Chapter 42: Punk Hazard

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Luffy: WHOOOOOAAAA !! Look ! That island over there just erupted !!

Nami: Listen to me, Luffy, all right ?! Not one of our three Log Pose needles is pointing to that island !! It's not normal even by the New World's standards !!

Brook: Farewell, Laboon's family ! Take care !!

Luffy: I don't care how weird it is, that's where we're going now ! It's right there, isn't it ?! Who cares where the needles are pointing !!

Nami: Not a chance ! We're not going anywhere near it !! The ocean is on fire, for Heaven's sake !! That doesn't make any sense !!

"... An island you can't reach even with a Pose, and surrounded by a wall of fiery ocean... Can you imagine the mountain of treasure waiting to be discovered, completely untouched..."

Nami: Hnghhhhh...

Sanji: Hey, Luffy, I have a piece of bad news for you. It's about that gigantic fish we caught. Aside from that piece I managed to carve out, the whole thing is burned to a crisp.


"... The fish got burned by the sea... Now that's something you don't see everyday."

Usopp: Our ship is going to be next !!

Franky: No way ! The Sunny is made of sterner stuff than that !

Nami: I don't care how strong the Sunny is, this sea is still ridiculous Look at those fish skeletons !! They're all just bones !!

Brook: Hm ? You called ?

Luffy: What's going on ?! The dendenmushi just started crying ! What's wrong, little guy ? Your stomach hurt or something ?!

Sanji: Don't be stupid, that's a distress signal ! Somebody's calling out for help !!

Luffy: Then... If I pick it up, can we talk to them ?

Robin: Hold on, Luffy !! The chances of that distress signal being genuine are under 50% ! It's more likely to be a trap set by the marines. If we answer the call and they're listening in, they'll know we're in the area !

Usopp: That's our Robin ! You heard her, Luffy ! We have to think carefully before...

Luffy: Hello ?! This is Luffy !! I'm going to be the Pirate King !!

Usopp: Did you really need to say that ?!

"What were you expecting to happen here exactly ?"

???: HELP ! PLEASE ! ANYONE !! It's cold... So cold... Is that you, Boss... ?!

Luffy: No, i'm not your boss. Did you say it's cold ?!

???: We're being sliced down one after another... It's no use... !! We're all gonna be killed by the samuraiiii !!

Luffy: Hey !! Who are you ?! What's your name ?! Where are you right now ?!

???: Whoever you are, you have to help us, please... ! We're at a place called... PUNK HAZARD !! AAAAARGHHHH !!


Luffy: ... I smell an incident afoot !


Robin: We don't know that. It could all have been an act to lure us in.

"If that was the case, that guy deserves an Oscar for his performance... I'd tend to believe it was a genuine call for help, though we can't rule out the possibility of someone else eavesdropping us..."

Zoro: I heard the word "Samurai"... Brook, isn't that... ?

Brook: Indeed. "Samurai" is the name given to the swordsmen of the Wano country. The Wano country is a sealed-off nation whose people do not kindly to outsiders... they are not even a part of the world government. They say the country's swordsmen, the Samurai, are so terrifyingly strong, that even the marines dare not venture too close.

Usopp: You've gotta be kidding me... !!

Franky: But that guy didn't say anything about the Wano country. He said he was at "Punk Hazard" ! You think that's the flaming island ?!

"Unless he was using an adult dendenmushi, which I doubt... Then yeah, that island would be the only one in range of communication, moreover if he was trying to reach his 'Boss'."

Luffy: All right !! Let's go and save him then !!

Nami: NOOOOOO !!

Usopp: Surely it's too late for that !

Chopper: Those samurai sound scary !!

Brook: I quite agree !!


Tashigi: Smoker-san ! Was that... ?!

Smoker: Ugh... What the hell kind of route are those punks taking... ? We ought to have a one-in-three chance under normal circumstances.

Pirate: SO HOT !! IT BURNS !! HELP ME !!

Tashigi: That's quite enough of that ! Stop bullying the pirate... !!

Smoker: The Three Islands that can be reached by Log pose from Fishman island are Risky Red Island, Raijin island and Mistria island. I came here on the assumption that Straw hat would choose the path to Raijin island, where the magnetic field is most unstable, but to think he would follow an entirely different route from those three...

Tashigi: But, Smoker-san !! Ever since the accident 4 years ago... Punk Hazard has been a sealed-off island, completely devoid of human life ! Why would there be someone there now ?!

Smoker: ... It's strange, all right. I don't see how any kind of living thing could survive on that island in its current state... but it's the only lead we've got. Let's get moving, men !!

Marines: Whaaaaat ?! But, Vice-admiral Smoker !! Don't you know that island is off-limits ?!

Smoker: I don't want to hear a lecture on law from you. Just get this ship moving, you layabouts !!

Marines: Y- Yes, sir !!

Sanji: There you go, a deep-sea fish lunchbox !

Luffy: Oh, man !! I can't wait to eat it !!

Sanji: Who drew the marked straws ?

Zoro: We did.

"Yup, no complaints here."

Robin: Well, this should be interesting !

Usopp: Somebody trade with me !!


Luffy: WHOOOAAAAA !! That's awesome !! It's a road made of cloud !! It's just like the stuff we saw back on the Sky islands !!

Nami: Eheheh ! Hurry on across while the clouds are still stable !

"All right, here goes the scouting party ! Mini-Merry, don't let us down !"

Luffy: This fish is great !!

Chopper: Good luck, you guys !!

Franky: You guys have all the luck...

Sanji: We'll be able to go too later.

Brook: Yohohoho ! Bon voyage !

Nami: Chin up, Usopp !

Usopp: SOMEBODY TAKE MY PLACE !! Owww !! Hot hot !!

Luffy: Whoaaaa, we're going up ! This is fuuun ! We're going right over the fiery sea !

Usopp: these clouds had better take us safely back as well !

"Good thing the rain died down, huh ? Perfect weather for some scouting."

Usopp: But it's so hot !!

Brook: Do those clouds really reach all the way to the island ?

Nami: Who knows ?

Chopper: Ahhhhh... I'm so glad I didn't draw one of the go-with-Luffy straws... I can't stand hot places...

Nami: Well, we couldn't exactly let him go alone. Once he sees there's nothing there, he'll come straight back !

Sanji: Right !! Wait right there, Nami-san, and I'll ship up a nice cold deep-sea fish dessert !

Brook/Franky: Yeahhh !!

Luffy: Look, see ?! That has to be an entrance !!

Usopp: I'm telling you, maybe there were people here years and years ago... But nobody would possibly live here now !! That dendenmushi must've been transmitting from some far-off island ! It's the only explanation, right ?!

"Well, if there's nothing, what's the problem in checking it out ? Why don't you just relax while expecting nothing to happen ?"

Robin: It doesn't look like much, but this is surprisingly delicious !

Usopp: What are you all eating your lunch already for ?!

Zoro: Aren't you gonna eat yours ?

Usopp: I don't feel like eating right now !!

Zoro: ... ... *CRONCH CRONCH*

"... ... Zoro, I don't want to alarm you, but I think Sanji did follow on your 'adding razor blades' taunt..."

Zoro: That third-rate cook got something else coming if he thinks that can stop me.

Usopp: Ahhhh... I can feel my old disease from two years ago resurfacing... Listen, you guys, I have this condition called "I-can't-go-onto-that-island" disease !!

"We know, Usopp... We know. Let's just pull the Merry up onto the shore..."

Robin: Well, there's no mistaking it... The name certainly matches.

Zoro: I guess that distress signal really did come from somewhere in here...

Usopp: It looks like this island is sealed off ! Ah ! Look at this ! See ?! It's the mark of the World Government... And the Marine Emblem !!

"These first two check out, but... What's that one in the middle... the skull with the big horns..."

Usopp: In other words, even if there was someone in here, they must've been marines !! No point helping them !! Let's go back !!


Usopp: I hope you realize you're breaking the law !! Oh, right... We're pirates...

Zoro: This whole place really is ablaze... !

Usopp: Well, don't say I didn't warn you !! You're picking a fight with the world government here !! Oh, wait... We already did that...

"Usopp, if you have energy to spare flailing and screaming, then use it to look around."

Robin: It doesn't seem like the island is on fire like this naturally... Was there some kind of disaster ? Or an accident ?

"Punk Hazard, Punk Hazard... If memory serves me right, it was some sort of secret government facility... My best guess is that some experiment must've gone south, but something cataclysmic..."

Zoro: So the question is, why was the place sealed off ? Because of whatever happened to cause this fire ? Or because it was a dangerous place to begin with ?

Robin: Don't forget, for some reason the island can't be reached by Log Pose. It certainly is suspicious.

"And that weird emblem at the entrance only adds to that..."

Luffy: HEY !! DENDENMUSHI GUY, ARE YOU HERE ?! WE'VE COME TO SAVE YOU !! Where are you, Samurai ?! Come and get us !!

Usopp: Don't call for those crazy murderers !!

Zoro: Feeling hungry now, eh ?

Usopp: Shut up !! I eat when i'm stressed ! Come to think of it, there's still something bothering me... That voice on the dendenmushi... It kept saying that it was cold !

"Wait, that's actually a good point... Where on this burning island could there be a 'Cold' part... ?"

Luffy: ... ... Maybe he's an idiot ?

Usopp: What kind of logic is that ?!

Robin: A cold place on this blazing-hot island... ? Or perhaps his predicament was so terrifying, it chilled him to the bone...

"It was so much, he put it on the same level as the threat of the samurai... I'd bet on a cold storage he took refuge into somewhere..."

Franky: Something wrong, Nami... ?

Nami: yeah... It's the clouds... There's something strange about the wky above this island. On the far side, it looks almost like an arctic climate...

Franky: Don't be ridiculous !!

Usopp: Whoa !! A giant's skeleton ?!

Luffy: Even giants aren't that big !!

"Yeah, that's more on Oz's level..."


"Hm... ? Well ain't it a long time since I last saw one of these..."

Usopp: What are you... WHAAA... ?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAA ?!

Luffy: Huh ? Do these things... Actually exist ?!

Zoro: No... They're the stuff of legend !! They can't possibly be real !

Robin: But how could this creature... Possibly be anything else... ?!

"A dragon !!"

???: Who goes there... ?

Luffy: Huh ?!

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