Chapter 22: Ocean Grave

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Fishman: Reporting in, boss !! Two women, a pirate and a mermaid have escaped from the palace !!

Hody: Let them run...

Camie: Are you sure about this, Nami-chin ?! Leaving the other behind...

Nami: Well, you couldn't carry all of us, could you ?!

Camie: ... That's true, but...

Nami: Don't worry, there's never been a situation those guys couldn't handle.

Camie: I know that your crew are all strong, but still... Hacchan warned me about Hody. He's really strong too, and his mind works in dangerous ways...

Nami: Camie, could you tell me a little more about the former Shichibukai Jinbe.

Camie: Huh ? Well, um... Boss Jinbe is... He's a pirate, but he's trusted enough to be able to visit the palace freely...

Nami: I see... But he was in the same crew as Arlong once, right ?! And that man, Hody... He thinks of himself as Arlong's successor... I'm just thinking about Jinbe's message for Luffy "Do not fight with Hody"... I think I might know why he said that.

Camie: Eh ? Is it not just because he's dangerous ?

Nami: I just hope Zoro and the others don't end up angering Hody too badly as a result of this incident... At any rate, I have to meet Jinbe ! He said he was waiting in the Ocean Forest, right ?! There's more to this incident than meets the eye... And I get the feeling he knws exactly what's going on... !!

Nami: Camie... Take me to the Ocean Forest !! And hurry !!

Neptune: Listen well, men !!

Soldiers: Of course, your majesty !! We will go after Hody and his crew at-

Neptune: You shall not !! Now that I in no shape to fight, attempting to do battle with them would only result in meaningless sacrifices. We will surrender the palace for now, regroup with the Princes, and await the right opportunity to counterattack !

Soldiers: Surrender the Palace ?! Your majesty, are you quite certain ?!

Usopp: What does Zoro think he's doing ?! Fighting a Fishman in the water is suicide... !

Brook: Usopp-san... I... Can't...

Usopp: Mblphh ?!

Fishmen: Boss !! BOSS !! How is a human able to move faster than a Fishman underwater ?! What the heck is that guy ?! All right, meeeen !! We are not letting that Swordsman escape !! Take your energy steroids !! YEAHHHHHH !!

Neptune: What is this unnaturally twisted aura ?! As I though, I must evacuate all my men from the palace...

Usopp: Over here, Zoro !!

Neptune: One-eyed swordsman ! It will not be long before the entire palace is submerged ! Grab onto my body !! Now it is just a question of how long my poor old back will hold out... I am going to make a path ! Come, my soldiers ! This is not the time ti fight !! Flee the palace !! Merman Jiu-Jitsu...

Fishmen: Neptune's going to do something... !! What is he... ?!

Neptune: Owwwwwwww... Go forth, my soldiers !!

Minister: Yes, your majesty !!

Fishmen: ... Why, those !! They're running away without even fighting us !! Boss !! Quickly, take this !!

Soldiers: We're out of the castle !!

Keep on going straight !! Swim through the connecting way, and head for the inland regions of the island !

Usopp: H- Hey, old guy... !! get a hold of yourself ! Please !!

Neptune: Ahhhh !! How cruel the bonds of age can be !! My body... ! Unghh... It will not move !!

Usopp: WHAAAAAT ?!

Soldiers: King Neptune !! Your majesty ?!


Neptune: Hoe !! Thank goodness !! You have saved us !! Owwwww... !!

Zoro: 'I'm out of... Breath... !!

Soldiers: Your majesty !! Damn that Hody... I thought he was out for the count ?!

Neptune: You must not turn back !! Find the princes !! Bring them here !!

Soldiers: ... ... !!

Minister: What are you hanging around for ?! Obey your King's orders !!

Soldiers: Y- yes, sir !!

Neptune: My apologies... To you all... ! I will not... Allow you to die here... !

Fishmen: ... What's this ? Looks like some dead man's skeleton...

Your POV:

Luffy: Whoa !! This place looks pretty cool !!

Shirahoshi: Uwaaaaahh !! Thank you so much, Luffy-sama... ! I have always... Always wanted to come here... !

"... ... How are Sanji and Hachi looking ?"

Chopper: Well, maybe we'll be able to rest and heal them up here... ?

Luffy: Ahh !! It's the Sunny !! Heyyy, Frankyyyyy !! Is this where you've been this whole time ?

Franky: Ouuwww !! Is that... Luffy ?! Hmmm ?! Well,hot damn ! That's quiet the pin-up girl you've brought with you !

Luffy: I'll introduce you ! This is crybaby !

Franky: Crybaby, huh ?! I see ! You'd better get your act together, lady !

Shirahoshi: Y- yes... My apologies... My name is Shirahoshi.

Franky: What exactly are you all doing around- Nevermind, I think I can see...


"... ... ... Anything happening on your end ?"

Franky: please don't tie his ears around his face to act as a gag... But Robin showed up here a while back, too. Says she's looking for something. She went off into that big coral forest.

"I see. At least we've confirmed everyone's okay, Despite some efforts from a certain someone to make sure we're not."


Franky: ... Was he always like that ?

Chopper: He's scary...

Jinbe: Luffy-kun !! I barely recognized you ! It had been quite some time !!

Luffy: Heh ?! JINBE ?! Ahhh !! It's really you !! They told me you weren't here ! I thought I wasn't gonna be able to see you !

Jinbe: What's this ? Then, you didn't come here because you got my message ?

Shirahoshi: Boss Jinbe-sama !

Jinbe: Ah, Princess Shirahoshi... I did not expect to see you here. It is a pleasu... ... ... PRINCESS SHIRAHOSHIIIII ?! But why are you here ?!

"Ask these questions to the main culprit of royal kidnapping here."

Luffy: Glups...

Chopper: Hey, guys ! I'm gonna lower Hachi down ! Could you grab him for me ?

Franky: Hey, if it isn't Octoman ! What the heck happened to you... ?!

Jinbe: HACHIIIIIIIIIII ?! How did you get those wounds ?! And how in the world are you here ?! Were you not captured along with Arlong ?!

Hachi: Nyuuuu... Jinbe-san ?!

Sanji: AHHH, MERMAID PRINCESS !! Why, in your glorious presence... It is as though I am a hopeless artist... !! No paints that I possess can hope to express your radiance ! NO CANVAS IN THE WORLD CAN CONTAIN YOUR BEAUTY !!

Chopper: He's cured !! he's started acting just like he always used to around women !! Sanji's back to his old crazy self !!

Den: Why is Princess Shirahoshi here ?!

Luffy: Who are you ?! What are you doing onboard the Sunny ?!

Franky: That's Den ! he's the brother of my old teacher, Tom ! He's re-coating the Sunny for us !

Den: Princess... !!

Luffy: I see ! A teacher who's coating Franky's brother !

Franky: Uhhh... Something like that.

Jinbe: Our majesty, princess Shirahoshi... !! I know why you have come here, but it is too dangerous for you to leave Shell Tower- !!


Franky: ... ... !!

Sanji: ... ... !!

Chopper: ... ... !!

Luffy: ... ... !!

Jinbe: ... W... Was that... Haki... ?

"Nah. They just know better. They know what happens when they keep on going after I take that tone."

Jinbe: And... What happens ?

"I never needed to show them, as you can see. And-"

Luffy: Huh ?

Luffy: Another one... That's about the tenth one since we left him back there. He sure doesn't give up easy...

Jinbe: You see ?! Why in the world did you bring the princess here, Luffy-kun ?!

"Don't bother, I've been running that single all the way here."

Luffy: She'll be fine ! She's got us, right ?!

Shirahoshi: Yes !

Jinbe: Outrageous... !

"So this is the grave she was talking about... Where she lays..."

Luffy: She's been sitting there for ages...

Jinbe: That is the resting place of her mother, the queen Otohime... the princess was unfortunate enough to fall foul of Vander Decken with the worst possible timing... Unable even to attend her mother's funeral, she has been sealed away in Shell tower for these ten long years... She must have so many things she wishes to say to her mother now..


Camie: What ?! he's with princess Shirahoshi... !!

Luffy: Hey !! Nami !! Has the banquet started yet ?!


"Yep, he's cured... And that one's incurable."

Jinbe: Is that true ?! Hody did such a thing ?! To think that Ryuuguu Palace has fallen into such peril... !!

Luffy: What's happened to Zoro and the others, then ?!

Nami: I don't know. I was going to go back for them once I found you...

Shirahoshi: Father has been captured ?! I cannot believe it... !

Camie: Hacchin ! ... What happened to you ?!

Jinbe: ... I must apologize... It seems that you have been drawn into our troubles all too quickly... !! This may be sudden, but please understand, when I met you two years ago, even more so than now... It was simply not the time to speak of such things ! I harbour a profound gratitude towards those responsible for putting a stop to the terror that Arlong and his crew wrecked in East Blue ! This was your doing, was it not ? I must extend you my thanks... ! But at the same time, I must apologize...

Hachi: Nyuuu... Jinbe-san...

Jinbe: For eleven years ago, the one responsible for unleashing Arlong upon the waters of East Blue... Was none other than myself !!

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