Double Date

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This was requested by KeannaEvans1

I hope everyone loves this, especially you keanna UwU


            Webs grabs a makeup brush and starts applying a little blush on her cheeks. Sighing and looking at her reflection in the mirror she then starts putting on some lipstick. Tonight was date night with pirahna, though Tonight was extra special cause it was a double date with keanna and Shark. Keanna is shark's girlfriend became part of their family a long time ago. Keanna is a sweet and lively girl, and wise too.

         "They're perfect for each other..." Webs though as she ruffled out her short hair. She looks at herself in the floor length mirror and smiles in approval, spinning in her short turquoise dress. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around her and she chuckles to herself. "Babe I'm not ready yet......" She mumbles. Pirahna smiles and kisses her cheek. "I know but I wanted to hug my favorite chica mi amore~" he said softly. As they look into each other's eyes they start to lean in to kiss they hear yelling in the hallway.

            "COME ON KEANNA!! IT'LL LOOK CUTE ON YOU!!" Shark exclaims as he chases after keanna down the hall. "NO!!! IT LOOKS TOO GIRLY!!! I LIKE DRESSES BUT NOT ONES THAT MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A DOLL!" Keanna argues back. As the two argued webs and pirahna chuckles. "Old married couple right there" Webs snickers. Pirahna laughs, "agreed......" he replies as he kisses her quickly. "I'll deal with them so you can finish....." pirahna says as he leaves.

        Webs smiles as she grabs her mascara and does her eyelashes, humming as she also grabs the eyelash curler.....


           Keanna and shark wait outside the apartment. Shark straightens out his jacket as he smiles at keanna. "The dress looks good on you Kaykay. You'll have to let me borrow that" he said with a laugh. Keanna chuckles and tucks back her black and pink ombre hair, her face pink. "T-thanks sharkie....." She responds. While they talk a little bit and flirt webs and pirahna arrive downstairs hand in hand. "Hey you two!! You ready to go??" Webs called out with excitement in her voice.

            Shark and keanna grins as they give the two a thumbs up. "Yeah we're ready to go webs" Shark grins. "I wonder where we're going..." Keanna said with curiosity. Shark shrugs as the other two smile at each other. As they walk down the street they start talking about miscellaneous things like the weather and upcoming events happening. Keanna was mostly silent during these conversations, only giving some input and comments here and there. Shark rubs her back in comfort and keanna smiles at him.

         Suddenly they stop in front of a fancy building and webs smiles. "We're here!!!" She exclaims while clapping. The two look up, in awe at the tall building. "What is this place?" Keanna asks. Pirahna chuckles, "well, my amazing amore got us reservations at this new restaurant. Apparently this place is owned by one of her co-worker's dad." He said. They continue staring at the building but not long after they slowly walk inside....


              "Would you like to start off the night with some wine?" The waiter asks politely. The four look at the menu and gulps. Webs was the first one to speak, "yes please......" She said softly. The waiter nods and hurries to the back. Keanna looks at the menu again, her mind spinning from the many options. "This is....... very weird for me. I mean I've never been to a fancy restaurant before. And besides......" She shows them the menu and points out some items.

        "$100 for a plate of carbonara spaghetti?? I can make this at home for cheap!!!" She exclaims quietly. Shark nods in agreement as he nibbles on a roll. As they look through the menu again their eyes become wider at the prices. It wasn't like they couldn't afford it, but they weren't exactly very rich either. Webs looks around at the others around her at other tables, wearing fancy clothes and expensive jewelry. Compared to them the four looked underdressed for going somewhere fancy.

        "I really don't want to be here anymore babe........ I'm getting weird looks from other tables......" Webs whispers to pirahna. Pirahna takes her hand and rubs her knuckles gently, giving her a soft smile. "We don't have to be here you know? We can leave........" he mumbles. Webs considers this for a moment, then nods. "Ok........ what about you guys??" She askes keanna and shark as they munched on sweet rolls. They both nod in agreement as they swallow. "Yes please!!!! Honestly this place was making my stomach turn with anxiety" keanna said.

         They get up from their seats and head to the front door laughing. As they left the waiter came back with a bottle of red wine. "Here we ar......" but then he sees an empty table with the empty bowl that held the rolls. "Where did they go??" He asks himself but then he sees a wad of 20 dollar bills by the rolls. " least they're considerate......" he told himself as he stuffs the 20 dollar bills in his apron pockets. After a quick pat on his pocket he takes the wine and heads back to the kitchen.......


           Laughter can be heard around the table as they raised their glasses of soda. "Man this is more like it!!" Keanna smiles as she munched on some fries with shark. Shark grins and kisses keanna's cheek. "Agreed babe, I prefer this over any fancy shmancy dinner. I mean just imagine, us eating fancy stuff like caviar!?" he snorts. They laugh loudly as they ate their dinner. Webs hums as she ate her burger with satisfaction.

         "Here, you got mustard by your lips....." pirahna said as he gently swipes his thumb next to her lips. "There we go......" he smiles. Webs blushes as she leans closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder. Keanna and shark grin as they cuddle with each other as well, shark rubbing keanna's back. Soon webs pulled out her phone, "come on guys. Selfie!!!" She exclaims as everyone got closer together. But before the flash went off  shark made a mustache with her hair, causing everyone to laugh as the camera went off and captured the sweet moment between the two couples.

         Webs smiles and sets her phone down. "Now........ who wants dessert??" She askes. Soon the other three raises their hand and shouted "ME!!" at the same time, making the others laugh again. They continue to talk and eat as the night went on, the double date being funner than they thought it would go......


And here we are my darlings!

Thank you for reading and thank you KeannaEvans1 for this request

I hope everyone has a great day or evening

Love you all!! 🥰😚

Word count: 1,164 words

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