I Spy with Many Eyes

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This was requested by willowisaretard UwU

Please enjoy!!! 😊😊😊

          Giggles echo through the apartment as one of the room's doors stands slightly open. Webs smiles as she kisses pirahna's cheek softly, her her head tilting sideways as he kisses her shoulder. "Pirahna~....... that tickles" She mumbles softly. Pirahna grins and trails his kisses up her neck, making her shudder in pleasure. She combs her fingers through his Mohawk as their lips connected, the kiss slowly becoming more heated. "Webs~......." Pirahna groans as he lifts up her shirt. Webs cheeks become pink as she places a her hand on his chest.

          Pirahna lays her on the bed, hovering over her as he kisses the top of her head. "I'm glad the apartment is empty......" he whispers in a husky voice. "Means I get more time with you......." he mumbles as he kisses her deeply, caressing her hips. Webs sighs and wraps her legs around his torso, kissing him and softly touching his cheek. Their passionate make-out session heats up as he suddenly nips and sucks at her neck, earning a moan from her. With a grin he bites her shoulder and gropes her breasts softly.

          Moaning and whimpering webs wraps her arms around him and kisses behind his ear. Pirahna chuckles darkly as he removes his tank top, "you want me chica?~" he asks with a soft husky voice. She nods repeatedly with her eyes darken with lust and desire. "Yes pepe~ I want you so much~" She moans out. Smirking he kisses her stomach as he unbuttons her pants. After he slips off her lower clothing gently he kisses her thighs. "This will be fun~" he grins......


          It was about 8 o'clock in the evening when the other 4 arrived back home. "Ok is that everything?" Wolf asked as he stretched his back. Snake comes in, wheezing as he sets the bags down. "Geez I'm getting too old for this......" he hisses as he popped his wrists. Then finally Diane and shark come in with arms full of groceries, smiling. "That was surprisingly easy to carry" Diane grins as she sets the many bags she's carrying on the counter. Shark nods in agreement as he starts putting the food away.

           "Geez I'll never understand you two......" snake grumbles as he sits on the couch. Rubbing his temples he grabs the remote but before he could turn it on he hears a strange noise. Perking up his ears he listens closely. "Umm...... do you guys hear that?" Snake asks. They all look at him in confusion, eyebrows raised. "What do you......" Wolf starts to ask but soon he starts hearing the noises as well. "What in the....." he mumbles. As they all start to hear it shark starts shaking in fear. "Is t-that a ghost!? I thought you said this place was ghost free!!" He exclaims as he hides behind Diane.

         "Oh don't be a baby ya big tuna" snake grumbles as he gets up. "Let's search the place you guys." Snake says. They all nod in agreement and start searching the apartment. Diane searched on the balcony, wolf checked the secret compartment above the spare closet and snake was checking the hallways. Still shaking shark checks all the rooms, "it's ok shark....... there's no such things as ghosts......" he mumbles. He opens up the first two doors and finds nothing out of the ordinary.

        Sighing in relief he heads down and checks the the other two rooms, with nothing looking odd in both of them. As he arrived at the door at the end of the hallway he was starting to feel better. "Ok, one last door. It should be......" he started saying. But as he open the door his eyes widen in shock. Suddenly pirahna pokes his head out from the covers, covered in bites and hickeys. He quickly covers up webs as they stare on at shark in shock and surprise. Suddenly shark starts screaming. "You guys, no!!" He exclaims. "Ahhhhh!" He screamed out in shock.

            Suddenly he starts freaking out as he paces back and forth. "You, him, here ughh!!! I need a moment!" He yells as he leans against the doorframe. He tries to look away from the whole scene in front of him, "im an adult. I can handle this....." he mumbles as he tried to comfort himself. He takes a deep breath, "im ok....." but as he looked back he only saw them in bed, webs giving him a nervous smile as pirahna glares at him. "WEBS NO!!!" He yelled again as he hid his face in his hands. Pirahna just rolls his eyes in annoyance, "shark, hermano can you keep it down??" He said.

           Shark suddenly looks up and gives him the stink eye as he pointed at him, his voiced raised. "IM NOT READY TO TALK TO YOU YET YOUNG MAN!!" He exclaimed loudly. Suddenly loud footsteps are heard and wolf rushes in. "What happened I heard screaming....." but suddenly stands in shock at the sight before him. Webs just stares at him while pirahna gives him a smug look. Soon snake came barging in, "what is going on??" He asked. But as soon as he saw the scene layed out he starts gagging. "Ew!" And just walked away. While he left Diane slowly walked in and put her hands on her hips, a grin on her face. "Heyy....." She said with a smooth tone.

          Webs groans in embarrassment as she hides her face in the blanket. "Ok that's it everybody out. Right now! Everybody come on!!" Shark ordered as he ushered everyone out. As everyone left the two in bed look on at shark as he turned his head. "Ok you two, I just want to say...... that I'm hurt. And I don't think that friends are supposed to do........ what......" but he suddenly screams as he turns bright red. "OH MY GOD I JUST GOT A MENTAL PICTURE!!!" He wails as he gently slaps the side of his head. "GET OUT GET OUT!!" He sobs as he dashes out of the room. Webs and pirahna stare on for a second, then look at each other.

           "Maybe next time you should lock the door pepe......" Webs said sternly with a cold look. Pirahna gulps and chuckles nervously. "My bad??" He laughs. Webs glares at him and tosses his pants at him, hitting him straight in the face.


And there we have it folks!!

And FYI yes I used the "MAMA NOOO!!" Lines cause I thought it would fit that scene wonderfully

Also thank you willowisaretard for the request 🥰🥰🥰

Happy Valentines Day y'all!! Spread some love!!!

Word count: 1,115 words

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