Chapter 14: Mermaid-induced Anemia

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:



Ishilly: AAAAAAAAHHHH !! Sanji-chan !!

Luffy: That was way too much blood !! Sanji !!

Usopp: Oh, crap... The tension he was suppressing must have burst out all at once !!

Fukaboshi: That man... !! There's no doubt about it... It's the pirate, Straw Hat Luffy !! Ammo-knights !!

Knights: Yes, sir !!

Hammond: Well, damn... They really are here !! It's the Straw hats !! What now ? They're going to capture 'em before we do !! But we can't start a fight with the Neptune army in a place like this !! And it's the princes, of all people... !!

Chopper: HOLD ON A MINUTE !! We apologize for entering the island illegally !! But could you wait before arresting us ?! THIS IS URGENT !! IS THERE ANYONE HERE WHO COULD PROVIDE A BLOOD DONATION ?! If my friend doesn't receive one soon... HE'LL BE DEAD WITHIN A MATTER OF MINUTES !! His blood is type S, Rh negative !! I know it's a little rare... But is there anyone here with a blood type match ?! Or is mermaid and fishman blood not compatible with humans... ?!

Luffy: hey !! You've gotta help us, please !! I'm begging you !! Sanji needs blood, fast !!

Chopper: Quickly !! is there anyone at all ?!

Usopp: He can't die in such a ridiculous way... !! Somebody, help !!

"... Sadly, I don't think it's really a matter as compatibility... But rather, a long heritage between us..."

Camie: H- he's right... Chopper-chin, mermaids and fishmen both have the same type of blood as humans ! A blood transfusion should be possible... But...

Hammond: HAMOHAMOHAMO !! FOOLISH HUMANS !! WHAT IS THIS OUTRAGEOUS NONSENSE ?! Why would any fishman or Merman ever give his own precious blood to save an inferior human ?! Why,if they ever considered it, the human haters would subject them to the Midnight penalty !!

Luffy: It's those guys with the sea monsters !!

Knight: Prince Fukaboshi !! It's Hammond, from the Fishman district !!

Hammond: You can just lie there ! Let your blood flow out... Until you perish helpless on these shores !! For there is an ancient law in this land ?! "Thou shalt never share thy blood with humankind" !!

Usopp: What... ?!

Hammond: AND YOU HUMANS HAVE ONLY YOURSELVES TO BLAME !! Throughout the annals of history... You have feared our kind as monsters... AND STUBBORNLY REFUSED TO EVER MINGLE YOUR BLOOD WITH OURS !! EVEN THE DEATH OF THIS ISLAND'S HERO, FISHER TIGER, SPEAKS AGAINST YOU !! That man, who risked his life to free all slaves, regardless of race... WAS GRAVELY INJURED IN THE BLOODY BATTLE THAT FOLLOWED !! WITH A LITTLE BLOOD, HIS LIFE COULD EASILY HAVE BEEN SAVED, BUT IT WAS NOT TO BE !! FOR THE HEARTLESS HUMANS REFUSED TO SHARE THEIR BLOOD... AND SO HE PERISHED !! So it's time you gave up on the life of that one measly crewmate, and came up with us to the Fishman district !! The captain of the New Fishman Pirates, Hody Jones-sama... HAS SUMMONED YOU !!

Usopp: You guys... I don't care if there's some law against it, i'm begging you !! isn't there anyone here with type S Rh-negative blood ?! We'll do anything you want in return !! Just please, help us to save his life !!

Hammond: I'll take you by force if I have to... !

"Seriously, how many times until you understand... You're really annoying."

Knight: He just took out Hammond and his cronies from the Fishman district... !!


Usopp: Behind you !! A sea monster !!

"... What even is that, some sort of sea hamster... ?"

Usopp: The sea monster... Just gave up without even fighting... !!

Mermaid: What on Earth... Luffy-chan's amazing !!

Fukaboshi: Impressive...

Camie: LUFFY-CHIIIIIIIIN !! YOU GUUUUYS !! Get Sanji-chin up here !! We'll go to the town !! There are plenty of humans at the port !! hurry !!

Knight: Hold it right there !! the Ryuuguu Gondola belongs to the-

Camie: I'm very sorry !! I promise I'll return it as soon as Sanji-chin is safe !!

"All right, everyone's on board ! Camie, get moving !!

Camie: Please help us, Ryuuguu-chin ! Take us to the town ! ... I'm so sorry... If I had the same blood type myself, I'd donate it in a heartbeat, but...

Usopp: There's nothing for you to apologize about ! It's this idiot's fault in the first place for having such a perverted mind ! Take a look, even now he's got a stupid grin on his face !

Chopper: Sanjiiii !! That's enough already ! Don't think about anything !! We don't have a second to lose !! this is a matter of life and death !!

Usopp: Still, first there was this discrimination against you guys back on Sabaody two years ago, and now this... Looks like this problem runs deep... ! To think that a little pervy nosebleed could turn into such a huge problem...

"I don't think anything was little about it, Sanji lost what looked like a dozen gallons of blood... It's a wonder how he has any blood left in him."

Camie: And I'm still a little worried about what'll happen once we reach the town... ! Will we be able to find a donor at such a short notice... ? There haven't been any humans arriving on the island in the past month or so... You guys were the first to arrive in quite a while...

Luffy: Why's that ? I thought this was a famous tourist site !

Camie: Yes, it is a real tourist spot... I really don't know the reason why... There are rumours all throughout the island lately, rumours of stopping anyone from arriving... Of some kind of shadowy force behind all of this...

"... Yeah, I think we stumbled and punched our way through some of them..."

Fukaboshi: Well, I don't know what to say... Why were you all hiding these pirates from us... ?!

Mermaids: We're very sorry, Prince Fukaboshi... But since they were Camie's friends, and they didn't seem like bad people, we just couldn't bear to see them captured as illegal immigrants... Do you think Sanji-chan will be all right... ?

Mamboshi: Akkamambo ! Akamambo !

Fukaboshi: You seem to have leaped to the wrong conclusion. That crew are famous pirates. There was no need for them to undergo any inspections upon entering the island... We know enough of their nature already.

Ryuuboshi: It was with regards toa different matter that we sought them-mi-fa-soooo !

Ishilly: ... Oh... We had no idea...

Barrel: ... ... ...

Fukaboshi: And it would appear I have missed my opportunity... To deliver Jinbe's message...

Camie: Sanji-chin !!

Chopper: Sanji !! Are you awake ?!

Sanji: Where... Am I... ?

Chopper: Thank goodness... !

Camie: You're in the house of a some friend of mine, in the port town... ! Sanji-chin, you lost almost all your blood in your body !

"Thank Eris we managed to find a blood donor in time... And what donor... Pfrrrr..."

Sanji: I... Lost all my blood... ?! What happened to me... ?

Camie: Keep still, you still need rest.

Luffy: Why wouldn't any of the fishmen donate at all... ? We ran all through town, but there were no humans in sight...

Usopp: I thought you weren't gonna make it for a moment there... !!

Sanji: You guys... Did that for me... ?! Thanks... Ugh... Why can't I remember... ? How did this happen... What was I doing... ?

Usopp/Luffy: AAAAAHHH !! no, no, don't try to remember !!

"if you lose any more blood than that, you really might die !"

Usopp: Oh, yeah, Sanji ! These are the donors we finally managed to find at a local bar.

???: Please, no need to thank us~ ! It's only natural to help a fellow human in need~ !

Sanji: Hm... ?! Don't tell me I received blood from a fragile lady... ?!

"... Not exactly..."

Splash: Think nothing of it, sillyy~ !

Splatter: You can have more if you'd like~ !


Usopp: Try saying "Thank you"...

"Hm... Pretty sure i'm the only one here with the right context in mind..."

Chopper: ... hey, could I take a look at your arm ? ... The toxin check's positive ! I knew it... there's poison in that wound !

"Poison ? I do remember feeling some kind of prick from those three guys, but didn't pay it more mind..."

Usopp: What ?! Are you all right ?!

"Come on, you know me. I've been through worse."

Chopper: ... the poison is deadly... !! And yet, your body seems to have antibodies against it... It's driving the poison away already... ! This is incredible... have you been affected by a poison like this before ?!

"Oh, please don't remind me about that time... Impel Down was a whoooole other level of things, with how much we almost died there... Hehe..."

Usopp: That's not something to laugh about... Who did this ?

"Probably that octopus swordsman... I didn't really notice at the moment, but I'm pretty sure blue rings on an octopus are bas news... The other two were just crooks, but this one was definitely more high-ranked..."


???: That came from the cove... Tch... Those idiot girls, always causing a racket... ! Nw then, what next ? With these guys like this... And what's worse, I accidentally managed to poison that guy from the Strawhats... i'm not gonna be popular if he dies... tch.

*Assassin of the New Fishman Pirates: Hyouzou. (Blue-ringed octopus merman)*

Mermaids: That scream... It was Ishilly and the others, right ? Ishilly !! I did hear them around here... They were talking about whether or not they should open a barrel...

Shyarly: Is the blond boy all right now ?

Camie: Uh-huh ! Thank you for lending us your room, Madame Shyarly ! Could I ask you do stay out of the room, since you're so beautiful and all ? Oh, and you mustn't let Sanji find out that we're at the back of the Mermaid cafe ! His doctor, Chopper-chin, says that something terrible will happen if he finds out where this is, so... !!

Shyarly: An unusual prescription indeed... Ahahah...

"You have no idea the kind of damage it could be doing... really, I just hope he recovers enough to enjoy his stay here..."

Luffy: hey, big mermaid ! What's this ?

Camie: Her name's Madame Shyarly, Luffy-chin !

Shyarly: Don't go touching that, now, Strawhat boys.

Camie: That's a crystal ball, for use in fortune-telling. The Madame's famous for her prophecies here in Coral Hill !

"Oh, yes, I heard about that ! All of the world's major events these last 20 or so years were foretold that way, weren't they ?"

Shyarly: Oh, I don't do any of that any more... It's better not to know the future...

Luffy: So, do mermaids poop ?


Shyarly: Such a tactless boy...

"Luffy, apologize, now !!"

Luffy: S- Sorry... !

Shyarly: Camie. Feel free to take the day off today... You can show your friends around the island.

Camie: Huh ? Are you sure ?

Shyarly: But of course. There have been so few human pirates around lately that we're not seeing much business at any rate. The girls from the cove will be here soon, so we'll be just fine...

Camie: Oh !! That reminds me ! I have to deliver Pappag his clams ! He must be really hungry... !

Usopp: What kind of way is that to remember... ?

"Hay, as long as she does remember, I guess..."

Shyarly: What's that ? Monsieur Pappag... From what I hear, he's run into on old friend. They're making quite the scene in the cafe right now.

Camie: Huh ?

"... I can indeed feel something coming from really close..."

Camie: I didn't want to mention this back there... But when the madame was younger, she said that "lots of pirates will be coming to this island", and the year after that, the great pirate age began.

Usopp/Luffy: Whaaa ?!

Camie: It would take forever if I were to go through everything she's predicted... But just recently, things like the war at Marineford, and the death of Captain Whitebeard... She predicted them all. I think she's become a little fed up of seeing all these terrible things in advance...

"One can only watch so many catastrophes before they have enough... if only she could see nice things for a change..."

Camie: Yes, she told me that fortune telling wasn't as good for these... Come on, Luffy-chin, Usopp-chin, Y/n-chin... Hm ? Where's Chopper ?

"He said he'd stay behind, and keep a close eye on Sanji. Can't have him wander around and into the cafe, can we ?"

Camie: just over here is the coral Hill Main street ! Take a look This is the entrance to the Mermaid cafe !!

Luffy: Whoaaa ! i'm feeling hungry already !

"It's a cafe, Luffy, not a restaurant..."

Camie: There's plenty of food, too ! We have cakes, and ocean fruits...

Luffy: What about meat ?

Camie: Mermaids don't eat meat or fish, so it's just... Let's see... Wakame brulee, Mozuku tart, Kombu souffle... Oh ! We do have shellfish meat ! Scallop sandwiches and clam pizza...

Luffy: Shellfish isn't meat !! What do you take me for ?! Let's just go inside, yeah ?!

Usopp: That's right ! We have to find Pappag !

Mermaids: please come again anytime !

Brook: What's this ?! Luffy-san ! And if it isn't Camie-san as well !!

Camie: Ahhh ! Brook-chin !

Luffy: So this is where you were, Brook !!

Pappag: Hatty !! Nosey !! Psychy !! I've missed you guys so much !! So you did make it here !!

Mermaids: You will come back, won't you Soul King~ ? It was like a dream having you here !

Brook: Yohohoho !! But of course I will, my beautiful mermaids !!


Brook: There's a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart... ! Ah, but of course I don't have a heart, since I'm just bones !! Ahh... i'm so happy I could die... Ah, but no ! I am already dead !!

"Well, at least he seems to be doing well... maybe even a bit too well..."

Usopp: That cafe's really got him into a state, huh ?

Luffy: What on earth happened inside ?!

Pappag: Hold it right there !! it's not like you're leaving in a hurry !! You can visit the mermaid cafe some other time, when you've found your friends !! Right now, I was just about to take Boney over to see my place ! You guys come too ! Whaddaya say to some sea-monster meat ?!


Pappag: What, you expect a man among men like me to live on seaweed and shellfish ?! Only the most vicious of sea monsters is enough to sate my hunger !!

Camie: Oh, yes, Pappag ! Here are your clams for today !

Pappag: Mmmmm~ Camie's delicious clams~ !

Usopp: Talk about vicious !!

Pappag: Merfolk may not, but Fishmen are fine with eating meat and fish ! So don't worry, you'll find plenty around here if you know where to look ! TAXI !!

Luffy: Phew... That's good to hear.

Brook: Hmm ?! What's this ?! AHHHHH !! It's Vander Decken !! Why is there a ghost on a wanted poster ?!

Usopp: Oh, right... The guy from the ghost ship we met on our way here ?

Pappag: What's that ?! You met Vander Decken ?! The guy's a notorious undersea thief, the whole country's been searching for him for years ! C'mon, get on board !!

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