Chapter 16: Luffy, No.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Ishilly: It's so tightly sealed... ! What on earth could be inside... ? If it was treasure, surely it would be in a chest ? Since it's a barrel... Perhaps some expensive liquor ?

Barrel: All right... That's enough... ! Keheheheheheh !! No need to open it any further, that's moooore than enough !!

Mermaids: What... ?! Is there... A person inside ?! No way !!

Caribou: Thanks so much, ladies !! Don't try running away, now !!

Ishilly: AAAAAAAAHH ! Quickly ! To the water !!

Caribou: Ohhhh no, you don't !! It's too late for you girls ! Kehihihihi !! I really appreciate your help, little mermaids !!

Mermaids: Huh ?! I'm... Sinking !! It's a swamp !! Why is there a swamp here in the cove ?!

Caribou: Oh, yes... And what a swamp ! There's no escape from these bottomless depths !! I'm a fruit user, you see... I ate the Numa Numa no mi and became a swamp man !! Struggle all you like... It'll anly make you sink deeper ! Oh, and don't think about screaming ! It ain't like I'm gonna kill ya !

Ishilly: SOMEBODY- !!

Caribou: What did I just tell ya... ?! I said it, didn't I ?! ya little foooool !! worry... I'm just gonna put your girls to sleep for a while... !! Kehihihihi...

Caribou: Hahahahahaha ! This body of miiiine is a bottomless expanseee~ ! Now, let's see... How much are mermaids going for these days ?! If I remember right... They auction for around 70 million each... So with three of 'em... Kehihihi !! I've got a lot to thank those Straw hats for !! Thanks to them, I've made it all the way onto Fishman island without even passing through any inspections ! I can hunt down all the mermaids I like !! Now this is what I call a treasure island !! Kehihihi !!

Soldiers: The Straw Hat pirates ?! They have been capturing young girls from Mermaid Cove ?!

Mermaid: No... I'm not saying they did it... I mean... they were such nice people... And besides, they are Camie's friends... !!

Soldiers: They could have been threatening her... At any rate, the fact of the matter is that... The only people who were in the vicinity at the time of the incident, were we of the royal guard, the mermaids of the Cove, the defeated ruffians from the Fishman district... And the Straw Hat pirates... !

Soldier: All humans have motive enough to kidnap a mermaid !! Amongst humans, young mermaids can be sold for extremely large quantities of money !

Civilian: Even so, it doesn't seem fair to assume... !

Soldier: Do you have any idea how many pirates have put on a friendly act to get close to mermaids in the past, only to kidnap the poor girls and make their escape ?!

Fukaboshi: Hmm... So, Madame Shyarly... Are you certain it is true... ? This future that you claim to have seen ? Will the pirate Straw Hat Luffy... Truly bring about the destruction of Fishman island... ?!

Mermaid: Madame Shyarly ! Drink some water...

Shyarly: ... Yes. What I saw is beyond doubt... It is most certainly the truth...

Fukaboshi: Madame Shyarly... Word of the accuracy of your foretellings has reached even so far as our royal palace... How unfortunate... I had intended to approach the Straw Hats with friendly intentions, benefactors of my sister's pet that they are... But, considering this future, uncertain though it may be... It is clearly not prudent to allow them to roam free. We will have to take measures to prevent this... !

Your POV:

Civilians: ... And they're gone... Unbelievable... Being invited to the Palace is one thing, but to be personally escorted by King Neptune himself... ?!

Neptune: Hohohohoh !! Be careful not to fall, now !! NEPTUUUUUUUNE !!

Luffy: What's with that cry, old dude , It sounds really stupiiiiid !

Pappag: You can't say things like that !! Seriously, Straw !! You really scare me sometimes !!

Neptune: Hohohohoho... That shark, Megalo, is a beloved pet of my daughter's, you see !! Why, when it seemed as though Megalo might never return, she was simply inconsolable !! And to think that he was attacked by the Kraken, of all beasts... I must thank you most graciously for saving him !

'... ... ... So if this was a game... Would that be Megalo-vania... ? Why do I suddenly feel like jumping down... ?'

Luffy: Shishishi !! Well, it was just a coincidence, but it's great that he made it, all the same !

Pappag: The Mermaid Princess' pet... !

Brook: Hmm ? Pappag-san, I seem to recall you told us once that you were a close friend of the Mermaid princess...


Brook: Ahh... So it was a lie !

Camie: A... Are you sure it's all right... ? Us coming along to the palace, I mean...

usopp: He said we could bring our friends, didn't he ? So, why not ?

Neptune: Hohohohoh ! In truth, I also sent my sons out to greet you... But I have heard nothing from them since !! So I came to find you myself ! After all, I too can barely wait for the merriments to begin !!

"Uhh... Then may I suggest, next time you send your sons to formally greet guests, remember to tell them not to send out a full squadron of knights like they're trying to apprehend them ? It can lead to a lot of misunderstanding..."

Neptune: ... I'm sorry, but have we met before ? I feel like I did meet you at some point...

"I doubt it. While it's possible you may have heard of me in some way, I would remember something like that."

Neptune: Oh, right ! There were rumors a few years back, about a human traveller with white hair taking out kidnappers and slave traders around the island... We never got the opportunity to properly thank you.

Usopp: ... Man, you really weren't joking when you said you've been beating up the whole industry for years...

"Pretty sure i'm a reason why mermaids sell for so much up there... To my embarrassment."

Neptune: Ah yes, I forgot to mention, there is another member of your crew awaiting you at the Palace.

"... Which one ?"

Neptune: As a matter of fact, he has already begun the drinking. I told him that merriments are better enjoyed with everyone present, but he would not listen !

Usopp: Zoro, huh ?

Nami: That's Zoro all right.

Neptune: I believe... His name was... Bozo !

"No, it's Zoro."

Neptune: As for your other companions, I expect my soldiers will locate them and invite them to the palace soon enough, so fear not !

Usopp: Oh, yeah, Nami, don't you know where the others went ?

Nami: Franky said he was going to search for the relatives of someone Tom-san... And Robin walked off saying something about precious historical information... Why, has there been some kind of trouble ?

"Hmm, not exactly, per say, but..."

Nami: Oh, by the way, old guy !


Nami: Why is it that the area around Fishman island is so bright, even though we're ten thousand meters under the sea ?

Neptune: Hohohoh ! You have it backwards there, my dear... It is not bright in this area because of our island. It is merely that long ago, fishmen gathered and began to live in the lone area of the depths where daylight shines. That community became our island... ! This island lies amongst the roots of the Suntree Eve, a mighty tree that carries the light of the sun down into the ocean depths... !

Nami: Carries the light... ?! You mean, there's a tree with shining roots that reach ten thousand meters below the surface ?!

Neptune: Indeed there is. I hear the scientists have offered explanations for the phenomenon, but it is a sacred tree whose roots shine with the light of the sun above ! What is more, those same roots also provide air to this undersea realm... !

Usopp: So it's like the big boss of the Yarukiman Mangroves back as Sabaody !!

Neptune: When the Sun shines upon the surface, we too are blessed with its rays... And when night falls in the world above, our world too is bathed in Darkness. Thanks to this miracle... Even in this undersea world, we are able to live a natural life, governed by the Sun up above !

Nami: The "Suntree Eve"...

Usopp: Could it be connected to the "Treasure Tree Adam" whose wood was used to make the Sunny ?! I'll have to ask Franky about this !

Luffy: Hey, shaggy old dude, I'm hungry.

Pappag: YOU... !!

Neptune: Hohohohoh... We will arrive presently... The entrance is ahead of us now.


Soldier: Hello ?

Neptune: It is I !!

Soldier: Y- Your majesty !! I will lower the entryway at once !!

Neptune: Now, onward we go !! Neptuuuuune !! Keep your bubbles on tight !

Nami: A Royal Palace... I can't wait~ !

Luffy: Aaaah !! We have arrived !! Ohhh, wow !! It's awesome !! So cool !!

Brook: It makes Pappag-san's mansion look like a flea !!

Pappag: Don't compare them !!

"Hey, Pappag's one isn't small, it's average !"

Pappag: I don't know if you're trying to help me or make it worse...


Nami: What a beautiful palace !!

Camie: *Silent screeching*


Luffy: Woooooow !! There's so much going on !! What a fun-looking palaceeeeee !!

Neptune: this is my home !! Feel free to make yourselves comfortable !

Minister: HOW MANY TIMES MUST YOU BE TOLD ?! YOU MIST LEARN TO CONSIDER YOUR STATION ?! Again you leaving the castle unannounced !! Descending to the lower waters without so much as a retainer by your side !! If something were to happen to you out there,it would be too late for apologies !! Do you not understand what kind of state this Kingdom is in ?!

Minister: Oh dearie me...

Neptune: ... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I will be more careful in the future...

Everyone: 'He got scolded...'

Luffy: Hmm... ?

Neptune: At any rate... ! I have brought the individual responsible for saving Megalo from his troubles with the Kraken !! See to it that they are properly welcomed ! Where is the princess ? Where is Princess Shirahoshi ?!

Minister: ... well, you see, your majesty, it seems to have happened again...



Minister: Oh dearie me...

Neptune: ... I'm sorry... I will be more careful in the future..

Everyone: 'He got scolded again... !'

Right: In any case, it pains me to trouble your majesty upon your arrival with these guests, but there is an important matter that requires your attention !!

Left: Indeed... We have just received word from Prince Fukaboshi, you see... Oh dear, oh dearie me... !!

Neptune: hmm ? From Fukaboshi ? What is it about ?

"... Luffy ? Luffy... ? I swear, where did that boy wander off too again ?"

Brook: When are we going to be properly welcomed~ ?

Usopp: he was with us until a moment ago... Honestly, can't he stay still for a single minute... ?

Pappag: What does he think he's doing, wandering off in this sacred place ?!

"... I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Luffy: Hmmm... Yep, it's this way... The smell of tasty food... Ahh ! The smell disappeared ! It must be behind that door !! Could this be the entrance to the banquet hall ? He said Zoro was here already, right ?! But this door is pretty huge and thick... ! And the walls looks pretty tough, as well... It's like the walls in Impel Down !! Just how tasty is the stuff in here ?! Hup...

Luffy: Whoa ! It's pitch-black ! I guess this isn't the banquet hall... ! But there is plenty of tasty-smelling food !! Is this like a big pantry, then ?! Oh, whatever ! I'll just take some ! I'm too hungry to care !!


Luffy: Whoa ! What is this ?! ... There sure is a lot of coral around on this island ! What's this stuff ? It's so sooooft !!

???: Uu... Uhnnnnnn...

Luffy: Hmm ? Did I just hear someone's voice ? Ahahah ! This coral is like jelly !

???: Aahhh... !! I- Is somebody there ?!


Luffy: Ahh ?! Whooooaaaahhhhh !!

Shirahoshi: Wh- What were you doing on top of my body... ?! Haa... haa... Who exactly might you be ?! I- Identify yourself !!

Luffy: Whoaaaa... ! It's a giant person... ! I mean, mermaid !!

Shirahoshi: Are you here to make an attempt on my life as well ?! W- Well, i'm not scared of you at all ! I am the daughter of King Neptune !! Why should I be... ... ...


Luffy: Whoooa, whoooa !! I haven't done anything !!

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