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This was requested by SnowAngel76

This is the first story of the new year folks so please enjoy!!!


      It had been months since they were released from their one year sentence to prison. Diane, while they were in prison, had a new base made under the house she bought for the bad guys so that when they were released they would be able to start with their training to fight the worst criminals. And this day happened to be one of those training days.

     "Ok everyone, today we're gonna train in stealth/close combat. This will help when you get into fights with criminals or potential murderers" Diane says as she paces in front of the five in front of her. Diane then points at pirahna, "Pirahna, since you have a little more experience in that field you'll help out with this training exercise" She said as she gestures him to stand next to her. Pirahna nods with a grin and stands by her side. Diane smiles and chuckles softly, looking back at the others.

      "Ok, now we're in the more abandoned part of town for this exercise. There will be two teams, robbers and vigilantes. The robbers job is to take these bags full of fake diamonds back to the base on the other side of town while the vigilantes have to stop them. If the robbers successfully knocks down the vigilantes or they get the bag to the base they win, BUT if the vigilantes have stopped all the robbers before they could get to the base then the vigilantes win. Also there will be headsets for our teams so we can communicate with each other, other than that it's just our fists. Everyone understand?" She askes as she finishes her explanation.

         They all nod in agreement. Diane grins, "and now for the teams. Me and pirahna will be the team captains. Pirahna will lead the robbers team and I'll lead the vigilantes team. Pirahna, you want first pick?" She asks. Pirahna shakes his head, "you can go first....." he politely says. Snake snickers, "this is a first......" he mumbles. "I heard that!!!" Pirahna exclaims. Everyone chuckles at this and Diane looks at the 4. "Hmm......... I'll take webs on my team" She says as she points at webs. Webs grins and cheers silently, walking over to Diane and giving her a fist bump. Pirahna sighs in defeat, "damn......" he mumbles.

       Webs looks at him and silently waves at him with a toothy grin. Pirahna blushes a little bit and looks away. Clearing his throat, "um....... I'll take mi hermano shark for my team" he says as he points at shark. Shark smiles and joins him, ruffling his hair.  He chuckles, "guess you won't be teaming with your girlfriend this time buddy" he whispers. Pirahna turns bright red as he doesn't respond to that. Laughing at this shark pats his shoulder as Diane chooses her other team member..........


          Shark, pirahna, and wolf run through the different parts of the town. Wolf hides behind a trash can as he gets on comms. "Hey guys, how's it going on your end?" He whispers. Shark is dashing down the street as he carries one of the bags, huffing and wheezing as he as he suddenly stops to catch his breath. "I....... hate this...... I need to do more cardio......... out of breath........" he speaks through his wheezing.

      Wolf sighs "just take a breath shark. Diane gave you water for this so just drink some. And make sure your not in plain......" he says but doesn't get to finish as he hears shark scream along with a low "boo!", followed by the sound of a loud thud. Wolf groans, "sight......" and rubs his temples. He looks from behind the trash can but doesn't see anyone in sight. Sighing in relief he starts running down the street, turning around the corners and finally ducking into an alleyway. As he tried to navigate his way out he came across a dead end.

          "Dammit......." he mumbles as he snaps his fingers. He stares at the ground as he thinks of another plan. Suddenly a dark figure appears behind him, grinning to themselves as they swiftly karate chopped a certain part of his neck. Wolf winces and collapses to the ground. The figure grabs the bag and chuckles. They take off their mask to reveal Diane grinning mischievously. "Man that was too easy. Didn't even put up a fight........." She says as she goes on comms. "Hey snake How's it going over there?" She asks.

          "Way too easy. All I had to do is say "boo" and he passed out instantly" he laughs. Diane chuckles as she throws the bag over her shoulder. "Now we wait for webs......."


            Pirahna chuckles as he speed runs through the abandoned streets, bag in hand. "I'm getting close. Just a few more blocks and then we'll......." but suddenly he stops in his tracks. Pirahna stands motionless as he looks around him at the dimly lit street. "Hmm......." he hums. He sensed someone was nearby but everything looked normal. "Maybe it was my imagination......." he thought as he took another step forward. But before he can move any forward he suddenly gets sweep kicked and fall onto the pavement.

           "Ow!!! ¿¡que demonios!?" He shouts as he turns onto his back. And there, staring at him with her mischievous magenta eyes, was webs. She grinned ear to ear, "man this is gonna be easy peasy. I'll take that thank......" but as she was about to grab the bag pirahna quickly kicks her in the gut, making her stumble backwards. Quickly standing up he steps in front of the bag, getting in a fighting stance. "You want the bag....... your gonna have to give me a good fight chica" he said with a dark chuckle.

          Webs sighs and swiftly takes off her jacket, cracking her knuckles. "Reminder I'm still a trainee in this so....... don't try to completely injure me" She states as she stares at him contently. He laughs, "believe me......" and charges at her. "I won't ruin that pretty face of yours chica......" he says as he aims a punch at her. Smirking she bends backwards to dodge it and grabs his wrist. "Oh? So I'm pretty?" She comments as she swiftly pins his arm behind his back. "Never though lt I would hear you Comment about MY looks pretty boy......" She chuckles.

         Suddenly he punches her in the hip, which made her groan and let him go. They stare at each other for a second and grin at each other, fists clenched. As they yell they charge at each other and soon the fight became a flurry of flying punches and swift kicks. They moved in sync, like a dance. They laughed and smiled, and when they held each other's hands to get the other to knock down they look at each other and smile softly, their eyes glittering with the light as they soften up too. "Might as well give up, cause I'm not stopping......." pirahna declared.

           Webs laughs, "oh really? I was thinking the same thing. Glad we're......" Then kicks the bag in the air, then kicking him in the shin, making him fall to the ground. She pins him down with a grin, "on the same page" catching the bag in her hand. "Knocked you down and I got the bag........ looks like we win" She said with a toothy smile. Pirahna looks at her with astonishment as a blush creeps on his face. Webs goes on comms, "Hey Diane, got the bag!!" She exclaims. Webs softly cheers to herself as she gets up. "Well come on........ let's head back......" She said as she extends her hand to him.

          Still in shock and awe he gently takes her hand and she swiftly pulls him up. Webs smiles as she grips his hand, leading a dazed pirahna back to the base. "You ok there buddy?" She asked with slight concern. Pirahna just stares and nods, "uh yeah......... yeah I'm good........" he mumbles. Chuckling she continues walking hand in hand with him. Pirahna's heart was beating so loudly it rang in his ears, his face red as a tomato......


            "Uh....... what's up with him?" Snake askes as he looks back at a bright red pirahna laying on the couch, his nose bleeding. Shark grins, "oh he just got his butt kicked by web's, that's all......." he responds as he munches on a tuna sandwich. Snake sighs, "I'll never understand what he and her have......." and joins the others while pirahna continues to stutter something in Spanish, his heart still beating and feeling butterflies in his stomach..........


And we have another one down!!!

I like to thank SnowAngel76 for this request. You are such an angel!!

I hope you all loved this but now I need to tune out

Love you all and stay creative 😚😚🥰🥰

Word count: 1482 words

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