they wish to be in my position...... well too bad....." She looks at them smuggly as she places kisses of her own on his neck, earning her a silent groan in return. The girls stare daggers at her and webs, being the smug little bitch she is, secretly flips them off with a smirk. They scoff as they walk away unamused.

         To the others this was just a dance, a form of entertainment but it was more. They moved together perfectly and in sync. Their hearts beating at the same time, longing to be closer like this more. But they didn't understand at the time...... not yet that is........


Ok so this turned out longer than expected so to make this work I decided to post a second part......

Anywho thank you for enjoying this and I'll see you in the second part

Love ya all 😊😘

P.s. I know i posted this literally on the day after Halloween so that kinda ruins the affect of it being a Halloween special one-shot so I deeply apologize 🙃😅 I got too busy on this awesome holiday........

Word count: 1748 words

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