Meet Pearl Miles

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This is a story requested by SnowAngel76 for their birthday today so please wish them a happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂

Their OC, pearl miles, belongs to them and not me.

Anywho enjoy and again SnowAngel76, happy birthday 🎂

P.s. there is a scene involving a music box so i recommend listening to it during that scene for better effect

Thank you 😊😊😊

         She ran. She didn't know how far, or how long she ran but it didn't matter. Tears welled up in her eyes as she ran into an abandoned alleyway. Her head turns to see is she was followed and hid behind a large duster. Footsteps get louder and louder as a voice shouts angerly, "FIND HER NOW!! If we don't we become his test dummies. And I DO NOT want to be that psychos subject!!" A male voice yelled. 

          "Yes sir!!" A chorus of voices responded. The little girl covers her mouth to silence her breathing as the footsteps stopped in front of the alleyway. The light of the flashlight shines as it gets closer to the dumpster. She freezes and trembles in fear, "no...... please don't find me...." She thought, horrified. As one of the guards draws nearer a shout is heard. "Over here!!! I see footprints!!" A female voice calls out. Then, in an instant, the light disappears and the footsteps fade out of earshot.

          The little girl let's out a sigh of relief as she pokes her head out from her hiding spot, but instead of the people chasing her she's met with the rush and beeping of cars and only a few people walking past the alley way. She stands up and runs in the opposite direction. She didn't know where she was going but she didnt stop until her legs gave out and she collapses on the sidewalk in a some-what abandoned part of town. She's motionless for a short while until the rumble of thunder rings out in the night sky.

         With a quiet yelp she quickly finds shelter in a small bus stop near the end of the street. She dashes underneath the metal canopy as the rain starts pouring. Shivering from the cold she curls herself in a ball and, without hesitation, starts crying for the second time that night.......


         "Ay dios mios it's raining hard tonight. I better get back to the base rápido......" pirahna mumbles as he finds a near bus stop to take. He had a gig that went on until the deep depths of the night. As soon as it started pouring he quickly dashed to the bus stop near the end of the street to prevent from being further drenched from the rain. But as soon as he got to the bus stop he froze as stared at the left corner of the bench. There he saw a little girl curled up, keeping herself warm.

         She slept soundly as she shivers from the cold air. As he steps closer he sees her blonde hair was dirty from mud and straw-like . Her white nightgown, that was too big for her small frame, was stained from the dirt and grime and her feet also covered in mud and sore from the gravel. She had dark circles around her eyes, hinting to the lack of rest. Pirahna sits close to her and gently taps her shoulder, "Hey kid....... tienes que despertar......." he says softly as she slowly wakes up.

         She yawns and rubs her sleepy eyes. As she looks up she sees him give her a small grin and waving. Quickly she freaks out and scuttles away from him, shaking in fear. "No....... please don't take me back, please!" She screams as she shields herself. Pirahna suddenly gets scared, "n-no chica it's not like that! I won't hurt you. I'm one of the good guys. Well sort of...... what I do might look bad but I wouldn't hurt innocent people, let alone kids. I'm not a monster......." he starts calmly explaining.

        As she listens she slowly unshielded herself but still kept a safe distance. "Y-you sure? Your n-not with....... t-them?" She asked with a shaking voice. Pirahna raises an eyebrow and chuckles, "well I don't know who your talking about but I can assure you I'm not". She looks at him with tear stained eyes and gulps, her throat parched. "Where are your parents?" He asked. She freezes again and frowns, but not responding to the question. Pirahna nods in understandment and sighs. "I get it. It's must not be a good memory so I won't press on......" he says quietly.

         He fumbles with his fingers and stares at the concrete sidewalk. "Can you....... tell me your name at least? If you want......" he asked. She looks on at the rain and sniffles as she thinks about this. "P-pearl......." She squeaks. "P-pearl miles.....". He smiles wide and friendly, "well pearl. I'm mr. Pirahna...." he says ecstatically as he extends a hand to her. She slowly backs away and looks at the hand in confusion. Pirahna raises an eyebrow, "what? Never seen a handshake before chica?" He questions.

         Pearl cocks her head and slowly puts her hand in his. She gives him an unsure smile and shakes his hand slowly. Suddenly loud voices explode down the street. "I SEE PEOPLE AT THE BUS STOP!! SHE MIGHT BE THERE!!" A male voice echoed from afar. Pearl looks behind her shoulder and shakes in fear. "T-they found me...... I cant.... stay here....." She mumbles as she starts to sprint away. But then pirahna grabs her arm quickly and takes off his jacket. "Here climb onto my back chica. I can take you somewhere safe....." he says assuringly.

         Pearl stutters as she tries to find an answer but as she sees the people getting closer she made up her mind. She quickly hops onto his back as he covers her with his jacket. "Better hold on. It's gonna be a bumpy ride....." he says loudly as he speeds off down the street.......


          They arrive at the base about an hour later. As they get into the elevator he sets pearl back onto her feet. "Don't worry, my friends will understand when they get back and I explained everything. But right now....." he says as he inspects her hair. "You need a good scrubbing chica, you look like you haven't bathed in weeks. Though I don't mind dirt that much I don't think wolf would like mud staining his precious expensive carpets....." he chuckles. Soon the elevator dings and the door opens. Pearl's eyes widen in shock as she sees all the gold, jewels and priceless paintings and artifacts.

            "Oooh....... it's like......... a dragon's cave where the dragon hordes their gold and jewels" pearl says in astonishment. Pirahna laughs hysterically, "that's not all......." he says as he gestures all over the room. "We also have old arcade games, clothes for mi hermano shark and spare laptops for webs......" he said. Pearl looks up at him as he lets out a loving sigh, confused as to why he did that. They then walk down a separate hallway and arrive at the bathroom, big enough to fit at least 5 people and the walls painted blue and decorated with gold tiles.

           "Ok I'll get the bath started. We'll have to scrub your hair first to get rid of the mud and grime. Then we get to wash you off with scented bubbles......" he said. Pearl silently nods as he tells her where the towels are and the bubble bath soap.........


          After her bath pirahna gave her one of his shirts to use as a nightgown. As she climbs up onto the chair at the dining table pirahna searches the fridge and cabinets. With a defeated sigh he pulls out two jars and a loaf of bread. "I'm sorry chica but there isn't enough in the fridge. Mi amigos and Amiga are probably at the store right now so......" he said as he started making her food. Pearl looks on at the base in wonder. "Where did all this come from sir? Are you famous?" She asked with slight excitement. Pirahna nervously smiles, "well....... you could say that....." he replies as he cuts off the crust.

          But he stops as he realized something, "hey..... this is the most talkative you've been since you been here chica......". Pearl freezes up and slinks her shoulders in disappointment. "I-im sorry......" She mumbles. Pirahna chuckles and waves it off. "Don't worry, I talk a lot too. It's completely normal....." he says. Pearl looks up and nods, "o-ok.....". Just then a plate and a glass cup was placed before her. "I hope you enjoy this......" he said as he eats his own sandwich. She looks down at the food, unsure whether to eat it or not.

          "It's not poisoned if that's what your worried about" he jokes. Pearl gulps and takes the sandwich, lifting it to her mouth. As she takes a tiny bite her eyes sparkle with delight. Soon she starts wolfing it down like it was her last meal. Pirahna grins as he ruffles her hair. "Good isn't it? Though it's just a PB and J sandwich....." he says with a snort. Pearl nods repeatedly as she takes the glass of milk, chugging it down. "Careful now chica, I don't want you choking on milk....." pirahna said with concern in his voice. She sets the glass down and sighs. "So...... good....... better than the yucky gooey stuff they served to me...." She though happily.

           Pirahna suddenly laughs as he drinks his milk too. After he was done he sets the cup down and smiled. "Hey pearl, we match now....." he said as he gestures to his milk mustache. Pearl giggles as she claps, "We're twins now!!" She replies ecstatically. They both laugh hysterically as he continues to make silly jokes. Just then the elevator dings and it opens, with webs quickly coming in with some bags In hand. "Hey pirahna! We're gonna need....." She calls out but stops as she sees him with pearl at the table, having fun.

          She gasps as she drops the bags with a loud thud, signaling their attention. Pearl squeaks and hides behind pirahna, afraid and nervous. Pirahna stands up and nervously laughs. "H-hey webs....... back so soon?" He said with a nervous grin. Webs gives him a deadpan look and taps her foot. "Pirahna...... I know your hiding the kid behind you so......" She says as she points to the small figure behind him. Pearl gulps and slowly reveals herself as she stutters. "H-hello........" She spoke softly as to not anger her. Webs gives a small wave and a soft smile, "heeey kid, can you wait on the couch real quick? I need to talk to your new friend here..." She said with slight venom in her voice.

          Pearl smiles as she nods, scurrying to the couch. Webs then glares at pirahna for a moment and grabs him by the ear, dragging him to the elevator. "Ow ow ow!!!! That hurts chica!!" He yelps as the two meet the others. "Guys, we have a problem......" She says as she crosses her arms. Snake groans as he grabs a couple of bags, "did he break some stuff again?" He asks. Pirahna shakes his head frantically. "No!! Not today that is...." he replies. Webs sighs and hisses. "He brought a kid over here!!! An actual kid!!" She exclaims. The other three look on in shock, with pirahna sweating nervously. "Oh no!! That kid's leaving now!!" Snake said angerly as he stomps into the base.

          Pirahna freaks out and stops him, "no chico!! She has nowhere to go, no mama or papa. I don't know how long she was in the streets but when I found her she was a mess, covered head to toe in grime and dirt. Plus she's so thin, like she hasn't been eating properly for a while......" pirahna pleas as he looks back at the couch, pearl sitting quietly and wrapped in a blanket. "I don't know where she belongs but it definitely isn't where she used to be so please...... let her stay the night at least? I'll take her to an orphanage Tomorrow......" he compromised. Wolf scratches the back of his neck and sighs, "fine. Just for tonight....." he answers...........


          Pirahna prepares a makeshift bed for pearl as the rest of the talk about pearl. Snake was about to protest pearl appears next to pirahna. "W-who are they mister? A-are they bad people?" She squeaks. Wolf chuckles and shakes his head. "Well in the eyes of the law yes but morally no, we're good guys. We won't hurt you kid...." he smiles. Pearl grips to pirahna's leg and hides her face. Shark's eyes sparkle and gushes, "aww she's adorable!!! Like a cute baby doll!!" He exclaims as he picks her up. Pearl squeals in fright as he spins her around. "Shark stop. Your scaring the poor girl....." Webs says calmly as she pats his shoulder. Shark frowns and puts her down, chuckling nervously. "Sorry kiddo, I just couldn't resist....." he said. Webs kneels in front of her and softly smiles. "Hey....... you know I know how it feels...... I was abandoned too at a young age......" Webs says soberly.

          Pearl cocks her head in confusion, "y-you do miss?" She stutters. Webs nods, "yeah..... my parents left me at the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. After that my childhood years were all about survival and keeping myself safe. And because of that I never had a proper childhood......." She mumbles. Pearl fiddles with her fingers. "So You have no mommy? No daddy?" She asks. Webs nods slowly, then pearl sighs. "I'm alone too....." She says. Webs smiles softly and ruffles her hair. "You don't have to be alone......" She says as she pulls something out. Pearl's eyes look on in astonishment as she sees a necklace with some sort of heart shaped box on the chain.

          "This was the only thing my parents left for me when they abandoned me" She mumbles as she grabs a key and winds it in the keyhole. Suddenly a soft melody plays as it echoes through the base. Pearl holds the necklace and smiles at the music. "Why does the melody sound so sad?" Pearl asks. Webs chuckles. "Well yeah it does sound sad but it's also...... hopeful in a sense....." She says. Webs looks at pirahna and smiles softly, with him returning it with a grin. Pearl looks at webs, then at pirahna. With a giggle, "mister and miss are flirting....." She says.

         Webs and pirahna both blush at this, "n-no we aren't kid!!" Webs says frantically as pirahna tries to hide his snickering. "Not funny pirahna!!!" She exclaims as the others laugh as well.......

          Pirahna softly snores on the couch as pearl snuggles up against him for warmth. Webs looks on at the two with a soft smile. She gets up and covers them both with a comfy blanket. Webs ruffles Pearl's hair as she takes the music box from her hands. She winds it back up and sets it on the table. Webs then looks at pirahna and kisses his cheek, "I'm happy that you stood up for her. And I know she is too......" She mumbles as she heads to her room, the music box still playing its melody........


And bam!!! Another done!!!

Thank you for reading this and please, wish SnowAngel76 a happy birthday today

Thank you for reading and I'll post another story when I can

Love ya all 🥰🥰😘😘❤️❤️

Word count: 2,626 words

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