Chapter 2: World Tour

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Grand Line: Isle of White Sand, Baltigo.

Ivankov: They've been publishing scoops on your relationship with Garp as well. It would seem that your whole lineage has slipped out of the bag at once, Dragon ! Are your revolutionary soldiers taken aback by the news ?

Dragon: Hahah... If anything, they're relieved to find that their boss is a human with blood running through his veins. It matters not... Luffy is no longer a child... Still, I never expected to hear that he was working with you...

Ivankov: Quite the amusing twist of fate indeed ! Mmmfufu ! I was miles away to expect Dr.W to show up with him out of nowhere, you surely made sure he'd stay low for a good while, didn't you ?

Dragon: That was both for making sure Luffy stays safe, but also for his own good. After that incident 15 years ago, you know it was only a matter of time until he became a prime target for the government.

Ivankov: Mmfufufu, but I suppose it backfired heavily after that "Goa Incident". With how much he showed off in the war, i'm afraid it's already too late, the government already made the link.

Dragon: Then it's all the better he stays in hiding for a while. He will be a key player in what's to come.

Ivankov: Well then, I guess staying low isn't exactly on his mind right now. Did you read today's newspaper ?! Him and that strawhat boy never ceases to amaze me ! I suppose these tendencies for mayhem must run in the family. At any rate, both I and Inazuma have many things to tell you following our unexpected breakout, and many more things that we wish to ask.

Dragon: I don't doubt it... I mean to gather the officers of the army from their positions around the world at some point in the near future. With the death of Whitebeard, the direction this world is taking, and the structure of the government, will change significantly. I also wish to speak with you of what happened to Kuma.

Ivankov: ... Yes, I would most certainly like to hear about that in more detail. Why has he submitted to the government so completely ? He is no longer the Kuma I knew... Why, he attempted to take my life... !!

Grand Line: Sabaody Archipelago. Current location of the Thousand Sunny: Grove 44

Bounty hunters: You hand that ship over to us ! It belongs to the Strawhat Luffy, son of the revolutionary Dragon, doesn't it ?! That would fetch a good price if we offered it to the marines, no mistake ! If you're willing to hand it over peacefully, as fellow slave traders... then we'll be happy to give ypu an equal share of the profits Flying Fish Riders !

Duval: What's that ? i'm handsome ?!



Hunters: GUAAAAAHH !!

Duval: Now listen up, all of you ! I am the Charming Duval ! I would never stoop so low as to fashionably... I mean, voluntarily hand the ship my saviours left in my beauty... I mean, in my care... To a bunch of lowlife dimwits like you !!

Duval: I'll tell you right now, not a damn one of you is going to lay a single finger on a beautiful woman, because they're all mine !! Ah ! I got it wrong ! I meant, you're not going to lay a single finger on the young master's ship !! Isn't that right, you guys ?!

Riders: YES, HANDSOME !!

Camie: You're so cool, Duval-chin !

Duval: You see how the ladies adore my handsome features ?! I love you too, baby !!

Camie: So, do you think we should go to the Mermaid's cafe first of all ? It's so stylish...

Hachi: Nyuuuu ! The big tourist spot of fishman island has got to be the Fishman Karate dojo, Camie !

Pappag: I promised the skeleton guy I'd introduce him to the Mermaid Princess...

Riders: Duval-sama, they're ignoring you !


Camie: Say, Shakky-chin, they are all going to follow the Vivre card and come back, right ? I mean, we saw in today's newpaper that Luffy-chin's safe, so...

Shakky: I should think so. Though we may still have a while to wait... But it seems as though Ray-san has managed to find them all right, at least. Until they do return, we just have to make sure their ship stays safe...

Duval: You forget who you're working with, Ane-san !! It doesn't matter who the opponent is-

Riders: Duval-sama, it's terrible !! Kuma has appeared !!

Duval: A bear ?! But there aren't any bears on this island... !!


Shakky: ... Now, calm down, everyone... He came to visit Ray-san only recently, you know... he's a friend... Aren't you ?

Grand Line: Sandy Island. Alabasta, Kingdom of Sand

Cobra: What is the situation with the pirates ?

Pell: They have been successfully repelled. The towns are largely unharmed... And we are in the process of reinforcing the ports around the country, but...

Chackal: We will have to stay on guard for the time being.

Cobra: It would be wonderful if all pirates could be like Luffy and his friends... But that is hardly about to happen...

Pell: Speaking of which, your majesty, have you read this morning's newspaper ?

Cobra: Yes, of course... After reading that article.. Vivi took the paper off to her room with a troubled look to her face...

Vivi: Hmmm... Is it for show ? No, it can't be... This is Luffy-san, after all...

Grand Line: A certain town in a certain country.

Crocodile: Only three weeks have passed since the war... What do they think they're doing, so soon after they almost look their lives... ?

Daz: This must be part of some larger plan... That, or it is simple insanity.

Crocodila: Do you think that's it, Daz ?

Daz: Straw hat bears a heavy scar. Do such scars fade easily... ?

Crocodile: Kuku... You're a harsh one. Trying to imply something, eh ? My scars are fully healed, and as proof of that, i'm planninng on returning to the good old New World ! Will you join me ?

Daz: But of course.

Grand Line: A certain island:


Morge: Why, ever since you were taken from us... We have been worried sick, unable to sleep at night... !

Cabaji: We traveled East and West, endured days of endless cruel hardships in the hope of rescuing you... !! And then before we knew what was happening, you had gone from being a prisoner in jail to appearing in the newspaper as a hero !

Pirates: And this is what we, who never stopped believing in you, thought when we saw that... WATCH AND WEEP, WORLD !! THIS IS OUR CAPTAIN !!

Buggy: Y- You guys... ! You had that much faith in me... ?! DAMMIT !! I'VE MISSED YOU GUYS !!


Alvida: ... And there I was thinking you all abandoned him...

Morge: So listen up, men ! I'm the first mate of the Buggy Pirates, MORGE !!


Cabaji: And I'm the chief of staff, CABAJI !!


Alvida: All of those men are familiar-looking pirates with high bounties on their heads...

Buggy: hey, Alvida, let me show you something awesome.

Alvida: It couldn't be ! Is this Captain John's treasure map ?!

Buggy: Gyahahahaha ! The winds of the world aren't blowing East, and they aren't blowing West... THEY'RE ALL BLOWING MY WAY !!

Three: Hey, Buggy ! A carrier bat from the government just arrived for you !

Buggy: Huh ?! How did they... ?!

Three: ... The contents are simply outrageous...

Buggy: Don't read it before me !!

Marineford, Conference Hall:

Officer: IT IS UTTERLY INEXPLICABLE !! This man, who was revealed over the course to this war to be the adoptive brother of Portgas D. Ace, the son of Dragon the Revolutionary... And what is more, the grandsom of our very own vice-admiral Garp, the pirate, Monkey D. Luffy !! His whereabouts, as well as his vice-captain's were until recently unknown, but now it seems that not only are they alive, but they have reappeared within the bounds of Marine Headquarters itself !!

Officer: As for their accomplices in this latest endeavour... Firstly, we have the traitour, former Shichibukai, "Knight of the Sea" Jinbe !! Furthermore, they seem to be working with the former first mate of the Pirate King's crew ! "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh !! Adding the discovery of Straw-hat's vice-captain also being Dragon's right-hand-man...

Officer: Marineford is currently populated with labourers working to restore the town itself, ordinary citizens who have gathered from across the globe to witness the aftermath, and hordes of reporters from various nations. All in all, there are great numbers of civilians coming and going... And meanwhile, out at sea, as a result of Whitebeard's death, pirates have begun instigating one incident after the next !

Officer: The vast majority of available marine forces are of necessity away from headquarters, and security is at an all-time low... As if to take advantage of the situation, these four have suddenly appeared at headquarters, stolen a battleship... And used that ship to sail a full circle around Marineford, in what is know to men of the ocean as the "rite of burial" !!

Officer: Monkey D. Luffy then proceeded to compound this audacity by entering the plaza alone... And upon reaching the "Ox Bell" on its westernmost edge, he sounded it a full sixteen times... !! And finaly, standing before the war scars that are still evident in the plaza, he scattered flowers thereupon, and engaged in a flagrant moment of "silent prayer" ! The reporters present, naturally, snapped the whole scene up eagerly, and as such... This article has already been distributed around the entire world ! Including the fact that we allowed him to slip right through our fingers... ! This is a disgrace !!

Officer: At a glance, of course... this could be seen as a form of memorial service for his brother, Whitebeard, and the others who have lost their lives in the war... this would explain the silent prayer and the rite of burial, but as for the sixteen chimes... Proper observance of a tragic event involves only two chimes !! TO SOUND THAT BELL SIXTEEN FULL TIMES CAN ONLY SERVE AS A DECLARATION OF WAR !!

Grand Line, upon the waves:

Luffy: i'm real about making you guys go all this way...

Kuja: Oh, that's fine ! We're used to long voyages !

"... I have a slight suspicion you were very eager for that, weren't you... What are you even doing ?"

Kuja: Well, since Hebihime-sama got overexcited and collapsed just now, we're keeping watch to make sure that you keep getting plenty of rest ! It's Hebihime-sama's orders !

Luffy: ... Do you think they all got the message... ?

"Oh, i'm sure they all will. How long it could take some of them is the main factor here."

Rayleigh: Indeed.. You did have one companion who didn't seem particularly... Quick on the uptake. But I'm sure he'll figure it out. Though it may be just a feeling... I have faith that your companions will understand you perfectly.

Chopper: AAAHHHHH !! Of course... I get it !! Luffy ! I got it !! Of course... of course !!

Robin: Understood.

Revolutionary: Huh ?! What is it, Robin-san ?

Sanji: I see... Luffy...

Ivankov: Excuse me ?

Perona: Hey ! Are you not done yet ?! My arms are getting tired !!

Zoro: Just a minute... ! There's something here... Luffy isn't the sort of guy to do this kind of thing... If Rayleigh's with them, then this must've been his idea... There's got to be something to it... !

Heracles: What is it now-un ?! Usopp-un... !

Usopp: I get it ! I get it, Luffy !!

Old guy: Hey, little girlie ! They're still after you !

Nami: I can't believe this... Doesn't he have any consideration for others ?!

Franky: I see...


Brook: Ahh, so that's it !

Speaker: It's the one you've all been waiting for, folks !! Feat your eyes on this unbelievable moving skeleton !!

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