Chapter 4: Strah Wat pirates

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person's POV:

Grand Line, Kuraina island: Ruins of the Shikkearu Kingdom:

Zoro: I'm begging you...


Mihawk: ... I am disappointed in you, Roronoa. You mean to ask for teachings from your enemy... ? Know your shame. Leave this place. I have no further interest in you... It would seem that the expectations I held of you were too high... Must you continue... ? It mains me to watch.

Zoro: ... I want to become strong... !!

Mihawk: Defeated by those baboons, unable even to escape to sea... And after all that, you have the nerve to come crawling back here. I have nothing to teach to the likes of you...

Zoro: The baboons, I have defeated... !!

Mihawk: 'He did what ?!'

Zoro: Yours is the only head I have yet to take. But I am not fool enough to believe that I have any hope of defeating you here and now... !

Mihawk: I do not understand... if you still consider me an enemy, then why would you prostrate yourself before me and ask for my teachings... ?! What purpose does this serve ?!


Mihawk: Haha... Wahahahahahahah !! You ask me to raise the swordsman who will take my life by my own hands ?! You are a strange one for sure ! Hahahahah !! Hmph... A ridiculous notion. Your actions are nonetheless quite unsightly... It would seem that you have found a greater cause than your own ambition. Ghost-girl ! Ted to his wounds !

Perona: Ahh !! Don't you dare order me around !!

Mihawk: We can begin training only once your wounds are healed. 'Sucha clumsy man... Men like you will only ever choose when it is for the sake of another.

Perona: "3D2Y" ? You're right... There is a tattoo like that on his shoulder...

Zoro: My crew and I had agreed to meet up in a certain location after three days... Of course, you know how that turned out...

Perona: So the "3D" represents those "Three Days" ? But it's been crossed out, and then it says "2Y"...

Zoro: In other words...

Perona: "Two Years"... !

Zoro: We're to meet up not after three days, but in two years' time... ! All the rest was just a bluff to distract the world from the real message... A message meant for us alone. And this is Luffy's decision. "There's no point rushing things, we're not ready to take on the New World right now... !! So we stand firm and build our strength. And once we're done, that's when we meet up again !"


Your POV:

"Luffy ! I think people are waiting for you !"

Luffy: yeah, i'm coming !

*Two years have passed since the Summit War between Marine HQ, the Royal Shichibukai and the Whitebeard Pirates. This is Luscaina, a deserted island Northwest of the Isle of Women.*

"Just a sec I guess, he needs to fetch his signature Accessoire after all. Wouldn't be Strawhat Luffy without it. So you can just tell Hancock on the ship to wait a little bit."

Margaret: You can even tell that Hebihime isn't with us ? I suppose you did progress quite a bit in Haki.

"Nah, I just know we'd hear her scream Luffy's name if she was here. But has it really been 2 years... Can't wait to finally take off that pesky thing."

Luffy: That sure went by quick...

Margaret: Well, the ship is ready to set sail ! We can leave whenever you like !

Luffy: All right, thanks !


Luffy: Hey !! Look harder, these are my friends.

Sandersonia: Ahah... Well isn't that something. Looks like you're te undisputed boss of this island now.

Luffy: Yeah, but since I've gone and made friends with these guys, I haven't been able to eat any of them... Kinda sucks. They look pretty tasty too.

"In my experience, Lion's meat is extremely tough and tastes absolutely horrible."

Hancock: Worry not Luffy... I have made sure that the ship is stocked with all of your favorite foods ! It is qualities such as this that prove I will surely make a wonderful wife~ !

Luffy: i'm not marrying you ! Thanks for the food !

Hancock: Aahhh~ ! So cruel, yet so divine... !

Nyon: ... ... ...

"Well... Glad to see some things didn't change at all... Speaking of, what about the old man ?"

Sandersonia: Since Rayleight left half a year ago now, I'm sure he's at Sabaody already, waiting for you impatiently !

Luffy: I picked up all the basics in just a year and a half, after all...

"You sure did, while even today, I keep tripping over loose rocks I can't detect... Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye to this island and everything on it."

Luffy: Right ! Let's get going !!

"Finally, taking that damn blindfold off... Aaaand-"

Grand Line, the Sabaody Archipelago:

Guy: Well, it looks like there are plenty of pirates who have made it through the hardships of the first half of the Grand Line, gathering on this island once again. I remember two years ago, when the likes of Kidd and Drake arrived here, that sure was a thrill. These days, the pirates of that Generation are roaming the Seas of the New World. And though I wouldn't say they're necessary of the same calibre, , there are a fair few over-a-hundred-million bounties hanging around here right now, too.

Ruffian: Still it sure was a surprise ! After vanishing completely for two whole years... The Strawhat crew, who everybody had thought was dead, suddenly showing up right here on this island !

Scoundrel: And what's more, it looks like they're recruiting... ! Planning to expand their crew and head out to take the New World by storm... ! Now, doesn't that just give you chills !! D'you think I should give it a shot ?

Citizen: Isn't there something you can do ?!

Agent: The tickets are all sold out ! Did you really expect anything else ?! We're talking the World Tour of Megastar "Soul King" brook ! And this island is where he's doing his final concert ! The whole place is packed to bursting !!

Brook: Manager ! Let's make this, the most awesome show ever !!

Manager: Oh, I do hope it is ! Our TD (Tone Dial) sales have reached a Million ! They're selling like crazy ! You really are the King of the Soul music world ! Just listen to the crowd out there !!

Brook: truth is... I've got something big to tell you before the concert starts !!

Manager: And what might that be ?

Grove #33, Sabaody Park Concert Stadium "The Sabaodome":

Crowd: Brook !! Brook !!



Security: Bring out the stretchers ! We have people fainting left, right and centre !!


Sanji: WOMEN~ !! This wondrous island... !! It is home to the very thing I have dreamed of, each and every day !! Real... Live... Ladies !! VIVA SABAODY !! I NEED LADIES~ !!

Okamas: Well then, I suppose this is goodbye, Sanji-kyun ! Though it saddens me so~... I am sure we will meet again !

Sanji: LIKE HELL I'D WANT TO !! Thanks for bringing me here !! Give my regards to Iva !! So long, suckers !!

Okama: Well, he's certainly as wild as ever... Say, did you know ? I hear boys are always the most foul-mouthed towards the girls they like ! Oh, I will never be able to forget him~ !

Sanji: Wait for me, Nami-Swaaaaaaa~ ! Robin-Chwaaaaaan~ ! For your beloved Sanji has returned from his exile in Hell !!

Bartender: Say, have you heard the news about the marines ? They've set up a new Headquarters !

Beauty: Isn't Marine HQ in Marineford, right near the Sabaody Archipelago ?

Bartender: No, it's switched places with a place called "G1", their former branch station right on the opposite side of the Red Line. Sengoku's replacement, the New Fleet Admiral, is showing the world he means business !! We're talking about placing Marine HQ right inside the territory of the Yonkos, after all ! As a result, the threat this island has always felt from having Marine HQ alongside it has weakened quite a bit, and there are more lawless areas on Sabaody than ever before.

Beauty: So that's why... I was just thinking the town seemed rougher than when I was here two years ago...

???: Hmmm ?! Did I just hear you right ?! Your bounty's 55 Million berry... ?!



???: Try reading the poster properly next time... the minimum bounty is 70 Million !! I ain't interested in talking to any captains with bounties lower than that ! Hell, i'm amazed you even managed to make it this far !

Duffy: Get outta here, trash !! I'm the son of the legendary revolutionary, Dragon, you know ?!

Pirate: Ugh... !! Dammit all !!

Sogekong: We ain't got time for guys who're just gonna get in the way ! We're the chosen pirates !! You just ain't on the same level ! What, you thought we'd just let any old fool join our crew ?!


Pirates: Man, he's harsh... That Strawhat Luffy... well, what can you do ? The guy's a legend...

Duffy: Get outta here !! Oi, Franky ! How many have we got so far ?

Franby: the Grand Total is around a hundred... Three full pirate crews have joined us wholesale, and 10 of 'em have bounties.

Duffy: And two of those are the rookies everyone's talkin' about ! The famous marine killers, Wet-hair Caribou and Blood-splattered Coribou ! The brother captains with bounties of 210 and 190 million... ! Dohahah ! Now that's the kind of guys we can use !

Duffy: And we're only gonna be increasing those numbers ! Hey, get more booze over here !! Oh, and you, girlie ! You've been hangin' around over there long enough, ain't ya ? Quit being such a dork and get your ass over here ! Heheh... She's a beauty, no mistake.

Beauty: No, thank you. I'm waiting for someone.

Clients: 'She refused ?!'

Bartender: Whoa whoa ! You oughta do as that guy says ! He's Strawhat Luffy, you know ! The mad pirate who went charging right through the middle of the ultimate war two years ago ! You must've heard of him, right ?!

Sogekong: Hahaha ! Waiting for a fella, are you ?! I'm sure he's just a puny weakling who'll be crying on his knees the second he hears Captain Luffy's name ! Now get over here !

Beauty: I'll tell you one more time. You're really not my type, so i'm not interested !

Clients: 'She's a goner... !'

Nami: Do you understand ow ? Mr. "Strawhat"... What was it again ?

Bartender: Stop ! What are you... ?!


Clients: 'crap, this is no good !'

Numi: How about we give you two choices, then, hm ?! Either you accept Captain Luffy's invitation... Or you die ! And just so you know, I'm a bounty head myself. The name's "cat Burglar Nami", so show some respect !!

???: Hissatsu: Midoriboshi ! (Sure kill: Green Star)

Numi: Aaaaargh !! What on Earth ?!

Duffy: Guahh !! Wjat is this thing ?! Some kind of plant ?!

Numi: Captain ! Help mee !!

Duffy: Stay away from me !!

???: So, whaddaya say, to a drink with me ? Hehe...

Nami: Ahh ! Usopp, it's been forever !! Just look at you !! You actually look a bit more manly !!

Usopp: *Mmph... !!* Y- Yeah, I'd say you've grown somewhat yourself... !

Franby: The hell ?! Is this puny thing the man you were waiting for ?!

Nami: Did you do that ?!

Usopp: Sure did ! It's my new weapon... "Pop Green" ! I haven't been just sitting around staring out to sea these past two years, you know !

Usopp: Sorry, but... I'm not gonna be a part of the weakling trio with you and Chopper any more ! There's not a thing that can faze me now !! I've become a true warrior !!

Sogekong: You little brat !! You better not be telling me this is your doing... !!

Usopp: WHAT THE... ?! SOGEKING ?! BUT WHY... ?!

Nami: Just ignore them, Usopp. Let's go somewhere else ! I have something I need to ask you !

Duffy: Hold it, you bastards... !! Who the hell do you think we are !!

Usopp: Ehh ?! Luffy ?!

Bartender: Ah ! Miss ! You haven't paid !! Miss, you haven't... !!

Duffy: they're making fools of us !! Get 'em !!

Numi: Hm ? What are these black bubble things... ? Clouds... ?



Nami: ... And you see, I've managed to get my hands on a few new skills...

Usopp: Seriously ?! You've been on a sky island this whole time ?!


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