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 " ": you talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So, about that supposed ghost ship and Captain from the dead..."

Pappag: Yeah, that Decken... To begin with, he sent a love letter to the princess of our kingdom every single week. Eventually, he started scaling it up from letters to packages, and finally to marriage proposals, complete with blackmail... !

"Oh, so he's even worse than Sanji..."

Pappag: Well, you can't really ignore that stuff, can you ? The princess was terrified...

Camie: That's right ! So the Princess' father, King Neptune, got really angry, and sent the three princes we saw earlier out to search for him. They've searched far and wide with the help of the Royal army, but they still haven't managed to find him !

Pappag: Uh, Camie ? Camie ? I was doing that explanation...

Camie: Oh, but you wouldn't know about the Royal family. There's King Neptune, the "Sea God", who rules this country... And then he has four children. The youngest is the mermaid princess, and her elder brothers are the three Princes we saw earlier.

Brook: What I'm more interested in hearing as whether this Vander Decken really is a cursed pirate from hundreds of years ago !

Pappag: Well, you know how legends are; Things get blown all out of proportion. From what I hear, the original Mad Captain Vander Decken did exist, but he wounds up here on Fishman island, and in the end, it was here that he died. The ship that you guys saw most likely was the very same Flying Dutchman from the legend... But its captain is just a descendant of the original...

Camie: Vander Decken the Ninth !!

Pappag: Camie... Camie... Camie... !

"... Who on their right mind saw that cursed captain all these years ago and thought 'yeah, I'll marry him' ?"

Brook: Ehhh ?! His descendant ?! I see... Well, that is a relief... I thought I might have run into a real-live ghost, you see... It scared the living daylights out of me ! Not that i'm alive, of course, but... Still, it makes me feel better.

"Brook, after everything that happened in the Florian Triangle, you getting scared over a ghost ship is really... Odd, to say the least..."

Luffy: hey, look over there !! It's another old lady mermaid ! Her tail's all split in half, just like with old lady Kokoro ! You'll end up with legs like that too when you hit thirty, right, Camie ?

Camie: that's right ! I'm impressed you know !

Usopp: And over there ! There's a Baby ! There's a Fishman dad, and his kids are a mer-baby and a fish-boy !Luffy: man, this place is cool ! All these different kinds of people... All different sizes and colours !

Pappag: Yeah, when two different members of the different races get married and have kids, it's twice the fun ! You gotta guess whether it'll be a merkid or fishkid, as well as whether it'll be a boy or a girl ! We'll be taking the fast lane from here

Luffy: Hm ? What's that ?

Pappag: Oh... That's the Sweets factory.

Luffy: Nooo, no... I mean, why's there a Pirate flag up there ?

Pappag: You'll see flags like that one at the entrance to the island, and in the port, as well. It's that flag that's protecting our island right now ! The flag belongs to a pirate from the New World, name of Charlotte Linlin ! Bet-

"Better known as Big Mom, one of the Yonko."

Pappag: Not you too... Before the war, we had Whitebeard's name... And that kept us safe from the hands of other pirates. These days, Big Mom does the same job. In return, she expects a huge delivery of delicious sweets from us each month. That's what the factory's for.

Luffy: Sweets ?!

Pappag: Without a powerful name like that to protect us, our country would collapse. That's just how serious the pirate problem is around these parts.

Luffy: Still, if she's protecting you just like Whitebeard, this Big Mom must be a pretty all right sort of woman.

Pappag: You could say that. Though of course, Whitebeard never asked for anything in return... To Big Mom, I suppose it's like a business of sorts...

Luffy: Big Mom, huh... A Yonko, just like Shanks... I'd love to meet her someday...

"You don't. Trust me on that, Luffy, you don't..."

Pappag: Now take a look out front, we've arrived in the home of the rich and famous, Gyovalley Hills !!

Camie: Uh-huh ! That big house right in front of us... Is Pappag's house !!

Usopp: He owns that ?! This little starfish ?!

Fishmen: What's the matter ?! Madame Shyarly !! This isn't like you... !!

Shyarly: It's terrible... Too terrible... We must find him at once !! The pirate boy... the boy with the Straw Hat !! We must chase him from this land !! We have not a moment to lose !!

Citizen: What are you talking about, Madame ?! Is this another prophecy ?!

Shyarly: ... I did not mean to see again... But I felt something from that boy... And I could not help myself, I had to look into the future... ! Ahhh... !!

Citizen: What's wrong ?! What on Earth did you see... ?! Madame !!

Shyarly: Please, let it not be true... Let my prophecy be false... !! The human with the Straw hat... The boy, Straw hat Luffy... BY HIS HANDS... FISHMAN ISLAND WILL BE DESTROYED !!

Pappag: We have arrived !! This is my house !!

Luffy: It's huuuuge !!

Maids: Welcome home, master !

Pappag: Ohohohohoho !! Did I give you a shock ?! I may just be a stylish starfish up in the world above... But here on Fishman island, I'm mega-celebrity designer Pappag, president of the Criminal (tm) brand Company !!

"Ahhh, world domination through capitalism... So much nostalgia..."

Pappag: Our stores can be found in countries around the whole world !! Why, even Doskoi Panda... Sob...

Luffy: Hey, look ! What's that over there ?!

Camie: The first floor is a Criminal brand store ! Looks like someone's making a scene there, huh ?

???: Now listen here !! Why is everything in this shop so ridiculously expensive ?! I mean, sure, the clothes are cute, but... !!

Usopp: A customer making a complaint... ?

Nami: I'll pay 10,000 and not a Berry more !!

Vendor: Please, madam, be reasonable ! That's under half the original price !!

Luffy: Hey !! Namiiiiii !!

Usopp: So she's the difficult customer, huh... ?

"Why are we absolutely not surprised, huh... ?"

Camie: Ahh ! It's nami-chin !

Nami: Hm... ? Luffy ! And- Ahhhhh !! Camiiiiie !!

Vendor: Ahhh !! Monsieur Pappag !! Wonderful timing !! We seem to have a slight... Problem, you see...

nami: I hear this is your shop, right ? Well, what do you call these prices ?! it's practically theft !

Pappag: Well, you know... It's a luxury designer brand... I'm a famous designer, so...

Nami: Bring them down !

Pappag: Oh, come off it... Look, forget about the prices ! I owe you guys big for what happened two years ago ! You can take whatever you want, free of charge !!

Nami: For nothing ?! Really ?

"You just made a dire mistake right there, Pappag."

Pappag: Don't be like that, what's the worst that could happen now-

Camie: Wasn't that nice of him ?!

Vendor: Monsieur Pappag, the store is empty !


"Sorry, that word was never part of our vocabulary."

Brook: What's this ?! There seems to be some kind of commotion outside the store...

Citizens: It's him !! It's him !!

Employee: Monsieur Pappag !! It's terrible !! Something's happening !!

Pappag: That's not an explanation !! What are you talking about ?!

Employee: W- Well, just look !! Up in the sky above!! He has travelled here from the palace !!

Luffy: ... What's that ? A whale ?


Camie: But... Why would he visit these lowly waters ?! I... i've never seen him in person before... !!

Citizens: What's going on ?! He's all on his own... No army or anything ! Is there a matter of national urgency... ?! Don't tell me the island has been invaded by a mighty pirate... ?! Is the island going to become a warzone ?! This can't be happening !! It must be something terrible!! Everyone evacuate !!

Neptune: Hohohoho... NEPTUUUUUUUNE !!

Usopp: ... That's one biiig merman...

Brook: I think I prefer Mermaids to mermen, myself...

Luffy: that's one weird-looking shaggy old dude... !

"But you have to admit, that beard is glorious."

Pappag: Show some respect, guys !! You're supposed to bow down !!

Nami: That's a cute whale !

Citizens: Does he have some business... With those humans... ?

Neptune: Megalo. Are you sure these are the humans in question ?

Nami: Huh ? That shark... We saw it beck before we reached the island...

Neptune: Hey !! Stray hat humans ! I hereby invite you... To join me in Ryuuguu palace !!


???: They ran for it ?

Fishman: yes, boss !!

Dosun: So they ran away... these humans never learn... !!

Zeo: Humans like to run...

Daruma: Shall I tear their flesh to shreds?! Kyakkya !!

Hody: Let them run... Jahahahahah ! I can use them to set another example... !!

Ikaros: Muhihihihi !! Then I shall take care of them !!

Hody: No, you will not, Ikaros !

Ikaros: Muhhi ! Roger that !!

Hody: I will take care of them. Prepare a bubble.

Daruma: Gahhhhh !! You can't swallow that many at once !! That d*** is powerful !!

A/n: He said "drug"

Ikaros: This is quite the nasty item we've got our hands on... ! Superd*** "Energy Steroid"

A/n: He also said "drug"

Zeo: All fishmen are born with a physical strength ten times that of an ordinary human !! But swallow a single of these energy steroid pills... And that strength is doubled, to twenty times a human's strength !! And a second pill will double it once more ! In return for this miraculous power , the user's very life is drained slowly away !! But we care not... We will execute our plan, whatever the cost !! the life of Fisher Tiger, cut short by thoughtless human !! The will of Arlong !! We will put an end to it all.. To the entire cruel history of our kind... !! WE, THE NEW FISHMAN PIRATES !!

Hody: Take them to the New World...

Fishman: Roger, boss !

Hody: Dear, dear... I do hope they're not all dead after that... Jahahahahaha !! They'd better still be alive... !! I need them alive but scarred... ready to take my message to the world above !! Tell them all, humans !! Tell them what happened to you in the ocean depths... Tell them who did this !! Let fear strike the hearts of the land-dwelling human scum !!


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