"He's Not Stupid!"

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This was requested by SnowAngel76

Please enjoy my dear friends 😊😊😊


Webs taps away at her computer as she sips her energy drink. Codes flass on the screen in a green glow and scrolling through the screen fast. Music blasting through her headset, she doesn't hear the discussion going on between her fellow teammates in their living room. Wolf was pointing at a map while making weird gestures, something he always did when describing a plan.

Webs sighs as she goes back to her coding project, nodding her head to her music. She didn't know how long she was staring at her computer but suddenly she felt her stomach growl softly. Webs rubs her tired eyes as she gets up, walking into the kitchen. She looks through the fridge to look for her leftover take-out, but then a sudden feeling of dread hit her. Usually, the boys were always making jokes and laughing after making a plan, but today, they were dead silent.

Feeling her stomach drop, she quickly headed into the living room. She then sees them staring at pirahna with a tired, disapproving look. Pirahna was giving them an angry look back at them, and his sleeves rolled up. "He only does that when he's about to fight someone......" Webs thought. "What is going on here? The atmosphere is so thick you can cut it with a knife. " Webs said. Snake grumbles, "Well, this dingus over here thought its a good idea to change our way of doing these heists, even though they always work," he complained.

Pirahna groans and rolls his eyes, "well I just thought that maybe we could use some smoke bombs to use as diversi......." but he was cut off by wolf before he could finish. Wolf sighs and rubs his temples as he looks at pirahna. "Pirahna, you know that we never change what we perfected for years. It's always been our thing, " he explained in a calm voice. Pirahna groans and raises his hands in the air in frustration. " I know hermano, but still i......" but he got cut off as snake hissed in annoyance.

"Enough with this! We're sticking to the plan, and that's that! The last thing we need is to mess up because of you, ya big lug!!" He said angerly, eyes flaming in annoyance. Pirahna freezes in shock as the others stare in horror. "Snake!" Wolf warned him with a glare. But it was too late, pirahna stomped away out of the living room, fuming. As he brushed past webs, she stole a side glance and goes wide eyed as she saw his eyes glistening with tears.

Turning her attention back to snake, she glared at him, an anger boiling in her that would make Satan go pale in fear. "The hell snake?" She grits her teeth as she balled her fists. "What's your problem!? Do you think that you're the oldest that you have power!? You don't have the right to treat him like that! Yes, he might not be bright, but he's not stupid! Maybe if you'd get off that high horse of yours, you'd realize that this is a team, not a hierarchy!!" As she stared daggers at snake wolf and shark stare on in utter dismay and terror.

"I-i don't like this side of her........ s-she's scary......." Shark stutters as he hugs wolf, shaking fearfully. Wolf nods slowly in agreement as he hugs shark back too, fear also consuming him. Snake goes pale and gulps, but webs still gives him a menacing stare before walking away. Snake breaths out a sigh of relief as he relaxes deeper into the couch. Wolf sighs, and let's go of shark, rubbing his temples. "Snake, Webs is right. He might not be the brightest, but just like us, he's essential to this team. And losing your anger will push him away. Try to be calm, ok? And patience, he'll come to us when he feels like it. But promise me you'll apologize to him later, alright?" He spike in a calming voice.

Snake groans and nods slowly, "Yeah...... I did lose it there. It's just...... he reminds me of myself when I started out. Reckless and impulsive with no care for consequences. Just like I see myself in the rest of you guys. I see my wit but compulsive showboating in you, cunning but ignorant in shark and intelligence but secretive in webs. And seeing these qualities in you guys just........" Snake sighs as he tilts his hat to hide his face. Wolf nods to himself and pushes snaked hat further down, "I get it...... but maybe instead of being angry, show him. Show him how to maintain control over that, well, at least under this roof, that is. We're a team, and teams work together." Wolf smiles.

Snake chuckles as he rearranges his hat back on his head. "Yeah yeah your right. I get it, I'll talk to him tomorrow about it." Snake says. Wolf smiles softly as he holds a fist at snake, "Hey, go bad?". Snake sighs softly and gives him a fist bump, "or go home....."


"I'm not hungry, hermano. Put it in the fridge......." pirahna groans. Shark stands outside his door, takeout in hand, and sighs sadly. He turns to webs, "this isn't working. Usually his hunger outweighs any of his moods....." he whispers. Webs stares at the door and nods to herself. "Give me the bag......" She said and snatched it away from him. She raps on the door gently as she puts an ear to the door. "Pirahna? It's me, webs. You need to eat something. Can I come in?" She said. There was a moment of silence, and webs started getting worried. As she goes to knock again, she suddenly hears the door unlock. "Just you and the food," he mumbles.

Webs looks at shark and quietly gestures him away. She gently opens the door and lets herself in. As she closed the door, she looked around in the dark room, moving dirty clothes out of the way as she sat on his bed. "Geez, your room is as bad as mine," She jokes. Pirahna just stares at her gloomingly, making her shut her mouth. Silently, she hands him his food and lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "Look, snake can........ be a little......... brash........ but he's not so bad once you get......." but gets interrupted as pirahna sits up and groans.

"Just stop......... I don't want to talk about today anymore, chica....." he said. Webs flinches and sighs. "Ok. I'm sorry for bringing it up......" She turns to her side and stares at him silently. "But hey, for what it's worth...... I actually thought the smoke bomb idea was cool, " She mumbled softly. Pirahna looks down at her, a small smile starting to form. "You think so?" He asked hopefully. Webs nods in agreement. "Yeah. It's just sometimes...." She starts. "It's boring doing the same routine," both pirahna and webs said in unison. They both stare at each other in surprise, then little chuckles echo softly in the room.

"Finally, somebody gets it. Nice to know I'm not alone on this, " pirahna said with a grin. Webs laughs and sits up, "At least I got you to smile, so I'm happy there," She says with a smirk. Soon, they both lay down on the bed as they stared at the ceiling. "But yeah....... snake is not bad. He's just...... has a lot of stuff to work on mentally." Webs explained. "I can say the same for all of us. Especially with your outburst today......" he says with a sly grin. Webs turns bright red, remembering that and hides her red face in her hoodie. "Uggh!! You heard that!? Oh lordy........" Sighing, she peaks from her hoodie.

"I can't remember the last time I got this angry. I've always been the more 'passive aggressive' type. " She groans. "Well, personally........" pirahna starts to say but quickly shuts his mouth, blushing cherry red. Webs, curious, sits up and cocks her head. "Personally what?" She asked. Pirahna shakes his head, "nope! Not saying anything chica" he insisted. Webs pouts, "come on! I wanna know!!" She begs. Pirahna laughs as she still begs to know what he was gonna say, not giving in.

But as she protested, she soon got too close and accidentally pushed Pirahna onto his back, following suit after him. Soon her upper body was pressed against his chest as her legs dangled over the edge of the bed, their noses touching. Pirahna's face slowly turns red as webs becomes flustered, quickly sitting up and facing away from him. Pirahna gets up and faces in the opposite direction, covering his lower face with his hand as his face becomes redder by the minute.

"Uhhhh........ imma go......" She muttered as she made a mad dash for the door. As she closes the door behind her, she leans against it and lets out a deep exhale. She covers her mouth and nose, and her cheeks tinted pink. "Crap, why did I do that!? Stupid stupid, now you've done it. As if he didn't see me as weird before, now he probably thinks you're freakin' crazy........" She groans and heads to her room, covering her blushing face with her hoodie. "Mental note, do NOT push yourself literally closer to him. Last thing I need is to scare him off from the team....." She mumbles.


"D-dios mios........... s-so close........." pirahna gulps as he lays in his bed, dazed and smiling like a dork. "No girl has ever been so close to me......." suddenly he sits up and starts panicking. "Wait.......... it was an accident after all, so she probably saw the situation differently. But now I'm confused. Did she come closer to me cause that's how she is or does she......." suddenly pirahna grabs his hair in frustration and yells, "¡Maldita sea! Why is everything and everyone so complicated??"

He covers his face with his pillow as he still blushes. Suddenly a low growl was heard and he clutches his stomach, "yeah....... I need to eat......" he lifts the pillow up and spots the unopened Styrofoam box on his bed. Licking his lips he snatches the box, "at least food does me no wrong......" he grumbles as he takes a bite of his food. As he eats his mind keeps replaying the same moment, making him blush again. "Something tells me this feeling is very wrong........ but........ this also feels very right......"


I'm back!!!!!

I'm sorry for the sudden hiatus but I'm back and kicking better than ever.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I hope you keep enjoying these stories

Love ya all


Word count: 1,795 words

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