Chapter 18: *France, circa 1789*

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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Usopp: I don't care what you say, this was one step too far !!

Brook: I quite agree ! You two should show a little penitence !

"And what exactly do you suggest about that ? What other option did we have ?!"

Zoro: You're the ones who started this fight, not me ! You're as guilty as I am !!

Usopp: I was planning to make a run for it !!

Nami: How did a simple day of sightseeing and shopping end up like this... ?

"... Well, in any case, there's no point crying about it now, what's done is done, we can't change it. So just stop yelling, it won't do us any good."

Usopp: What kind of excuse is that ?! "So we stopped by Fishman island and just happened to conquer the Royal Palace" ?! What kind of monster pirates are you ?!

Zoro: You think I should've just let 'em beat us ?!

Usopp: I told you a million time we should just run ?!

"And just how exactly do you intend to 'Run' from a place like this ? And Luffy's still missing after wandering off on his own..."

Usopp: That's a good point !! Where has he got to, anyway ?!

Brook: Who knows...


"... Yeah, I don't really think 'Oops' or 'Sorry' would cut it here..."

Nami: ... We're in a real hurry ! So will you please just tell me where~ ?

Usopp: That's right ! We've gotta find out where Luffy-

Nami: Where is the treasure stored ?


Nami: Huh ? Why ?


Brook: Fear not, my friends !! When things look tough, you just gotta sing a song and cheer right uuuup ! C'mon ! It'll work ouuuut ! It'll work ouuuut ! And even if it doesn't, someday you'll die anyway ! Yeah !


Minister: Your majesty... !! Are you all right ?! To think that King Neptune, warrior of the sea, could be reduced to this... !

Neptune: Mnnnnhhh... With my back playing up like this, I can hardly fight at all, age is a terrible thing... I have failed you all... My apologies !

Ministers: You fools... When prince Fukaboshi, Prince Ryuuboshi and prince Mamboshi return... When you are faced with the three champions of the Neptune army... !! Oh, I sincerely doubt any of you will leave this place unscarred !! Ughhh... ! If we had filled the castle with water, they would stand no chance against us... !! Yet instead, all the water has been removed... !!

"In any case, I think it's quite clear that we can't stay on Fishman island anymore... "

Camie: You're all leaving already ?!

Zoro: Where's the Sunny ? We'll have to round everyone up and set sail again.

Usopp: But the Sunny's coating was torn clean off when we entered the island !

Nami: And the Log pose has been acting strange ever since we got here ! It hasn't shown the slightest signs of settling...

Minister: Oh, you must be joking... ! You hope to traverse the New World with a simple Pose of that nature ? You pirates are truly ignorant... !

Nami: Hm ? We can't use this ? What do you mean ?

Minister: I might tell you if you untie me.

Nami: Hmph...


Minister: Ahh... !! that must be Prince Fukaboshi !!

Fukaboshi: ... Hm ? How very odd... What do the guards think they're doing... ?

"Prince Fukaboshi, I presume ?"

Usopp: Ahhhh !! Don't you answer it !!

Minister: Prince Fukaboshi !! Help uuus !!

Zoro: Oh, shut up over there !!

Minister: Prince Ryuuboshi !! Prince Mamboshi !!

Ryuuboshi: Why, dear brother... !! Some kind of incident seems to be afoot-la-ti-do !

Mamboshi: Sure sounds like it ! Are Father and Shirahoshi all right ?!

Fukaboshi: ... It's me ! Fukaboshi ! What is happening within the palace ?! I request that the connection may be lowered, and the main gate and Palace gate be opened at once !!

"... ... I'm extremely sorry, but i'm afraid that won't be possible. Your assumption was correct indeed, an incident did break out."

Usopp: Gahhh !! What are you saying now ?! Just tell them the truth !!

Pappag: Could you at least tie me and Camie up as well ?! At this rate, we'll be treated as accomplices !!

Fukaboshi: Am I speaking to a member of the Straw-hat pirates ?

Neptune: Fukaboshi !! That man is the vice-captain of the Straw Hat pirate and that well-known slave traders owners from a decade ago, with a bounty of 340,000,000 Berry !! The terrible pirate... Bozo !!

"Hey, that's not me !!"

Zoro: Don't you try to shift it on me !!

Fukaboshi: Father !!

"Well, if you want the short story, apparently they were some sort of allegations about us, then some sort of premonition we'd commit crimes, and the result is that about everyone in the palace, including your father, is currently held hostage. We can assure you that none of them are in danger, and as long as you comply with our demands, all hostages will be returned to you unscathed. All we need from you is to bring our pirate ship, the Sunny, fully coated, as well as the rest of our crew, a 'quite beautiful' lady, a robot, a deer that triggers when you call him a Tanuki-"

Zoro: And one pervy kappa.

Nami: Don't forget one Billion berry !

"You stop that nonsense, you're actually giving them reason to treat us as criminals, so shut your mouth now."

Nami: ... ... S- Sorry...

Brook: P- pervy kappa, he says... !! Yohoho ! Oh, Oh my, that was a good one !! Yohoho !

Fukaboshi: Very well... We will arrange for you and your crewmates to leave this land as quickly as possible. In return, you had better return every last hostage to us unharmed !!

Ryuuboshi/Mamboshi: Brother !!

Fukaboshi: ... There is no other way. Even we cannot overcome the obstacle. The connecting way is the only means of entering or leaving the palace... All other possible points of entry are securely sealed with many layers of bubbles. The palace is impenetrable. May I say one thing, Y/n-Kun... It saddens me that I must do my duty in a situation such as this... But I cannot allow my debts to Jinbe to go unpaid. I have a message for Straw hat Luffy from former Shichibukai "Knight of the Sea" Jinbe. I was instructed to pass it upon your arrivalon this island. The message has two parts.

Neptune: From Jinbe...

Minister: Boss Jinbe...

Usopp: Now that you mention it, he did say he was friends with Jinbe... !

Camie: Jinbe may be a pirate, but he commands a lot of respect on this island !!

"... ... Luffy isn't here at the moment, wut we'll pass on the message. let's hear it.

Fukaboshi: The first message is... "Do not fight with Hody". And the second is "I await you in the ocean forest" ! That's all.

"... Ocean Forest ? Hody ?"

Fishmen: They've gone and done it !! The Straw Hat pirates have taken the royal palace !! What the heck are they after ?!

Mermaids: It can't be... ! They seemed like such nice people... ! They wouldn't do that !

Fishmen: They're the ones who kidnapped the girls from the cove, and they're the ones who showed up in Madame Shyarly's terrible vision... !! And now they've pulled a stunt like this ! Looks like the fiends are finally showing their true colors !

Fishman: And from what I hear, two of the Straw Hat crew members are hiding behind the mermaid cafe right now. The guards have just gone in to capture them... !!


Soldiers: What is this creature ?! It transformed !!

Chopper: Whewww ! Sanji's still recuperating !! None of you touch him !! What do you mean "Come to the Ryuuguu Palace" ?! You came to arrest us, didn't you ?!

Sanji: Hey, you guys...

Chopper: Sanji !! You shouldn't be out of bed !!

Sanji: This "Royal palace" place of yours, is that where she is ? I'm talking about the Mermaid Princess...

Soldier: I... Indeed she is ! What of it ?!

Sanji: I'm going. Dead or alive.

Chopper: YOU'RE GOING ?! Don't you ever learn ?! If she's cute, the sight could kill you !!

Luffy: C'mooon ! What are you waiting for ?! We're going !Outside !!

Shirahoshi: ... But I simply cannot, Luffy-sama ! It would be truly unthinkable to...

Luffy: You're the one who said there's places you want to go ! It's not good spending ten whole years cooped up in this place ! I know it'd drive me crazy ! I'm taking you out ! As thanks for the food !!

Shirahoshi: But... If I were to do such a selfish thing... It would be a terrible bother to everyone in the palace...

Luffy: Where do you want to go ?

Shirahoshi: ... ... W- Well... The ocean forest. Aahhhhh !! No... B- But... that is just a dream... In truth, I could not possibly do something so outrageous as leaving the tower... I... I... Aahhh... !

Luffy: Why does just saying where you wanna go make you start crying ?!

Shirahoshi: I... I... I am sorry... It took all of my courage just to... P- please do not get angry with meeee ! I'm scared... Luffy-sama !

Luffy: Man, you can be a real pain...

Shirahoshi: A... A pain... I... I... !

Luffy: Ahhh, all right, all right ! I'm sorry !!


Luffy: What's that noise ?! It's really loud... !! Is that guy throwing stuff at us again ?! I don't think I like him !

"What the hell is that ruckus about ?!"

Usopp: ... ... ...

"Oh, don't give me that look, you, carpet-bombing the palace isn't something I want to do in the slightest either !"

Neptune: Could it be... Decken's spears ?! The Shell tower ! Shirahoshi is in danger... ! Are the guards with her ?!

Minister: No... All guards have been captured !

Neptune: You ! Pirates !! Go and check on the princess' safety !!

Zoro: Huh ? What're talking about ?

Soldier: But, your majesty... That would mean revealing the princess' existence to the...

Neptune: There is no other choice under the circumstances !! Shell Tower is at the Northeastern edge of te palace !! You must hurry !

Zoro: Why do I have to take orders from hostages... ?

Neptune: SILENCE !! Shirahoshi is my only daughter !! And for certain unfortunate reasons, her life is under constant threat !! IF ANYTHING WERE TO HAPPEN TO MY DAUGHTER BECAUSE OF YOU... I WOULD HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE END OF THE OCEAN !!

Brook: Would you happen to mean the mermaid princess ?! Allow me to be of service, your most eminent majesty !! And by the by... Would it be possible for me to see her panties ?!

Usopp: Hold it, Brooooook !!

Minister: Ahhh... !! I am at a loss for words ! The fiend has rushed off with the most repulsive of objectives in mind !! Now the princess is in even more danger !!

Brook: Yohohohoho- Gurk !!

"Yeaaaah... No. No way i'm leaving you alone on that task, God knows what you'll do."

Minister: Phew... W- Wait one moment !! I do not ask that you untie me ! But please, at least take me with you !! the Shell tower is my responsibility !! If anything were to happen to the princess.... I would sooner die a thousand deaths !!

"... Well, I guess after such a speech, I have no choice. Zoro, you guard this place, make sure nothing happens."

Zoro: Are you sure about that ?

"Our end of the deal implies that all the hostages are unharmed. If we fail at that, then the whole deal is gone."

Minister: ... S- Such honor...

Brook: ... So, you like that princess, don't you~ ?


"I am terribly sorry for his behavior..."

Brook: Sanji-san, I fear I may beat you to the mark ! Yohohoho !

"Really, really sorry..."

Shirahoshi: I have always longed to visit the ocean forest... For all these ten long years... ! But everyone always warns me, that it is far too dangerous for me to leave the tower, and of course the thought scares me terribly... Luffy-sama, will you really... Take me out to this place ?

Luffy: Yeah.

Shirahoshi: You truly promise to protect me ?

Luffy: Yeah, leave to me. It'll be fine !

Shirahoshi: ... ... Uwaaaaahhhhh...

Luffy: Whoa, whoa ! If you start crying, I might change my mind ! Besides, it's you who's gonna be taking me out, really ! I can't swim, you know !

Shirahoshi: I... I am sorry... I was just so happy...

Luffy: You really are a big crybaby, huh ? And a scaredy-cat, too ! Still, you're so big, if you leave the tower everyone will notice right away !

Shirahoshi: ... Indeed... I am sorry...

Luffy: Don't worry ! I've got a reaaaaaal good idea ! Shishishishi !!

Brook: Mermaid princess !! Are you all right ?!

Minister: S- Stop !! take a look at the tower walls !! This is... Outrageous !! It was not the usual knives or axes flying at the tower after all !!

"I was scared after feeling that something was coming through... But I was far from imagining that... Th- This is..."

Minister: That was the sound of Human pirates crashing into the tower walls !! What kind of monster could do this... ?! Vander Decken, you fiend !!

Brook: Ehhh ?! V- Vander Decken ?! But wait... They are starting to recover... !

Minister: This is not good at all... Could it be that this impenetrable palace... Has been invaded by enemy forces ?! This is some kind of ambush... ?! An attack... ?! The king is in danger !! THE PRINCESS IS IN DANGEEEEER !!

Luffy: Those nasty sounds have stopped now, huh ? Let's go, scaredy-cat !!

Shirahoshi: Y... Yes ! I am counting on you, Megalo !!


Minister: MEGALOOOOOO ?!

Brook: Ahh... ?! Luffy-san ?!


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