Fights and Reconciliation

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This was requested by KeannaEvans1

This story is inspired by a couple of the chapters of her Bad Guys truth or Dare book.

Please enjoy, and have a great rest of December everyone 🥰🥰🥰


"Ahh finally some peace and quiet...." snake sighs as he plops onto the couch. He grabs the remote and flips it to the food network channel. Smiling to himself he makes himself more comfortable. But just as he closed his eyes he hears the voices of bickering coming closer. Snake opens his eyes grumpily and grumbles, "great..... here we go again....." he said as he turns his head to see what was going on.

"Oh so it's my fault huh!? Well sooorrryyy your royal highness!!!" A loud male voice boomed through the base. "Well maybe if you just think about what your doing, we wouldn't have this problem!!!" The woman yelled just as loudly. Snake just rolled his eyes, "Pirahna and webs.... why am I not surprised?" He asks himself as he goes back to watching his show. But he immediately stops as he heard what pirahna said next.

"well then I guess we're uncompatable. Let's break up...." pirahna mumbles. Webs just stands there in shock, unsure what to say at this point. Tears start flowing down her eyes as she looks at pirahna with the angriest expression on her face. "You..... little....." She says, anger boiling in her voice. She raises her hand and gives him a hard slap to his face. Snake flinches as he heard the the loud 'smack!' From the slap. Pirahna just stands there in shock, caressing his stinging cheek. He looks at webs wide eyed, a wave of guilt hitting him fast and hard like the slap webs just gave him.

Webs sniffles and screams, "I HATE YOU!!" before storming off sobbing. Snake sits up and watches her run to her room, looking stunned at the recent events that took place. He then whips his head towards pirahna, his eyes flaming red in anger. Snake stands up and stomps over to him furiously. He grabs pirahna by the cuff of his shirt and shakes him angerly. "What the hell!? Why did you do that!? Didn't you see how heartbroken she....." but he stops as he sees pirahna tearing up and sniffling.

Snake let's him go and rubs his temples irritatingly. "Look im sorry for yelling but what exactly happened?? You two rarely fight this badly so what's going on?" He asks in a soft tone. Pirahna gulps as he looks at his shaking hands. "It was..... supposed to be a dare....... a dare from one of my co-workers at the bar...... he dared me to pretend to break up with her. I didn't want to take it far but he said I had too in order to make it believable....... but now........ oh God what have I done!? I'm such an idiot!!" He sobs as he drops to his knees.

Snake stares at him, dumbfounded by this information. Sighing he picks him up grumbling. "Alright come her you big baby......" he mumbles as he gives him a hug. Pirahna sniffles and chokes on a sob as he gives him a big hug. "I guess i can understand where this is coming from but your gonna have to talk to her once she cools off. You got that?" He says. Pirahna sighs in defeat, "She might...... never want to talk to me again after that...... i......" but he goes silent as snake gives him a slap on the face as well. "Get a hold of yourself!!!! If you care about her at all you will talk to her. You and her will come to an understanding got it!?" Snake yells in a commanding tone.

Pirahna gulps and nods, letting that slap and his words sink in. "Ok...... I will....... I'll make things right!!!......." he said as he runs to his room. Snake looks on and sighs tiredly, "I'm too old for this....." he grumbles as he heads to his room.


Webs stayed in her room for the rest of the week after that. She layed in her bed sleeping, crying and staring blankly at her computer screen as tears stained her face. But as the Monday of next week rolled around she knew she couldn't stay in her room any longer to avoid him. She had to go out there. Her only source of food while in here was cup noodles and energy drinks, so she was famished and her throat dry.

She whips the blanket off her and slowly slip her shoes on. Putting on her hoodie she heads out of her room to the kitchen, her stomach grumbling and her eyes puffy. She opens the fridge and snatches the leftover spaghetti and a bottle of water. She puts the spaghetti in the microwave and stares at the glow of the microwave as she chugs the water down. Suddenly she hears a voice behind her that made her freeze in shock and hurt. "W-webs...... can we talk??" Pirahna asks softly.

A part of her was happy to see him in front of her but soon was overpowered by her anger and resentment towards him. "What on earth do you want?" She hisses as she grabs her spaghetti, slamming the microwave door shut. He flinches in fear but stood his ground. "Please, can I explain what ha......" he starts saying as he extends his hand to her shoulder. Webs glares and slaps his hand away, gritting her teeth. "Just leave me alone!!! I told you to stay away from me!!!" She screams as she runs back to her room with her food and water.

Pirahna stands there as tears start to form. Sighing sadly he slowly walks to the living room. Diane, wolf, snake and shark were watching rom-com as he walks in. Shark turns his head and grins. "Hey, wanna join us? It's a rom-com. Your favorite....." shark says enthusiastically. Pirahna looks at the t.v., an images of a woman embracing a man before kissing him in the rain. Pirahna tears up again as his bottom lip quivers. Diane, looking worried, gets up and comforts him. "Hey....... what's wrong?" She askes.

"This was...... our favorite movie..... we would watch it every rainy day with her favorite snacks. And we'd...... we'd......." he sputters before breaking down. Shark suddenly gets up and joins Diane in comforting him. Wolf looks at the situation with confusion. "I'm sorry..... but what did I miss while I was gone??" He asks. Snake sips his coffee before filling him in on the recent events. Wolf looks at webs room, then at pirahna's room in shock. "Oh wow...... that's a lot to take in...." he says as he pats pirahna's shoulder. "Have you tried talking to her?" Wolf asks.

Pirahna nods as he sniffles. "B-but she told me to leave her alone and to stay away from her...." he whimpers. They look at each other somberly and they hang their heads. Suddenly shark snaps his fingers. "Oooh I just got an idea!!!" Shark exclaims enthusiastically. Pirahna and the others look at each other and raise their eyebrows.


Webs comes out of the bathroom, waving her hands to dry them off. As she puts on her hoodie pirahna runs down the hall and appears behind her. "Webs wait!!!" He quickly says. Webs growls and starts to walk away but he grabs her hand. "H-hey! Let me go!!" She shouts, but he just grips her hand tighter. "Webs please. Just follow me, I want to tell you something...... please?" He asks with pleading eyes. Webs, while fuming with anger, she knows they needed to talk about what happened. With a sigh she nods.

Pirahna walks her to the living room, which smelled of jasmine and honey candles that glowed in the dim living room. Walking her to the middle of the living room he takes a deep breath. "Look I want to explain myself. I..... I never meant to hurt you webs. It was a very bad dare that one of my co-workers wanted me to do. I didn't mean to take it so far to the point of hurting you. I'm so sorry....." he says as he secretly gestures shark, who was hiding in the closet, to start playing the music. As the melody starts playing her ears perk up, earning a soft chuckle from her.

"It's our song......" She mumbles. He nods, smiling softly. Taking a deep breath he starts singing the lyrics they both knew from heart.

🎶My whole world changed from the moment I met you🎶

🎶And it would never be the same🎶

Webs sways her head along to the melody as she remembers the first time he sang it on their first date. It made her heart fluttering.

🎶Felt like I knew that I'd always love you🎶

🎶From the moment I heard your name🎶

Pirahna smiles at webs as her cheeks turn pink. He heart beating a rhythm to match the music.

🎶Everything was perfect, I knew this love is worth this🎶

🎶Our own miracle in the making🎶

🎶'til this world stops turning. I'll still be here waiting and waiting to make that vow I'll.....🎶

He takes her hand and gently spins her around as they slowly dance to the music.

🎶I'll be by your side, 'til the day I die🎶

🎶I'll be waiting 'til I hear you say I do🎶

Webs was chuckling and having a wonderful time, the bright smile apparent on her face. He smiles as he pulls a box out of his pocket.

🎶Something old and something new, something borrowed something blue🎶

🎶I'll be waiting 'til I hear you say I do🎶

While webs was dancing the music slowed as he got down on one knee, slowly opening the box which contained a beautiful diamond ring. As webs turns around she immediately stops and gasps. She covers her mouth in shock as she saw the ring. "Pepe....... what is this....." She asked in a whisper. Pirahna gulps and looks up at her with all his love and adoration. "Webs, I know what I did to you was wrong. And you have every right to say no but this is how I feel about you. I want you in my life every day for the rest of my life hermosa. I love you with all of my heart. So...... will you marry me?" He asks.

Webs just stands there stunned by this sudden declaration. She looks on at the glimmering ring, then at piraha. He was looking at her, waiting for HER choice. She was never given choices in her life, everything was decided for her or fate placed her in a position. But now, this was her choice to make. And she knew what she wanted, and that was him. She tears up and sniffles, "yes...... a million times yes!!!" She exclaims as she hugs him tightly. Pirahna breaths a sigh of relief as he squeezes her in a tight embrace. He gently takes her finger and slips it on as they both look at it with pride.

Suddenly there was a chorus of claps as they look in front of them. They all were clapping cheerfully as shark was sobbing, holding the video camera. "This is...... so moving!!" He bawls. Snake nods at pirahna as he mouths a "good job kid", then slowly claps. Pirahna smiles and kisses webs cheek.


"This is taking forever!!! When's it starting??" Snake hisses. Wolf chuckles at this. "Oh? Didn't see you as the type to be excited at weddings...." he snickers. Snake gives him the death stare and crosses his arms. "It's not about the ceremony, I'm just hungry!!" He exclaims. As they bicker a beautiful dark skinned girl with black and pink ombre hair appeared next to them in the aisle. She wore a black sleevless dress with a red and white striped belt, white stockings and black heels. "Excuse me? Is this my seat by any chance?" She asks politely. They soon look up and smile. Wolf then shakes her hand, "oh your shark's girlfriend right? Ms......" he snaps his fingers trying to remember her name.

She laughs wholeheartedly, "it's keanna. Keanna Evans. You two must be Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake if I'm right...." She introduces herself. Wolf nods and chuckles, "yup, that's us...." he says. She looks up and down the aisle, as if she was looking for someone. "Speaking of which...... where's shark?" She asks. Wolf and snake point up to the alter, where shark was wearing a priest outfit and was humming to himself. Keanna chuckles as she waves at shark, to which he waves back. He blows her a kiss and she catches it, placing caught kiss on her cheek.

Keanna sits down and smiles, "he's such a dork sometimes. But I still find it adorable....." She said with a loving sigh. Wolf and Diane smile as snake gags. Suddenly the music starts playing and everyone goes silent. Ginger the tabby cat appears as they jump up to the alter with the rings on a pillow on its back. Then a little girl appeared in the cutest white dress with flowers in her hair and starts tossing flowers on the aisle floor. Snake leans in and whispers to wolf, "who's the little kid? I thought she said it was fine that flower petals aren't tossed??" He asks. "Oh that's one of pirahna's little cousins. She said she wanted to be a flower girl so pirahna persuaded webs to let her be the flower girl...." he replies.

Snake then nods as everyone looks at the entrance. Tiffany, who was invited by one of the guests, was gushing as she shook misty luggins in excitement. Pirahna looks at the entrance and blushes. There stood webs, in a beautiful white ballgown dress with a red sash acting as a belt. As she slowly walks down the aisle she looks up at pirahna as they stare at each other with adoration. She looks at the others in the front row, wolf gave her the thumbs up and snake gave her a silent clap. Keanna waves at her cheerfully as she mouths "love the dress....." to her. Webs smiles shyly as she nods.

As she gets up to the alter he takes her hand gently and brings her closer. Soon the music stops as shark clears his throat. "Dearly beloved....." he said in his best priest tone. The other three were trying to stiffle a laughter as he continued. "On this day we witness this man and this woman as they bound their souls in holy matrimony....." he says. The two look at each other and smile softly. As 5 minutes pass ginger leaps up to shark. He chuckles and takes the rings, "these rings..... a symbol of unity in life and death...." he bellows as he hands them the rings. Pirahna smiles and places the ring on her finger, with her following suite.

Shark nods, "now pirahna, do you take webs as your lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? For poorer to richer? For better or worse, for as long as you both shall live?" He asks. Pirahna nods with a wide grin, "yes, I definitely do...." he responds. Shark then looks at webs, " and do you webs, take pirahna as your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? For poorer to richer? For better or worse, for as long as you both shall live?" She nods with a bright smile, "I do....." She says. Shark then holds the book in his hands, "then by the power vested in me, by the state of California, I pronounce you husband and wife....." he says as he slams the book shut dramatically.

"You may kiss...." but doesn't get to finish as pirahna dips her and kisses her passionately. Soon everyone starts cheering as the other three clapped the most. The two let go as they look at each other with pure love, their foreheads touching.


The wedding party was just as beautiful as the ceremony. Everything was decorated with different shades of green, orange, red and blue. Everyone was eating and having a grand time at the gathering. Soon the announcer came up to the stage, "and now, before we get our dance on again it's time for the bouquet toss!!" She says cheerfully. Webs comes up to the stage with the bouquet as the other ladies come up to the dance floor. Suddenly webs takes the mic, "actually there's a certain person that I want to give this bouquet to...." She says as she gets off the stage.

Webs walks through the crowd of girls and spots keanna in the back. She walks up to her and hands her the bouquet. Keanna was surprised by this, leaving her flustered in embarrassment. "H-huh? But why?" She asked. Webs chuckles, "because I've known shark for a long time. He thought he would never find the right person due to his criminal background. But ever since you came he became an even better person than before. You make him happy and that's all I want. Plus you helped me plan this wedding and I'm forever grateful for that....." She said with a smile.

Keanna looks down at the bouquet she smiles. "Oh...... thank you webs. Thank you....." She said as she hugged her tightly. Webs chuckles and hugs her back, the crowd 'aww'ing at this little moment. The announcer just stands there before snapping out of it. "W-well, now that that's done. Let's crank up the tunes!!!" She exclaims. Soon the DJ starts playing some upbeat songs as everyone gets on the dance floor. Webs chuckles and heads to the table where pirahna is sat. She sits next to him and places her head on his shoulder. "I love you pepe....." She whispers.

Pirahna smiles and kisses the top of her head. "I love you two mi corazón....." he mumbles as they watch everyone dance. Pirahna grins and holds her hand, "wanna join them?" He asks with a smirk. Webs grins mischievously as she gladly takes his hand. "Oh most definitely...." She replies. They laugh as they join the others on the dance floor. The night was perfect and the two couldn't have had it any other way....


And that's a wrap!!

Again thank you KeannaEvans1 for the request. I do apologize if it took longer than necessary. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you all for reading and I'll see you again in the next one. Love you all 😚😚🥰🥰

Word count: 3130 words

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