Chapter 19: Escapade

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... What... How... Why... I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS !!"



Shirahoshi: 'Father... Brothers... ! Everyone... Please forgive me... ! I am going out without your permission... ! I will be back in time for dinner !'

Luffy: Let's go for a waaaalk !!

'... Why does it feel like three people just left... ?'

Minister: WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MEGALO ?! Simply opening the door of Shell Tower and leaving... ! What if something were to happen to the princess ?! Hurry inside ! We must check on the princess' safety !!

Brook: Could you be a little less rough ?!


Brook: EHHHH ?! The Mermaid princess isn't heeeeere ?!

Minister: Ahhh, this is terrible !! this is a national emergency !! When did this happen ?! Who is responsible ?! This is a kidnapping, without a doubt !!

Brook: Kidnapping ?!

"... Brook, to your left !! Panties !!"

Brook Huh ? Where ?!

Brook: That was close, thank you ! What exactly was that for, hmmmm ?!

Pirate: Tell us the location... Of the switch to lower the connection way... That links the palace with the outside world... !

"Switch ? Connecting way ? What of it ?"

Minister: We must hurry !! We must hurry back to King Neptune !! he has to hear of this unique situation at once !!

Pirates: We've gotta do... As we've been ordered... there's no other way... !! if we don't do as they told us... We'll never survive... ! So hurry up and answer... !! If we don't find out, they'll kill us !!

"The hell are you even blabbering about ?!"

Chopper: Hey, Sanjiiiii !! Why did you beat up all the soldiers ?!

Sanji: Ughhh... These guys were our ticket to the Royal Palace... But then they had to start trying to handcuff us...

Chopper: Look around !! Everyone's staring at us with cold eyes !! Colder than a deep-sea fish !!

Sanji: Oh, shut up !! There's nothing I can do about it now, is there ?!

Chopper: Try thinking about that before you do it !!

Sanji: You took out half of 'em yourself, didn't you ?! With that Kung-Fu stuff !! That was actually kind of impressive...

Chopper: Th- That doesn't make me happy at all, you idiiiot~ !!


Sanji: The voice of a Lady !

Citizens: Someon's coming from the shore... Covered in blood... !! You... You're from the Fishman District, aren't you ?! What happened ?! Someone call a doctor !!

Chopper: Hm ? I'm a doctor !

Sanji: Wha- ?! Hachi ?! What happened to you ?!

Chopper: Hey, Hachiii !! It's us ! What happened ?! Why are you covered in wounds ?!

Hachi: ... Ahhh... It's you... I'm glad I found you... Is Straw Hat here... ?

Chopper: He's not with us right now ! Hang on a minute, we'll fix you right up !

Hachi: Gather all your crewmates... You have to hurry... You shouldn't, get involved... With this island any more... ! You have to leave ! The New Fishman Pirates... Are about to invade the island !! The Ryuuguu Kingdom... Is going to fall !!

Decken: Listen up, allies of Hody Jones !! Listen and rejoice !! Because you all get to be a part of this historic operation !!

Pirates: ... Vander Decken... ? As in, the captain of the Flying Dutchman... ?!

Decken: Bahohohohoh ! Don't you worry... I'm his descendant ! Not some kind of ghost ! But I am cursed, just like my ancestor ! I'm a Fishman who can't swim ! But this "Mato Mato" curse has also granted me a demonic power ! Allow me to demonstrate... ! Let's see... How about you ?! Human ! Step forward !

Hachi: HODY !! Nyuuu !! Are you serious about this ?! Stop this crazy talk !!

Fishmen: It's Hachi-san ! Hacchan-san !

Hachi: Energy steroids are good for nothing but self-destruction ! And why would a fishman try to destroy Fishman island ?! Don't underestimate the great warrior Neptune !!

Hody: Hachi-san... Would you please spare me your whining... ? I'm tired of hearing your opinion. It's hard to believe you were once a member of the Arlong Pirates I so admired... You've grown soft... ! It's time for a new generation to take over ! We're going to put the humans in their place. For that, we need Fishman island, and Neptune is in our way !! It was your crew who preached that our race stands above all others !!

Hachi: But Arlong-san was defeated !! Nyuuu... Decken ! Hyouzou ! Are you going to listen to this madness ?! You never responded when Arlong called for your help ! Why are you helping these young fools ?!

Hyouzou: helping ? We've been hired, that's all... They pay us well... Arlong was always too tight with his cash. He never made us the right offer... You've never had a hope of matching me, ever since you wee a child... I felt sorry for Arlong, having to make do with a Swordsman of your level... Hic.

Decken: Bahohohoh !! Hachi of the Arlong Pirates ?! Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while !! That captain of yours tried to make me one of his own minions ! The nerve of it all ! I don't serve under anyone but myself !! Hody's the kind of man who understands that !!

Hody: ... Arlong-san had an ambition and Drive that were worthy of respect... But he was too barbaric. He didn't have enough cunning... Back in the days when your crew was storming the seas, we were still kids. We weren't ready to become pirates, no matter how we wanted to. But now, our generation is ready to take action. So I'd watch my words if I were you... Don't get in the way of progress.

Hody: I am the man who has inherited the will of the Arlong Pirates... ! And it just breaks my heart to see a former glorious crew objecting to my grand scheme... !! Why, from what I heard, the man who crushed the dreams of your old crew, Straw hat Luffy, is on Fishman island as we speak ! Doesn't that stir anything in you ?!

Hachi: Straw hat Luffy called me his friend, despite the crew to which I once belonged... in fact, I owe him my life !! I would go to meet him right away... BUT HOW COULD I FACE HIM IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT ARLONG'S WILL STILL LIVES ON ?!

Hody: You call a human your friend... ? You're as bad as that filth Neptune... I've lost all the respect I ever had for you !


Decken: lock on. You're in my sights now, Hachi... Bahohohohohoh... have you forgotten what it means to be a pirate ? If you've got a problem with us, we settle it through violence ! I know it ! Hup !

Fishmen: Huh ? A knife ?

Pirates: What ?! He threw the knife is a completely different direction... But it landed straight in the Octopus' back !!

Decken: ... From the moment I touched you just now, you became my "target". Any projectile I let fly, no matter what direction I throw it... Will soar like a bird straight towards my target, you !!

Hachi: The "Mato Mato curse"... !!

Decken: naturally, there are ways to block it; Why don't you give it a try ?

Hachi: Nyuuu ?! Stop !! All those arrows... ! I've heard rumours of that ability of yours ! Hody ! Decken's going to kill me !! You have to stop him !!Hody: I told you already, Hachi-san. Vander Decken isn't my subordinate; the two of us are equals in this pirate alliance. And besides... I'm sick of having to look at your face ! You filthy coward !!

Hachi: Ughh... !! Nyuuuu !!

Decken: Off you goooo !! Flyyyyyyy !! Bahohohohohoh !! That's beautiful !! Run ! Run all you like !! But no matter how far you go, no matter where you run, they'll never stop chasing after you !!

Hachi: They're still coming... !! Ughhhh... Even water doesn't slow them down ?!

Pirates: ... ... ...

Decken: Bahohohohohoh... !! I can store one target for each of my hands... ! So a maximum of two ! I haven't even washed this right hand of mine for ten years... It's still fresh with the memory of the time I touched Shirahoshi, princess of the Ryuuguu Kingdom !! YOU GET IT NOW ?! WHETHER IT BE LOVE OR DEADLY WEAPONS, WHATEVER I CHOOSE TO THROW WILL CHASE MY TARGETS TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH !! THIS IS MY POWER !!

Fishmen: WOOOOW !! So that's how he's managed to stalk her for all these years, without ever showing his face or being captured by the Neptune army !! What an outrageously creepy guy !! Cree-py !! Cree-py !!

Hody: ... Well then, my human pirate guests !! You all understand Decken's ability now, do you not... ?! That brings us to the first stage of our plan... The Ryuuguu palace is said to be impenetrable... But one man has succeeded in throwing many things inside its walls for ten long years... And that man is Vander Decken !!

Hody: in other words, you're going to be Decken's new weapons... he's going to throw you all straight to where the mermaid princes is hiding !! Though where you'll actually end up is the walls of a formidable tower... from there, you're to open the Palace gates from within, so we can begin our invasion !!

Pirates: That's crazy... If you throw us in there, we'll just crash into that wall and die !!

Hody: Well, yes. That's why I'm using the lives of you worthless humans !! In these waters, you're worth less than slaves !! Whoever survives the journey is to carry out the mission ! If you succeed, then I will set you free ! If you refuse, I'll hurl you outside this bubble myself right now, you filthy inferior beings !!

Pirates: EEEHHHH ?!

Minister: Hurry, hurry !! We must report to the King !!

"For once, I approve of this ! This whole situation took a turn for the most chaotic !!"

Brook: Hooooold it !!

Pirates: ... Wait... If we don't open the path into the palace... Hody is going to kill us all... !

Minister: Y- YOUR MAJEEEEESTY !! THE PRINCESS HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED !! Some unknown individual has removed her from the tower !!

Brook: Also, pirates have been raining down on the tower !! It's an enemy attack !! We're under attack !!


Zoro: An enemy attack at a time like this... ? What's up with that... ?

"Well, someone kept throwing stuff at the palace and now they want blood, I think that's pretty easy to understand."

Usopp: Why did it have to be now ?! They just had to attack while we're occupying the palace... !! Wh- Wh- What do we do now ?! No !! Wait, don't answer that !!

Zoro: We take 'em out.


Zoro: On that note, did you find Luffy ?

"He was in the tower, just left with the shark when the attack started."

Zoro: ... You don't think he... ?

"Knowing Luffy, I'm trying not to think about that possibility. Any more and these guys might have an aneurysm, and we don't have Chopper around to help."

Megalo: *Ruohhh !!*

Luffy: Don't you want to get out of the shark now ?

Shirahoshi: N... No... I still feel a little safer in here...

Megalo: *Rueohh...*

Luffy: ... So how is it ? Being outside for the first time in ten years !

Shirahoshi: ... My heart is beating so fast... I really shouldn't be doing this...

Luffy: There's nothing wrong with it ! You're just going outside ! Man, you're so weird sometimes...

Shirahoshi: Would this be what they call... An adventure... ?

Luffy: Ahahahaha... yeah... if it makes your heart race, that's an adventure all right ! So, this "Ocean forest" you were talking about... What is it ? Is there fun stuff there ?

Shirahoshi: there is a grave ! I have never been able to visit that grave ever once, since it was first erected... For all these ten long years... I have wanted to visit it, more than anything else...

Jinbe: ... Ten years already... It's hard to believe so much time has passed... Since that assassination took place in broad daylight, and shook Fishman island to its core... ! Long enough for the Princes to grow into fine warriors... Though Shirahoshi is still locked away in her tower... But none of us have forgotten your precious dream... Queen Otohime... !!

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