Chapter 35: Sea Kings

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Fishmen: All our incredible leaders... !!

Minister: They barely even stood a chance... Such strength !!



Jinbe: ... Just as I might expect of Luffy-kun's crewmates...

"I can't feel my neck... I don't think that's a good thing..."

Zoro: Kick him a bit further next time, dumbass chef.

Sanji: Shaddup ! You want me to drop him on your head this time ?!

Chopper: You're pretty amazing, Sanji...

Franky: Chopper, shrink yourself down a bit, would you ? You're making my giant robot look small !

Usopp: Franky !! Your beam was the awesomest !!

"Yeah, about that !! I'm taking exception to that ! We're having words after this is over, Franky !!"

Robin: Was that robot actually good for anything ?

Brook: Nami-san, would you care to wear a miniskirt ?

Nami: No thanks.

"... ... I think we should only rejoice when that extra problem is dealt with..."


Fishmen: Run for it !! We can't get trapped in the plaza !! Those crazy leaders are all out for the count ! Let's get outta here !! The whole island is gonna be crushed !!

Citizens: Is it too late for us all ?! Was it too much for even you ?! Straw Hat !! STRAW HAAAT !!

Citizens: If he can really destroy the Noah, this island will be saved... But if he doesn't make it... FISHMAN ISLAND WILL BE DESTROYED !! Don't give in, Straw hat !! We're staying right where we are !! We won't run when a human like you is fighting for us !!

Kids: Go for it, Big Bro Straw Haaaaat !!

Minister: Fishman island is in your hands !! Straw Hat... !!


"... Something's not right... I'm picking up something..."

Jinbe: What is it ?

"I don't really know, but... Something's getting closer to the Noah... Something very big. Like, Leviathan-class lifeforms big..."

Fukaboshi: The Noah must be destroyed... I'm sorry, father... This is the only way...

Neptune: 'Though it pains me to accept this, the safety of my people must come first... I must apologize... It seems the promise can no longer be fulfilled... Joy Boy...'

*STOP !!*

Luffy: Huh ?! Who's there ?!

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !! Please, you must stop... !! Luffy-sama ! YOU MUST STOP THIS AT ONCE !!

Luffy: Cry-Hoshi !! Get out of the way !! If I don't destroy this ship, the island will be- !!

Shirahoshi: Aaaahh !! No !! You don't have to do this !!

Luffy: Of course I do !! What about all the people down there ?!

Shirahoshi: The Noah... HAS ALREADY STOPPED... !!

Luffy: Haah... Haah... The sea kings !! But how... ?!

Shirahoshi: Uwaaaaaahhh !! Luffy-sama got angry with me... !!

Luffy: Hey !! This isn't the time for crying !!

Shirahoshi: ... I don't really understand it myself... But the Noah is no longer falling... Luffy-sama... !! Your wounds are wide open... You're covered in blood !

Luffy: Haah... All... All right then... I guess the ship has stopped... As long as everyone's... okay...

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !!

Kings: ... Well, damn... That's quite some human... A strong human indeed... If we had arrived any later, the island may have been saved, but the Noah would have been shattered beyond repair... ! Thank goodness we made it. Thank goodness Princess Shirahoshi called us here in time...

Shirahoshi: '... ?! What... ?! I didn't do anything... ! I was just so sad... !!'

Kings: But you did. You got caught up in the Straw hat boy's powerful emotions... And you made a wish. You wished that, just as he protected the island... You could have the strength to come to his aid. Our power is your power. We answered your call... And lent him your strength.

Guards: I... I really don't know how to explain what just happened... !! But one thing is for sure... THE NOAH IS STOPPED !! The Noah has not been destroyed !! BUT FISHMAN ISLAND IS SAFE !!

Kings: Princes Shirahoshi... We have waited so long, for the day you would be born.

Shirahoshi: 'For me... ?'

Kings: This ship was created to be pulled by us. This is a duty that we have known of since time long past.

Shirahoshi: 'Is that why the Noah is so big ?'

Kings: Though we know not why, once every hundred years... Our King is born in the form of one of the Merfolk. The reason is a mystery, but you... Have been our true King from the moment of your birth.

Guards: Almost as though trying to protect the Noah from being destroyed by Luffy-san... A horde of sea Kings have suddenly arrived ! That's what it looks like, anyway ! Could it be that Noah... Holds some kind of special meaning to them ?!

Mamboshi: Brother... You don't think Shirahoshi could be...

Fukaboshi: I do believe she is speaking with the Sea Kings. Incredible...

Neptune: The sea Kings... So you have finally awakened... To your power that could even destroy the world... !

Kings: Look down, the bubble is being absorbed into the island. You should go to him. A human cannot survive in the ocean depths...

Shirahoshi: Luffy-sama !! Oh, no !!

Kings: ... Was I imagining things... That human with the hat, he seemed to notice our voices. It can't be, but... I recall something similar happened not so long ago... So it did, so it did...

Roger: Rayleigh !! Did you hear those voices just now ?!

Rayleigh: What are you talking about ? We're in the depths of the ocean... It's deathly quiet !

Roger: Who's that muttering out there in these deep waters ?!

Kings: The ship is in a terrible state... Do you think it can be fixed ? Is it still usable... Our only hope is the skills of that clan... But times have changed...




Kings: Can it really be fixed ? I sure hope it can... Before the promised time comes...

Soldier: This is the Ryuuguu Palace. Minister of the Left, we have urgent news to report !

Minister: What is it... ?

Soldier: The mermaids who were kidnapped have been recovered ! They were found within the walls of the Palace itself !!

Minister: Within the Palace... ?! Are they alright ?!

Soldier: They are still not fully recovered from the ordeal... But it seems they clearly remember the face of their kidnapper ! But that's not all. The palace treasure stores have been emptied bare !! There isn't a single piece of treasure left... !! Even that great royal treasure, the Tamate Box, is gone !!

Minister: It seems that someone was quick to take advantage of his majesty's absence... !!

Neptune: This is not the time to worry about petty treasure thieves... Not after we came so close to losing the Kingdom itself... ! Inform the people of Fishman Island that the missing girls are safe. Though it comes far too late, we must make the innocence of the Straw hats in this matter clear. We have treated them terribly.

Minister: At once, your majesty.

Citizens: Did you hear that ? It wasn't the Straw Hats behind those kidnappings at all ! I knew it !! How could it possibly have been them ?! I knew that for the very start...

Merfolk: You liar !! just admit it ! You doubted them 'cause they're humans ! We all did !

Fishmen: We're beggin' you here, boss-man !! You gotta let us go !! We didn't want any of this !! It was all Hody and his cronies !!

Pirates: There's no point in us sticking around now, is there ?! We're humans, we ain't got nothin' to do with this Island's affairs !! Heck, this island is a tourist region, right ?! It's Human pirates like us that fuel your economy, ain't it ?! Please, just let us out the exit !!

Jinbe: I have not said that you must all be beheaded. I say only that you must await judgement at the hands of the Neptune family. But any one of you who tries to escape with a floating bubble... I will shoot down without hesitation.

Fishmen: AAAAAARGHHHH !! Dammitall !!

Usopp: Hey, Chopper, are you sure you're all right ?

Chopper: Ye0ah... Don't worry about me. After I use Monster Point, my whole body grows so numb I can't walk for about two or three hours. I can still treat the injured, though ! Is anybody hurt ?

Zoro: Yeah, you are, idiot.

"In any case, I'm real glad we could avoid the worst with that ship... But what was up with those Sea Kings... ?"

Nami: You know, you can stop looking now, they're gone. I can't even see anything up there.

"Yeah, about that... I can't. I think I spent so much time like that my neck is stuck now... "

Franky: Ah, just let me deal with that. Don't move... Okay, one, two...

"Wait wait wait ! I'm not sure this is-"



Sanji: Robin-chan ! I used my ultimate technique and my whole body aches as well ! Rest me on your lap... !

Citizens: It's the Princes !! look over there !! the king as well !!

Citizens: Hody... ! Vander Decken !!

Fukaboshi: Father ! I must apologize for worrying you...

Neptune: ... i'm just glad you're all right.


Citizens: I was so scared... To think that a guy like that ws living so close by, just down in the Fishman District...

Fishmen: C- Captain Hody... ! He looks like a monster...

Shirahoshi: UWAAAHHHH !!

Brook: Over there ! Why that must be Luffy-san coming back !!

Citizens: It's Straw hat Luffy... And Princess Shirahoshi !!


Chopper: OH, NO !! Robin, look in my bag !! There should be an injection to stop his bleeding !

Usopp: Why am I suddenly losing all faith in our ship's doctor ?!

"O... Okay, where to next... ?"

Chopper: A little to the left... Little further...

Usopp: I can't even tell which of the three is in the worst state !! the doctor, the assistant or the patient !!

Shirahoshi: Can... Can you really help him ?!

Chopper: I can stop the bleeding all right, but he's lost a lot a blood already... He needs more blood, or he won't survive !! Is there anybody here with blood type F ?!

"I'm pretty sure Luffy's the only one on the crew with that blood type, isn't he... ?"

Franky: There's gotta be someone out there with the right blood type !!

Chopper: ANYONE !!

Citizens: 'I... I'm a type F... But...'

Chopper: Oh, of course !! I almost forgot... The law of this country says nobody's allowed to give any blood to humans !!

Nami: What ?! Who came up with that ?! That's a terrible law !!

Shirahoshi: M... My blood isn't that type, but... But it is red !! Is that not good enough ?!

Chopper: Uh-huh, right. I appreciate the sentiment, really !! Oh, yeah, what about the human pirates ?!

"I'll go drag one back right now ! By the neck, if need be !"

Citizens: P... Princess Shirahoshi... ?!

Jinbe: Go ahead and take it... ! i'm type F !! Take as much as you need !!

All: JINBE !!

Chopper: But... The law...

Jinbe: Well, I am a pirate...

Citizens: BOSS JINBE !!

Minister: J- Jinbe, you really...

Neptune: Leave him ! Why should he not ?!

Minister: Your majesty...

Neptune: Such outdated laws... Are nothing but a part of the curse...

*The deep red of blood... It flows from those who are hurt, and in those who do the hurting. Though far too narrow to be called a bath... It was the tiny tubes, through which that blood now flowed, that tore through prejudice and fear... Through the battles of those who sought to wash away blood with more blood. So smoothly and easily it flowed... That, clearer than any wild dream or ideal... All could see it for what it was... A path to the Sun.*

Luffy: ... Jinbe...

Shirahoshi: Ahhh ! Luffy-sama is coming to !!

All: Luffy !!

"Don't you ever scare me like that, you hear me ?! I know you will, but i'm gonna yell nonetheless !"

Jinbe: You're conscious ? Well, I never...

Citizens: STRAW HAT !!

Fukaboshi: We have finally reached your "Zero"... mother...

Luffy: Hey, Jinbe... ...

Luffy: Join my crew !!

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