Chapter 5: Wrong boat

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Grove 13, Shakki's rip-off bar:

Sanji: THAT IDIOT SWORDSMAN WAS THE FIRST ONE HERE ?! Well, damn... There really must be some stormy seas ahead...

Shakki: And the second to arrive was Franky-chan. He showed up ten days ago and headed straight to the ship.

Sanji: So the Sunny's all right... Well, that's good to hear.

Rayleigh: But of course. There's not a scratch on it, and I've got the coating all finished up. It looks like he did an excellent job of looking after it.

Duval: I may have suffered battle wounds, but I have no regrets !!

Riders: Yes ! One year to recovery !!

Sanji: You have a stronger sense of loyalty than I thought... We're in your debt, Duval.

Duval: Hm ? Handsome, you say ?! Ahahahahah !! I was merely returning the favour, young masteeeeer !! Oh, yes, I struggled through storms and gales, and battled the many dastardly pirates who wanted the ship for themselves... Day after terrible day... Onward I fought, swathed in wounds...

Riders: Duval-sama !!

Shakki: And the third to arrive was Nami-chan...

Sanji: NAMI-SWAAAAAAAN !! Where ?! Where is she ?!

Shakki: She said she was going shopping in the town, since there was nothing to do here...


Shakki: Usopp was the fourth, and he's in town as well... Chopper-san showed up fifth, that was only yesterday, and that makes you the sixth.

Sanji: 'Nami-san is shopping, Nami-san is shopping~'

Shakki: Brook-chan is on the island today as well, for his final concert. So all in all, there are seven of you here in the archipelago.

Sanji: Concert ?

Rayleigh: Only Nico Robin, Luffy and Y/n have yet to appear. Even though just making it back to this island should, of course, be none too simple a task... You really are quite some crew. It's good to see you all making it back.

Sanji: Yeah. Still, I'm surprised to hear you were training these two. They must be outrageously strong by now.

Rayleigh: To be fair, I mostly trained Luffy and left Y/n to fend for himself, but I haven't seen them myself in half a year ! I'm looking forward to seeing how they've grown !

Sanji: And how must Nami-san have grown over the past two years~... ?!

Rayleigh: ... Are you all right ?

Agent: This is the Sabaody Archipelago. We've sighted Nico Robin.

HQ: Don't kill her, whatever you do. Bring her in alive.

Robin: Have I lost them... ? Brook in concert... ? The Straw Hat crew recruiting... ? What on Earth is happening here ?

Chopper: C'mon, Zoro ! Sanji ! Robin ! Y/n ! What's the matter ?! We haven't seen each other for so long... ! It looks like Zoro and Sanji have become friends over the last two years... ! But why won't you talk to me at all ? Hmm ? Are you embarrassed ? You dummies !! Ahahahaha...

Bozo: 'It's still following us ! What is this talking Tanuki ?!

Sandy: 'Like I've been saying, take a look !!'

Sandy: 'This thing is the real "Candyfloss lover Chopper" ! The crew must have abandoned it here on the Archipelago back when they were still alive, and it's been living here as a stray ever since... !

Bozo: 'What, so it's mistaken us for its real masters come back from the dead and started following us around ?! Hey, what do we do ?'

"Sans": 'The hell if I know. Just get rid of the fox or something, I guess. If we have the real pet, it'll only make our story more believable.'

Chopper: You all seem kind of different now, huh ?! Not that I mind of anything !

Roban: Keep it ? What would we feed it ?

Sans: Well, Candyfloss, of course !

Roban: yeah, right... Shoo ! Shoo, shoo ! Get outta here ! Come here, little Chopper~ ! Here, have a cucumber !

Fox: Hayah ! *CHOMP*

Chopper! Uwahh !! Robin's scary !!

Agents: NOW !!

Roban: Eh ?!

Chopper: Ahh !! Robin ?!

Sandy: Wha... ?! Hey ! Nico Robin !!

Chopper: This is terrible !! Robin's been kidnapped !! It must be those slave traders again !!

Sans: 'Good riddance, for fuck's sake...'

Agents: This is the Sabaody Archipelago. We have successfully captured Nico Robin. We have also captured a fox that seems to be attached to her head !!

Robin: ... I had better hurry... I wonder if the others have already arrived...

Marineford (Former Marine HQ), Marine branch G1:

Momonga: The Straw-hat pirates have appeared in Sabaody ?!

Soldier: Indeed... It would appear that they are recruiting new crew members...

Momonga: Send word of the to headquarters. If that man still lives, then this is a serious matter ! We must assemble a military force at once !!

Soldier: YES, SIR !!

Your POV:


Bystander: What the hell was that for... ?! What did we do to you ?!

Duffy: I said sorry, didn't I ? It was a mistake, that's all. We're looking for a coupla peoples who fit your description. A man and a woman, with a long nose and long hair... ! Hm ? You're not saying you've got a problem with me, are you... ?

Bystander: Nghhh... !!

Duffy: I guess you do.


Pirate: This Straw Hat Luffy... ! he's terrible !!

Citizen: 'Hey, hang in there, okay ?! We'll get you to a hospital !'

Duffy: NOW KEEP SEARCHING !! We're gonna kill those bastards ans make an example of 'em !! Ughh !!

???: ... Oh... Did I bump into you ? Sorry about that ! See ya !

Citizens: Who is that guy ?! Does he not know who Straw-hat Luffy is ?! he's so dead...'


Hancock: That shadow on the horizon is the Sabaody Archipelago. Luffy... This is as far as we can take you. Our association cannot be revealed to the world at large.

Luffy: Uh-huh.

"Cap, check... Sunglasses, check... I wish I cut my hair at some point, stuffing it inside that cap when it reaches my waist is harder than expected... if only that was the biggest problem..."

Luffy: Will you be okay ?

"Weeeeell, I almost got blinded because my dumbass looked directly at the sun right after taking off that blindfold... Turns out two years without sight makes you pretty sensitive to light. Whatever, give me a few hours, it should be fine."

Hancock: Also, you should wear this... Like so.

"... The fake moustache might be going overboard."

Luffy: Yeah, I don't need that ! Don't worry, no one'll find out !

Hancock: You do not want it ? Still, you should at least hide your face... The world may currently think you two to be dead, but they know your faces from the incident two years ago. If you cause a disturbance, it may delay your journey.

Luffy: Yeah, I know !

Hancock: ... Oh, and I have prepared a rucksack for you with 500 changes of clothes, enough packed lunches for a thousand men... Handkerchiefs, tissues, and five years worth of towels... Three years worth of drinking water and snacks, silver cutlery... Oh, and toothbrushes, soap, hand cream, that should last you eight-

"Even I can't transport that thing !"

Nyon: Make that thing lighter.

Margaret: We of the Kuja pirates will always be ready to come to your aid should you ever need us ! Please do not forget this.

"We should be the one thanking you instead. None of this would've been possible without your help."

Luffy: Uh-huh ! Thank you for all this, you guys !

Margaret: Ahahah... We'll be praying for your safe journey !

Hancock: Also... These is just one other thing I wish to ask of you...

Luffy: What is it ? I'm not marrying you.

Hancock: No, not that... ! I only desire that you leave... Without saying "farewell"...

Luffy: Oh, right ! Well, I've never said that to anyone anyway ! I want to see you again, after all ! Well then... We'll be off now !!

Hancock: I am certain we will meet again... Luffy... !

Kujas: SEE YOU !!

"Luffy, you're letting me handling the bar this time. We're not having another barrel incident."

Hancock: He said that he wishes to see me again... Could this possibly be... A proposal ?!

Nyon: It is nyot.

"Phew, finally... can't believe it took that long to just hide a little row-boat like that... Okay, we're good to go... What's happening ?"

Luffy: I don't really know...

Duffy: You just bumped into me on purpose, didn't ya ?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?! You tryin' to start something ?! Did you see how much of an idiot you just made me look ?! You made a fool out of me in front of all these people !! OUT OF ME, A PIRATE WITH A BOUNTY OF FOUR HUNDRED MILLION !! Now, get down !! On your knees !! Tremble in fear and beg for your life !!

Sogekong: Just a little while ago, this long-nosed guy and long-haired woman were fool enough to mess with us... So our captain's real pissed off right now, you get it ?! So hurry it up !

Franby: An' if ya don't... That moment's blunder is gonna be the mistake that costs you your life... ! Our captain can get pretty damn twitchy with his finger on that pistol... !

Citizens: 'Just get down on your knees already, boy ! This is Straw-hat Luffy you're dealing with !'

"... I told you that thing was too big to take through the usual streets. So just apologize and let's get going, they should be waiting."

Luffy: Right. I'm real sorry. But I'm in a hurry, so...

Duffy: All right... I've heard all I gotta hear !!


"Did you really have to do it so flashily ?"

Citizen: ... Ehh ?! What the heck... Did he just do ?!

Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 17:

Robin: Sunny... We've kept you waiting, for two whole years... It's good to see you're all right.

???: Hm ? Owwwhh ! That scorching beauty can only be... ! THE SUPER ARCHAEOLOGIST OF OUR VERY OWN CREEEEW !! IF IT AIN'T OLD ROOOBIN !!

Franky: ... ... ...

Robin: ... You never do change, Franky !

Franky: I have changed, you idiot !! Take a good look at the sheer romance packed into this body !! Behold a remodelling the likes of which the world has never seen !! Hell, I've exceeded the bounds of human intellect !!

Robin: ... Yes, quite. I don't think I can really call you a human being any longer.

Franky: Oi, oi, are you calling me a pervert ? You sure know how to give a man a compliment !!

Robin: So this is a coated ship... It's like some sort of jelly.

Franky: Damn right ! Rayleigh's skills are something else ! With this, we'll be blazing across the ocean floor ! This technology is just outrageous !

Robin: I've just been to visit Rayleigh.

Franky: You went to the bar, then. What number are you ?

Robin: I'm the eighth. We're just waiting for Luffy and Y/n now.

Franky: I see ! So the time to set sail on our new voyage draws near !! Well, I've fixed her up good and proper ! New weapons and all ! Gahahahaha ! Usopp and Sanji have been here already. Usopp's gone out to get fuel, and Sanji's restocking us up on food !!

Robin: Say, did you know about this ?

Franky: ... Oh, the whole thing with Brook. Yeah, I knew, his Tds are everywhere, after all... That guys's a real shining star now !! From the dark, silent depths of that misty ocean, he's climbed all the way to a dazzling stage roaring with the sound of non-stop cheers ! I wouldn't be surprised if he decided not to going back to being a pirate at all... !

Grove 42:

Sanji: Hey there Mr.Fisherman ! How's the haul today ? I'm looking for a bargain ! ... What's wrong ?

Fisherman: Aahh... He's gone... ! That green-haired guy... !

Sanji: Green-haired... ? Did something happen ?

Fisherman: I've gone and done something terrible !! Y'see... just now, this guy with three swords happened to come by here, right... ? And he says "I'm bored, so I wanna do some fishing"... ! So I tell him, I'll be taking my boat out soon, so you just wait for me on board, yeah... ?!

Sanji: A green-haired guy with three swords and a Haramaki around his waist ?

Fisherman: yeah ! That's him ! One-eyed, to boot ! D'you know him ?

Sanji: 'One-eyed... ?' is this the guy ?

Fisherman: Ahhh !! Yep, this is the guy all right !! He a friend of yours ?!

Sanji: An acquaintance, at best. I know him, kind of...

Fisherman: But listen ! I swear, I told him to wait on my fishing boat ! I told him, I did ! But you know what I found when I came over here ?! He was only fast asleep on the gigantic pirate ship right next to it !! I was panicked, I tell you, but I yelled at him "Not that boat !", I did, but he just keeps on snoring !! And by then it was too late ! The pirate ship was all coated up, and it sank right down into the ocean... !! It must've headed off for Fishman island... !

Sanji: ... ... That idiot... I thought it was a bad sign that he'd actually made it to the meeting point before anyone else, and now look what happens !!

Fisherman: It was a pirate ship, you hear ?! He could've been killed by now... !

Sanji: No, no, that's fine. Don't worry yourself, this isn't your fault at all ! That brute won't get himself killed, so you can rest easy. Hell, at least now we know where to find him. So, have you got any fish ?

Witness: Hey !! Look, out in the ocean !! There's something coming up !! It's huge !!

Sanji: Hm ?

*glub glub Glub Glub GLUB GLUB GLUB*

Witness: GUAAAAAAAHHH !! IT'S A GALLEON !! A massive pirate ship, split clean in two !! Did it have a coating failure and get crushed by the water pressure... ?! Or was it attacked by a sea king... ?!

Citizen: That crack looks almost as though it was sliced through by a blade !!

Witness: Don't be stupid... Who the hell could slice through a massive ship like that ?!

Captain: Why, you... How dare you... You've ruined everything... Our dreams of the New World... !

???: That's just how the dice rolls... Blame fate for abandoning your ship to the Gods of misfortune.

Witnesses: Look ! What nonsense is this... ?! There's someone on board !!

Sanji: ... What, you're back already ? Not that I care either way...

???: Pheeeew... I got...

Zoro: ... The wrong boat.

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