Food Lovers

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This is another request from KeannaEvans1

This story, like the last one, will involve keanna herself UwU

Please enjoy!!! 😁


           The clicking of the keyboard echos in the living room, webs laying down on the couch as she works on her laptop. "Man, this work is killing me. Why so much work?" She thought as she stretches her arms. Suddenly her ears perk up as she hears the door unlock. Webs sits up and smiles as the door opens, but her expression goes back to being tired as she sees shark and keanna walk in. "Oh, hey you two. Have fun at the movies tonight?" She asks.

           Shark nods with a smile as he hugs keanna from behind, "Yep! Though keanna was scared out of her wits....." he said with a chuckle. Keanna frown jokingly as she ruffles his hair. "No way! I was not scared. You were the one that was screaming like a girl" keanna exclaims with a laugh.  They both chuckle as fhey walk down the shark's room. "Don't have too much fun!!" Webs yelled with a snicker, earning embarrassed noises from shark.

           Webs then grabs her computer and heads into the kitchen. Looking through the cabinets she pulls out a cup of noodles, then putting a kettle of water on the stove. As she turned on the stove she hears the door open and close again. "Ay dios mios im hungry......" pirahna groans as he kicks off his shoes. He stretches and walks into the living room, suddenly seeing webs back turn in the kitchen. Smirking he decides to sneak up on her, making the grabby hands. But before he can sneak attack her, "Don't even think about it", Webs said with a smirk.

           Pirahna freezes in his tracks, then hides his hands behind his back as he whistles. Smiling she turns around and kisses his cheek, wrapping her arms around his neck. "About time you came back. I was starting to get bored....." Webs Said in a soft tone. Pirahna chuckles and kisses her cheek, "well that makes two of us amore. My double set at the country club was starting to bore me to death" he said with a tired voice. She nods knowingly, understanding how he felt. Pirahna then sees the kettle on the stove, along with the cup noodles on the counter.

             "Uhh....... were you about to make cup noodles again?" He asked with his eyebrow raised. Webs whistles as she hides the cup noodles behind her back. "N-no......." She straight up lies as she gives a guilty look. Pirahna laughs as he reaches for the noodles behind her, "come on chica, I'll make something tonight ok?" He said as he puts the noodles back. With a sigh she nodded in agreement. Pirahna then pulls out some pots and pans as she jumps onto the counter. "You making a feast or something pepe?" Webs teased. "No but it'll be a great meal....." he says proudly.

           Webs laughs at his confidence, "I don't know........ I'm a hard girl to please" She said smugly. Pirahna grins mischievously as he grabs a knife to inspect it, making sure it was sharp. "Is that a challenge amore? Then I gladly accept!" He exclaims excitedly. Webs chuckles to herself as she sips her energy drink, smirking to herself.


            Shark and keanna giggle as they relax in shark's bed. Shark smiles brightly as he grabs a small bag by his dresser. "I also got you something kaykay. I know how much you like chocolate so......" he blushes as he hands her the small bag. Keanna stares at the bag in surprise, her cheeks turning pink. "Oh shark........thank you" She says softly as she takes the bag. Keanna looks in the bag and finds a black box with a gold ribbon tied to it. She gently grabs the box and pulls it out of the bag, pulling the ribbon off gently.

             As she opened the box she saw little chocolate truffles shaped like flowers. "Ooh! They look so pretty. I don't know If I can eat these beauties" She said smiling as she holds a rose shaped chocolate truffle in her palm. Shark grins and takes the chocolate from her hand, then holds it towards her lips. "Come on kaykay. Open up" he said with a chuckle. Keanna turns bright red as she covers her face with her hair, her heart beating fast. "H-huh!? I-i can eat it myself!!" She said quickly as she hides her embarrassment.

              Shark moves her hair out of her face, "come on.......just one bite?" He asks as he gives her the puppy dog eyes. Keanna sighs in defeat as she looks at the truffle, then slowly takes a bite of it. Her eyes widen in surprise as she smiles, pointing at the chocolate. "This is good!! It tastes like raspberries" She exclaims. Keanna grabs another chocolate truffle in the shape of a daisy and smiles. "Try it shark!!" She said with excitement in her voice. Shark smirks and takes a bite of the chocolate, his looking at her seductively.

           She turns bright red again and turns her head to hide her red face. "Marshmallow and lemon...... reminds me of you~" he said softly as he kisses and gently licks her fingers. Keanna becomes red as a tomato as she stutters incoherently. " had chocolate on your fingers" he said in a low, deep voice. Keanna gulps and hands him another chocolate. Shyly she points to her lips, avoiding his gaze. Shark chuckles and and starts feeding her another truffle but suddenly he blushes as she slowly eats the chocolate, looking at him with the same seductive look as she licks his fingers as well.

             Shark becomes flustered as she licks her lips and grins. "Blueberries and creme........ reminds me of you~" She smirks as she leans closer to him. She takes another chocolate and holds it with her teeth. Getting the hint he takes the chocolate with his teeth but the chocolate breaks in half. Smiling she slips the other half in her mouth as shark swallows his other half of the chocolate. Keanna chuckles softly but gets pulled into his lap as he kisses her passionately. Her eyes widen in surprise but quickly melts into the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck, letting out soft groans as his tongue danced with her's.

           Shark rubs her back and lays her on the bed, tasting the chocolate on her tongue. He takes off his jacket as he looks at keanna, her face red as her eyes glint with mischief. They kiss again and he proceeds to kiss her everywhere..........


               Webs peers over his shoulder as she watches pirahna sautéing chicken with onions, garlic and jalapeños. Pirahna chuckles as she's a little bit of drool by her lips. He gently wipes it away with a smile, "smells good huh? It's a special recipe from a mama back at home" pirahna said as he holds up a spoon to webs. "Here. It's good" pirahna smiles. Webs looks at the spoon, then back at him. She then puts the food on the spoon in her mouth. Her eyes sparkle as she swallows. "This is good!! Not too spicy but still flavorful. Though......" She then grabs a few cloves of cilantro and chops them up into little flakes. Then she grabs a soy sauce bottle and adds 2 teaspoons in it.

            She then grabs the spoon and puts some of the food on it. "Here, try it now" She said as she gestures the spoon to his lips. Chuckling he eats it, then it's his turn to be surprised. "Wow!!! I knew it was missing something!!" He exclaims as he hugs webs tightly. Webs laughs as she playfully hits his shoulder. "Pepe, not near the stove!" She said loudly and he gently puts her down. He kisses her cheek as she giggles softly. Webs looks up at him and softly smiles, her eyes glittering with happiness.

            Pirahna then notices some of the sauce by her lips and grins. He then rubs his thumb softly against her lips and then gets the sauce, licking his fingers clean. "There we go......." he mutters as his forehead touches her's. Suddenly in a swift motion webs kisses him as her arms wrap around him. Pirahna still suddenly from her sudden kiss, his cheeks becoming pink. Slowly he kisses her back and combs his fingers through her hair before gripping the back of her head, deepening the kiss. Groaning softly she backs into the counter and grips the edge to steady herself.

            Pirahna picks her up and lays her partially on the counter and kisses her cheek. "You really wanna do this now? Someone might come down here and........" but shuts up as she puts a finger on his lips. "Just shut up and kiss me" She said in a soft, commanding voice as she tugs on the cuff of his shirt, bringing his face closer to her's and kisses him passionately. Pirahna chuckles and kisses her lips, caressing her hips softly as he trails his kisses to her neck. Webs giggles softly and wraps her legs around his waist.

           But just as he tugs on her shirt he sniffs the air, his nose scrunched. "What the......." he looks up and turns his head. Suddenly his eyes widen in shock as he sees the food on fire from being on the stove for too long. He yells and immediately grabs the pan and sets it in the sink, turning on the cold water to the max. As the fire goes out he starts cursing in Spanish as he rubs his temples. Grumbling he tosses out the now burnt food, upset that he ruined their dinner. "Hey amore, looks like we'll....." but he suddenly stops as he sees webs get off the phone. "Done. 3 steps ahead of you babe." She said with a chuckle. "I also ordered dessert to make up for the damage."

            Pirahna smiles and hugs her again, "it's not your fault, I got to into it so....." he chuckles. Webs kisses his cheek and nods, "yeah..... so did i........" She admits. As they laugh they lean closer and their lips slightly part. Just as they were about to kiss they hear noises from down the hall, moans and groans echoing in the apartment. Webs shakes her head, "They're at it again......." She sighs. Pirahna snickers and holds her tightly. "Man and I thought shark was the sensitive type. Guess we all have secret sides....." he grins.

           Webs nods in agreement and kisses his lips again. He caresses her cheek and picks her up. "We're going to my room for this....." he said huskly and carries her to his room quietly to not disturb the other two. Webs smiles as he shuts the door behind them, locking it behind them......


Whoop whoop!! *drops the pen* done and done!

And thanks KeannaEvans1 for your request. I most appreciate it UwU

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next one!!!

Love ya all 😘

Word count: 1,855 words

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