Chapter 37: Big news

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... No one knows why, but long ago, three Great weapons were created, each with enough power to threaten the word as a whole, bearing the names of Gods... Pluton, Uranus, and Poseidon."

Robin: And once of those three weapons... Is your daughter.

Neptune: I cannot deny it.

"It's no wonder you'd want and keep it a secret... If the world were to find out about this, the people who would try to obtain that power for themselves would be numerous, be it pirates or the government..."

Caribou: 'An ancient weaaaapon ?! A power capable of destroying the woooorld ?! Is it just me, or did I just overhear a major scooooop ?! Kehihihihihi ! I see, I see... That mermaid princess, eh... ?'

"Poseidon, the ancient weapon... I wasn't expecting I'd live to see that name surfacing again... Really, it has been a few years since I last heard these names... Poseidon... Joyboy... Ni-"


"Oh, right on cue... I should probably see what's going on over there..."

Jinbe: Luffy, I do think you should pay a little more attention to the world around you... Could I speak to you somewhere in private ?

Luffy: Really ? Sure ! Hang on a minute... I'll just go fetch some things to eat !

Luffy: Oh, hey ! You guys are out here too ?!

Zoro: Zzzzzzz...

Nami: I drank a little too much ! I came out here to sober up.

Usopp: And I ate too much. i'm stuffed.

Chopper: And Sanji's Mermaided too much.

Sanji: Fishman island is the best~ !!


Jinbe: I knew it... That Rayleigh doesn't do things by halves. But still... You've been so out of touch, you haven't even heard of such a major incident ?!

Luffy: Nuh huh...

Chopper: Oh, oh, I know this one ! I've heard about it !

Jinbe: Immediately after the war two years ago, Fleet Admiral Sengoku stepped down from his post. This gave rise to the question of his successor. Sengoku himself recommended Aokiji, a man who commands great respects from his subordinates. But amongst the upper echelons of the World Government, Akainu became the favoured candidate.

Jinbe: As you may know, Aokiji isn't exactly a man of action. He tends to take things as they come. But in this instance, he objected vigorously to the prospect of Akainu becoming fleet admiral. The two fiercely opposed and in the end, this unprecedented conflict between two Marine admirals... Culminated in an all-out battle between the two upon a certain island. The terms were clear: The loser would forfeit all further right to object. The victor would take absolute control of the Marine Forces.

Luffy: ... ... !

Jinbe: The battle raged for ten whole days, and the world waited on Tenterhooks for the outcome. Though the two Admirals were almost equal in strength, one man ultimately emerged victorious. The victor was Akainu ! Sakazuki is the new Fleet Admiral of the Marines... !

Luffy: Akainu... ! So did Aokiji die, then ?

Jinbe; Both parties were severely wounded. But even Akainu could not find it in himself to slaughter the one-time ally who lay helpless before him. Aokiji staunchly refused to serve under the command of Akainu, so he left the Marines.

Luffy: Then Aokiji isn't a Marine any more... ?

Jinbe: Indeed. I do not know what has become of him since. One thing is certain, the marines have lost a powerful asset. But the measures the Government subsequently took to make up for that loss have granted the Marines frightful now power... ! Listen carefully, all of you. If nothing else, you should be aware of two great changes that have shaken the New World in these past two years.

Jinbe: The first is that, under Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, Marine HQ became a more powerful force for Justice than ever before. And the other... relates to the Blackbeard pirates.

Nami: Blackbeard... the crew we met back in Mock Town !!

Chopper: The guy who crushed my hometown !!

Jinbe; You must understand, the man was a member of the Whitebeard pirates for years. He was intimately familiar with the old man's territories. After the old man's death, he was able to conquer those regions almost immediately. A feat he accomplished using none other than the Gura Gura powers he stole from the old man himself. He already has the people referring to him in the same breath as Red-Hair, Kaido and Big Mom, as one of the Yonkos... ! Truly, he is a despicable man... !!

Jinbe: Rumour has it that his crew are actively hunting down users of devil fruit abilities. Though little is known of the how... It seems that they possess some means of killing devil fruit users and taking their abilities to themselves... ! The Blackbeard Pirates' primary aim is to acquire the most powerful devil fruit abilities they can obtain, so be careful, all of you... !

Chopper: They might come after me !!

"No offense Chopper, but I don't think they're interested in your own Hito Hito no mi..."

Chopper: What was that ?!

Jinbe; True, Luffy-kun in particulr has earned the personal attention of "Blackbeard" Teach himself... It is imperative that- LUFFY !! Are you even listening to me ?!

"Don't bother, he never listens to this kind of things... And the food isn't helping either."

Jinbe: You're supposed to be the captain of this crew !! You need to know the basics !!

Chopper: Hm ? isn't a "Captain" someone who doesn't listen to what anybody says ?

Jinbe: Should a Captain not bear responsibility for the lives of his crew, Luffy ?!

Luffy: Hey, have you tried these Fishman island sweets ?! They're so tasty ! The meat's great too ! Anyway, Jinbe, no need for all the complicated stuff ! I just deal with things as they come !!

Jinbe: ... You people have your work cut out with this one...

All: You're telling us...

Luffy: Oh, by the way ! D'you know where Cry-Hoshi is ? I don't see her anywhere.

"I think she said she'd go back to her room, since she's not used to drinking... I'll need a lot of water to fight the headache too. But on that matter, you guys... Is it just me, or is there some sort of... I dunno, a wild animal or something somewhere around... ?"

Sanji: ... Now that you mention it, something do feel off..."

Shirahoshi: HHPH !! MMMMNHH !! 'Please stop doing this ! Who are you ?! What in the world do you want ?!'

Caribou: Kehihihihihi !! No need to look at me like that now, princess !! It ain't like I'm gonna go hurting you or anything !! With all the treasure I've found, I don't care about kidnapping mermaids to sell anymore... But you're a special case !! So if you'll juuuust go to sleep for me for a little while... yeah ?! Looks like my brother's already brought the crew here to meet me at the port !! So let's head off to the new World together !!

"... All yours, Luffy."

Shirahoshi: 'Luffy-sama... !'


Caribou: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh... !

Shirahoshi: Oh, Luffy-sama !! Uwaaaaaaaahhh !! I was so scared !!

Luffy: That guy was still hanging around ?

"Guess so... We didn't really bother checking the palace after all..."

Sanji: You lucky bastard, Luffy !! If only I'd been able to kick him first... !!

Minister: I MUST OFFER YOU MY DEEPEST GRATITUDE ONCE MORE !! THIS COULD HAVE BEEN A TERRIBLE DISASTER !! To think that the despicable treasure thief was still lurking within the palace... ! Ordinarily,the castle Security is so tight that not even a goldfish could enter undetected, but during the battle, the gate was left wide open... !! Why, if you would observe, even the right-hand tower of the Ryuuguu palace has been sliced clean apart ! Doubtless this too is the handywork of that no-good treasure thief...

Pappag: No, it was this guy who sliced up the tower !! Forget about slicing up the cage to escape, he sliced right through the whole damn room while he was at it !

Zoro: Let the thief take the blame, you stupid starfish !

Nami: ... Hold on a minute, Minister of the Right-chan ! What's this about a "Treasure Thief" ?! You're telling me that guy made off with all the treasure in the castle's vaults ?!

"... Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about that... ?"

Zoro: No, me too...

Luffy: Yeah, something very bad...

Nami: But these are priceless royal treasures, right ?! Aren't you going to go after him ?!

Neptune: After we came so close to losing the lives of our precious subjects... Treasure doesn't seem so important any more.

Nami: Then supposing if, let's say, we happened to recover all that treasure...

Neptune: You would be free to keep it. I would be happy to know that it was in the hands of my country's saviours !

Nami: REALLY ?!

"Really bad feeling, I think we should run !"

Nami: What were you thinking, sending that scoundrel flying out of the Palace ?! Why didn't you tie him up and keep him as a prisoner ?! YOU GET OUT THERE AND FIND HIM RIGHT NOW !!



Soldier: YOUR MAJESTY !! Something strange has happened to Hody and his men !! Their handcuffs fell off, and...

Hody: WORTHLESS HUMANS !! Our hatred will not fade... We will have our revenge !! Bring Straw Hat to me at once... I'll slaughter him !! JAHAHAHAHAHYAHYURGHH... *Cough cough*...

Hyouzou: Am I drunk ? My joints are aching like crazy..

Zeo: Hahahahah... I have aged on purpose...

Dosun: We oughtta take revenge on those Strawhats, Fosun... !

Hikaros: Musshi... We will be the judges of humanity...

Minister: What in the world has happened here... ?! Is this really Hody and his crew... ?!

Hody: Don't go thinking you can keep me locked up in this cage, you worthless royals ! Why, these pathetic little bars... I'll... !!



Ikaros: Cap'n Hojy !!

Fukaboshi: What is the meaning of this... ?

Minister: This is as I suspected... These "Energy steroids" must have been none other than the Legendary Pills that were stored inside the Royal Tamate box ! In truth, the contents of the Box were stolen ten years ago in a little-known incident... the culprit was never found, and the King decided to keep the entire incident under wraps. But come to think of it, this happened around the same time that you left the Neptune Army, Hody !

Hody: Haah... True enough ! It was me who stole them !! Haah... You worthless fools... !!

Neptune: The nature of the pills inside the Tamate Box has never been entirely clear, even among the Royal Family... One theory claims that they grant the user the strength of a thousand men, another claims that they simply cause them to age overnight... ! A curious item indeed to be kept as a national treasure... I suspect that they were placed into the custody of the Royal Family as a means of sealing them away, and protecting the people from their dangerous effects. You should never have opened that box, Hody. Though you thought it granted you power, that was no more than a foolish dream.

Hody: SILENCE, NEPTUNE !! Haah... Haah...

Neptune: Well, they will hardly be capable of any further "revenge" in this state...


Neptune: I find myself almost pitying them. Perhaps I will have to rethink their sentence.

Hody: Is that you, Fukaboshi, you filthy disgrace ?!

Fukaboshi: ... I will not resent you for what you did to my mother. So please, just be quiet. It would not do for the children of the island to hear your tainted words.

Soldier: Minister of the Left !! Mr.Pekoms and Baron Tamago have just arrived at the sweet factory... !

Minister: Ah, the envoys of Big Mom...

Soldier: We don't have any sweets to give to them, Minister ! The factory was ransacked by Hody's crew, of course... And everyone insisted that the remaining sweets should be taken to the banquet for the Straw Hats to enjoy !

Minister: ... It is hard to say whether such excuses will be sufficient.. After all, we are dealing with that monster who has been known to raze entire countries for the sake of sweets... the Yonko, "Big Mom"... !!

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