Chapter 9: Kehehehehe !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Sanji: An oden, huh ? Any reason for that, that's very specific.

"You asked me if going to the New World again after so long."

Sanji: You got it. On the meantime, Nami-san, perhaps it would be best for you to explain the dangers of a coated ship before these two idiots do anything they'll regret.

Nami: Good idea, Sanji-kun ! I have a memo from Rayleigh-san, so listen up, everyone ! I'll explain...

Sanji: 'She moved... ! It's a real live sexy girl~ !!

Usopp: Sanji !!

"How is it possible to fly because of a nosebleed ?!"

Usopp: The bubble, it's gonna pop, it's gonna pop !!



"Oh no you don't, get your ass back here !!"

Usopp: Jeez... ! What's wrong with you, Sanji ?! Since when are you so sensitive to women ?!

Chopper: This isn't like you !!

Brook: How terrible... What on Earth could have happened to the lady-loving Sanji over the past two years... At this rate, if he really does meet any of the mermaids he has been pining for...

Chopper: He'll be needing a blood donation when we get to Fishman island... I wonder if mermaids and fishmen have the same blood types as humans...

Robin: At any rate, as we just saw, it would seem that this bubble is no different from the bubbles of Sabaody, yes ?

Usopp: What're you calmly carrying on with that conversation for ?!

"To be perfectly fair here, I'd rather have learned that in a way that didn't put our lives at risk..."

Usopp: Weren't you used to the whole thing ?!

"Yeah, I never had to worry about that, since I could lay low and avoid trouble by a mile..."

Nami: Well, as we... Discovered, these bubbles are essentially the same ! They'll stretch to a certain extent, but go further and you just burst right through ! Apparently, even if we were to fire pistols or cannons through it at wild be beasts attacking the ship, the bubble still wouldn't pop !

Usopp: ... I'm afraid to ask, but what would pop it, then ?

Chopper: Aah ! Look out ! Behind us !

Chopper: Aaaaaghhh !!

".. Chopper, you can let go of me now, it's over..."

Nami: Apparently it wouldn't be able to withstand having lots of holes opened in it at once. For instance, we don't want to get bitten by a Sea King's fangs. And if the ship itself were to crash into a rock and get badly damaged... The cracks in the mast or in the ship's body would cause the bubble to break as well. In other words, what we need to watch out for is undersea creatures and environmental obstacles. As long as we don't do anything too stupid, we shouldn't end up breaking it from the inside.

Usopp: I see ! It's actually pretty tough, then, huh ?!

Nami: However... "Be careful, because 70% of the ships sailing for Fishman Island are sunk before they ever get there".


"You want the real answer, or the nice answer ?"

Chopper: Th- The nice answer, please...

"Feeding a brand new coral reef now."

Chopper: Waaaaaaaah... !!

Luffy: hey, I bet I could grab all those fish if I used my gatling !!

Zoro: Let's have a contest, then, see who can get the most !




Usopp: Jeez... !! I thought that Hachi guy was going to guide us to Fishman island... So I thought it would be safer than this... !

"Come on, Usopp, where's your sense of adventure ?"

Usopp: Right now, back at the Sabaody Archipelago !

Luffy: Oh, yeah ! I brought tons of food ! Since Sanji's like that at the moment, why don't we all dig in ?!

Chopper: Aaahhh !! I'm starving !!

Brook: Yohoho ! My bones are starving, too !

Franky; Nami... Is the ship settled down at this point ?

Nami: Uh-huh, we're just cruising along a large current at the moment.

Franky: Thing is, there's something I have to tell everyone.

Luffy/Usopp/Chopper: ALL YOUR ROBOTIC SECRETS ?!

Franky: No, I'm afraid... *Bzzt* I-am-afraid-that-is-incorrect.


Franky: Originally, Hachi had volunteered to guide us on our voyage to Fishman island... But he was badly wounded on Sabaody, and was forced to retire to Fishman island already... ! He was wounded for the same reason as Duval, that is to say, in the process of defending the Thousand Sunny from attackers. Around a year ago now, the Sunny's whereabouts was discovered by the Marines, and things became violent. The two of them were both taken out in that struggle.

Usopp: What ?! But then... How come the ship has been safe from then up until now ?

Franky: Because it had one more defender... The very man who tore our crew apart two years ago... Member of the Royal Shichibukai, Bartholomew Kuma !! A few days ago, when I first arrived at the Sunny... I couldn't believe my eyes...

Kuma: I have been waiting for you...

Franky: What do you think you're doing ?!

Kuma: ... Mission... Complete...

Franky: There wasn't a single scratch on the Sunny. And when I asked Rayleigh about it afterwards... He told me what Kuma had told him in the middle of that battle back then...

Kuma: I am one of the leading members of the revolutionary army. I have my reasons for wishing to help this crew escape this place.

Franky: And after we had vanished from the island... Kuma-san visited Rayleigh with more to tell. I don't know why he had to submit to this... But the marines had been modifying him bit by bit, as an "experimental subject", changing his body more and more into a cyborg. He had agreed to have his personality completely erased by the time of the Summit War.

Chopper: But then... !! He couldn't possibly have known what we would do after he'd sent us off to all those different places !! Did he wait with the ship despite that ?! Even though his personality was gone ?!

"... ... Vegapunk..."

Franky: Yes. The man responsible for his "restructuring", Dr.Vegapunk, had allowed him to include a single mission of his own in the programming. To "protect the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates until the day one of their members returns". That's why for the past two years, despite having none of his original memories... he's been following the orders of his former self, waiting until the day we came back.

Zoro: that's just completely screwed up... Why would he go so far for us... ?

Usopp: If we think about his connection to the revolutionaries, the only thing I can think of is Luffy's dad, since he's the leader of the revolutionary army...

"It's been years since I last say any of them, but at the time I had to... Step down a bit, Kuma was still perfectly normal... As for Vegapunk, he was about as secretive about his work as one can be... I don't really get why he would make such weapons for the government..."

Franky: It looks like in the end, we've only been able to spend these valuable two years apart, because that man chose to fight in our stead... ! I don't see any way for us to find out what he was truly thinking at this point... But hold that knowledge in your hearts. When it comes down to it, Bartholomew Kuma... Is the saviour of our crew... And if we ever do run into him again, it'll be as a heartless human weapon !!

"I swear, I can never read these guys..."

Zoro: i'm grateful, But I can't say I understand... I hope we find out the truth of this some day...

Franky: That's all I wanted to say... Ah ! Sanji, you're awake !

Luffy: Here, have some food ! Straight from the isle of Women !

Sanji: The isle of Women... ?! Are you sure this Kuma guy is some kind of a saviour ?! Do you have any idea where I've been for the past two years ?! WHAT THE HELL KIND OF TRAINING HAVE YOU BEEN DOING, LUFFYYYY ?!

Brook: Now, now, sanji-san.. Would you care for a song ?


"... Hm... Something's not right here..."

Coribou: Big Bro dude !! There they are ! The Straw hats !! Up ahead !!

Caribou: I can see that for myself, idiot ! Honestly, how stupid can you beeee ?! Keheheheh... This time, your ship really will be mineeee !!

Luffy: How far down d'you think we've come ?

Usopp: the light from the surface is barely even reaching us anymore...

Franky: We're way past the "Sunlit Stratum", and coming to the end of the "Twilight Stratum" I'd say. We must be over 1000 meters down...

Robin: It's so quiet... This feels completely different from being in a submarine. It's almost like flying...

Chopper: A whale ! It's a whale !!


Luffy: No... It's old man Whitebeard !!

Usopp: .. hey, what's wrong ?

"Take these goggles, and tell me what you see... I'm feeling a whole lot of aggression coming from right behind us... Well, that and the massive shadow quickly approaching..."


Coribou: Uh-huh, big bro dude !!

Crew: Uh-huh ! Uh-huh ! Uh-huh !

Caribou: The target is dead ahead !! It'd be so easy to smash their ship to pieces an' turn the lot of 'em into sea junk... BUT THAT AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH... Nobody'd be able to tell it was us that did it ! No, we're gonna slit their throats an' take the bodies back wit us !! The world is gonna hear the name of caribou !! They're not prepared for battle in the slightest... This is a perfect ambush !! Don't let me down, meeeen !!

Usopp: Th- There's something approaching from six O'clock !! A sea monster... ?!

"No... It's been a while, huh. ENEMY ATTACK !! ENEMY SHIP RUSHING HEADLONG AT US FROM BEHIND !! Something tells me they're about to ram into us !!"



Sanji: They're ramming up alongside our ship !! Don't tell me they're coming up bubble-to-bubble to board our ship... ?! Who are these guys ?!

Caribou: WE'RE GOING IN, MEN !!

Crew: Uh-huh ! Uh-huh !!

Nami: ... Hang on a minute... Is that... Moo-moo ?!

Nami: You're Moomoo from the Arlong Pirates, aren't you ?! Do you recognize me ?!

Sanji: Hm ? We've seen this guy before, right ?

Luffy: ... Have we ?

"... Haaaah... I never thought we'd meet up again like that... Here for more of what I gave you last time ?"

Moomoo: M... M... !!



Caribou: KEHIHIHIHI !! While these guys are busy staring dumbfounded... WE'LL SLAUGHTER EVERY LAST MAN ON THE SHIIIIIIP !! KEHEHEHEHEH !!

"... ... Boo."

Coribou: WHAAAAAA ?! Oh, no !! Cap'n Caribou's been stranded on the other ship !! Big bro dudeeee !! What's wrong, Sea cow ?! Why are you doing this ?!

Caribou: Now, men !! Don't stand around saying helloooo !! Just let those Gatling guns riiiip !! Kill that whole damn Straw Hat crew dea...

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