Accidental Kiss

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This was requested by willowisaretard

Time for some lovey dovey fluff 😘😚

Hope you enjoy this


The best kind of kiss is the unexpected; unplanned ones that come naturally like, in the middle of a sentence......


         The sun peaks out from behind the curtains as it lets some light into the dark room.  Softly snoring she tosses herself onto her side and snuggles against her pillow. She was deep in sleep for having been working on her computer up until 2 a.m. last night. She didn't know how she got into the bed but it was better than sleeping in the chair again. Letting out another snore she continues to sleep until.........



         Webs groans as she taps her dresser to grab her phone. After a couple of tries she grabbed it and turned the alarm off. "Another day in the peanut gallery......" She sighs as she sits up in the bed, stretching. She scratches her hip as she gets up and grabs her hoodie from her chair, then searches for a pair of shorts. After getting changed she heads for the kitchen. "A pot of coffee and I should be functioning like an actual human...." She mumbles as she checks her phone.

        She comes into the kitchen and heads for the cabinets. "Coffee...... coffee...... ah, there you are...." She softly says as she prepares the coffee maker. Yawning she grabs a bowl and a box of cereal. But as she opened the fridge she groans, seeing no milk inside. "Great. No milk, probably shark again......" She said as she slammed the fridge shut. Mumbling she finishes making her coffee and heads back to her room. "I'm gonna play some games before officially getting ready......" She thought to herself but didn't get to finish that as she suddenly she bumps into something.

        Before she can blink she quickly falls, dropping her mug as she lands with a loud crash. Time seemed to slow down as she fell, like a video playing in slow motion. With her eyes closed she hit the floor, or at least, she though she did. Webs expected to hit the cold, hard floor but instead she felt the opposite. Warm and soft, with the scent of spice and pine lingering in her nose. Webs didn't move for a second, for the embarrassment would definitely show if she stood up. Suddenly then she realized that her lips were touching something, or more like, someone.

         As she opened her eyes they widen in shock at the person she saw. Pirahna had his eyes open wide in surprise. As they both blush she quickly gets off of him and scoots backwards away from him. Pirahna seemed to be equally freaking out, but for a different reason. "Ay dios mios!! I made you spill your drink. Here I'll clean it up...." he frantically says as he speeds down the hall to grab towels. Webs just sits there in utter confusion as he comes back and quickly starts cleaning up the coffee and slowly picking up the pieces of the mug.

       Webs helps him out but he doesn't look straight at her, and is surprisingly quiet even for him. She gulps as she speaks up first. "I-im sorry, for bumping into you. And for...... that...... it was....." She starts to say but he shakes his head. "Yeah......." he mutters. They sit in total silence as they cleaned up the spilt coffee on the hardwood floor. "Was it..... bad? Awkward?" He asked. She looked up and saw his nervous face, his cheeks bright red. Webs gulps and turns her head, unsure what to say. Pirahna softly smiles and nods, "it's ok. We can forget it if you want. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable around me after that....." he says as he stands up.

        She starts standing up but loses her footing and starts to slip again but he quickly catches her and grabs her hand. "Here....." he says as he lifts her to her feet. With a quick look in each other's eyes they quickly turn their heads in embarrassment. With a deep sigh she looks at him, "it's not like I want to forget this...... kiss...... pirahna. To be honest, it was surprising but..... I actually liked it a little bit. But I need to wrap my head around this......" She said shyly. Pirahna nods understandingly as he grabs the towel with the mug shards, wrapping them up. "Ok, just let me know when you want to talk again....." he says.

       Webs agrees with this and they head in the opposite directions, her to her room and him to the kitchen to toss the shards away. But both are blushing bright red from the closeness they have been......


           Weeks went by and webs is still thinking about that unexpected kiss with pirahna. On one point she liked it, a lot. She didn't want to forget about the kiss, and it didn't help that she has some feelings of attraction to him. Not attracted to his crazy nature or his surprisingly good looks, but the fact that he cares so deeply about the people around him and his loyalty to his family and friends. But on the other hand she was...... frighten. She was deeply scared about these feelings for she never experienced them before. Webs never thought about romance and only focused on her one love, hacking.

        But once he had shown her the kindness underneath his crazy, unpredictable nature a little flame started glowing in her heart. And it keeps growing everyday. But she's scared of telling him all this, for she feared that he might not reciprocate her feelings. She knew that he was kinda naive but the though of him rejecting her hurt her. Webs sighs and types away at her computer, hoping to distract herself from these thoughts.

          "Dinner's ready!!!! Come and get it!!" Shark shouts. Webs looks up from her computer and sighs, closing her computer. She leaves her room but bumps into pirahna again, making her blush and scurry away before he can say anything. Dinner goes by silently as she picks at her plate, nibbling on some of her food. Pirahna noticed this as he cleans up his plate quickly. "Umm..... I'm gonna go chill in my room for the rest of tonight...." he said as he takes his plate to the kitchen. Webs gulps and stands up, "I'm done too....." She takes her plate and leaves for the kitchen too.

          Shark looks on in confusion as he takes another bite of his food. "That's strange. Pirahna would be going for seconds and webs would try to stop him from eating the rest of the food....." he commented. Wolf and snake just shrug their shoulders. "Maybe they got into a fight maybe?" Wolf suggests. Snake rolls his eyes, "but they fight and bicker all time. Doesn't help that they're complete opposites......" he said. "Yeah you have a point there buddy...." Wolf responded. The three sigh as they continue eating......


          Both webs and pirahna walk down the hall as they stay in awkward silence. Soon he breaks the silence with a sigh. "You doing ok there webs?" He asks. Webs takes a deep breath, "Yeah I'm ok. Can we talk now? About...... that....." She asked as they get to his bedroom. "Of course chica....." he said as he brings her into his room. Webs sits on his bed as he sits next to her. Her heart was beating erratically from nerves as she breaths deeply. "Alright..... so there us something I've been meaning to tell you. You see when a woman accidentally kisses a random man they become rather weirded out but there was a reason why I wasn't. It's because....... because......" She tries to say it but it was like the words were caught in her throat.

        Pirahna sensed this and held her hand gently, "it's ok. Take your time....." he said softly. Webs inhales, then exhales. "I didn't get weirded out because...... I like you. A lot. Like, more than a friend. But I understand if you don't see me that way so please don't hate me!!!" She quickly exclaims. Pirahna just sits there, looking dazed at her declaration. Webs starts getting terrified at this and gulps. But suddenly she heard him sigh in relief. Pirahna chuckles and looks at him with bright eyes. "Oh, gracias a Dios. I was so worried. I was actually gonna tell you how I felt but looks like you beat me to the punch....." he said with a wholehearted laugh.

       Webs just stares at him in shock at his response. Mouth agape, she stutters nervously. "H-huh?? R-really?? But I thought...." but gets cut off by him suddenly hugging her. Pirahna smiles softly, "that I wouldn't reciprocate? Well I thought the same thing. That you wouldn't reciprocate my feelings....." he replies. Webs just stares into space in shock but then starts tearing up. Sniffling she starts crying softly as pirahna raises his eyebrow. "Are you crying chica?" He asked, concerned. She wipes her eyes and smiled. "Yes. Because I'm happy..... I was overthinking everything but now...... I'm just so happy......" She weeps.

        Pirahna grins as he wipes away one of her tears away with his thumb, their foreheads touching. As they look at each other they soon get closer, they're eyes slowly closing as they kiss softly. Her heart swelled with joy as she caresses his cheek, a smile appearing on her face as they let go. He kissed her forehead as they hug, the sunset illuminating their silhouetted bodies......


        "Did you get that??" Wolf asked shark as they peered through the crack of the doorway. Shark grinned as he held the Polaroid picture. "Yep. This is so going in the album!!" Shark squeals with delight as he skipped down the hall. Wolf chuckles as he silently closed the door, but as he turned around snake stood behind him with his arms crossed. "What were two doing? I just saw shark skipping down the hall a second ago..." snake asked with a hiss.

      Wolf sweats nervously, "hehe.... nothing!!" He quickly says as he dashes off. Snake looks on confused but just shrugs his shoulders. "Nut jobs....." he mumbles as he heads to his room.........


And here we have it folks

Hope you enjoyed that and I'll see you in the next one!!

Love you all so much 🥰🥰

P.s. it's my birthday today!!! If ya want to wish me a happy birthday then please do in the comments 🙂☺️

Word count: 1,766 words

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