Halloween Masquerade Part 2

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Yo yo everyone 😁😁

I'm back with part 2 of the Halloween masquerade

Please enjoy the ending of this one-shot and with that..... let's get into the story.......


         The crowd cheers loudly as the song ends, their friends clapping and cheering along with them. Webs looks around at the cheering crowd as tye euphoria of the dance wears off. She gulps as she blushes in embarrassment and let's him go. "Umm....... I'm gonna get something to drink....." She says as she scurried off. Pirahna raises an eyebrow in confusion as he follows her.

           They both get to the snack table, with webs grabbing a cup and chugging the punch down. "You doing ok webs?" He asks as he pats her shoulder. Webs sighs as she sets the cup down, "it's just....... I've never danced in front of other people before so........" She says. Pirahna nods as he grabs a cupcake, taking a bite. "Understandable. I mean I get nervous sometimes when performing so I kinda know how you feel......"

          Webs grabs another cup and takes a sip. "Well you definitely don't show it...." She says softly. Just as pirahna opens his mouth he sees a group of girls walking up behind webs. "Fangirls again....." he thinks to himself. They all rush up to him, knock webs to the side as they bombard him with papers and questions. Pirahna nervously laughs as he signs the papers and takes photos with them. "Are you single still?" One of them asks. Soon they keep asking him if he was still single and was avaliable.

           Pirahna laughs nervously as he looks up from the mini crowd of fangirls. He slightly frowns as he sees webs rubbing her arm and giving him a smile. She then turns her back and heads to the entrance, her body slightly trembling as if she was about to break down. Pirahna sees her leave and politely excuses himself, to the dismay of his famgirls. He quickly rushes to the entrance of city hall to get to webs but as he gets outside he doesn't see her in sight. "Where did she go?" He thinks. He quickly heads to his car and drives to their penthouse, thinking she head there.......


           Webs opens the door to the penthouse and shuts the door behind her. She takes off her mask and tosses it to the side and sits on the couch. "I needed to get out of there. I'm sure the fans wouldn't have liked to see me around him......" She mumbles to herself as she grabs the make up wipes from her bag, taking her makeup off.

       "Who cares about what they think. I prefer to hang out with you anytime." Pirahna says as he stands behind her. Webs flinches as she turns around, seeing a gaining pirahna behind her. "W-what are you doing here!?" She stutters. He laughs as he jumps onto the couch, "party got boring so I decided to leave......" he says. Webs chuckles as he grabs the remote and turns on the t.v., switching the channels.

          "So my fans were bothering you huh? I'm really sorry about that, I should've shooed them away....." he said. Webs shakes her head, "it's not your fault. Stuff like this can't be helped. Besides this swan costume was starting to bother me....." She chuckles. He chuckles as well but then the channel plays a romantic scene where a man and a woman leaning in for a passionate kiss. Both look at the scene, then at each other. They blush bright red and quickly look away from each other.

          Webs gulps as she fiddles with her wig. "Hehe...... well that was random......" She says quietly. Pirahna nods in agreement as he fondles with her wig. "You can take that off ya know......." he says. Webs sighs and takes the wig and wig cap off, her orange brown pixie hair framing her face. "Now there's the webs I recognize......" he says as he touches the ends to her hair. She blushes again as she chuckles softly, "thanks......" she mutters.

         Both of their faces are red as they lean closer to each other, their eyes half closed. "Your ok with this hermosa?......." he whispers softly. Webs smiles softly as she caresses his cheek, "yes. I think we've been dodging this feelings for a while....." She responds as her lips grazes his. Suddenly they meld into each other, the kiss starting out soft but slowly becoming more heated and passionate.

         "Webs~......" pirahna whispers huskily as he kisses in-between her neck and shoulder. She hums as she combs her fingers in his Mohawk, her other hand gripping his shoulder. Tipping backwards she lays down on her back as he hovers over her. He kisses her again, his hand grazing up her leg. She fliches at his touch, which causes him to stop in his tracks. "You ok webs? Want me to stop here?" He asked with a concerned voice. Webs shakes her head, "no. I was just surprised by that, that's all." She replies.

         Smiling softly she places a kiss on his jawline as she unzips her costume. He slips the thin strap on her costume down her arm as he pepper kisses her shoulder. "Just let me know if I'm hurting you ok? I don't want to make you uncomfortable......" he whispers softly in her ear as he takes his jacket and undershirt off. "I trust you pirahna so I'm not too worried......" She chuckles. Laughing softly he picks her up, "let's take this somewhere else......" he says as they head down to pirahna's room.


          Soft snores are heard as the sun peaks through the curtains. Humming softly in her sleep webs slowly opens her eyes, feeling a pair of arms around her. Smiling softly to herself she snuggles closer to him and wraps her arms around him. She still feels the slight throbbing pain from the love bites he gave her last night but she didn't mind at all. Turning in his sleep he kisses the top of her head, making her cheeks turn pink.

          She yawns and looks up at him. "You awake?" She asks quietly, only to get another snore from him. "Eh I'll let him sleep a little bit longer. Not like we have anything to do today anyways......" She thinks to herself and starts closing her eyes, letting his warm, touch and his heartbeat lure her back to sleep.....


And we have part 2 done!!!🥳🥳

Thank you all for reading this, I appreciate it very much

This was originally planned to be posted yesterday but due to yesterday being a special day (my sister's and my mother's birthday) publishing got delayed

But thank you for your patience

I'll see you in the next one

Love ya all 😘😘😘

Word count: 1140 words

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