Church Bells

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Hey y'all

I'm back with more!!!

This is a special wedding one-shot I've cooked up behind the scenes during writing the other stories

I hope you all enjoy this 😁😁😊😊


          It was a cool day in Los Angeles. The leaves slowly fall as a gust of wind blows them in the breeze. The rare smell of spice and baked goods waver through the air as people bundled in light clothing  walk down the street with cups of hot coffee and cocoa. This weather was perfect for a special occasion, the perfect weather for a wedding.

          "And now for the final touches....." Diane says as she puts the lace veil on the head of the woman with orange brown hair. "You look so gorgeous webs. I think I might cry...." She says with a smile and a sniffle. Webs looks up in the mirror and a soft smile appears as she looks at her reflection. Her wedding dress, a beautiful satin dress with lace sleeves and flowy silk skirt with a v-neck line, was not snug and the skirt puffed as she twirled. She turns around to look at the veil, a short lace thing with white clematis flowers decorating her hair.

          "you know Diane, I never though I would be getting married. But when pirahna proposed...... well...... it was a surprise. But I was happy nonetheless......" Webs says as she continues looking at her reflection......

(6 months ago)

         "Okay where are you taking me pirahna? We've been walking for a while now......" Webs says as she walks with a blindfold on. Pirahna chuckles as he holds her hand and leads her to a special place. "You'll see when we get there chica. Trust me, it'll be worth it" he replies. Soon they arrived at a tiny Cliffside that oversaw the whole beach and had a great view of the sunset. He lets go of her hand and steps away from her. "Ok then...... now! You can take off your blindfold" he says with a cheerful tone.

         Webs then takes the blindfold off and looks on, with her eyes widen in surprise. In front of her was a cute picnic he prepared for the two of them, tiny candles lit and the sun about to set making the sky become beautiful with shades of light red, orange and blue. A small feast layed out with both of their favorite foods. "Pepe........ did you prepare all of this?" She asks, a hint of astonishment in her voice. Pirahna chuckles as he sits down on the blanket, "Yep. I wanted this evening to be special..." he replies.

           Webs chuckles as she sits down next to him. "Well thank you...... you really know how to make a girl feel special. Plus extra point for not making it so extravagant......" She says with a snicker. He laughs as he grabs some of the burritos he made at home. "Yeah I remembered that you liked the simple dates, like small picnics like this......" he replied. Soon they started making small talk as they ate their food, catching the other up on what was happening in their personal lives and just making jokes with each other.

          Pirahna smiles softly as he looks at webs with pure love, with webs looking at the now setting sun in front of them. "The sky looks so beautiful now. So many colors......" She said with a hint of awe in her voice. Pirahna looks up at the sky as his smile gets bigger, "Yeah....... it really is......" he looks at his other side and secretly pulls out a tiny box from his pocket. He takes a deep breath, "come on pepe, you can do this......" he mumbles. He turns back to webs and taps her shoulder, which she turns around with a small smile. "Hey webs...... remember when we passed that wedding dress shop on our last date and jokingly said that you wanted to wear that dress?" He asked.

        Webs raises and eyebrow as she remembers that day very well, "Yeah I remember that but...... I wouldn't say it was entirely a joke. I mean i......." She starts saying but cuts herself off as she sees the small box he pulled out. "Pepe...... what is that?....." She asked, already having some idea what it was. Pirahna takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee, webs eyes becoming wider as realization sets in. "Webs....... i know we've only been dating for about a year now. You might think it's a little early for that but to me, I can't think of anyone else I want to be with for the rest of my life. Your my best friend, my girlfriend.... and now....." he opens the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring. The band looking like a spider, with a glimmering small diamond at the center.

          "Webs. Would you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? Stay by my side as not only friends and partners, but as lovers? As husband and wife?" He asks, looking at her with a smile. Webs looks down at the ring in shock, her cheeks turning pink. Soon small tears start falling down her cheeks as she she smiles brightly. "Yes........ yes I will!!!" She exclaims as she hugs him tightly, chuckling and sniffling. Pirahna sighs in relief as he hugs her back, "dios mios im glad you said yes amore......" he said softly.

         They look at each other with soft smiles as she kisses his cheek, letting him slip the ring on her finger. They continue to hug each other as the sun set in front of them, the hues of the sunset slowly fading to to the colors of the night......

          Diane chuckles as she finishes getting ready herself. "Well now your here. It's exciting isn't it?" She asks as she puts on one of her simpler necklaces. Webs takes a deep breath as she turns to Diane. "Well yes but.... I'm also nervous. I mean this such a huge step in our relationship. What if it doesn't work out down the road? What if I'm not making the right choice? Agh!! This is too much to think about. I......" but she stops as Diane rubs her shoulders in comfort. "Take a deep breath webs. And listen, yes this is a big step but not just for you but for him too. If you both love each other than you'll both know what to do down the line....." She says as she rearranges the flowers in webs hair.

            "Life has a way of surprising the best of us webs. It can be good or bad but we always need to persevere though it. Besides there's only one soul mate for you out there, so cherish them. Ok?" She says and sits up. Webs stares back at herself one more time and nods, "Ok. I'm ready......" She says as she heads for the door. "Oh wait, you almost forgot this......" Diane frantically says as she hands webs her bouquet. "Oh, thanks D. What would I do without you?" She says with a toothy smile. "Hmm....... probably still hacking other people's bank accounts for a living....." Diane replies with a grin.

         Webs rolls her eyes jokingly, "better than doing nothing with my life am I right?" She says as they both laugh. "So how do you think the boys are handling themselves?" Diane asks. Webs shrugs her shoulders as they walk down the hall. "Eh, probably better than we are right now....." She responds.......

           "¡Oh Dios mio! This is actually happening! Everything is going by so fast hermanos!....." pirahna frantically says as he paces back and forth in his room. Shark groans as he tries to get him to stay still. "Well maybe if you stop moving I can finish putting your Mohawk in that ponytail. Now sit still!!" Shark says loudly as he grabs pirahna's shoulders and places him in the chair. Pirahna continues to frantically mumble stuff in Spanish as shark hums to himself. Wolf chuckles as he finishes up tieing up his tie. "You know I've seen you get nervous before but not like this....." he says as he ruffles pirahna's hair.

        Shark gives him a glare as he grabs the hairbrush, "gee thanks wolf. Now I have to brush it out again...." he grumbles. Wolf laughs as he hands snake his hat. "Listen hermano, I can only guess the nerves that are going through you right now but believe me when I say this, you have nothing to worry about. If you love webs that much then you'll get through this...... of course I could be mistaken and you don't love her enough....." he said with a grin. Pirahna glares at him and slams his hands on the table. "Of course I do chico!! You think I dont!? Well let me tell you this hermano, I love that woman more than anything. I rather die a millions deaths than see even a single tear on her face. You hear me!?" He yells loudly.

        Wolf then gives him a sly smirk, "then whatcha waiting for then?" He says with a chuckle. Pirahna opens his mouth but quickly shuts it, realizing what wolf did. "Good point......" he says as shark finished up. Pirahna then finishes up with his tie and looks at the mirror. "Ok. I can do this, I will do this....." he says as he looks at the others. "I'm ready hermanos....." he says with a smile. They all clap as they left the room cheering and laughing....

           Webs peaks behind the doorway and sees the people all sitting in their seats. Her gaze trails down the aisle and finally spots pirahna at the alter. A blush creeps on her face as she sees pirahna in his suit as she smiles. Webs quickly turns her head and waits outside, fiddling with her bouquet. "Nervous kid?" Snake said as he walk up to her. She looks up and nods, "Yeah, I am. But at the same time I can't wait...." She says. Snake chuckles and pats her shoulder. She chuckles and gives him a small hug, stunning him. "Thanks for wanting to walk me down the aisle snake......" She mumbles.

           He chuckles and hugs back, "ah it's nothing. Your part of my family after all webs...." he says as he pats her back. They let go as the music started playing soft music. He extends his arm out with a grin, "ready kid?" Webs smiles and wraps her arm around his, nodding. "Yes...... I'm ready...." She says as she takes a deep breath. Soon they stepped in and they start walking down the white carpet aisle, decorated with small orange petals. Webs looks on at the guest that came, family members from pirahna's side showed up and were smiling and weeping tears from happiness. She looks at her friends, wolf who was nodding and smiling with diane and shark was balling his eyes out. "S....she looks so beautiful!!! I'm so happy for them" he cries as he blows his nose. Snake rolls his eyes and mutters to webs, "drama king...." which made webs chuckle.

         She clutches her bouquet as she looks up, meeting pirahna's gaze. She noticed the sparkle in his eyes as he stared at her with awe. He was blushing and she swore she saw tears forming in his eyes. Webs smiles back at him with genuine love and affection, she felt beautiful in this moment. And she knew pirahna thought the same. As they got to the end snake let's go of her arm and places her hand in pirahna's. "I know we're friends buddy but believe me when I say this....... I will kill you if anything happens to her got it?" He hisses. Pirahna gulps and takes her hand, "I promise hermano. I'll make her very happy....." he says.

          Snake sighs and let's them go, going to his seat by wolf. As he sits down wolf snickers quietly, seeing one single tear in snake's eye. "Are you..... crying snakie?" He whispers. Snake glares at him and hisses quietly, "no I'm not wolf! It's just dust so shut up". Wolf chuckles and pats his shoulder. Then Diane shushed them as the Vicar stood before webs and pirahna. He clears his throat, "dearly beloved, on this day we celebrate an unexpected union of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If anyone objects to this marriage speak now or forever hold your piece..."

            Silence follows after he said that. The guest look at each other and shrugged and stared back at the couple. "Since no one objects, let us continue...." the Vicar says. He looks at the two, "now the two will say their vows. The groom shall start...." he says as he directs the attention to pirahna. Pirahna gulps as he looks at webs nervously, but as he looked into her eyes his nerves went away and he smiles. "Webs...... I'll be honest, I never though I would be standing her at an alter. And with you nonetheless...... but now, as we've been together, I can proudly say that I don't regret a single moment with you. I'm so lucky to have met you. A smart, independent and strong willed woman....". He then grasps her hand and intertwines his fingers with her's.

        "You make me want be a better person..... no, I am a better person. And it's all because of you. You've been my rock ever since we've known each other, and now I want to be the same thing for you forever. Not just as friends and partners, but as lovers. As husband and wife. And I'm glad that person is you mi amore.....". He finishes and kisses her knuckles tenderly. Webs swallows the lump in her throat as she smiles at him. She takes a deep breath, "pepe...... I'll be honest too. I thought you were a brash idiot when we met. I thought you were someone who always goes into action without a plan and were just the most annoying person ever. But after getting to know you better I saw that I was wrong. You were more different than what I thought, sweet and sentimental. And you respected my space when I needed it. But when times got tough you were there for me." Then small tears welled up in her eyes as she continued.

        "But that day....... when I felt like I wasn't meant to be here in this life you were there too, comforting me and just giving me company. You helped me see that I wasn't what everyone thought I was, that I was someone who deserved love. And ever since that day my feelings for you grew and grew. And now...... I'm glad to say that I want you in my life as well. Forever........" She sighs as she grips his hand, not wanting to let go. They could hear the sniffles from the audience and even from the Vicar. He grabs a napkin and dabs his eyes, then gives a napkin to webs as well. "Now...... may we have the rings please?" The Vicar askes.

         Suddenly a tabby cat walks up to them with a pillow strapped to its back, the rings sitting on top. The Vicar grabs them and pets the cat, giving her a treat. The tabby cat eats the treat and purrs. The Vicar then gives one of the rings to pirahna, "now repeat after me..... I, pepe pirahna....." he starts off. "I, pepe pirahna....." pirahna repeats. The Vicar continues, "Take webs to be my lawfully wedded wife. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you. For as long as we both shall live......". Pirahna repeats this and places the ring on her finger. Soon webs follows along and places the ring on his finger as well.

           Then the Vicar raises his hands to sky, "Webs and Pepe, you have come here today before us and before God and have expressed your desire to become husband and wife. You have shown your love and affection by joining hands, and have made promises of faith and devotion, each to the other, and have sealed these promises by the giving and the receiving of the rings. Therefore, it is my privilege as a minister and by the authority given to me by the State of California, I now pronounce that you are husband and wife. Pepe, you may kiss your wife." He backs away as pirahna caresses her cheek.

         Then slowly they melt into each other, their lips connected as they kiss. She wraps her arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around her waist, slowly dipping her. Cheers are heard as the crowd claps. Shark throws a bunch of flower petals as the other bad guys look on in happiness. The two newlyweds let go as they look into each other's eyes. "Guess your stuck with me forever huh?" Pirahna whispers. She chuckles softly, "I wouldn't have it any other way" she replies as she kisses him again as the sun sets behind them, bathing them in its beautiful red orange glow.......


And there we have it folks

I hope you all liked this one

And also happy early Thanksgiving to those who still celebrate it 🦃🦃🦃

Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one 😋😋🤗🤗

Word count: 2,922 words

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