Chapter 39: Pandora's Box

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Neptune: So let me ask you, Jinbe... How are the Sun Pirates getting on as part of Big Mom's fleet ?

Jinbe: Whilst I cannot claim that she is always the most reasonable person to work with... She lets us have our freedoms.

Neptune: I would never have expected a man of your calibre to serve under another master after Fisher Tiger. Does it not trouble you ?

Jinbe: Not at all. I have no grand inspirations to absolute leadership. In the New World, affiliating oneself with one of the four Yonko, is simply the most sensible way to ensure the safety of one's comrades.

Neptune: Truly ? I cannot help but think you do it for Fishman island's sake... It was, after all, thanks to your connections that our island was able to obtain the protection of Big Mom's name, and thus remain safe even after Whitebeard's demise.

Jinbe: A coincidence, nothing more. In truth, I would prefer to remain here with my crew, that we might protect the island ourselves. But with bounties on our heads, that is a little impractical. However, your majesty... I am now planning to leave that protection behind... !

Neptune: Oh... ? Could it be... That you mean to take Luffy-kun's invitation ?!

Jinbe: Indeed. It is a very tempting offer. That said, I live in a word of duty and honour. Of bonds formed not by written contract, but by spoken vows and shared goblets. To sever such a bond is nto always a simple endeavour... I cannot deny the possibility that it may turn Big Mom's wrath against this island.

Neptune: You always try to take too much responsibility upon your own shoulders, Jinbe. If such a situation arises, then we will seek out a solution ourselves. Why, only today this land has come into possession of a 70,000-man strong force of powerful, rowdy fighters from the fishman District. Besides which, if this island ever were to lose the protection of Big Mom's flag... There is another flag I would very much like to borrow. The jolly roger that wears a Straw Hat !

Jinbe: Wahahahah ! I see ! Indeed, that would be a fine flag to fly... !

Minister: YOUR MAJESTY !!

Neptune: What is the matter, Minister of the Right ?

Minister: I have just remembered something quite terrible ! It relates to the treasure that was stolen... And your promise to give all of it to Luffy-Kun and his friends... ! If they do succeed in recovering it, I must ask that you instruct them to return the Tamate Box alone to us !

Neptune: What nonsense is this ?! The promise has already been made ! I have no right to demand the treasure's return !!

Neptune: WHAT ?! THE BOX WILL EXPLODE IF OPENED ?! Why would you put explosives inside ?!

Minister: Well, you see, after the incident ten years ago, when the contents of the Tamate box were stolen... I came up with this measure in order to prevent any future would-be thieves from getting away unharmed... ! The box is filled with powerful explosives... Which will activate as soon as the box is opened... ! As custodian of the keys to the palace treasures and the Tamate Box, I must humbly apologize for this oversight !

Neptune: I see, I see... Very well, then. If Luffy-Kun and his crew do succeed in recovering this treasure... You must carefully explain the situation to them, and recover the Tamate Box... Though there is always the danger that they might open it before you reach them to explain...

Minister: That was my concern, also...

Guard: Your majesty ! Minister of the Right ! Luffy-san and his crew have just returned to the Palace !!

Minister: Ahhh... ! Thank goodness they are unharmed ! So our worries were for naught...

Minister/Neptune/Nami: YOU GAVE ALL THE TREASURE... TO BIG MOM ?!

Luffy: Well, she was going on about destroying Fishman island just 'cause there wasn't any sweets left ! Stupid, right ?! I mean, if it was meat, then okay, but over sweets ?! Anyway, don't worry ! I've gone and picked a fight with her now !!


Jinbe: You picked a fight with Big Mom ?! That... Could be an issue... !

Shirahoshi: Oh, my ! You certainly are a strong man, Luffy-sama !


Shirahoshi: Uwaaaahh !! You're too scary, Nosepp-sama !

Usopp: My name's Usopp ! And i'm sorry !

Jinbe: Of all the outrageous... I fear I may have to sever my ties to Big Mom quickly, before things become more awkward... At any rate, see it that your crew does nothing to provoke Big Mom further for the time being !

"Yeah, I think it's a tad bit late to be concerned about that..."

Usopp: LIKE HELL WE WOULD !! She's a Yonko !! She could wipe us out in seconds !!

Neptune: 'M- Minster of the right... !! Could this not be rather... Problematic ?!'

Minister: 'This is a most unexpected twist of fate... ! If the Tamate Box falls into Big Mom's hands... And worse, of she were to open it herself... ! The resulting Explosion would amount to a declaration of all-out war !!'

Nami: Now, Luffy, I understand that you had to pick a fight with her under the circumstances. You are a man after all.

Luffy: That's right !! I don't care who she is-





"Thanks but no !! I value my life !!"

Luffy: C'mon guys... Led's go to da new World...


Caribou: Dammitall ! I wake up and what do I find ?! All that treasure, gone without a trace !! Who the hell took it ?! I'll rip'em to pieces, you better believe it !! I gotta take that mountain of treasure the Mermaid princess' secret outta here with me !! If I do, "That person" will take a shine to me for sure !!

Caribou: Huh ?! What's this crowd of people... ? And who are those two guys carrying those gigantic bags ?! That's my treasure !! It's gotta be ! Who the hell do they think they areee ?! I'll bury 'em alive !! THAT TREASURE IS MINE !! I STOLE IT !! AND I'M GONNA TAKE IT BACK !!

Tamago: Now, who might that be... ?

Pekoms: I've seen that face somewhere before... Grr. There we go, found it. He's Wet-hair Caribou, a rookie who's made a name for himself recently. he's got two hundred million on his head.

Citizens: A... A two-hundred million bounty ?!

Caribou: Kehihihihi !! Numa-numa-no...

Citizens: AAAAAAHH !! Mr.Pekoms !!

Caribou: Keheheh... Hm ? The heck is that ?! A turtle ?! A fruit user, huh ?!

Pekoms: But of course.

Caribou: Still, you're nothing but a worthless Zoan !! Kehihihihihih !!

Citizens: ... Huh ?

Pekoms: Foolish Logia users who think themselves invincible will not last long from here on out.

*Pekoms: 330,000,000 Berry*

Tamago: I take no pleasure in crushing soft-boiled weaklings. Let us return, Pekoms. Our mama is waiting.

Marines: ANOTHER VESSEL SIGHTED AT 2 O'CLOCK !! These pirate ships just keep surfacing one after another !! What's going on here ?!


Marines: That's a big one over there !! Our Captain is in danger !! I'll keep her safe in my tender embrace !

Captain: Oh, that's quite enough... !

Marines: Ohhh yeah !! That's our lovely captain !!

Captain: Could you take this a little more seriously ?! You have been properly trained in defending against cannonfire, I hope !

Marines: That's the mast you're talking to, Captain ! Man, she's cute ! The radiant flower of G-5 !!

Captain: Why must you always say things like that in the middle of battle ?! You'll lose your lives if you're not careful !! Honestly, I can't stand G-5 sometimes... I find it hard to believe you're Marines at all !!

Marines: Eheheh !

Tashigi: Just because I'm a woman is no reason to show such a lack of respect !!

???: Be quite, Tashigi !! I'm conducting an interrogation here !!

Tashigi: Smoker-san... !!

Smoker: I see... You were all prisoners of the seabed Pirate Hody Jones. That explains why there haven't been any rookies passing through Fishman island for the last month. And it explains why all these Pirate ships are suddenly crawling like cockroaches up from the depths... !

Pirates: prisoners ?! I wish !! they kept us as slaves !! But just when Hody's crew tried to stage a proper uprising, another pirate crew stepped in, defeated the lot of them, and set us all free !! I ain't telling you who that was, though !! We owe them our lives !!

Pirate: You idiot !! Just spill the beans already !! These aren't ordinary marines we're dealing with !! They're from G-5 !! I've heard stories about them using pirates as bait to fish for sharks !! Or burning pirates as fuel on their campfires !! They're a lawless group among the marines ranks, who don't even take orders from Marine HQ !! They'll kill us all if we're not careful !!

Marines: Vice-admiral ! Can we take care of these ones ? Geheheheheh...

Pirates: AAAAAAGHHH !! Hey, wait, stop !! I'll talk, I'll talk !! please don't kill me !! IT WAS THE STRAW HAT PIRATES !!

Smoker: As if I needed telling...

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