Chapter 3: Teachings

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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So there's no convincing you, you're really going ?"

Jinbe: I'm afraid so. The new age approaching will mean my presence will be required on Fishman island for a while.

Luffy: Jinbe... Thanks so much... For everything !!

Jinbe: No need for that... It is I who should be thanking you. Back in Impel Down, I asked you to bring me to a certain death... Only to ultimately survive, however shamefully... Yet I feel sure that the day will come when I can lend my strength once more.

"Hehe, you better keep on training then, if you don't want us to leave you in the dust."

Jinbe: Heh, you really are a presumptuous one. At any rate, two years from now... Let us meet again, on Fishman Island ! I will be looking forward to the day when you and your crew come to call !!

Luffy: Yeah !!

The Calm Belt: An island Northwest of the Isle of Women, "Luscaina":

Rayleigh: This island is exactly what we need. Known as the "forty-eight seasons", it is a harsh land where the season changes with every week that goes by.

Hancock: Luffy !! I swear... each and every day, I will visit this island... To bring you new provisions from the island of Women !!

Luffy: Whoaaaa... ! You mean it, Hancock ?! Can you bring me some of that famous Gorgon-what's-it-called stuff, then ?! It was really tasty... !

Hancock: B... But of course !! I will bring you anything and everything that you desire ! And that was the tenth time you have called me by name... ! I... Is this what they wall "engagement"... ?!

Nyon: It is nyot ! And what are you moving further and further away ?

"At this point I think such a level of adoration calls for medical examination... You sure she'll be okay for two whole years ?"

Nyon: She'll have to...

Rayleigh: Hancock, we can't have you spoiling the boy... ! Whilst Luffy-kun's training is underway, none of the women are to enter this place.

Hancock: And what right have you to decide such things, Rayleigh ?!

Rayleigh: For provisions, we have the mountains, the forests, the rivers and ocean ! We will not get hungry !! How can you expect any pirate to be successful without such basic survival skills ?! This is for Luffy-kun's own sake !!

"... Nothing's more scary than an enraged woman in love, isn't it ?"

Rayleigh: I learned that first-hand, trust me...

Hancock: For Luffy... ?! Then... I wil be strong~ ! But Rayleigh, do you truly appreciate how dangerous this island is ?! If anything were to happen... !!

Rayleigh: If nothing were to happen, this training would be meaningless. If you are this worried, then pray for him.

"May Eris-sama look upon them..."

Rayleigh: Now, then... We are the only three humans being left on this entire island. Feast your eyes upon the glories of nature !! They say that long ago, a nation stood here, but all of its people perished in the struggle for survival. This is a perilous land, fraught with natural dangers !

"I'm more amazed some people thought this was a good idea to settle here... Feels like Little Garden, minus the dinosaurs, I guess."

Luffy: I smell adventure !!

"Of course you do, Luffy... Of course you do..."

Rayleigh: Why, this island is home to a veritable multitude of terrible beasts, more than you could hope to count. Many of them are too powerful for you to defeat in your current state. I would say... Yes, five hundred or more, even if you were to fight together. If you do not train hard, you will be unable to sleep safely at night... !

Luffy: How are you figuring out all this stuff ?

Rayleigh: How indeed... It is the very power that you two must learn to master. The power known as "Haki" !

"Okay, you now have my complete and undivided attention."



Rayleigh: Listen closely, "Haki" is a power that exists within every single human being. "Presence", "spirit", "Aura", it is no different from these basic concepts with which anyone should be familiar. However, the vast majority of people go their whole lives without ever noticing they possess it...

Luffy: is that an elephant ?! It's gigantic !!

Rayleigh: ... or else try as they might, never succeed in making use of it. To feel no doubts... that is true strength ! Observe carefully, Haki can generally be divided into two main shades.

Luffy: WATCH OUT !!

"Luffy, be quiet. i'd like to listen to that."

Rayleigh: Worry not... The elephant is swinging its trunk at my head from the right...

Luffy: Huh ?

Rayleigh: The power to feel another's "presence" to an elevated degree... This is "Observation Haki". Master it, and you will be able to perceive enemies who lurk hidden out of sight, to grasp their numbers, and even to read what they are attempting to do in the next moment.

Luffy: Ahh... !

Sandersonia: A kick with the right leg...

"Yeah... I think we already saw it, in more way than one..."

Rayleigh: In the Sky Isles of Skypiea, this ability is known as "Mantra"; Next, we have "armament Haki". This one is something like wearing an invisible suit of armor...


Luffy: We've seen that before too !

"That massive axe guy, yes... Forgot what his name was..."

Rayleigh: Naturally, stronger armors also results in more powerful attacks.


Luffy: Ahh !! It hurts... !! Even though I'm made of rubber !! It actually hurts !!

Rayleigh: This is the ability's most important use. When facing a devil fruit user, other than taking advantage of their individual weaknesses, this "armament Haki" is the sole method of effectively combating their abilities... ! With is, even the fluid bodies of the near-invincible logia users can be forced into solidity !

Luffy: So this is why you could touch Kizaru... !

"... That means it would be possible to attack people like Smoker, or Aokiji, or... Akainu..."

Rayleigh: Right, right... Have you ever witnessed the bowmanship of the Kuja Tribe ? This power can even be extended to the weapons one wields.

Luffy: Yeah, I thought those arrows were made of steel !

Rayleigh: "Observation" and "Armament", these are the two kinds of Haki. However, there are a few scant people in the world who are able to use one more shade of haki...

"... ... Conqueror."

Rayleigh: Exactly. This is the ability to overpower the opponent's will... It is called "Conqueror Haki". It can often be found in the type of people who make a name for themselves on a global scale. However, whilst it can be brought under control, the Conqueror Haki is unique in that it cannot be trained. It is the user's very spirit manifesting itself. It can only be strengthened by the individual's personal growth.

"And that's what you used at the auction's house."

Rayleigh: Luffy-kun, you have experienced it for yourself; I know that your potential for Conqueror's Haki has already been awakened. Until you have brought it under control, you must avoid overusing it at all costs. Otherwise, you will find yourself overpowering even those innocent bystanders around you... ! ... Is something the matter... ?

Luffy: ... Wow... So the crew of the Pirate King can defeat monsters like this... Without even lifting a finger...

Rayleigh: ... Hahahahah ! Have I earned a little respect ?

Luffy: Yeah. But, this Haki stuff... We've seen it before, in all sorts of places...

Rayleigh: I do not doubt it... yet mastering it will not be a simple task...

Rayleigh: Ordinarily, it would take longer... But your natural talent for this is strong. I will do what I can in these two years to ground you in at least the basics of observation, Armament, and even Conqueror's haki.

Luffy: Right.

"Guess I'll just be left to my own things when you guys work on the Conqueror's stuff."

Rayleigh: That reminds me, while we're at that point... Here.

"Hm ? Huh- Gah ?! Hey, get that off ! My eyes ! You old bastard, what's that for ?!"

Rayleigh: You're forbidden to take this blindfold off for the entire duration of the training. If you take it off even once in these two years, i'll just kick you off the island.

"What... You want me to stay like that... For two years ?!"

Rayleigh: Exactly. You have no talent for Conqueror's Haki, and Armament Haki is far from your fighting style. Most people have a tendency to develop unequally, favouring one kind over the others based on their own strengths and weaknesses. You should determine where your strength lie, and expand upon them.

"... So what's left is..."

Rayleigh: Put all your efforts into Observation Haki. If you don't, you simply won't survive the numerous beasts on this island. As long as you can't cross the whole island without relying on your powers, you can't consider that you have progressed at all.

"... ... I can't even tell where my food is... GYAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!

Rayleigh: That was the fire. As for you, Luffy-kun, gain skill in all three shades, and your abilities will be much more versatile.

Luffy: Uh-huh ! Got it.

Rayleigh: Now, then, when it comes to training, as you can see, I will not be an easy master, Luffy !

Luffy: Yeah !! That's what I like to hear !!

"I noticed ! I'm already short one hand, no need to hurt the other !"

Rayleigh: You'll have to work on that too.

Luffy: Ahh, hang on a second. The pirate "Strawhat Luffy", is gonna have to take a bit of a break. You said this is the one safe spot on the island, right... ?

Rayleigh: That is correct. And I don't think I need to say, but you're absolutely forbidden from it too.

"... Are you taking it out on me for all these years ?"

Rayleigh: If you train your Haki enough, maybe you'll find the answer.

Luffy: I'll leave this, too...

"Luffy, hurry it up ! I'm already sensing some great hostility from him !"

Luffy: All right !! Let's get to it, old man !!

Rayleigh: ... That's no good. I want to hear an "I'm counting on you, Rayleigh-san" or perhaps "Rayleigh-sensei". Or "Master" ?

Luffy: i'm counting on you from now on, Rayleigh !!

Rayleigh: well... That will do...

"... 'Old fart'..."

Rayleigh: So for your first training, It's very simple, basic training.

"What kin- *SBUNK*"

Rayleigh: ... Dodge.

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