Chapter 23: Tiger of Fish

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Left: Oh, what a catastrophe ... !! To think that we have abandoned the King alone in his own palace !!

Right: This is no time for whining ! We did as his majesty ordered !! Now, we ned a means of communication !! We must get in contact with the princes without delay... And return to the palace with a fighting force !!

Soldiers: Yes, sir !! the nearest town is Gyovalley Hills !!

Ikaros: You will do as I say !! Muhhi !!

Citizens: Aaarghhhh !! Srop ! Stop, everyone !! Now, you are from the Fishman district, are you not ?! What are you doing this ?!

Ikaros: Muhhi !! Be quiet !! This country belongs to Captain Hody now !! So shut up and get trampling !!

Citizen: Stop, please !! I can't ! I could never trample on this face... !! Anything but that... !!

Daruma: Anyone who refuses to trample on the face is a friend of humans !! Kyakkyah !! That makes you our enemy !!

Hyouzou: It's not hard. Eiter you trample on the face, or you leave the island... ! So hurry it up... if you don't like either choice, i'm allowed to slice you up instead. *Hiccup*

Citizens: No way... !!

Citizens: You're telling us to leave the country ?! There's nowhere else on the sea floor where the sun shines... !! And you can't expect us to live amongst the humans... !!

Zeo: You see... ? You just proves you understand that humans are brutish and vile !! Humans and Fishmen can never truly live in harmony !! So bow down to your new King Hody !! the man who will conquer the humans and change the course of history !!

Dosun: Out of my way !! Dosuuuun !!

Citizens: Fukaboshi-sama !! Your highness !!


Citizens: We failed to capture Vander Decken... And Shirahoshi was kidnapped by the Strawhats right before our eyes... !

Fishman: The Princess did say she'd be back "In time for dinner"... And it really looked like they weren't all on board for this...

Citizens: Obviously the pirates made her say that !! And a crew member's objections doesn't change the actions of their captain ! If those pirates sell the Princess to the Tenryûbito, why, I'll... !

Messenger: Heyy !! Word is that those Fishman district thugs are causing trouble in town all across the island !! What's happened to the palace ?! What's going on on this island ?!

Caribou: ... ... ... 'Kehihihihihi !! Well, look at what I just saw ! That was one biiiiig mermaid all right !! An ordinary human-size mermaid goes for 70,000,000... And that mermaid princes was about 7, maybe 8 times that size... ! If I were to capture and sell her... !! Mmmmmmmmhhh !! I'm just getting terrified just thinking about that kind of cash !!'


Jinbe: Do not worry, your highness. Those fiends are in no position to harm his majesty just yet !

Shirahoshi: Eh ? R... Really... ?

Jinbe: Indeed. Now, I must speak with Luffy-kun and his companions for a short while. But I swear to you, I will rescue his majesty myself !

Shirahoshi: Thank you... Thank you so much, boss Jinbe-sama...


Nami: Thanks. Just leave it over there for me, would you ? I'm trying to have a serious conversation, so stop ruining the mood.

Sanji: Mmmm, I love it when you get all stern !

Nami: So, Jinbe-san... What do you mean when you say that you unleashed Arlong upon east Blue... ?

Jinbe: Quite...

Hachi: Nyuuuu... Jinbe-san

Sanji: I've heard the same thing !! Quite some time ago, back when we heard the name "Jinbe", I remember what Yosaku said back then...

Yosaku: In return for his status as Shichibukai... that Jinbe unleashed a monstrous terror upon East Blue !!

"... Something tells me Luffy had already forgotten all about it."

Luffy: Hmmm... Did he say that ? I wonder how Yosaku's doing now !

Sanji: When I saw you and Jinbe in that newspaper two years ago... I gotta admit, I didn't know what to think. After all, up until then, I'd been thinking of Jinbe as something like the "Man behind Arlong" !

"While I understand where it comes from, this would be like judging Luffy simply from meeting and fighting Zoro, and I'm pretty sure you'd have hated his guts if that was the case."

Sanji: Well, while that may be the case since you know Jinbe personally, you can't expect me to simply accept it as a fact. So, Jinbe... I'm ready to listen to your excuses, but you'd better choose your words carefully ! I'll have you know that our lovely navigator Nami-san here was a resident of the island Arlong took control of. She's suffered more than anyone thanks to Arlong's reign of terror... ! So depending on what you say next... I may not be able to forgive you !!

Hachi: It's true, Jinbe-san... the pain we caused to that girl is something we can never atone for... as long as we live...

Nami: ... ... ...

Bellemere: A map of the world, huh ? That I can't wait to see ! I guess that makes this map of the island the first step towards your dream !


Nami: Bellemere-san !! You can't die !!

Arlong: Die for your worthless love.



Fishman: We ain't got no food for a filthy human brat like you !! Gyahahahah !! So shut up and keep drawing those maps !!

Pirates: A THIEF !! THAT RUFFIAN JUST STOLE OUR TREASURE !! It's a brat !! Like I care !! Shoot to kill !! take the brat's life !!

Nami: Seven... Million to go... !

Arlong: Oh, look... You're back already... ! Not that you have a choice... Welcome home, our cartographer. Shahahahahahah !

Jinbe: ... That must have been very difficult for you.

Sanji: Don't talk like it's got nothing to do with you !!

Nami: ... that's right. No matter what happens, I have no intention on feeling any compassion towards Arlong. However... until I arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago two years ago... I had no idea that a race as powerful as the Fishmen had suffered persecution at the hands of humans. But when we were pursuing those slave traders who had captured Camie... I saw something that made me doubt my own eyes. It hit me as soon as I set foot in Sabaody park. It was the spitting image of the "Arlong Park" that they had constructed on our island !!

Hachi: ... ... Nyuuuu... We all idolised that place... i'm not saying this to earn your forgiveness, Nami... !! Arlong-san hated humans bitterly, resented them above all else... And what we did was truly wrong... But still... Even Arlong felt that same longing, ever since he was a child., to be a part of that world.

Hachi: Up until two hundred years ago, Fishmen and Merfolks were officially considered types of "Fish"... then, two hundred years ago, the Ryuuguu Kingdom became a part of the World Government... The King was granted a place on the "Reverie" world council, and we took the first steps towards peace with humanity... But the humans never stopped hating us. The most horrible period that I can remember in my lifetime... was the beginning of the Great Pirate Age... ! The terror caused by the human pirates running rampant on this island... Stays with me even to this day... !

Jinbe: the man who freed our kind from that terror... was none other than the late Whitebeard... !

Whitebeard: From now on, this island is my territory !!

Jinbe: And so peace returned to our island. But the hatred tha the humans felt towards our kind lived on... You all must have witnessed the truth for yourselves on the Sabaody Archipelago.

Hachi: Nyuuuu...

Jinbe: It is a sad truth that the greater the authority a person possesses, the more he tends to fear change. And so it was that the closer one looked to the central spheres of government, who held sway over human-fishmen relations... The deeper-set were the discriminatory prejudices that could be found among them.. !! It was in the midst of this seemingly hopeless situation that two individuals rose up, and made their valiant attempts to change the course of history...

Jinbe: One, was Queen Otohime. She preached at length to her subjects of the importance of living in harmony with humans. As you know, she was princess Shirahoshi's mother. And the other individual... was Fisher Tiger, the hero of slaves. He, for his part, resolved that Fishmen and Humans should go their separate ways. And so, breaking a great taboo... He mounted a lone assault upon the Holy land of Mariegoise, freeing the slaves held captive there... !

Luffy: ... ... Thingy Tiger... ? I've heard that name somewhere...

"Don't bother with trying to remember where you heard it. You'll just forget it again right away."

Jinbe: Following this great feat, he gathered the former Fishman slaves... And formed a group known as the "Sun Pirates"... ! Both I and Arlong, as well as Hachi... Were once members of that pirate crew... !

Jinbe; However, the existence of this dangerous band of Fishman pirates, who had to flagrantly defy the World Goverment... Also had the unfortunate effect of sealing the fate of Queen Otohime, and her dream of harmony between races... Queen Otohime chose to endure the suffering of the present, in hope of building a better future... Whilst Fisher Tiger abandoned such hopes for the future, in favour of saving those who were suffering there and then... I cannot say which of their ideals was the greater. All I can say, is this...

Hachi: BOSS !! BOSS !! It's an enemy ship !! Nyuuuu !! Boss boss boss !! BOSS TIGER !! IT'S TERRIBLE !!

Arlong: Quit your yapping, Hachi...

Fisher: You are a noisy one... Is it the Marines ?

*Captain: Fisher Tiger (Seabream Fishman) Saviour of the Pirate Empress Hancock*

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