Chapter 17: Love litter

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voic-off

3rd person POV:

Decken: WADATSUMIIIIIII !! Has there still been no responses ?! Has princess Shirahoshi replied to my letter yet ?!

Wadatsumi: Nope, no response yet, cap'n Decken !

Decken: How many years have I been waiting now ?!

Wadatsumi: Uhhh... About ten years ! Ans still no sign... maybe it'll show up soon...

Decken: This has to be the work of that detestable Neptune !! The fiend means to force Shirahoshi into a political marriage !! I know it !! Why else would he lock her away for ten long years in that steel tower ?! Oh, the shame of it all !! Does he not see ?! The two of us are in love !! I know it !! Once again, I shall send her... This rose in the shape of an axe !! HAAAAHH !!


Pirates: GUAAAAH !! It came flying back this way, Cap'n !! you missed good and proper !!

Decken: Fools !! I never miss a target !! I know it !! Bahohohohohoho !! Princess Shirahoshi !! No matter how I roam these ocean depths, I have yet to find another woman as vast and beautiful as you !! If our love can be fulfilled, then so be it ! But I cannot allow you to live your life with another ! If that should happen... You must die ! Shirahoshi !!

Decken: Either swear your undying love for me !!or choose death !! Yes, your life is a choice... between "death or marriage" !!

Soldiers: It's coming from Shell tower ! That's princess Shirahoshi's voice ! She's crying !!

Minister: What happened to the guards at the tower's entrance ?! Why is nobody by the princess' side ?!

Soldier: I must apologize ! There was a mix-up with the changing of the guards !!


Luffy: Hey, hey, hey !! What's the matter ?! I'm just a pirate who was looking for some food !!


Luffy: Maaan, she's noisy... ! What do I do now... ?


Luffy: I didn't know this food was yours, okayyyyy ?!

Luffy: Haa... Haa... Why is there an axe ?! Where did it come from ?!

Minister: Princess Shirahoshi !! We are on our way !! Look, the door is open !! What's going on ?! PRINCESS SHIRAOSHI !! Are you alright ?! Are you hurt at all ?! We were so worried when we heard your plaintive cries ! Who on earth opened this door ,! was there an intruder ?!

Luffy: 'Ahhh ! What are you doing ?! Let me goooo !!'

Shirahoshi: 'Shhh ! Be quiet... !' I... I apologize for causing you alarm... ! It was nothing, really... ! I think... I must have had a bad dream, that is all... !

Minister: ... I see... 'I was sure I head somebody else's voice...' If that is the case, then I am most relieved. Ah, yes, there is something else that I should speak to you about... It regards the pirate, Straw hat Luffy, who was responsible for saving Megalo. The situation has become rather complicated, you see... !

Minister: ... And as such, under suspicion of the kidnapping of the missing mermaids, and as a precaution against these possible future misdeeds... The decision has been made to confine the Straw Hat crew to the palace's dungeons. The swordsman, who arrived at the palace ahead of the others, has already been apprehended. The four further crewmembers who just arrived at the castle, have most likely been apprehended by now as well... !

Minister: The only problem is... The captain of their crew, Straw Hat luffy, who was last seen entering the palace along with those four crew members, seems to have gone missing... ! Presumably he discovered our intentions to apprehend him somehow, and has concealed himself somewhere in the palace. We must all be on our guard !

Minister: Fear not, we will apprehend his other crewmates from other various locations across Fishman island and ensure the safety of our proud kingdom !! It pains me greatly that we are forced to greet Megalo's saviours with chains and cells rather than the planned celebrations. ... Ah, it would seem that five minutes have passed. In that case, we will be leaving !

Shirahoshi: I must thank you ever so much. I apologize for the rudeness of the guards just now... please forgive them. Still, I never imagined that you were the one responsible for saving Megalo ! Your name is Luffy-sama, yes ?

Luffy: Uh-huh.

Shirahoshi: And you are a pirate... Does that mean you are a bad person ?

Luffy: Hm ? Uhhhh... I dunno. You can decide that yourself.

Shirahoshi: It would appear that your companions have been captured by the palace guards...

Luffy: Yeah... But don't worry. They'll never be able to keep my friends captured for long !! Anyway, I really don't mind ! So... What was that axe that flew in here just now ?! What kind of crazy guy threw that thing, and from where ?!

Shirahoshi: I believe... I know the one responsible. It is a man named Vander Decken... He seems to have a grudge against me because I refused his proposals of marriage... From what I gather, he is cursed with a demonic power by the name of "Mato mato"... It allows him to target me at any time, no matter where he may be.. As such, I am never permitted to leave this Shell Tower, for it would be far too dangerous for me to be out in the open... ! It has been ten years now...

Luffy: Ten whole years ?! You must ge pretty bored !

Shirahoshi: What is more, my father has decreed that even the guards may not spend more than five minutes in my presence... And so I have nobody to talk to but my beloved megalo... He is my only friend in the world...

Luffy: So that's why you were going to throw a party for us ! Though I guess it's not gonna happen now...

Shirahoshi: ... Still... For someone so small, you certainly do eat an awful lot, Luffy-sama. Humans are so strange...

Luffy: Mnglphr mmbgln, brlphmng hrnglg frmlurm nglpmnghl phrng ! (The shaggy old dude said he was going to throw us a party, but then he just kept being told off, so I couldn't take it any more, and I followed the smell in here !)

Luffy: Those guys were calling you "Princess", right ? So are you the Mermaid princess ?!

Shirahoshi: Indeed. I am the daughter of King Neptune. My name is Shirahoshi !

Luffy: huh.. That's a weird name.

Shirahoshi: I don't think you can be a bad person after all. Since you are a pirate, do you go out on what is known as "Adventures" ? Have you ever seen the "sun" ? Also... have you seen the many types of "flowers", or the hair-covered creatures known as "animals" ? Have you ever been to a green location known as a "forest" ?

Luffy: Too many questions ! Hold on a minute, i'm eating !

Shirahoshi: ... My, how large your cheeks are... !

Luffy: Don't do stuff like that !! What was that for ?!

Shirahoshi: Aahh ! I... I... I am sorry... ! Please do not shout at me with such a loud voice... ! You are a scary person after all... Luffy-sama.. !! uu... Uwaaaahh !! Nobody has ever got angry with me beforeee !!Uwaaaaahhhh !!

Luffy: Huh ? Whoa, whoa... I wasn't trying to make you cry ! Stop that ! Man, you're a real crybaby for someone so big... I don't think I like you that much !! Ahahahahahah !

Shirahoshi: Eh ?! Ehhhhh ?! Th... Th... That's so horrible... N- Nobody has ever said anything so horrible to me before... ! You are a terrible person... !! Please, you must leave me at once... ! I cannot take this any longer... Uwaaaaahh !!

Megalo: *Rrghhhh * !!

Luffy: Man, that was good ! Thanks for the food !! Still, ten whole years in this place, huh ? I don't think I could stand that.

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama, would you please leave... ?

Luffy: Hey, isn't there anywhere you'd like to go ?

Shirahoshi; W- Well, of course... There are many such places... But...

Luffy: yeah, there must be, huh... ? Let's go somewhere, then !! For a walk !! If anything comes flying at you again, i'll send it flying right back where it came !!

Shirahoshi: Ehhhhhh ?! I... I could not possibly... !!

Your POV:

Minister: Hurry up and catch them !! They're only a few humans !!

Camie: Usopp-chin !! Nami-chin, Brook-chin ! Y/n-chin ! If you resist them any longer, you really will become criminals... !

"I think that one is on them for coming at our throat without any warning. Are you saying we should just surrender for things we haven't committed ?"

Usopp: if we don't resist, we'll just end up as prisoners ! It's their fault for picking a fight with us over some crazy reason ! I'm not letting them capture me for something I haven't even done yet !!

Brook: Should you so desire, I will gladly face you in combat...

Soldiers: This crew have caused all kinds of crazy incidents... Even without their captain, they're a force to be reckoned with... !!

Nami: Such a pity... I was looking forward to sampling the palace wine...

Pappag: D- Did Nosey used to be as imposing as all that ?!

Minister: Do not falter, soldiers !! See this for what it is, a prelude to the terrors to come !! they must be stopped at all costs to protect our proud nation !!

"Filthy rich coming from those who attacked us. But if it's a war you're looking for, then so be it ! Let it be two armies clashing !"

Usopp: this army is nothing compared to the giant insects of the Boin Archipelago ! Taste the power of my new weapon: Black Kabuto !!

Minister: Neptune-sama !! Lend us your strength !!

Neptune: Hmmmm... I feel unsure whether it is right to imprison them for a future crime... I would like some time to think this over... !! As such... I will capture them for the moment !!

"... if anything, your pride isn't usurped, as a General fighting in the frontlines, rather than hiding behind his soldiers... But then again..."

Neptune: Take this !!

Brook: Such force... !!

"Neither are we."

Nami: Zoro !!

Usopp: Zoro... I thought you were in the dungeons... !

Zoro: I heard the sounds of merry-making... So I thought I'd come out and play !!

Decken: You wait there, Wadatsumi.

Fishman: Captain !! Vander Decken-sama has arrived !! this way !!

Decken: Hmmmmmmm... Sorry I'm a little late... Got caught up in a little volcanic eruption. So, you're the one, right ? The infamous fishman knows as Hody ! I know it !

Hody: You're pretty infamous yourself... mad captain Vander decken !! It'll be a pleasure working with you...

Decken: Oh, you're after a hand-shake... ? Can't be having that... Hang on a second... ! Oh, it's nothing... Bahohohohoh !! The pleasure is all mine, Hody Jones !!

Fishmen: Decken !! Decken !! Hody !! Hody !!

Hody: This alliance benefits us both !! Our goal is the same !! To crush that despicable army, who have none of the pride befitting their races !! To take the head of "Sea God" Neptune !!

Zeo: ... With this, there's nobody under the whole ocean to oppose us... !!

Daruma: This sure is quite the gathering !! Kyakkyah !!

Hody/Decken: And to bring about the total destruction of the Ryuuguu Kingdom !!

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