Chapter 36: Banquet

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Pirates: WHOOOOOO !! ALL RIGHT !! WE'RE FREE !! That god damn Hody got what he deserved !! Ahhh... !! I thought I was doomed to a life of slavery... !! STRAW HAT PIRATES !! LOOKS LIKE WE OWE YOU ONE !! NOW TO BECOME THE PIRATE KING !!

Pirate: I don't know about that...

Pirates: SHADDUP !! I'm gonna be Pirate king, all right ?! FINALLY, WE CAN SAIL ON TO TO THE NEW WORLD !!

Minister: ... ... Do you not fear that their resentment for Hody... Might lead to a resentment for our kind as a whole... ?

Neptune: That is... Not what we should be thinking about right now. This island has long been a tourist attraction and place of rest for the pirates of the world. We have no reason to keep them any longer. Now, then... Remnants of the new Fishman Pirates... !

Fishmen: AAAAHHHH !! Please don't behead us !! Anything but that !! We didn't know anything about Hody killing the Queen !! Those guys were crazy, I tell you !!

Neptune: From now on, you will live here, on Fishman island proper.

Fishmen: What ?! You mean we have to live by the laws of the Kingdom ?! ... Still sounds better than being ruled by Hody...

Citizens: I MUST OBJECT, YOUR MAJESTY !! We can't have brutes like these walking freely about our streets... !! Everyone will be to scared to let their children leave the house !!

Neptune: Naturally, the criminals will be placed under the direct supervision of the Neptune army, and made to do honest work !! I will see to it that their considerable physical strength is put to good use. And as for the lawless "Fishman District" where this trouble began, from this day forth... IT WILL BE SEALED OFF ENTIRELY !!

*The Pirate Hody Jones, true assassin of Queen Otohime, and embodiment of the Darkness that haunts the whole Fishman race... Failed in his attempt to conquer Fishman island, his ambitions crushed, ironically enough, by a crew of human pirates visiting the island.*

Neptune: Now, where is Straw Hat Luffy ?

Fukaboshi: Well, actually... He seems to have run away.

Neptune: RUN AWAY ?!

Shirahoshi: But why did you all leave the Plaza as though running from something... ?

Zoro: Come on, seriously ? After we made a giant spectacle fighting like that in front of the whole damn country ? If we'd hung around, they might have made us out to be some kind of heroes ! Just the thought of it makes me shudder !

Shirahoshi: Do you not like the idea of being heroes ?

Zoro: You know what a hero is ? It's the kind of guy who shares out his drink with everyone else. I wanna drink my booze !!

"Seriously, where did you guys get your idea of heroes from ?"

Luffy: WHY WOULD YOU SAY NO, JINBE ?! C'mon, let's go adventuring together !!

Usopp: Yeah, you should join the crew, Boss-man !!

Chopper: It would be awesome to have a former Shichibukai on the crew !! And Luffy, you need to rest.

Jinbe: I'm saying it's just not possible right now, that's all !! I am extremely grateful for the invitation. It would be a great pleasure to travel the ocean with all of you. But there are things remaining that I must do !! I have my current position to consider. This little incident was but a necessary detour. Once I have fulfilled my duty and am free of such constraints... I promise that I will find you again wherever you may be. And if at that time you still feel the same way as you do now... then I hope that you will invite me once more to join the Straw Hat Pirates !!

Luffy: ... You'd better keep that promise !!

"Now now, don't pressure the guy when he's talking about duty and honor."

Robin: Luffy certainly likes this man a lot !

Franky: A friend of Luffy is a friend of ours ! We're all waiting for you, Jinbe !

Jinbe: ... My thanks... And my apologies...

Zoro: So, where are we heading now ? Straight to the New World ?

"I'm still a bit iffy about sneaking away like burglars..."

Shirahoshi: Wh- What ?! Are you leaving the island already ?! You can't do that... ! We haven't been able to thank you properly yet... We've barely even had a chance to talk !!

Sanji: SHE'S RIGHT !! We'll just have to stay another week or so at the Mermaid Cafe !!

Usopp: I sense ulterior motives !! Not that I'm arguing !!

Soldier: PLEASE WAIT, PIRATES OF THE STRAWHAT CREW !! Your majesty, we have caught up with their ship !

Neptune: I see. Luffy-kun !! We still owe you a proper banquet ! Will you not join us ?!

Luffy: A BANQUET ?! All right ! let's go get Hachi and Camie !

"I knew something was missing before we could properly leave..."

*The Fishman District... Sealed off.*

*Ryuuguu Palace... Prison Tower... The leading members of the New Fishman pirates, along with Vander Decken... Locked securely away.*

*Fishman island main entrance*

Soldiers: We're counting on you, Kraken !! Take him as far away as you can !! We don't have a prison big enough for you, Wadatsumi, but you're forbidden from entering this country ever again !!

*Coral Hills*

Citizens: How's the haul ?! We must prepare these at once and deliver them direct to the palace !! I hear they're holding a massive banquet with the Straw hats as honored guests !! Leave it to me !!

Hunters: I hear they're big fans of sea-monster meat !!

Bakers: Let's take them plenty of cakes and sweet snacks !!

Brewers: How are the drink supplies ?! Let's take them the best they've ever tasted !!

Minister: I must thank you all for coming, Luffy and Friends !! We have much to speak of, but that can wait until we reach the banquet !! Let us ride these special flounders to the banquet Hall !!

Nami: ... It's a pitch-black room full of water !

Camie: Are you sure it's okay for us to tag along ? i'm so nervous...

Hachi: Nyuuuuu... I've never been to the Palace before...

Luffy: What is this place ? Where's the meat ?

"Don't be so impatient, Luffy, all's coming in due time... And you guys saw what I was seeing right now..."


Luffy: SHADDUP !! Don't call me a hero !! The meat is all mine !!

Shirahoshi: The stage is right ahead, everyone !

Usopp: Stage ? Someone just came out !!

Announcer: Introducing Fishman island's greatest Diva... Maria Napole !!

Nami: Wooooow... What a voice... It's like I'm melting away !

Brook: It echoes through my very soul !! Ohhhh yeahhhh !!

Announcer: The Swing Jazz Orchestra !! And our special guests today...


Chopper: Calm down !!

Announcer: They say men who gaze upon their beauty might even forget to breathe !! IT'S THE MERMAID CAFE DANCERS !!


Chopper: Shut up !!

Minister: Bring in the food !! Eat, drink, sing, dance and be merry !!

"... ... Fine, I'll drink for the occasion, geez..."

Zoro: See, that's more like it ! You always refuse, after all.

"Well, someone ought to keep a clear mind at all times, you should know that. But I guess tonight I can let loose for once."

Robin: ... I think I'll need you a bit for later...

"Hm ? Do you have some business left ?"

Robin: You could say that...

Neptune: Uwihhh... So what did you want to speak about... Young pirates ?

"W... Well, yu seeee... That's her idea... Not mine... *Hiccup*"

Robin: I must apologize... I probably should have made sure he watched over how much he was drinking, but this seemed like the best opportunity to speak to you alone.

Neptune: Now look- *Hic* ! -Here... I already have a beautiful wife named Otohime to whom I have sworn eternal love... Yes, she may be dead, but I have no intention of-

"Now YU loook here big guuy !! Be v... Veeeeery carefool wat yu say next, yu-"

Robin: Who exactly is "Joyboy" ?

Both: *Instantly sobered up*

"... Wh... Where did you hear about that name ?"

Robin: So you know of it too... ? I read the Poneglyph in the ocean forest. Who is he apologising to, and for what ?

"Oh, that one..."

Neptune: You are... Able to read it... ?!

Robin: I am a survivor of Ohara. And he also inherited their will, in some way. If you don't want to tell us, then I will ask no more.

Neptune: No... I will tell you what I know. Your crew have earned my trust. The man known as "Joyboy"... Lived in the surface world during the blank century.

Robin: Eight Hundred years ago at least, then...

Neptune: That passage was addressed to a mermaid princess who lived on this island at the time. It is said to be an apology for breaking a promise that Joyboy made with Fishman island...

Robin: A promise ?

Neptune: The details of the promise are not clear... But it is said one day, an individual will appear to fulfil the promise in Joyboy's place. This is a legend passed down the royal line... Trusting in that legend, I and my predecessors have protected the Noah for generations. That is our side of the promise. It is said that once the promised day arrives, the great ship Noah will finally fulfil it's purpose... !

Robin: I hear that earlier today, once the incident in the waters above the island was over... The heavily-damaged Noah was carried away to the Ocean forest, carried by the Sea Kings. Do you know if this man "Joyboy" had some kind of ability to control the Sea Kings ?

Neptune: No... It was not Joyboy who possessed that power. It was the Mermaid Princess to whom he apologized.

"... I don't think this has anything to do with me..."

Robin: It does, you stay here. I've learned that you usually know way more than you let off, so I need you here. After all, with how often you passed through here, you must have seen that Poneglyph. Your reaction when I mentioned Joyboy pretty much confirmed it.

"Okay, you got me with that... Yes, I was aware of Joyboy's existence for a while now... But I never expected to see the Mermaid princess 's power personally... I presume it was her first time consciously using it, wasn't it ?"

Neptune: Yes... It is my belief that she fully awakened to this power for the first time today. The fact troubles me greatly...

Robin: I can imagine. Two years ago, on an island in the Sky, I read a poneglyph that told us of the location of an ancient weapon. It indicated that the weapon was here, on Fishman island. Can you tell me if that Mermaid princess who lived in the same age as Joyboy... Could possibly have been known by this name ? In which case, Princes Shirahoshi, who has inherited the same power... Should also by rights inherit this same name.

"... Princess Shirahoshi, also known as... The ancient weapon, Poseidon..."

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