Chapter 43: Puzzling face

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: Hey !! It just spoke !!

Usopp: Not a chance !! You've gotta be hearing things !!

Luffy: ... You think so... ?

Usopp: It's hard enough to believe that a Dragon exists at all without it talking as well... !

Robin: Yet its form is unmistakably the same as the imaginary creature... !

"I wouldn't call it imaginary when it's standing right before us... I wonder if it's the reason why this island's on fire... After all, dragons are known for..."


Zoro: Don't tell me... !!


Zoro: This is getting interesting... !!

Luffy: Hahahaha ! Gum-Gum...

"... Blunt hits won't do us any good, its skin is too tough ! All we'll do it piss it off !"

Zoro: Then we just have to cut it to pieces ! Go on Dragon, try it.

Dragon: I can feel your presence, pfft.

Zoro: What ?! Luffy's right... This thing really can talk !!

"Make it sit still for a second, I need to examine it a bit closer."

Zoro: I swear, might as well cut it down for size... Santoryuu...

Zoro: NGUIIIIIHH !! UGH... !! What's up with its strength ?! And its toughness ?! Luffy !! It talked !!

Luffy: See ?! I told you !!

Usopp: I heard it talk too... But how ?!

Dragon: Pfft !! Are you friends of the Shichibukai ?!

Usopp: AAAAAGHHHH !! SO HOT !! And it talked again too !!

Robin: It mentioned the Shichibukai... Does it have some kind of grudge against them... ?

"... ... Luffy, I don't think it's the dragon ! It's faint, but there two life signatures up there ! There's something on top of it !"


"Of course that is for you, Luffy..."

Zoro: Let me handle this thing ! I'll slice it to pieces !

"I can trust you on that. Then I'll just bring it down to your level. If that thing thinks it can best me in aerial combat, then it got another thing coming ! Hey there big guy !"


"Guess it is just a beast, to see only in front of itself... Huh ?"

???: Pfft... Ahh, this coolness is wonderful... ! These flames are so refreshing !!

"... ... Hey, it looks like I was right about there being someone, but... They're not riding the dragon ! I don't get how, but I think they're stuck half-inside the dragon !"

Usopp: Huuuhhhh ?! What kind of situation is that ?!

Robin: Then the voice we heard was...

"Well, we can discuss that after dealing with the Dragon itself is down and done for, and on that note... The easiest way is by far just to slam it down ! GIGANT HAMMER !!"


"It's coming down !!"

Zoro: USOPP !!

Usopp: ... All right then ! Hissatsu, Midoriboshi... TRAMPOLIA !!

Zoro: Ittoryuu... Iai... !


Luffy: Ahahahah !! That Dragon looks tasty !!

Zoro: We can barbecue it in the island's flames.

"It'd be my first time in a long time that I had Dragon meat... They usually taste terrible."

Robin: ... One day, you'll have to tell us more about what you used to do...

Sanji: Nnnami-swaaaaaaaan ! This time I have brought you... A refreshingly-cool deep-water fish crepe ! And a little champagne to... Hm ?! They're asleep... Mist ?

Sanji: No... !! 'Damn it... I've already breathed in quite a bit of the stuff !! This gas must've sent them to sleep ! Is it natural ?! Or is somebody else on board... ?! The others, on the island... If they've got a baby dendenmushi.. I might be able to... !!' I've gotta... Let them know...

???: Two humans, one humanoid iron creature... And one pet... Tie them all up. They're pirates... Perfect. We will offer them to our master... Nobody will raise a fuss over the disappearance of a few pirates...

Luffy: I'm pulling him out !

???: Hey !! Who are you people ?! Get your hands off me, pfft !

Luffy: I'm gonna pull you out of there, so hld still ! One, two, annd...



Usopp: You idiot !! As if "Sorry" is going to make any difference !! You've killed him !!

???: Ahh !! It seems I have been pulled free, pfft !!



"... ... When you look closer... There's no traces of a other half of this body to begin with..."

Usopp: Then... He was only half a body to begin with ?! he's pretty big, too...

Luffy: You're a pretty weird guy, huh... ?

???: 'I can sense that people are here and what they are doing by their presence... But alas... I have no eyes or ears... !' PFFT !! I DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT YOU WILL NOT STAND IN MY WAY !! I CANNOT AFFORD TO PERISH IN SUCH A PLACE AS THIS, PFFT !! You will not escape me so easily... !! ACCURSED SHICHIBUKAI !!

Luffy: Ahh !! He ran off !! Wait up !! You have to join my crew !!


"... I can't put my fingers on it, put that... Thing seems almost familiar to me..."

Luffy: Hey, you guys !! Look ! He stuck on to me !! What do you call this again ?!

"... A... Centaur ? But it's usually a horse with a human tors-"

Luffy: YEAH !! I'M A CENTAUR !! Wahahahahah !!

???: Ugh... ! I got myself stuck onto something again, pfft...

Luffy: Do you give in yet ?! I've just eaten dragon meat, you know !! I have dragon power now !!

Usopp: The dragon was tasty, sure, but I'm full already !! If you're gonna eat almost all the meat, why don't you carry it yourself ?!

Robin: That's not in very good taste, Luffy.

"i'm starting to feel sorry for whoever these legs belongs to..."

Luffy: Hm ?!

Usopp: You see ?! He's not gonna just become part of you ! What kind of creature would do that ?! The other half of him must be out there somewhere waiting for him ! !! You should take him to where he belongs !

Luffy: You just don't know how to dream, do you, Usopp ? This is just how he is ! Nothing wrong with that ! Right ? What's your name, any- PFFEHHHH !!

Zoro: Oi !! You guys, get over here !!

Luffy: Zoro ! Did you find him ?! The guy who was sliced up by the samurai... ?!

Zoro: ... take a look.

Usopp: WHAAAA ?!

Usopp: S... Snowy mountains ?! There's a huge lake, and on the other side of the island... It's all snowy... No, ice-covered mountains !! How come ?! Meanwhile over on this side, it's boiling hot with active volcanoes !! What kind of island is that ?!

"Welcome to the New World, Usopp."

Robin: Well, that solves one mystery.

Usopp: ... Oh, right ! The guy on the dendenmushi... he said it was cold... Which means, the victims of the murderous samurai must be on that side of the island... !!

Luffy: This is really cool islaaaand !! There's snow falling on those mountains !! It's so hot here, I could do with a snow cone !!

Usopp: You'll end up freezing cold if you went over there : Besides, it's too far ! We should head back to the ship !!

Robin: Well, this is a problem. It does look rather cold over there.

"Melting in here, freezing over there... The middle must be a perfect temperature."

Zoro: If there are animals over there, we can skin them for furs... Either way, it'll work out somehow.

Usopp: Like hell it will !! What's wrong with you people ?!

Luffy: SNOW CONES !!

Usopp: AGHHH !! Did you see that ?! Just now... !!

"See what ?"

Usopp: That bird !! No, it was like... A bird and a human ! Like I said, it was...

Franky: Sanji... What's got you so excited ?

Sanji: ... Oh good, you're awake.

Nami: If you look around, it's fairly obvious.


Franky: What ?! Hey... Where are we ?! Huhh... ? Last thing I remember, I was eating that fishy dessert on the deck, and then... I can't remember anything else...

Nami: I can only suspect that somebody flooded the ship with sleeping gas... And then abducted us all while we were sleeping.

Sanji: the ship was flooded with gas, that much is for sure... i'm sorry, you guys. If only I'd noticed what was happening a little sooner...

Chopper: You think they're gonna sell us ?! They could be slave traders !!

Franky: ... Hang on, what about Brook ? He was on the Sunny too...

Nami: We don't know; When we woke up, it was just the four of us.

Chopper: If they're trading in humans, maybe they're not interested in skeletons !

Franky: Uh, you're not exactly human yourself


???: Say, friends... Do you enjoy the art of "Hanjimono" ? Or "Puzzles", as they say in foreign lands !

Nami: Huh ? Did someone just talk ?

Franky: Well... It sure wasn't one of us...

Chopper: I think the voice came from these things !!

???: What do you mean, "Things" ?!


Sanji: What the hell... ?

Franky: Is it some new kind of dendenmushi ?

Chopper: There are eight of them ! I can't believe I didn't notice !

Pieces: I am no filthy snail ! But it seems to me that you are not evildoers !! These objects before you are parts of my face !! Could I perhaps trouble you to reassemble them ?!

Franky: His face ? Come to think of it, this is a mouth... And these seem to be eyes...

Chopper: It really turned into a face !!

Face: You seem to have left out quite a few pieces !

Nami: How about this ?

Face: Completely wrong !!

Sanji: This must be right.

Franky: Ahahahahahah !

Face: Are you toying with me ?!

Chopper: There ! This must be right ! It's a proper human face !!

Face: I get the feeling there's still something a little wrong with my chin and my hair... But no matter ! You have my thanks !

All: ... ... IT'S A TALKING HEAD !!

Head: What kind of timing is that ?!

Chopper: Why are you even alive ?! Are you an evil spirit ?!

Head: Even I am unsure of the answer to that question ! I most certainly did not end up this way of my own choice ! I was sliced into pieces by an individual of whom I know naught !! Though I thought my life was ended, I ended up as you see me now ! To fall at the hands of the enemy and yet live on is great shame for a warrior !

Head: Ideally, I would like to slice open my belly and end my life... But alas, there remains to me an important task that I must fulfill at all costs !!

Nami: he's so weird, kind of like Buggy. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know where we are, would you ?

Head: How can you address me so bluntly ?! You are a woman, and I a proud warrior ! This is not natural ! A woman's place is to stand demurely in the menfolk's shadow, and speak with reserve and modesty !!

Nami: You've got a pretty big mouth for a disembodied head ! that's no way to talk to the people who were kind enough to put you back together !

Head: Enough !! Violence from a maiden ?! From what manner of alien land does this woman hail... ?! Such insolence and force of will ! Yet I must act with graceful understanding. Clearly she is not in right mind, doubtless because her clothing has been stripped from her... !!

Nami: Excuse me ? I haven't been stripped of any clothing ! This is what I wear !

Head: What ?! H- How positively obscene !! Why, you wear nothing but a chest binding !!

Nami: What ? You don't like it ?

Head: I MUST SAY I DO !!

*The following scene contains untold violence, it will therefore be slightly ignored*

Sanji: You dirty-minded crook... !!

head: It was a trap... Urghh... It hur... Hur... Itches !! Still, to think... The women of foreign lands wear nothing but a chest binding... How remarkable. Now, let us get to the heart of the matter ! Who are you people ?! You said that you were abducted from a ship of some sort... ?

Chopper: I'm pretty sure his skull must be cracked... Is he not in pain... ?

Sanji: We're pirates, idiot.

Head: ... PIRATES ?! SO YOU ARE PIRATES !! NO WONDER YOUR WAYS ARE BARBARIC !! I DETEST PIRATES !! THE VERY THOUGHT OF THEM MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH !! Considering our shared predicament, imprisoned here on this isle on ice... I had thought that we might work together to escape, but nay ! I will not join hands with pirates !!

Franky: Hmm ? What's all this about an "Isle of ice" ? I thought we were on a burning island of fire !

Chopper: Franky's right ! It was a crazy burning island !! Even the sea around it was burning !

Nami: No, wait a minute... This could make some sense. You said the is an island of ice, right ? But tell me... Did you hear te sound of volcanoes erupting at all ?!

Head: ... I did hear some manner of loud noise from time to time, but I know naught of what you speak. I entered this isle, through a sea half-frozen ! Now cease your endless prattle, foul pirate !!

Nami: I knew it... The "Winter Sky" I saw from the Sunny... It wasn't a mistake !! That burning island that Luffy and the others set off for, on the other , it must be an "Isle of ice" ! Which means we've been taken around to the far side of the island ! Sadly, I can't say who brought us here, or why, until we get out of this room and find out more...

Sanji: But, Nami-san... The door won't budge...

Franky: Out of the way !! My cola tanks are full to the brim !!



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