Chapter 13: Way too hot-blooded

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Hammond: You... REFUSE ?! You refuse to submit to the New Fishman Pirates... ?! Then it is decided ! You are mere sinful humans, ENEMIES OF ALL FISHMEN !!

Luffy: Why the heck have we gotta become your minions, huh ?!

Chopper: Luffy !! We probably shouldn't provoke them... !

Hammond: Well, this is a pity. We can't let you pass... SEA LION !!

"Franky, not to point out the obvious, but I think we should dip !"

Usopp: We're good to go !!


"GO !!"

Franky: The Sunny is a lion, too ! We should settle this properly someday, Sea lion !! COUP DE BURST !!

Hammond: Huh ?! That sailboat just... WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THIS SHIP ?!

Luffy: Bueghhh !! We're almost out of air !!

Brook: We're gonna get squashed !!

"Yeah, kinda neglected that part of the plan, my B !! Just hang in there until we reach Fishman island !!"

Franky: We're going innnnnn !!

Sanji: I'm coming, my beloved mermaiiiiiids !!

"Did we just... Lost our coating ?! That giant bubble just stripped it away !!"

Robin: What's more, the bubble has two layers !! An ordinary ship would just sink upon reaching this air-filled stretch !!

"While I applaud these measures against people sneaking in, everyone hang on tight !"

Zoro: ... Seawater !!

"Oh for Eris' sake- GLUBLUGLURB !!"

Sanji: 'This is one intense current... !! This is bad... We've got four devil fruit users on board !! Nami-san... Robin-chan... !! Dammit ! I can't fight this crazy current... !!'

Fishman: That's one outrageous entry !! Could seriously backfire on 'em, too... Should we go after 'em, Hammond ? Follow 'em in ?

Hammond: I don't know whether they'll have survived or not... But we should follow just in case. We can't have the Neptune army getting to 'em before we do. That said, we should return to Noah first. The boss needs to hear about this. That the pirate who shattered Arlong-san's ambitions... "Straw Hat" has arrived... !!

???: Look at that ! I saw ! I saw nothing !! I think I saw ? So what if I saw ?!

???: Did he just move ?! He did ! He did not ! I think he did ? So what if he did ?!


Usopp/Chopper: HE'S AWAAAAAAKE !!

Luffy: Hah... Hah... Hm ?!

???: Ah !! Luffy-chin !!

Camie: I'm so glad you're all right !! How are you feeling ?

Luffy: Ahhhh !! Camie, it's you !! I haven't seen you in forever !!

Sanji: You're even cuter than you were before ! Camie-chan~ !!

"... Well at least he seems to be holding his own so far..."

Chopper: Yeah... I'm not so sure he should see more mermaids though...

Camie: I'm so sorry ! I meant to go out and meet you, but I got the date mixed up by a month...

"Please tell us you were expecting us in a month and didn't spend a month waiting..."

Luffy: So we reached Fishman Island ?!

Chopper: We sure have !! the mermaids saved us all from drowning !

Usopp: There's no point hiding it, all of us were passed out until a few moments ago.

Sanji: This is Camie-chan's house ! Here, have your hat back.

Luffy: I see ! Where are the others ?

Chopper: That's the thing, it looks like we've been split up again ! I hope the others are okay !

Luffy: I see... Well, i'm sure they'll pull through somehow.

Sanji: "Bones" isn't going to be much use under the sea, but they've got "Robo" and "Greenie" as well. They'll be fine.

"I don't know their exact whereabouts, but so far I can tell all of them made it to the island and are at least in good enough shape to move around."

Camie: I can't wait to see the others as well !! here, i'm sure you're all freezing cold, so have some soup to warm yourselves up ! It's chilled wakame soup ! i'm sure you'll like it !

Chopper: Chilled soup... ?


Sanji: Don't worry, Camie-chan ! It's warming me up already~ !

Chopper: What is that even supposed to mean ?

Luffy: hey, Sanji, pass some here !!

???: Your clothes are dry ! They're all dry ! they're not dry yet ! They're dry, aren't they ? So what if they're dry ?!

"Right, I wanted to ask this for a while, but who are these five little ones, exactly ?"

Camie: Oh, they're my friends. The Medaka mermaid quintuplets.

Medaka: I'm Ichika. I'm Nika. I'm Sanka. I'm Yonka. I'm Yonka two.

"Shouldn't that one be 'Goka' then... ?"

Camie: They're all fast swimmers and really well-informed; And you're at the bottom of Mermaid Cove ! This is the girl's dorm for mermaid cafe in the city, so I have lots of friends here !

Sanji: G- Girls' dorm ?! M- M- MERMAID CAFE ?!

Camie: that's where I'm working right now, as a waitress. There are tons of beautiful mermaids there.

"Oh, guess Hachi's Takoyaki shop is closed while he... recovers... Sanji ?"


Sanji: ... ... I WILL NOT FALL !!


Sanji: I have sworn to myself that I will not do such shameful things as violently nosebleeding myself into unconsciousness here on Mermaid Island !! isn't it about time... Fate smiled on me a little... ?!

Usopp: He's sure taking this seriously...

Camie: We should head on up, I'll introduce you to my friends !

Camie: Take us up, would you, Turtle-chin ?

Luffy: It's a turtle !!

Chopper: Yeah, a sea-turtle elevator !

Camie: This is an underwater coral apartment building. I'm in one of the bottom-floor dorms, 'cause the rent is cheapest. The prices are highest up near the top where there's more light.

Luffy: Oh, so you're pretty poor, huh ? Where are Hachi and Pappag, anyway ?

"L- Luffy, please, I thought Makino taught you about tact and stuff..."

Camie: Oh, well, Hacchin was injured really badly about a year ago...

Chopper: yeah, protecting the Sunny, right ?!

Camie: I hear he's pretty much recovered now... But yeah, he originally comes from the Fishman district, so that's where he's been recuperating.

Usopp: Fishman district ?

"Hmm... Think of it as something similar to the lawless area on Sabaody."

Camie: yes... It's a pretty rough area, but if I'm with you guys, I suppose we could visit

Luffy: Let's go there later then ! We've gotta thank Hachi for what he did !

Camie: ... Okay, then ! And then there's Pappag... he's a super-famous designer, so he lives in this big mansion in the most upmarket area of all, Gyovalley Hills. I'm going to take him some clams today, so you can come along !

"... So your pet... has a better standard of living than you do ? That's a bit... Odd, don't you think ?"

Camie: Eheheh... I wouldn't really fit in that area... Besides, this area has the tastiest clams !

Usopp: ... hey, what're those big straw-like things ?

Camie: Those are water roads, constructed by our top bubble engineers. Both the fish and residents use them to get around... take a look ! This way, we can swim even above water !!

Luffy: That looks like fun !!

Usopp: Hm ? Hang on... Why is there a sky and clouds all this was down in the ocean ?!

"Gives you a good idea of the scale of this island, huh ?"

???: Hey ! Camie !

Sanji: Ah !! I hear female voices !!

Camie: Ah ! You guys !!

Ishilly: Are your friends all better now ? Those drowning pirates~ !

Hiramera: You didn't come in through the entrance, did you ?

Seira: Illegal immigrants ? How wild ! I have a thing for pirates, you know~ !

Mero: Hello there ! You don't seem very frightening !

Usopp: WHOAAAAA !! It's like something right out of a Fairy Tale !! A beach of coral !A cove of mermaids !!


Chopper: Sanji's burst out crying !!

Luffy: Wow, he's crying even more than when he left the Baratie...

Camie: Everyone, this is the captain, Luffy-chin ! The one with long hair is Y/n-chin, the crying one is Sanji-chin. The big-nosed one is Usopp-chin... And the tanuki is Chopper-chin !

Chopper: I'm a reindeer !!


Usopp: Uh, are you sure about that, Sanji... ?

Mero: Ahaha ! Is something the matter ? Why the sad face ? Come on in ! Let's dance together among the waves !

Sanji: EHHHH ?! I see... !! Such joy as this cannot possibly exist... Today... Must be the day I die... !

Usopp: He's gone negative !! Seriously, what the heck happened to you over these past two years ?!

"You don't want to know... For him, that place was even worse than hell, something specially tailored to torture the very foundation of his being..."

Usopp: ... How... Do you know ?

"Well, for professional reasons, I had to travel quite a lot for these past two years... Which lead me to the place where he was. Please don't tell him, he'll murder me for not taking him back with me."

Usopp: Huh... THIS ISLAND IS THE PARADISE YOU4VE BEEN DREAMING OF, ISN'T IT ?! Ahh... ! Now I'm starting to tear up, too ! Accept the happiness, Sanji !!

Luffy: Hahahahah ! You're pretty funny sometimes, Sanji !

Mermaid: What on Earth could be in this barrel that came floating in along with Camie's friends ? Alcohol ? Treasure ? It seems to be very tightly sealed... Should we try opening it ?

Barrel: ... ... ...

???: Straw Hat Luffy... So he has finally come this far.

Hammond: indeed... ! Wh- What should we do ? Boss ?

???: Bring him here... To me !!

Sanji: I'M... GONNA... LIVE HERE !!

Ishilly: You're so funny, Sanji-chaaaan !!

"You know, after all he had to endure, it warms my heart seeing him so happy now..."

Luffy: You guys are so lucky, getting to swim.

Camie: You can swim too, if you put a bubble on first !

Luffy: Really ?!

Usopp: Still, looks like he ended back tonormal after all, huh... ? Was it pure willpower... ?

Chopper: It's a real relief... If he'd had any more nosebleeds, he would have run out of blod completely... And his blood type isn't exactly common.

Luffy: hey Camue ! There's someone I've gotta see while i'm here on Fishman island !!

Camie: Oh, who's that ? The mermaid princess ?

Luffy: No... It's Jinbe ! When Ace died two years ago, I almost lost it... It was only thanks to Jinbe that I made it through all right ! I've gotta see him again !!

Usopp: Hold it, Luffy... Jinbe ?! Don't tell me you've been associating with more Shichibukai... ?! Well, former Shichibukai...

"You'd be surprised at who Luffy befriended on that whole thing, and Jinbe is one of them."

Usopp: What the heck are you ?!

Jinbe: two years from now, let us meet again, on Fishman island ! I will be looking forward to the day when you and your crew come to call !!

Luffy: We promised to meet up again here on this island.

Camie: Come to think of it, I did read an article saying you'd been seen with boss Jinbe !

"So, where is he ?"

Camie: Ehm... The thing is, the boss isn't actually on the island right now. You know how he abandoned his post as Shichibukai back then ? Well, because of that, the former members of the fishman pirates weren't able to stay on this island any longer. They all left, together with boss Jinbe.

Luffy: Ehhhh ?! Then I'm not gonna be able to see Jinbe ?!

Camie: Well, it would take a long time to explain in detail, but a lot of things changed on this island after the war...

Medaka: Camie, Camie, Camie, Camie, Camie !! They're coming ! They might be coming. A Kingdom ship is coming ! They might not be on board. Of course they'll be on board !

Camie: You guys ! Who's onboard that ship ?!

Medaka: We don't know yet ! It's a rare kingdom ship !! A ship that doesn't come here often ! Theycould be here to capture Luffy-chin and the others for entering the island illegally !

"Eh ?!"

Camie: Luffy-chin !! You and your friends have to hide !!

Camie: Huh ? It's a royal gondola !!

Medaka: It really is ? It is ! No, it isn't ! Isn't it ? So what if it is ?!

Seira: Still, it's not as though any of the Royal family will be on board. They wouldn't leave their palace and come all the way out to these remote regions of the island...


Princes: Hello there, ladies of the Cove. There's something we need toinquire of you.


"... Princes ? The three of them at once ? What the hell is happening here ?"

Ishilly: 'You stay nice and hidden there, Sanji-chan...'

Fukaboshi: We have received reports of a number of illegal immigrants, has anyone here seen them ?!

Ryuuboshi: If you've seen them, let us know-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-do~ ! If they haven't, then alas-so-re-mi-re-doooo !

Mamboshi: Akkaa mambo ! Whooo whooo ! Maaan ! I'd sure love to hang out here awhile !!

Mermaids: N... No... ! I'm afraid we haven't seen anyone like that here... Are they really as important as all that... ?! So important that the Princes themselves must come searching for them ?!

Fukaboshi: Hm... Well... It is still not certain that the are the individuals we suspect...

Ryuuboshi: Indeed that is so-fa-re-mi-dooo !

Mamboshi: Let's dance ! Akka-mambo !

Hammond: Now, what's all this ruckus... ?! Those are the three big shots from the Neptune army !! What are they doing here ?! This is a pain...

Fukaboshi: Hmm... I see. Well, thank you all anyway. We will continue our search elsewhere... The border guards must have been mistaken... I apologize for interrupting your frivolities.

Mermaids: Oh, it was our pleasure !

Ryuuboshi: And now we shall go-mi-re-do !

Mamboshi: Let's dance again sometime !

"Phew... The storm just passed... I think we should probably go to that border guards thing and explain what happened, so grab Sanji and... Sanji ?"

Sanji: ... ... ... !!

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